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Facebook Nazis....

Oh Dear.
I’ve been a naughty boy.
Babyfart, posted on FB.
That Melania. Is the new Jackie O.
So I posted “Sure”.
Along with the following pic.

Within 2 sec I was banned.
Sent to the naughty corner.


Chick'sOpinion said…
Is that actally Melania?
Unknown said…
Glad to have some good company in the corner!! Didn’t the orange one claim - just today - that he wouldn’t fire Kellyann Conway because it would be a violation of her 1st amendment right to free speech??????????
Chocmint33 said…
Yep that wholesome platform with vested interests. That George Orwell novel, 1984, I believe was an unintentional psychic prediction of the FB site as Mark Zuckerberg was born in 1984.
Anonymous said…
Unknown, that’s not free speech, that’s free boobs. However, anything below the boobs costs a billion dollars.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thats eerie about 1984.

Yup. I thought so. The Trumps think they are the modern day Kennedys.
No theyre not.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had a BA in French Literature, spoke fluent french.
And worked for The Washington Times as a photographer. And also as a journalist when young.

Later she worked for Viking Press and Doubleday as an editor.
She also organised presidential campaigns. And more.

Umm nope...dont think Melania Trump comes anywhere equal to Jacquie Kennedy

T. W. said…

Yes, that really is Melania Knauss (Trump) with her fake ta-tas.

Christian, you did right. I pray your post is still on Fake Book. If not, maybe you should sue. Be sure to sue to have your legal fees reimbursed. Please do it quickly because another psychic predicted FaceBook is gonna end.
Apple Monkey said…
Naughty CD tut tut. You need to go to the naughty step 😂😂😂😘
Anonymous said…
A B.A. in French literature, whoopity do! That's a nothin' degree. She was far from perfect. She married Jack Kennedy because he was a Kennedy with millions. Yes, she loved him. Then after the death of Kennedy, she marries the richest man in the world at that time, the abusive, alcoholic, Aristotle Onassis. She didn't marry him for love, she married him for his riches and security. Jackie had good and bad, just like Melania. Nobody's perfect.

CAP Anonymous
Letty said…
She would have been a great porn star!

Or a pimps dream for a high priced prostitute

She would work well in the Las Vegas
prostitution ring

Chick'sOpinion said…

I try and veiw any form of education as something to proud of. For anyone.

Even BA's in French Literature.

Sounds an interesting degree to me. Wish i studied that instead.


No mattter what you are studying. Hold ya head up high.

Wish id done that one instead..
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Aristotle Onassis offered Jaquie Kennedy and her children safety after the murder of JFK.

He offered her his private island, Skorpios I believe.
Because Jaquie Kennedy was extremely fearful her children would be murdered also. She took the offer. I would too. To protect my kids.

I think it was a kind thing of him to do. As Skorpios offered total security. And he paid for more security too.

She was friends with Onassis prior to JFK's murder. Because Aristole Onassis dated her sister for a while.

T. W. said…
Jackie's sister was Aristotle's woman first. According to People magazine and multiple news outlets and biographers, Jackie "asked" her sister to let her have Onassis because she "needed him more".

The same sources also confirm Jackie was a bipolar gold digger, her son had dyslexia, she would write notes to his college professors so he wouldn't flunk out, he was a hard core drug addict, and Jackie feared he inherited bipolar disorder from her.

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