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Showing posts from February 23, 2022

CLOSER & CLOSER Putin will invade…. Yeah RIGHT ... Look out Look out: There’s Putin about.. 2/13/15    So it appears that Pres Putin,  has agreed to a ceasefire. (Remember he said he didn't have troops there) In the Ukraine. Are they mad. He's just buying time. This is a complete con job. It may take 5/6/7 years. BUT HE WILL INVADE…

Thank you ALL… From My family & I….

1932-2022 MUM UPDATE Hi Everyone, just to let you know Mum. Passed away last night 22nd February 2022. My sister Dawn was holding her hand. So she wasn’t alone. Thank you all for your kind thoughts & Prayers. Lots A Luv CDxx Many, many THANKS to the Consultants,Drs. Nurse’s, Support staff, Housekeeping,Trinity Hospice. At Victoria Hospital Blackpool.