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Showing posts from May, 2017

TOLD YA, Sadly ........ I fear another three.... April 21, 2017 To my friends in Paris, stay safe. To the World.......  I am sorry to say I sense another three, before the French Election is done...... Then there's the others, in other places. These ISIS monsters are on a rampage...... They are plotting to hit European Embassies. 

Amazing how prophetic an Artist can be...  They say that for every 30lbs you lose. Your "Willie" grows an inch. I wonder if the reverse is true???

Future, not too bright.......

Cher has had a bit of a rough week. Losing another ex hubby. Just after receiving the "ICON" award. But, she needs to take better care,  of her personal health. She's not in a good place mentally. Hopefully she'll get the required help. ASAP........ Otherwise..........

The "PIG" that is Piers "NO Talent" Morgan.....

This arsehole, who seems to believe,  like his BFF "Babyfart". That he is "Gods" gift to the World. Nay even beyond. Is yet again...... Attacking people with mental issues..  "Talk about the kettle calling the pot black". Never mind, his comeuppance is on it's way...... He he......... ps I have met him.  When he was a Newbie journalist at The Sun, in the UK. He was a shit then, as now......

TOLD YA, More to come, isn't there Jared....... All that Glitters, is not GOLD ...... February 10, 2017 So "Babyfart" is all at 6s & 7s. Seems he's not too pleased. That his daughter Ivankas fashion line. Is being dropped left, right & centre. Oh dear. What a to do. Well, that's what happens, when the truth is out. Can't wait for the other shoe/s to drop.

TOLD YA, Another Mega HATER, silly BITCH God help US........ January 21, 2017 As you may have seen ........ This is Paula White-Cain. She's one of those mega pastors. You know. SEND ME YOUR MONEY........ So that I may live in great tax free wealth. While, you sruggle... Well, she is "Babyfarts'" Spiritual Advisor. WTF.............. He'd be better advised by Charles Manson......... (Gone soon) She's going to be bad news for the Whitehouse...... 

This is what the !st Daughter/Mistress TWEETED

No doubt she'll blame jetlag. Or  "FAKE NEWS"

Babyfart, resting, before his HORRIBLE WEEK AHEAD.

Poor Darling, he's so tired. After his..................  LONG, DRAINING, Tour of SHIT..... Makes sense as to why he needs to refuel. He's going to need it in the coming week. even though it's a short one. Mind you he's used to "SHORT" things.

TOLD YA... Funny as he doesn't drink.. But??? If you thought this week was bloody May 20, 2017 As "Babyfart" heads out on his first trip abroad ,   as Presidumb . Designed to help his falling numbers . Both here & there . Well it will . . . . . . . . . . . But just not up . . . . . . It is going to be a "HUGE" PR mess. As never seen before. Plus a couple of surprises ,   that will make Trump quake .  

TOLD YA.. Took a While......   Ding Dong, not........... July 30, 2010 I just love this one. Rumour in Hollywierd has it that, Tiger Woods is going to marry one of his mistresses. What a pile of bollocks. I wish it were true, as it would be great fodder, for the tabloids. Oh well.............. He needs to be careful of his drinking, too.......

As not to FORGET .....

Gone in a Snap......

Model Miranda Kerr has married Evan Spiegel. CEO of Snapchat. In a little secret do in their backyard. I would have thought he could have managed. Something a little bigger, oh well. Anyhow, it won't last.

TOLD YA, Bright those Germans.. If you thought this week was bloody May 20, 2017 As "Babyfart" heads out on his first trip abroad ,   as Presidumb . Designed to help his falling numbers . Both here & there . Well it will . . . . . . . . . . . But just not up . . . . . . It is going to be a "HUGE" PR mess. As never seen before. Plus a couple of surprises ,   that will make Trump quake .  

TOLD YA.. Sadly Trump returns.... to even more MESS If you thought this week was bloody May 20, 2017 As "Babyfart" heads out on his first trip abroad ,   as Presidumb . Designed to help his falling numbers . Both here & there . Well it will . . . . . . . . . . . But just not up . . . . . . It is going to be a "HUGE" PR mess. As never seen before. Plus a couple of surprises ,   that will make Trump quake .  

