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Showing posts from August 3, 2014

HRH is going to be pissed l Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2014 PREDICTIONS. CHRISTIAN DION The Seer's 2014 Predictions  Were written while staying  by  Cayuga Lake  Upstate New York,  just down the road from the entrance to  The Twilight Zone.     (Completed Dec 19th 2013) 65  Prince Charles. Is in a very upsetting year,  and is going to be doing a lot of sulking.

STILL on a bender..... Friday, March 28, 2014 Silly Boy.... So over the weekend. Zac Effron and his bodyguard. Where in a really dodgy part of downtown LA. After midnight. Now the only reason you would be there at that time. Is #1 You are homeless. #2 To buy drugs. Which one do you think he was there for?? My guess #2. Well I did tell you in the 2014 predictions,  he was in for a bad year. They don't li sten.