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Told Ya..,,Switching Teams ?

She's losing the plot......

As those of you that read this blog on a regular basis.
I have predicted along that the "Relationship" between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart was a PR job.
However is seems that madame has forgotten that, and lost the plot.
On Valentines Day.
She bombarded Robert (who's downunder) with numerous texts and calls.
Didn't she know that, that to Robert, 
Valentines Day was the day before.?
She's heading for a fall........


Anonymous said…
Christian when will robsten break up I know it all fake but when will this show end
Anonymous said…
My bet – in the middle of this summer 2013
Anonymous said…
Btw, is Kristen bi or lesbian?
Anonymous said…
Yeah it could be now but their contract isnt over until August and supposedly she is trying to make him stay and do more appearances with her until the end of the contract and he is lothe to do.
Anonymous said…
She comes across as lesbian but in my opinion she is probably a equal opertunist.
Anonymous said…
There have been rumors about Kristen and Jodie Foster. Kristen did a movie with one of the Fanning girls a few years ago and there were rumors about that. I know these are rumors but there is a lot of smoke. T. W.
Anonymous said…
It said between now and auguest so it can happen at any time,but Christain said "the PR machine is decindeing when he get back from down under it will be over" I take it the PR machine is there reps,summinet,lawyers etc meeting to dicuess what to happen next. The blind item also mention the reps meeting this week to dicuess this matter
Anonymous said…
What is wrong with her isn't anyone in her family trying to help her? She is going from bad to worst. I hope she doesn't drag Robert Pattinson with her. I hope his family intervenes before he ends up like her.
Anonymous said…
Christian tell me when this will end I need something solid like what month will this end please tell me I hate this PR robsten game
Anonymous said…
Christian you use to give out dates ans year numbers of when stuff would happen. do you know when Rob will move on?? I Thought you said this year in your 2013 predictions?
Psychic Gossip said…
It's all about to explode trust me and it won't be pretty ha ha. ps I do still put dates didn't you see the Pope stuff and george Clooney
Anonymous said…
Explode mmmm what that mean is it finallly going to died? lol I love your blog and your great by the way
Star said…
Yeah but the next day he did say not to bother guessing Jodie but did confirm later that Kstew did have a blind envolving a older women...
Anonymous said…
Christian I have no doubt you are right this is going to explode soon. But I am curious if you see this ever coming out publicly as a sham?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
When it does "explode" and shi* hits the fan, do you see Rob coming out from all this victorious and with the public support firmly behind him?
Psychic Gossip said…
He'll certianly come out the winner in this so to speak. But it's not like he has a great holiwood careeer ahea of him, too lame
Anonymous said…
You said "It's all about to explode" meaning soon??
Anonymous said…
Yes, I saw that. A lot of the commentors on that site are guessing Marcia Gay Harden. I have read rumors about her as well. There was a blind item about her and another woman on Oscar night. I forget the other woman's name. T. W.
Anonymous said…
We are talking about CDAN, not this site. A lot of the gossip and answers to blind items on CDAN appear in the supermarket tabloids a week or two later. T. W.
Anonymous said…
What do you see for Rob overall then? I see you said not like he has a great career ahead so what do you see ahead for him?.....and like anyone else... how is it going to "explode"?
Anonymous said…
Not a great career ahead of him? Who's he gonna be? A politician?
Anonymous said…
Christian has stated servals times that he not a rob fan,so I think it has nothing to do with weather or not he be fine in hollywood or that he a good actor but it just not a caereer he excited about or care to see
Psychic Gossip said…
He now has so much money he never need work again, although I think he really does like the limelight, so that alone will keep him around. He's be better as a director to be honest C
Anonymous said…
What do you see with Kristen future?Everyone says she gonna be a mess
Anonymous said…
Do you think he a bad guy like a douchebag or youre just not a fan of his acting
Anonymous said…
can you please give us a date when the break up will become official and we will see them together before the break up,give me an answer please
Psychic Gossip said…
As they were never a real couple, they are already broken up before it started. But the PR machine wants to keep the "Fans" in suspense so by the end of the summer the PR machine will say it's over, but it never started. ALL FAKE.
Psychic Gossip said…
She's already a mess, but if she would listen to the good people she'd be fine, but don't hold your breath
Anonymous said…
I thought you said when he get back from down under it will be over so what has change from now to then,why the end of the summer
Anonymous said…
Suspense so keep people questioning if there really togother or not without them actully being seen near each other?
Psychic Gossip said…
IT"S NOT REAL so IT"S OVER...NEVER STARTED> What I said was when the PR machine allows, the relationship will be over by the end of summer MAKE bELIEVE like the Twilight movies
Anonymous said…
When you say things will ''explode'', do you mean some sort of public catfight?
Psychic Gossip said…
EXPLODE = Something that the PR machine either isn't able to control or cover up
Anonymous said…
Summer? Boo you dont see it ended early than that?
Psychic Gossip said…
Anonymous said…
Christian you said «the PR machine either isn't able to control or cover up» - Does it mean that either Kristen or Rob will eventually show up in public with new real boyfriend/girlfriend?
Anonymous said…
I know it fake but when do you see the PR ending sooner ?
Psychic Gossip said…
Something along those lines, or her complete breakdown or better still BOTH
Anonymous said…
Wow, so it means Rob will finally meet a good girl and Kristen will finally go to hell?
Anonymous said…
Will they make like they're a couple again,i mean will we see them together again?
Anonymous said…
How do you think, Rob and Kristen will stay in America or Rob will end up living in London after all?
Anonymous said…
I find it interesting this blog post has over 40 comments especially since:

