Saturday, September 18, 2010 There's a wind to blow........ There's a breeze, a wind, nay hurricane, beginning to blow. First over the United Kingdom, Europe, then America............... The fear mongering that is taking place, is extremely dangerous. First, the powers that be promote "fear." They say the poor and unemployed are lazy. They tell people to work for free, to receive their unemployment benefit. Which only helps the companies, that support the powers that be. These companies make major profits, on the backs of the said unemployed. Which by their very actions, take away the jobs. That the said lazy unemployed, are supposed to look for. While working at those very jobs, to receive their unemployment benefits. That they the"Unemployed" have already paid their dues for while previously working. Next the powers that be are removing from the Media. Anyone who is or appears to be, slightly Left of Genghis Khan. They, the powers that be ...... D...