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Showing posts from December 30, 2013

Super Moons......

TOLD YA .......So it starts........ CHRISTIAN DION The Seer's 2014 Predictions  Were written while staying  by  Cayuga Lake  Upstate New York,  just down the road from the entrance to  The Twilight Zone.   (Completed Dec 19th 2013) 48  Winter Olympics A complete mess. All kinds of protests which will lead to some not surviving. These Olympics really should not be taking place considering the recent behavior of Putin and his gang.  I also sense something to do with a terrorist attack during these Olympics which some will believe to be a false flag event.  

TOLD YA A tad ironic....... CHRISTIAN DION The Seer's 2014 Predictions  Were written while staying  by  Cayuga Lake  Upstate New York,  just down the road from the entrance to  The Twilight Zone.   (Completed Dec 19th 2013) 74  Senator RAFAEL Edward "Ted" Cruz Is in for a bumpy year,  in fact I see him having to leave office,  as he is shown to be the hypocrite he is.

Won't be quiet in 2014

The group of free thinker Anonymous. Some think have been a little quiet of late. OH, just wait for 2014 to kick in.

RHOBH Bitches better watch out...

New girl on the block, Joyce Giraud de Ohoven. The latest addition to Bravo's hit show RHOB. Is going to take over. She's been brought in to sort everyone out. One way or another she will too. Going to be fun.......