1. Christian has already answered these questions

2. There are more important blog postings that are lucky to get one comment.

And we wonder why the powers that be get awat with what they do. T. W.
Lucia said…
Christian Dion you have a hunch on who will be the new rob's girlfriend? She's an actress? any tips?
Anonymous said…
Kristen Stewart sex video? Now that will "explode" her acting career and image and not in a good way. What do you say CJ? To far fetched?
Psychic Gossip said…
Why thank you so much for your caring thoughts. Seems to me you are the one with too much time to spare.......
Anonymous said…
I saw that other pyschic predicted a sex tape for Kristen too. I wonder if that would happen and if it does would it be real, a stunt, or a unfortunate incident that gets taken advantage of by her team like last year.
Anonymous said…
LOL! Ifind it strange everyone is obsessed over this fake relationship. In the meantime our government is trampling on our rights and mismanaging tax payer money. People would rather watch a movie about a vampire and some girl staring at each other and then believe the actors are together in reality. Sometimes I wonder why I am on the earth. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Why come to his site to start trouble get a life
Anonymous said…
Christian, will Rob come out of all this unscathed or will he be made to took like the bad guy?
Anonymous said…
Is Kristen Stewart gay?
Anonymous said…
No, she isn't she cheated on a man with a man. it was a mistake that truly regrets. She has a boyfriend that she madly loves. CJ is wrong!
Anonymous said…
We will know for sure around the end of summer. This is good because celebrity gossip magazines and such have little to report in the month of August. Keep coming here in the meantime, this is the best site on the net! T. W.
Anonymous said…
Christian why Robert and Kristen did that awkard "pda" at Cannes? There's a pic of them "kissing" and their lips don't even touch each other, it's a joke. I never believed they were really together, so that shit is the only thing that confuses me in all that mess. Was it to be on the gossip sites because of the movies they were promoting? Or was something they were planning to do, ocasional fake pda until the releasing of BD 2, but Kristen messed up all the promo? If you have some answer about it, thanks!
Anonymous said…
Bitter much? Youre the one who wrong here,your mad cause CJ is right and has been right all along.There not a real couple get over it she not his girlfriend get over it.Your big crazy fake robsten bubble is about to end.Goodbye
Anonymous said…
Man get a life really. Stop coming on here to hate on Christian your just mad cause he been right about these fools from day one and you cant stand it.
Anonymous said…
Christian thanks for the predictions and your time.
Anonymous said…
I have a question why till the end of summer? What are they gaining prolonging it on till then? I know the films and dvd are all out but are they meaning not just the actors the studio and such making money profitting from this and that there more money to be made not just from the movie and dvd sales if that make sense, I understand the whole idea of a PR stunt is to make it look real cause if it ended real quickly and when people exactly expect it too it would be to obvious that it was a stunt. I just want to know what the reason behind it being till the end of the summer?
Psychic Gossip said…
THE OLDEST REASON IN THE BOOK "MONEY,MONEY,MONEY" the longer the PR people spread this out the more tabloids are sold the more the pics of them cost. At the moment if you could get a snap shot of these two say together talking at least $1 million, and that just for the USA rights......PR PR PR
Anonymous said…
Christian, what about the rumors of lesbianism on Kristen? Rupert defined her as a tomboy and she certainly is. What do you think? Thanks!
Anonymous said…
$1 million for those 2, really? OMG. I wonder what their cut is? I wonder what they get for smile? kiss?
Anonymous said…
A sex tape?It would be OMG...
Anonymous said…
Robsten fan = Crazy Kristen fan.
Anonymous said…
Good question,I wonder about this kiss on the balcony at Cannes after On the Road premiere.It seems real for me,but he was more into her than she into him.
Anonymous said…
Yes,I also thank you.
Anonymous said…
Yes,but they( Rob and Kristen)and their PR/managment teams could make money from selling they personal lives as a real couple.
Anonymous said…
A moron?I think he is intelligent and witty at least I got this impression after watching hundreds of his interviews.Have you seen his movies(not Twilight)?
Anonymous said…
Rob doesnt have a PR team
Psychic Gossip said…
That's the best Paddy's Day joke yet....even the unknowns have PR teams........
Psychic Gossip said…
Personally I think she would "PLAY" with anybody or anything.she already proved she "PLAYS" with other peoples husbands
Anonymous said…
Christian, do you see if Robert and Kristen have marriages in the future? Not with each other, but with other partners? If so, will it be a one life-time thing or will they have a several marriages? How soon? Thank you
Psychic Gossip said…
I do think in time they will have good relationships especially him. She however needs alot of therapy, which if she does will be happy.
Anonymous said…
"Especially him" - will it be an actress?
And will it be in the nearest future or «in time» means + - 5/10 next years?
Thanks for your work.
Anonymous said…
Was it ''momentary indiscretion''as Kristen claimed in her apology,or full time affair with sex included?Because Sanders' wife has filled for divorce.
Anonymous said…
