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Told Ya.......Won't last.........

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Silly & sad.............

What is Kate Winslet thinking dating 
a married man.
Who's called Ned Rocknroll.
He just happens to be the nephew of 
Sir Richard Branson.
This isn't going to work.
But she'll marry him........ silly *****.
Great actress but looks for love in all the wrong places.


Anonymous said…
Hi. Poor Kate does not have her head on straight.

The body language in the picture says it all. She is also closer to the road. I don't know about Britain but here in the States that is bad. Pimps would walk on the side farthest from the road and his "employee" will walk on the side close to the road. We know what that guy thinks of Kate.

If this is a parking lot she is stull closer to moving cars than he is.

I hope she and Di Caprio end up together. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Omg she has rubbish taste in men. So apparently Leo walked her up the aisle. How on earth do you walk up the aisle looking at Leo and then turn to Ned and actually choose to marry him? Please God no little Neds. Also, hope she kept her own name because Kate Rocknroll - that's ridiculous.
Anonymous said…
For heavens sake! Her taste is getting worse! Do we have long to wait until she sees this man for the prat he is? What does Leo really think of him?
Anonymous said…
Oh Kate! Not good. Hope Leo told him he would be watching him. This man seems as dodgy as her judgment. Might this be a messy one? JP
Anonymous said…
Will this last LONG before he shows his true colours? Shame Leo did n't talk her out of it. Surely he has seen enough morons to recognise one in Mr Rocknroll.
Anonymous said…
Hope she's not pregnant by him ...
Anonymous said…
She marries everyone she dates but this is the worst yet! Go make more films with Dicaprio Kate - atleast in that you show some taste. Pete
Anonymous said…
Is it too much to hope for that she would be walking down the aisle TOWARDS Leo rather than beside him? He could always be husband number 4! Sara.
Anonymous said…
This guys pals are blabbing that a baby is next for Kate and Ned. They also have described him as "not short of self belief." So he is delusional as well as odd? No prenup apparently. Oh dear ...
Christian - she has married this guy even though it is highly unlikely to work out but will she really have kids with him? Do you see kids for them? Noel
Anonymous said…
Oh Kate. That she gave him the kudos that comes with her marring him is bad enough. Please God don't let her make it worse by having kids with this man ... s xxxxx
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear Christian.

The Sun newspaper announced that Kate Winslet's husband has an injunction to prevent them publishing photos taken in 2010. His legal team say the pictures are "innocent but naive." A statement from Kate herself said the injuntion was sought because tne pictures were private, of no public interest and to "protect our young family from DISTRESS." The photos must be grubby or inappropriate then. The tabloids have started digging as soon as this wedding was announced. Will we see a string of mucky revelations that show this girl what a moron she has married causing this ridiculous pairing to quickly crash and burn or are we stuck with this cringe worthy idiot for some time?

Best wishes,

Psychic Gossip said…
Absolutely right Jojo

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