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Showing posts from March 23, 2018

BF Friday Meme of the Day

Moved on? Butt to what exactly....

Justin Bieber as a new "Girlfriend". One Baskin Champion .... Who is the sister of supermodel  Abby Champion . They met through   Patrick Schwarzenegger .... Who is dating Baskin's sister, Abby. What a mess......  Mind you it's one way for Justin to have a new BFF. That has style, dress sense and good manners.....

TOLD YA.. SPLITSVILLE... Stardom 1st, then the "Wardrobe" October 23, 2016 Something is quite what it seems to be in the,  Chris Evans & Jenny Slate. World of romance. I get the feeling that she,  isn't really over the ex yet. Plus, so much good stuff,  for Chris Evans is ahead career wise. She may simply become a victim of his success.