Monday, May 16, 2011
Au Revoir, not quite........

of the IMF.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
Was dragged of a flight
at John Kennedy airport.
Seconds before it was
due to depart.
He's been charged with
sexually attacking.
The 32 year old maid
who was assigned
to his room.
At the hotel where was staying.
Now watch how all the other women,
he's done the same to, begin to appear.
This is going to get very nasty, very quickly.
(But I have a feeling he'll get away with it.
No doubt by saying that the victim,
is lying or just after the money.
But later on he'll trip and fall.
Then he'll be finished.)
No doubt by saying that the victim,
is lying or just after the money.
But later on he'll trip and fall.
Then he'll be finished.)
Not to mention the trouble it is going to cause
the French government.
About time he was toppled.
By the way he's married.
He's on his third wife.
Not for long...........
2012 is another story.
2012 is another story.