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"Hello, Lawyers 1st Lady calling..."


The countdown is on.

The only thing FLOTUS cares about herself.

Divorce papers already to go...


T. W. said…
Russia and China silence speaks volumes as leaders congratulate Biden

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping stay silent while Iran waits to see how US will compensate for Trump sanctions
T. W. said…
Silence speaks volumes: As Biden is offered congratulations, these leaders remain quiet

Russia and Brazil are yet to offer congratulations to the president-elect.
Apple Monkey said…
It’s only a matter of time before this is another Told Ya CD.
T. W. said…
Melania Trump Preparing To Divorce Donald Trump
Latina said…
They're going to divorce for real? I thought it was only a joke that some people in the social networks was doing
T. W. said…
Scoop: Inside Trump's legal warfare
anon said…

TW- Why would they.


It can be said that many foreign diplomats have rushed to congratulate a presidential candidate without due process.

November 3, 2020: General Election Day

November 4-December 14, 2020: Counting Popular
Votes and Filing Certificates of Ascertainment

December 8, 2020, (Or January 1st) : “Safe Harbor”

December 14, 2020 (Or January 2nd) : Electors Vote in Their States

January 6, 2021 : Joint Session of Congress to Count
Electoral Votes and Declare Election Results

January 20, 2021: Presidential Inauguration

Mrs Trump's papers may well have a while to go in the post
Apple Monkey said…
Hi Latina. It hasn’t been confirmed but is only a matter of time when Trump leaves office.
Celtic Tony said…
Many extreme lefties on here are going to freak when Trump gets back into office. The Dems did not win the election genuinely and that is being shown more and more. This isn’t about Trump v Biden, it’s a spiritual war between good and evil. When this corruption all comes out in the public I really hope that some of you guys finally wake up.
T. W. said…

You made a good point & I do understand.

Electoral college has yet to vote.
T. W. said…

Biden said he'd forgive $10,000 in student debt for all borrowers. Will it actually happen?
Anonymous said…
CD, are you certain that Trump won't be successful in orchestrating a coup?
Suzy said…
CD please stop believing everything you read in the tabloids (aka Melania)
anon said…

TW - It may be a matter of time.

As on your previous post, it is not over until the fat lady sings. Or the tall lady…

But it’s not just that. There is a legal challenge in place and that means it is contested.

And it is Americans that are the ones to say who ‘wins’, not any media. Through their electoral system.

I would hate for the law to be misused if no fraud is done, - and when often many are let down by the law and have no real recourse to it, but a due process is a part of democracy and so is the election process.

Unless we are to overhaul everything from the ground up, including democracy itself or its structures. Which is a bit risky but may already be long compromised. Or outdated. Or hijacked.

For a long time it seems just an illusion to keep us going in pretense of freedom that does not really exist. If those constructs are shaken up and broken up, maybe true freedom will have a chance, or maybe mayhem.

Let’s go
T. W. said…

Please stop telling the blog owner what to do, especially when you don’t have all the facts.

Please put thought to skull: This is a gossip site so naturally we will discuss what is in the tabloid press.

Christian predicted this years ago, before any outlet reported on it.

People close to Trump have confirmed Christian’s prediction to be true.

Gossip sites aren’t the only ones reporting this story.
T. W. said…


Yeah, I’m over the election results. I got my life to live. As Christian says, we must be patient.
Jules said…
Celtic Tony - I absolutely agree with you in regards to America (and the world) being in a spiritual war, I want to add that there is also another war going on, an information war.

anon said…

Jules and TW - Quite. All the politics is only a part of it.
Jules said…
Hrh TW - Hi there lovely lady, no need to worry, on one hand I am absolutely fine, happy and feel very much loved, but now I am worried because you are worrying!!! On the other hand I am very, very concered about America. Thank you so much for caring and reaching out. Much love to you xxx
T. W. said…
Jules, I am so glad you are well! I did pray for you when I thought of you. I had to see how you are.

America is always crazy. I don't know what the foreign press is reporting, but I can tell you that people are not taking The Plague seriously. They will when they can't breathe.

I've got a migraine headache but otherwise I am working on improving my health. I need surgery but I am working with Diviner21 to figure out the best date to do it. I did research and found out that until the 18th century a person could not enter medical school unless they could show they understood Medical Astrology. So you best believe I'm gonna consult an expert for a major medical procedure.

Jules said…
HRH TW - Should I be concerned/worried that you thought of me? I now can't shake the notion that something is going to happen .. !!!??? I am so sorry to hear that you have a migraine, and I sincerely hope its abated, migraines are horrible. I am also extremely sorry to hear that you have to undergo further surgery. I absolutely agree with you and I certainly don't blame you for choosing a suitable well-aspected date for a major medical procedure, take care, and do let us know when your surgery is.

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