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She's losing the plot......

As those of you that read this blog on a regular basis.
I have predicted along that the "Relationship" between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart was a PR job.
However is seems that madame has forgotten that, and lost the plot.
On Valentines Day.
She bombarded Robert (who's downunder) with numerous texts and calls.
Didn't she know that, that to Robert, 
Valentines Day was the day before.?
She's heading for a fall........


Anonymous said…
The poor girl looks like she is on something. If Robert cared or just wanted to keep up appearances he would have done something. Too bad they are not educated enough to know about time zones. It is a shame to be wealthy and uneducated.. T. W.
Anonymous said…
I don't get the point. Are they PR or not if she is so desperate to have him..?
Anonymous said…
My guess is she thinks she should get the benefits of a real relationship since she can't be in a real one without making herself look bad. T. W.
Anonymous said…
I'm totally convinced that Robsten is a PR. Also pretty sure that Rob will get a real relationship faster/earlier, than Kristen, although have know idea whether u, CD, would agree with me or not.
Anonymous said…
Christian do you think this relationship will end soon?
Anonymous said…
I would love for him to find a nice girl...I know CD predicted this would end this year and that kristen would cheat in 2012. But Christian when do you see it ending and will he and she get involved with anyone?
Anonymous said…
I think he's seeing the "mystery blond" he was seen in NYC and London BD2 premiere with. She is a doll whoever she is......
Anonymous said…
Does christian not personally answer the comments anymore? If you do, what the hell is going on and who the hell is the blonde?
Anonymous said…
I hope Rob will find a beautiful girl (inside and out) soon. He deserves someone better than kristen. CD since liberty and rupert is getting divorce, are kristen and rupert still continuing their affair while she is also desperate to have Rob? thank you CD.
Psychic Gossip said…
Christian is down with the flu at the moment, Maggie Christians manager
Anonymous said…
When Christian comes back can you tell him to reply to our question about Robert
Anonymous said…
Get well soon Christian! We love you! T. W.
Anonymous said…
Christian, do you know kristen's real intention? does she just want to use Rob to mantain her career which is apparently heading for a fall? Their PR relationship was absolutely giving kristen lots of benefits in her career. Get well soon Christian :)
Anonymous said…
Seems as though her career is picking up and her relationship with Robert Pattinson is real. She has 3 movies confirmed, she's presenting at the Academy Awards and she has confirmed romantic relationship. I think you are right almost all the time in your predications, but I believe you are wrong about Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. I would not be surprised if they are engaged before the end of the year. She will have a longer more successful career them him.
Anonymous said…
Robert Pattinson loves Krsiten Stewart I don't know why people will just not accept the truth. They will marry and have mediocre careers. They are not good actors.
Anonymous said…
Cd can you comment on the train wreck that she was at the Oscars? Does she have a drug problem, or whats wrong with her?
Anonymous said…
I think the fact that Christian Dion has not responded is proof that his prediction was incorrect. This sick couple is actually together for all the wrong reasons. I think they both (Rob & Kristen) have a drug problem. Their time in the spotlight for their talent is over. They will only be known thru the papz and gossip outlets. They are a joke.
Psychic Gossip said…
My prediction was incorrect re these two.have you read what I have said all along about these two. From the beginning I have said that the relationship was merely a PR stunt, it still is if you can even call it a relationship. I predicted that she would cheat , she did, I predicted she's a mess she is. If you saw the Oscars you would have noticed she was as high as a kite drugs/drink....hope that answer your question
Anonymous said…
Hi CD --- I use to believe that but this just came in online. How long will this game continue, if it is a game. Maybe they have fallen in love. Scary thought.
Anonymous said…
when will they break up christian ?
Psychic Gossip said…
OK let's get this clear THEY ARE NOT A REAL's all a PR stunt, So they will bereak up when the PR Gods say so....
Anonymous said…
Will said. These people are obsessed. That "robsten" couple is just sailing by with the free press.
Unknown said…
Why buy anything E news says,when Pattinson first went down under these damn fools had no idea why he was there,they also once reported early this year that he was gonna spend Christmas in LA with kristen,then when that turn out to be false about that they went and edited that part out in there article about Christmas like it never happen. E is not a legit site and seem to never have correct info when it come to Pattinson.
Unknown said…
Where do you see that. There PR always has been always will be
Unknown said…
Her career has not pickup,she doesnt have three films only one,and she has never confirmed her relationship she said "keep them gussing" when ask about it on The Today Show. How these two scream a real couple to anyone is beyond me something I will never be able to wrap my head around,also she will have a more successful career than him,when she has only one crappy indie movie doesnt seem to me that she getting anymore roles handed to her , while he had ten movies waiting to be made and is rumored to be the face of some brand.
