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New Feature. Not a Reading. An Act of Recognition


Anonymous said…

I love you CD

you think the people come
to hear your predictions

the humans come because
they can feel your light 💫

teacher wendy said…
Ok I cant do much as I am muscle hurting all over from the vaccine shot today. Tailwaggers 911 are bringing up many dogs from a shelter in the south of the USA that is over crowded. If the dogs dont have a foster home and a sponsor they cant catch the van for a ride. If they dont get the van they get euthanized, so I sponsored Chloe today a little white 11 pound part terrier mix who lost her owner to covid. It's all I can do with Honey's bills but I gave her a golden ticket....hopefully a foster home will come up too. Thanks for the inspiration Christian. Anyone looking for a puppy? They have 4 chihauhau mixed puppies needing foster homes/ sponsoring and evetually adopting.
Anonymous said…

I walked down the road,
saw a blind woman across
the street.
She was waiting for her dog.

I walked pass her and thought,
how poor this life must be.

And then, as I was already
over, I heard her Voice !
as she called her dog.

So clear and pure and
full of Love and Trust !

It resounded in me
for long time.

Thank you 🙏
for this gift

CyndiTx123 said…
Love this CD!! I have always thought this! Act of character from your words, but sharing a smile - you neverknow who will need it......Show some Kindness... It's contagious! Much love & happy to all... Finally going to leave home and venture out and hunt for water and food. God Bless!!
T. W. said…
I agree with the first comment or.

Come for the predictions.

Stay for the Friends.
T. W. said…
teacher Wendy

Unfortunately I am allergic to dogs & I am afraid of them. I have been chased by a Rottweiler & a pit bull.

I was bitten by a tiny black dog that looked like a mini Doberman.

No dogs for me.
anon said…

Wow when we google this topic there is an endless list results. It seems the recognition is everywhere. They are well recognised in that generos act.

Like literally the list does not end, we can keep scrolling on and on with articles all over all the exact same.

I think the posers and fakers will be so jealous of the attention and publicity and kicking themselves that it was not them first, and with any luck they will be scrambling to do the same, so there would be at least some good use to that.

And i think there is so much constant acts that do not need publicity or lists of articles, so many people that do not need to hoard millions in the first place, that give away daily. Many Captain Tom's.

anon said…

TW - Thank you for raising a smile here. Never heard of anyone bitten by a miniature doberman. Or chased by Rotts and PB's. Maybe you smell good to them.? Like..., food? It's like kids, if you are allergic and scared of them, they will make a beeline for you. Murphy's Law, or some such. I mean, i hope it was not too serious, rabies shots etc is no fun.
teacher wendy said…
TW My mother was treed by a rabid dog as a small child on her way home from school in rural Arkansas and she was always afraid of dogs. She was more afraid of snakes....also found in Arkansas. Find whatever you love and make a difference. Even the smallest thing can make a difference. I am a person who gravitates to animals and children find what fits you!
Latina said…
Thanks for these kinds words Christian.It's true I don't always have money to donate but I can give a smile to someone that needs it.Xoxo.
T. W. said…

You know the Sussex Royals are pissed!

I agree with you about the dogs. Animal love me. I don’t know why.

I was not always afraid of dogs. I don’t know how this started.

I did not need rabies shots but some skin scrapped off from the pit bull incident. I fell to the ground and I called out to Jesus Christ for help. The dog immediately went off in another direction.
T. W. said…
teacher Wendy

I’m glad your mom survived.

I don’t like snakes either & I thank God I am rarely around them.

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