So it means Robert is single now,but the tabloids will spread BS that he and Kristen are still a couple,and it all ends at the end if the summer,is that correct?
Psychic Gossip said… got it
Fiona said…
Anon, dont argue with people on their own page *facepalm* CD has his right to his opinion.
Fiona said…
Thank you! I just wish the Sheeple will see it for what it is
Anonymous said…
Christian, you've made it clear you're not a fan of Robert, but thank you for being generally unbiased.
Robert has previously expressed a desire to be behind the camera, perhaps as a director. Do you see this happening within the next 2 years?
Even as a bystander I can see the wreck that KS has become, do you see the shock revelation happening while Rob is away filming?
Thank you for the truth as you see it, even if you aren't a fan.
Anonymous said…
Christian, Could you explain why why Kristen and Rob would want to pretend to be in a relationship so their PR teams could sell a picture to a tabloid for $1 million dollars? By your theory, many, many, many other people are getting a cut of that million dollars before it gets to Rob and Kristen, and yet they are the only ones who are required to act like they are in love with each other and are not free to be with who they want. It's so weird too, because you get the true artist vibe from both of them, you know, like not in it for the money. I think you have to take back your told ya on this one, cuz you didn't.
Anonymous said…
They weren't sure the exact dvd release date was so decided to set the contract to 3 years plus some padding so they could end the relastionship without it being so inconspicuous.
Anonymous said…
I never really believed they were a couple, but I always wondered why other actors, actresses, etc. confirmed their relationship and defended them as a couple. Those individuals had nothing to do with "Twilight" or had anything to gain, Example Jodie Foster & Emma Watson. Why would they care?
Psychic Gossip said…
Because they are "ALL" playing the same game, if they don't they are out.....
Anonymous said…
Thanks for responding!
Anonymous said…
Twilight fans are so gullible. Just before the last movie is realeased they pretend to be together after her cheating and convinently get photographed EVERYWHERE almost everyday including her backyard pretending to be a couple. Then the DVD gets released and Robert isn't available so we start to see pics of Kristen and Taylor out together being close and good friends EXACTLY the same as their characters in the movie. It's so obvious it's all PR. Keeping the twilight fans interested and it's working.
Anonymous said…
Make sense
Anonymous said…
Thank you,Christian for clarification:)
Anonymous said…
Twilight is a billion dallar franchise, and we're talking about over 3 years of pictures, extra back-end deals from the movies and dvds, all the stories, magazines, etc etc. This is millions and millions for each of them. Plus seperatly they are boring and dont get any press. By staying relevent in the news together they get to stay more A list even though they are not very good actors. And they get to be more sought after by directors because they still have a huge fan base. And you say they dont come across as in it for the money, yeah right you think they dont enjoy their VIP treatment, private jets or not even having to audition for roles anymore? Summit created every teen girls fantasy couple come true and it( Rob and Kristen) are the only thing that really kept interest in those horribly made movies. They wouldnt be any better off than their other co-stars. And both Rob and Kristen have talked about playing games with people, let them guess, no one knows anything about whats really going on. I think they really enjoy playing these games and when this all comes out as a bust they will be the ones saying we tried telling you and never admitted to being a real couple but you never listened.
Psychic Gossip said…
I never said they didn't come across as in it for the money.just the opposite, of course they love the perks, who wouldn't.....
As I have about these two and many others in the same world IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THEM MONEY for them and the hangers on around them. C
Anonymous said…
I find it funny that when other journalist or entertainment gossips give tips all the time about couples but people never listen to the hidden meaning. Most of the media you read will be stories straight from pr mouth, even the bad stories its all a way to control what they want you to know. After Kristens cheating scandal there was some that made comments about "everything you read about them was planned by their teams like the moon landing"," wow they're a pr genius". Or how about a former writer from US weekly that said this:
"But before we get celebrity gossip whiplash, let's pause to remember that Kstew and RPats are media constructs — brands traded like margarine on the cover of Us Weekly, People, or the National Enquirer. The "Twilight" duo's coupledom is as material as John Travolta's marriage. Oops! Followed by belated revelations that Travolta had a long-term relationship with a man. Tell me: Who in the offices of Us Weekly didn't know that already? (I worked there for 11 years — trust me on this one.) Or the fairytale romance of TomKat that was more of a boardroom contract servicing the Tom Cruise brand. To me, the question in that case is why Katie Holmes made the deal with the devil (OK, money is part of it for sure)."
Anonymous said…
Thats funny there is lots of pics of almost kissing that exploded on the media as confirmation their relationship. They are never actually kissing. And a good half of the photos of them hugging where photoshopped. The media still uses those photos to show them as a couple. THEY'RE PHOTOSHOPPED PEOPLE