Anonymous said…
I am guessing you are a Robert Pattinson fan. He is with her, doesnt seem logical because she humiliated him publicly, but he forgave her. That's his decision. Nicolas Cage has made numerous films in the last year and none of them are hits. The same will happen with Robert. Robert has no talent. His once fresh good looks have diminshed due to his smoking/drinking/drug use. His only hit movies are over the rest will be flops. Kristen Stewart has the connections in this relationship. He can't act but he will get recognized for her work he will be a red carpet walker.
Anonymous said…
Robert Pattinson's very loyal fans having been saying this is PR since July 2012. I think it's time you all realize your wrong. He loves her and will marry her. Be happy for him or them, why deny the obvious. There careers will sink. They are horrible actors.
Anonymous said…
Who knows really? I tend to believe now that they are and will be together. Really hoped this was a PR stunt but it looks as though they are real. If they were not real, why are they together the film is out the dvd is out tonight, why?
Anonymous said…
I use to beleive that CD but these actors have nothing to gain together except look like fools. She was a mess at the Acadmey Awards and he looks old and rough. The PR god could be cupid now.
Unknown said…
No he will not marry her and if you see love then all I can say is WOW. This is the most obvious PR stunt in historty
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I think most who doubt Christain will be eating there words soon
Anonymous said…
You be eating your words by the end of this year. Watch these two will be done in 2013
Anonymous said…
I dont understand how anyone can think these two are real like really,they really are fooling some somehow
Anonymous said…
This is so obvious a PR stunt like honestly
Anonymous said…
Christian your the first that I seen that have been spot on about these two it amazing. I agree with everything you have said about these twos there beyond fake. Still shock how some even look at them as a legit couple
Anonymous said…
Watch these two are gonna be done this year
Anonymous said…
Please these two are gonna be done by the end if not ealier this year. As for k she so does drugs this weekend show it she has no future ahead of her.
Anonymous said…
"There get marry" yeah that will never happen. It not at all odd or wired that actors do PR it very very common. Robsten is just that a PR stunt and I seen alot of people who are not fans call these two PR I one of them. So it has nothing to do with being a fan of his and such. A blind person can see how fake these two are
Anonymous said…
Are you serious? First off this has nothing to do with who your a fan of,but to comment on his looks and not her please,she the one doing the drugs ,smoking and etc,she a mess and is only going to get worse. She has no future in hollywood twilight is over and so is she.She doesnt have any projects,her apprences this sunday was cringe worthy,she gonna be the next lohan. As for robsten there fake so that doesnt matter. If anyone gonna fall and is falling it her. She has no talent and has a huge ego also think there world owe her something. But keep on thinking you know everything
Anonymous said…
The media lies so to buy into anything the media says,youre really feeling your heads with alot of lies then. Nothing spew out by the media is true
Anonymous said…
Christan I bow down to you you know youre stuff, why some feel the need to doubt and act like they know more than you is beyond me. Keep doing what youre doing and proving doubter wrong
Anonymous said…
PR god is cupid now yeah right there is no love there never has been
Anonymous said…
@Anon12:54AM Robert has 4 movies in pre-poduction,so what are you talking about?He is good and versatile actor,at age 26 he had movie at Cannes festival(Cosmopolis)he is in every scene of this film.He's working with Cronenberg and Herzog.What Kristen has?Focus without leading actor,since Affleck dropped out,Big Shoe with medicore director and D-list co-stars,she's going to play the same type of character as she always plays:seductive girl/woman.When you're playing in PG-13 big studio movies,people will watching this,you don't have this with indie,art house movies,they rarely become the hit, OTR is a good example.Tell me about her addictions:smoking pot(at very young age),cigarretes and now after her appearance at Oscars maybe even coke.You don't know anything about their possible relationship;they never walked red carpet together,besides Twilight movies.
Anonymous said…
And what about Robert? Who will he be dating/marry? And when?
Anonymous said…
Christian, I also see these people as PR after the cheating scandal last July. Maybe a real relationship before Kristen's affair. This was published today, Is it legit?
Anonymous said…
Robert has to come out of the closet, before he has a relationship.
Anonymous said…
No man would endure so much for a PR stunt.Pattinson is being viewed as a wimp by everyone for taking Kristen back & even now that =Twilight is over he has done nothing to shed that image. On top of that Kristen has been photographed wearing Pattinson's old stuff for past few weeks.If he had any objection then he would have asked her to stop it. But did he do that? NO So much for being a PR couple,right? *eyeroll*

