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Comcast Nazi's begin their rule..........

Well,well it appears 
that the right wing Nazi's.
That have taken over MSNBC......
Have started their rule of terror.
By firing Keith Oberman.....
Time to protest......... 
He'll have a job within a month......


Anonymous said…
The first I thought I was hallucinating when I saw Keith Olbermann telling the camera that he was doing his last show. Being a sarcastic satirist, I couldn't tell if he was serious, but my first thought was that bastard nazi who heads Comcast had fired him. I am counting the days when SNL will turn into a toothpaste commercial of a show. I now think that Comcast and Nazi have gone into the Google search engine many times since I put it in a few minutes ago and landed me here with 0 comments. Lawrence O'donnel better watch his articulation when describing his discourse. What I don't get is that if I own a corporation that has a monopoly on basic cable which is the only access to television networks including my own, why would I allow my network competition to exist on easy access cable? Why give people access to CBS when I own NBC? Anyway, I'm sure Comcast is partially supported by our government.
Anonymous said…
It's me again, anonymous Freddy. I am glad that I can relax knowing that the media is SUGGESTING in strong detail that the new acquisition of NBC by Comcast is by no way an effort to silence Keith Olbermann as it was a deal in the making for weeks. Wow! And I here I was naive enough to believe that Comcast was a large corporation that could SUGGEST certain stories that would SUGGEST that they had nothing to do with Olbermanns firing because the CEO of Comcast who is now the CEO of NBC doesn't outrank the decisions made by MSNBC management. I did forget that. That would also SUGGEST that people are naive enough to believe that Olbermann cannot be rehired or that the ones who fired or orchestrated a mutual contract termination cannot be removed. The reality is that Olbermann is too real and cannot be silenced by any corporation and that is a threat to any corporation that has such a blatant monopoly on information. The reality is that Brian L. Roberts is America's Silvio Berlusconi and that this much control of information by one person is dangerous for dissenting voices and he must have paid the right government officials for the privilege if Comcast isn't just an arm of the government disguised as a private sector corporation. By the way, if a politician takes money from the public and private sector, don't they become a public and private servant as appose to a public servant?
Anonymous said…
Comcast is all about the customer says their commercial. They are correct. They are all about the customer and what little change they have in their pockets to pay them in this our economic time of prosperity (sarcastic). I've been killing myself to pay the bills, but getting money out of this economy is like hunting elephants with fly swatter. That doesn't stop Comcast from hiring people to come to my house and beg me for money. Whether or not they cut off my services, they have my signature on a contract and like true black and white Nazi types, they don't care about payment arrangements, they care about payment. I've done my research and found that Brian L. Roberts may be tolerated by many people as he has been known to contribute to left wing politicians, but with lines being drawn in the sand with 'Citizens United' and Comcast having a mere monopoly on information access for America, it might be time to start campaigning for emperor Brian L. Roberts. All hail the man who can afford to buy the FCC, presidency and the media who can suggest it all happened by coincidence. God bless the right wing of the Supreme Court for their vision to allow any corporation to donate any amount of money for any type of US election. Perhaps if I started campaigning now for Emperor Roberts, he might help me in dealing with Comcast thugs that shake me down for money every other week. Anonymous Freddy signing off.
Anonymous said…
What a difference a few hours make. This webpage was the number one result from google when you typed in 'Comcast + Nazi'. As of a couple of hours ago, you will get the first page result in many 'COMMUNITY.COMCAST.NET' web pages. I must have touched a nerve, but today if anyone types in google's search engine the words 'NAZI + COMCAST', you will propably see this...
Re: Neighborhood bully flies Nazi flag to scare re... - Comcast
It is interesting to me that someone must have gone to some trouble to use a barrage of comcast community web pages in order to dissuade people from comparing Comcast to a Nazi organization. Must have hit a nerve. Now it is on. Where there's smoke there be fire. Seriously, the American public has suffered and will suffer as the most expensive TV show in history called our Government runs our country into the ground and I mean toward the brink of disaster after disaster. Lines aren't being drawn in the sand so much as they've been drawn and we are the lucky recipients of having a first row seat. The 'Citizens United' ruling has basically robbed any sense of democracy a democracy can hold. Technically speaking, we cannot consider that we are remotely democratic anymore than we can force Comcast to hire Keith Olbermann back. This is how WW3 might kick off as the sanitized media becomes even more complacent with current affairs and we indulge in more conflicts under the never-ending war against terrorism. I'm getting off point but it is all related, believe me. Keith Olbermann will hopefully reemerge in a position where his thoughts cannot be stifled because of potential repercussion. Now it's on Comcast, and don't tell your customers that you can only afford so many pay stations when you can afford to take payments every month. Anonymous Freddy signing off if you can still find this webpage

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