Anonymous said…
@Anonymous8:30,Robert auditioned for the role of Rey in The Rover movie directed by David Michod.I think it's the tabloids that make a lots of money from Robsten''lebel''not Kristen and Rob.Actually this''they are a couple,he took her back''rumors don't give,especially him,any favours he looks like spinless doormat for general audience.He was saying that he has to be conservative to not give anything to the paparazzi and gossip mags,it was Kristen that was stupid enough to give them,what they wanted.Kristen said to the fans''keep them guessing'',Rob was like''whatever I say is irrelevant,because journalists will write whatever they want''.People belived in possible relationship,because many actors fell in love with their co-stars.It's nothing new in Hollywood.
Anonymous said…
Christian do you see them as ever had feeling for each other in the past,like were they ever dating at some point in all those 4 years.Most seem to think they were only friends with befits nothing ever serious.Hope that not a wired question to ask.
Anonymous said…
So are they close like friends or something
Anonymous said…
Okay so Christian let me see if I got this right,they were never a real couple,cheating with the married me was real,she doing drugs etc and is getting worse by the min,he doing okay,,they have a contract that there sign to until auguest,and they have a summer breakup?
Anonymous said…
How do you explain that after the scandal broke many critics,movie bloggers,journalist from respected media were defending Kristen and what she did and throwing Rob under the bus with series of articles with conclusion:It's good she cheated on him,because he can't act?I don't think that was intention of his PR or management people.
Anonymous said…
Because I dont think they expected the backlash from her fans that she received. And I dont think what your referring to was any planned stories from their teams but the journalist response to the hateful fans. Cheating happens all the time and Rob and Kristen are not married or with kids but some people acted like she was the worse escuse for a human being ever for having "cheated" on Rob.
Psychic Gossip said…
Close enough it's the sick world of Hollywood, been going on for years
Psychic Gossip said…
They all make money in the old days the studios were lees obvious but not anymore. In fact the old satiny "no publicity is bad publicity" is alive and well
Psychic Gossip said…
More than likely as it will put him in a better light
Anonymous said…
Do you have some inside info that leaked to you,or are you really physic,I'm skeptic about physics but youre the first that I see that been right about tons of things,kinda creeps me out lol. My friends says you have to have some kind of inside info but how can someone leaked when a celebs gonna pass like you did with some or kristen cheating.
Anonymous said…
Well I can see why there sucking the last bit of money at of this as they can,I dont think any of the actors will be seeing that much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on there paychecks like they did in there twilight days for awhile. So why not go out with a bang
Psychic Gossip said…
Sad to say I am just Psychic . I don't how long you have followed my blog. But for instance I predicted on this blog that Amy Winehouse would die, almost two years to the day before she did. So no inside info C
Anonymous said…
Only kristen who enjoys and wants to keep playing games "keep them guessing, are they or aren't they" with fans. I believe that kristen uses rob to gain more fame and fans, also to clean her image after the affair. Sadly,not only rob got humiliation from her actions,but also got many bad speculation/vilification about him made by her fans,media and people who defended kristen.Kristen's PR team are smart, they successfully reversed the situation after the affair turn into kristen who got sympathy and defense while rob got scorn from public.I wonder if rob's pr team did something to overcome it?CD,thanks for your predictions and answers.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for being kind enough to answer our questions. Much appreciated CHristian.
Anonymous said…
Christian, you rock!
Anonymous said…
CD what kind of psychic powers do you have are you clairvoyant? Do you have visions? Just curious to know what kind of psychic powers you have
Anonymous said…
So CD you actually do "See" them breaking up and going there seperate ways...or are you just guessing this is going to end? I want to see this bs end already. So sick of it.
Anonymous said…
It was a video of them kissing on the balcony,at least it looked like they were kissing.I think Cannes was a proof for many fans that it was something between Robert and Kristen.It was also a video when Rob tried to kiss her in the car after premiere of Water for Elephants in NYC,but she turned her head;a still from this video was spread by the fans as if they really kissed,but they didn't.
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi re Psychic powers etc all of them here's my bio " I have never seen anything like Christian Dion before, absolutely amazing" Gay Blackstone, Past Lady President The Magic Castle. Hollywood. Ca
Thought he was just like any other normal child growing up in the mining community of Wakefield, Yorkshire, England.
But on the first day of school he was shocked to find that the other boys and girls were unable to see all his “spirit friends.” His parents could... so could his baby brother. Why?
When he got home it was explained that their family’s gift of “second sight” was unique, with his mother revealing: “Not everyone sees the world the way we do.”