"OK let's get this clear THEY ARE NOT A REAL's all a PR stunt, So they will bereak up when the PR Gods say so...." <-- And this has gotta be the most convenient "prediction" I've eve seen. I guess psychic powers don't work in front of PR gods *snort*
Anonymous said…
Here we go with the know it all know way there PR EYEROLL you hon.For one PR is PR good or bad it keep you rervalant, You go on about Christan not knowing the work of PR when you seem to not know either evverything in hollywood is not what it seem. She been wearing his old shirt shirts that he hasnt been seen wearing in since forever they havent been near each in forever. Shirts dont make a couple so to even bring that up show how much smart you are.Who are you to come on to Christain site and judge his prediction if you dont agree then dont read. Christain had been right with every single prediction he has made about these two.Get you facts staight
Anonymous said…
PR has been around for years honey,some do it to sell something some do it to stay in the news. Please go check up on the history of PR and hollywood before you speak babe. Youre on the outside looking in you dont know what really going on.
Anonymous said…
Wow eyeroll another know it all who think that they know better lol fool,come on this site just to want attack this Christan. For sure info he been right about everything when it comes to these twos You dont like his predicton know one forcing you to read. Give you no need to come attack him.You go around thinking you know it all say this and that ,then when his prediction turn out to be right you have nothing to say.
Anonymous said…
Haters gonna hater ingore Christan and keep doing your own thing
Anonymous said…
Youre wrong and will be proven wrong but keep thinking you know everything.
Anonymous said…
Shirts really? First off she been wearing his old shirts shirts he hasnt been seen wearing for almosts years. But of course people like you dont care to notice the obvious. Also who to say they were not her clothing to began with and he borrowed it back then . The fact that you even pull that out as if that ment something show how bright you are. Crap like that does not prove anything what so ever. He would ask her to stop ,I sure he doest care and has better things to focus on like filming a movie he hasnt been wearing anything of that stuff she wears at all anymore since she cheated. She her own person wear what mostly is her clothing in the first place ,that he doesnt have anything to do with. So much for you thinking this proves them as being a real couple the dumbest thing I ever heard. Eyerolls right back at you. Stop being so pressed to defend a realtionship that not your. If people think it PR that there choice no need to be rude and come on this guy site to insult him. SNORT to you genius for thinking anything that just came out of your mouth made any sense . Love make a couple not t shirts and whatever else you losers come up with daily to try and prove everyday that these two are so how real . Goodbye
Anonymous said…
A shirt though that what sum up a realationship to you wow. I know tons of people who own there ex's stuff and keep it ,doesnt mean there togother by any means
Anonymous said…
Lat time I check all the craps she wears are things he havent been seen wearing since after she cheated . Notice that? Bet you didnt but keep trying.
Anonymous said…
Everyone calm down. CD should not have to deal with all these crazy comments. Go back to the Robsten sites and harass them. You people need to examine your lives if you are so involved with these egocentric actors,
Anonymous said…
Everyone grow up and stop harassing Christian! Goodness, he'll never post anything about either of them ever again!!
Anonymous said…
*Eyeroll* I was expecting a reply from Christian but it looks like all I've got is few strangers giving me PR lessons on net. Too bad I was taught that PR was supposed to help a person/firm's image but looks like in Hollywood it used to tarnished someone's reputation *snort*. IF this is really a PR thing then I must say that Rob has some really dark secrets that's why he is okay with this image-ruining PR theory.Anything for distraction.Hmmmm wonder what that is?
Anonymous said…
I have a question is she gay? I mean I love all people just a question,that I always sense she was?
Anonymous said…
Please dont come on here just to attack Christian cause of his prediction. For me he is the most arrcaute physic out there espcailly when it come to these two. If you dont like then why come on to his site? Grow up, anyway keep up the good work Christain and keep proving haters wrong
Anonymous said…
So,do you think he is a gay?Have you seen him in intimate situation with a man?Hmm.Or,do you think if his gf cheated on him,it means he's a gay?So it seems mostly betrayed wives are lesbians...
Psychic Gossip said…
PS I did reply just scroll up .....Christian DionFebruary 27, 2013 at 7:40 PM