TOLD YA.. He tried to screw Comey... BLOOD BATH May 15, 2017 I hope that they have stocked up on Clorox,  at the Whitehouse. They are going to need it this week.    

TOLD YA, She's PISSED, DUH... ACTION REQUIRED .... May 25, 2017 Someone who has the tiniest amount of sway over, Actress Bella Thorne. PARENT? MANAGER? AGENT? Needs to get her away from this prick . Scott "IsDick" Disick. Or she'll end up in a pine box.

TOLD YA... Đ¢ÑƒĐº-TÑƒĐº.... All that Glitters, is not GOLD ...... February 10, 2017 So "Babyfart" is all at 6s & 7s. Seems he's not too pleased. That his daughter Ivankas fashion line. Is being dropped left, right & centre. Oh dear. What a to do. Well, that's what happens, when the truth is out. Can't wait for the other shoe/s to drop.

Developing Bromance...... someone is going to be very UPSET...

The Philippines Pres Duterte,  & Pres Trump aka "Babyfart" . Are "new" BFFs.. Seems that they both have the same idea,  on how to treat the poor. Granted Duterte calls it "Dealing with drugs". Trump, well who knows what he thinks. From one minute to the next. But I will tell you...... That this is going to get nasty.....

We Pray .....

Lets Pray for a Peaceful Weekend. In the UK and beyond. We all need to be alert........... As "they" are planning it not to be.....

TOLD YA, LBC gonzo, DM next..... So many have asked .. March 11, 2016 So many of you outside the USA. Have asked who the hell is Ann Coulter. Well, she just like that UK Celebrity Apprentice bitch Kate Hopkins. As for Kate, she has a column in the Daily Mail. She also spouts hateful crap. Well, she's in for a fall as her secret is revealed. Ha ha...

Told Ya, Jared v FBI...... All that Glitters, is not GOLD ...... February 10, 2017 So "Babyfart" is all at 6s & 7s. Seems he's not too pleased. That his daughter Ivankas fashion line. Is being dropped left, right & centre. Oh dear. What a to do. Well, that's what happens, when the truth is out. Can't wait for the other shoe/s to drop.

On the PROWL........

Should you be wondering....  "Where in the World is". Lindsay Lohan?????????? She's currently in Cannes, looking for "handouts" . But, she's also making a TV show in Russia. It's her version of......... "Lives of the Rich & Famous". Lots of Old , Rich , White , Men .    What could possibly go wrong ? .... . 


Someone who has the tiniest amount of sway over, Actress Bella Thorne. PARENT? MANAGER? AGENT? Needs to get her away from this prick . Scott "IsDick" Disick. Or she'll end up in a pine box.

This is the "TART" that Trump is sending to the POPE..

Well, if you want to get ahead,  in the skilled art of diplomacy. Don't go to school, etc... No just watch porn & become a mistress,  to a married man... Who happens to be "Friends" with Trump. Even "House of Cards". Wouldn't use this storyline... This won't end well at all. No wonder El Papa looks glum.....

Lost your sewing machine, Ducky ???

Darling you need a new seamstress....

TICKY TOCKY little cocky...........

So as the PR trip to Europe continues. For the Trumps. Things are of course not as they seem. We all know that "Babyfart" is a monster. That he hates Women and all that they represent. But he's about to get an elbow in his side. Mrs Trump, doesn't wish to remain so. She's already got the best lawyers, lined up for her exit. She thought it would have been, over and done with by now. But "FATE" reared it's Big Head ........ Never mind, she's on a bonus. But she's running out of patience. So I feel she'll be gone. Sooner, than later...... Keep watching......... Plus she needs to watch her health this time next year.. Or Else.....


TOLD YA Sadly Dec 31st 2015 A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions   Christian Dions’ Psychic Predictions 2016 (Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA). (Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT)  ISIS There are as I mentioned above many more attacks, in the pipeline. At least,  six in the USA. Many more,  that we won’t hear of as the powers that be, Will stop them. The UK won’t get away lightly either. In fact although they won’t have as many attacks that are successful, The numbers of injuries will be higher. Not just in London either. These monsters are looking at the Midlands and the North to make their voices heard. Canada needs also, to keep a sharp eye out on their West Coast. Plans are a foot to make them sit up and take notice. They also haven’t finished with France. They see the 2015 events as a bit of a failure. I feel that t...