In spite of her concern, Christian soon realized his gift was a blessing − that helped to make him a household name in the UK, where he’s astonished believers and skeptics alike with his dead-on predictions for years. His unnerving accuracy, engaging wit and charming Yorkshire accent are now earning him an impressive celebrity following since relocating to Los Angeles, California.

In addition to his weekly 2-hour segment on LBC’s top-rated live radio program, “Mike Allen and his Psychic Side Kicks,” Christian has appeared on numerous television programs here in the United States – including
CBS- TV’s “The Roseanne Barr Show,”
NBC-TV’s “The Other Side,”
CNBC’s “America’s Talking”
KTLA’s “Morning News.”
A frequent guest on - Talk Radio and 93.2 “The Beat.”
As well as Britain’s top rated network radio station “Talk sport” on the weekly show “The Unexplained”.
You’d think being from a family of psychics would make any child an outcast at school, but it certainly didn’t hurt Christian or his studies.
In fact, it was his psychic abilities that helped him to complete his A-levels (England’s equivalent to college preparatory courses) in spite of the fact that he is dyslexic. While other gifted students went on to study at the university level. Both Oxford & Cambridge wanted him.
Christian skipped university and established his reputation as a psychic. Supporting himself with his talent, while benefiting others along the way.
He eventually landed on radio with live “call-in” shows for LBC 97.3 FM
As well as, the BBC Radio One show, “Steve Wright In The Afternoon.”

In time, his radio shows became something of a phenomenon – with as many as 250,000 callers jamming the phone lines in hope of getting a brief reading. Some waited as long as eight or nine years to get through to him on the air, and it got so his private readings had to be booked a year in advance.