My prediction was incorrect re these two.have you read what I have said all along about these two. From the beginning I have said that the relationship was merely a PR stunt, it still is if you can even call it a relationship. I predicted that she would cheat , she did, I predicted she's a mess she is. If you saw the Oscars you would have noticed she was as high as a kite drugs/drink....hope that answer your question
Psychic Gossip said…
I don't think anything about him full stop, don't care ether..........mind you if he were he would be treated better than he was by her, if this was a real relationship which as the sane know it's NOT Christian
Anonymous said…
Chritain do you like kristen
Psychic Gossip said…
To be honest don't care for either of them, but I CHEATERS of anykind.
Anonymous said…
Does Robert end up being alone after all?
Anonymous said…
I don't think so. He's 27 or 28, he has his whole life ahead of him. Let's see if it's Kristen, or celebrity, or a normal woman/man.
Psychic Gossip said…
Interesting CD
Anonymous said…
Why that mean inst it just gossip
Anonymous said…
Christian why are you posting that what are you trying to say?
Psychic Gossip said…
Well well she is busy isnt she
Psychic Gossip said…
Just showing the nay sayers that the PR machine is in full swing
Anonymous said…
We know about her. What about him? Who's he with? Why only answer questions about her?
Anonymous said…
Yes I understand , People dont realize that Kristen stewart only gets photographed when she wants to be photographed. Its all PR nothing else. She is playing with her Fans with wearing Robs clothing knowing that it will keep people interested. I think the fake Romance will be over soon. In my opinion She is the biggest famewhore of them all.
Anonymous said…
I think their fame is fading fast. This couple is old news. Miley & Liam are the next target. What do you think CD?
Anonymous said…
+1. She is a mess, we see it. You, CD, were right from the beginning. But is it a big secret to know Rob's future?
Anonymous said…
I believe we are in for a long wait if they break up. So far ther really is'nt any indication it will be happening soon.
Anonymous said…
Disagree this show is about to end,I saying coming in the next two months,also not to be rude honesty I'm really not trying to be rude so dont take this the wrong way but there ton of indication that there on the rocks or about to be as a couple,even though I dont see them as a real couple anyway it just a matter of time
Anonymous said…
I agree. This will end soon. Christian Do you see the PR relationship ending end of March or in April?
Psychic Gossip said…
I think the PR machine ids deciding that when he comes back from down under it'll be over.......but please remember it's all make believe CD
Anonymous said…
Psychic Tabitha Samson is disputing your predictions about these actors. She even used a passive aggressive tone to tweet about a young gay guy's anguish and torment in his school. Why did she do such a cruel thing? Anyhow apparently these actors are together even though Kristen rather be with Rupert.
Anonymous said…
Your ignorance is showing. Rob is the one with 5 films in preproduction, not the loser KStew. He's working with prestigious directors like Werner Herzog and Cronenberg, the only thing she has for sure is minor part in a low budget foot fetish flick with no name actors. While the studio exec said they "want" to do SWATH2, that doesn't mean they ARE going to do it. They don't even have a script and they sure don't have a start date.

And Focus may or may not ever happen. Since Ben Affleck dropped out as soon as her casting was announced (just like Viggo dropped out of SWATH when her casting was announced), they haven't been able to find an actor who wants to work with her. Start date was just pushed back from April to May to give them more time to dig up some guy who's foolish enough to want to be linked with her on film. Rob's hot, she's not, their work schedule proves that, duh.
Anonymous said…
So are you saying the breakup is very very near? Pretty please tell me it so
Anonymous said…
Seems that blind gossip would agree with D.C prediction...

The reason why PR relationships still exist is solely for naive people. CD you rock
Anonymous said…
I remember you saying that she was only hanging with taylor in order to get to rob,and she been trying to call rob but rob been blocking all her calls.Now this blind item is saying that there reps,lawers and the bosses at summinet are meeting up this week to dicuess everything,this make sense with your "The PR machine is decinding when he come back it will be over" comment. So I think the PR machine is the bosses at the studio,reps,and lawayers,and this meeting is what there deciding on what to come next .

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