Recently Christian appeared on the “Mike Walker Show” on KABC 790am in Los Angeles. He was such a success not only are they having back, Mike Walker stated, “I have never seen or heard anything like Christian, he’s a huge talent “
Regular television appearances (including spots on “Good Morning, Britain,” “This Morning” and the science program “Equinox”), in addition to his popular column in The Sun and his one-man touring show,
“An Evening In Your Lifetime.”
Which he debuted at the World famous “Magic Castle” Hollywood,
In May 2005 the first time ever a Real Psychic had performed there.
Demonstrating once again that he is an outrageously gifted and engaging entertainer
Psychic Gossip said…
Ok again It was never real, so if you are asking do I see them going their different has already happened, but the PR machine keeps the fans thinking that either they are together or there's a chance of them getting back together to keep the cash rolling in . Once the PR machine feels that they need to announce that they have split, then the next round of PR MONEY MAKING begins around the summer time
Anonymous said…
Christian,how do you see it,is it possible that Rob is not taken seriously by movie industry and especially critics,because they somehow hate him(or are jealous)because he got lots of money and lots of female fans playing in bad movie franchise?
Psychic Gossip said…
As he can't act, then why would the studios take him seriously, they see him as a preety face.who has a large fan base so that's the roles he'll get. It's called type casting.a Colin Farrell he'll never be
Anonymous said…
Do you see anything at all about a SPECIFIC woman rob will date? When? Who? Famous or not? Mystery blonde or not? English or not?

Anonymous said…
Are you saying they can make money from the split as well?
Anonymous said…
You're right Christian. Rob is back with KStew&friends so Robsten Circus goes on.
Anonymous said…
How do you explain that they spent time together at bar yesterday?You said that their picture together was worth $1mln,but it was fan,not paparazzi that took a pic of them yesterday and put it on instagram.
Anonymous said…
Someone just got a new fan pic of these two. AWARKED man if people think they are so how in love looking at that photo than shoot me
Anonymous said…
Christian they went grocery shopping yesterday and someone in the store saw them and asked for a picture. Now the bs of robsten in unbroken is all over the internet. Do you really see this bs romance ending in the summer? because it is turning into a joke and i feel like it's just going to go on forever at this point and never end... :(
Psychic Gossip said…
If you mean the pic from March 16th the one with the fan, just look at the body language of Pattinson , it tells it all
Anonymous said…
They didnt go grocey shopping yesterday that was tweeted by a robsten fan who like to make up stuff,cause they have no lives
Anonymous said…
Do you mean Rob will have a fling soon or it will be serious?
Anonymous said…
WHAT? type casting? a pretty face? have you seen him in The Rover with a horrible haircut and rotten teeth???? why aren't you more up on what you are talking about? i know why!!! because you know nothing.
Anonymous said…
WHAT pr machine? who is paying for this PR? who? who pays all the people off who say they are together? the friends, the directors, the co workers - who know they are together - who PAYS these people? it must cost this secret anonymous PR machine are fortune pay off all these people. the list is endless of people who have said they are together. WHO PAID THEM? What PR firm is it. Who does the PR firm work for? let's have FACTS. NOW. FACTS. Who is the PR firm? Who is funding it? WHat is their address? FACTS, NAMES< ADDRESSES. Since you are a seer you should know who this or pr firm is. let's have the name. NOW. And don't say Summit. Summit is no longer a company.
Psychic Gossip said…
he's English of course he has rotten teeth and a bad haircut, oh the way in hollywood we know he smells, but as you don't live here you wouldn't that
Psychic Gossip said…
no they were written a moron ...sorry I mean't mormon
Anonymous said…
It was a chracterization for The Rover movie,Christian.Rob has nice teeth.
Anonymous said…
Mormon?Christian,please explain this,did he change religion?I thought he said he was a catholic.
Psychic Gossip said…
The twilight movies were writen by a mormon
Anonymous said…
Oh,I understand,thank you.I know that Stephenie Meyer is a mormon,is it a problem?Have you seen Cosmopolis(Cronenberg movie)or Water for Elephants?
Anonymous said…
How do you explain why the girl got intierviewd on tv just for taking a fan pic,when that as never happen before SET UP.How do you explain that umm shut the hell up
Anonymous said…
A little bitter sad robsten fan the fact is you dont know next to nothing when it come to hollywood and how things work. So please sit you sad little yelf down loser and go fap over two awarked people standing near each other. Go die alone loser. There tricks and schemes in hollywood that of course you refuse to admit do your reseach next time
Anonymous said…
Summit was taken over by liongat,e liongate is a company dumb dumb
Anonymous said…
Easy look at all the attention the pic gotten that all that need to be said right there
Anonymous said…
@Anonymous at5:46 Did the girl get interviewed on TV?Wow,I have no idea,it make sense,thanks for the answer.
Anonymous said…
that fan pict taken from professional photographer she is not even a fan and she also friend of Ruth! E! has interview this person how many of fan get interview because they took a pict ??? she is friend of Ruth Kristen s publicist she is totally bitch! the circus is start and carry on until when it has to stop!

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