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Ghost story indie film

Robert Pattinson,
 is soon to star in an indie movie called 
" Map to the Stars ".
A ghost story, spooky.
It's set in LaLa Land aka Hollywood.
I feel he has a hit on his hands.
Plus it'll keep him busy, so he doesn't have to think about his fake relationship. with KS.


Anonymous said…
Christian this is a small film. Will it really do well? His last film with cronenberg bombed.?
Anonymous said…
Sometimes small movies becomes big it happened lost of time. Hope you are christian he need to be away from that slut and keep himself busy ! No fakeness
Erika said…
His last film with Cronenberg actually gave him critical acclaim, which is what he needed. Cosmopolis got a long standing ovation at Cannes and his performance was praised not only by critics, but by people who explicitly stated that they thought Rob was a shit actor and never believed that they'd actually like him in a film. He needs to stay on the road he's on if he wants to build the respect that grants you longevity in this business. He wants it, he has the world in his hands now due to his status. He needs to not fuck this up by participating in obvious PR ploys and schemes.
Anonymous said…
Christian, can you please tell: is there something regarding the future that people/public shouldn’t know? I mean, for instance, things that shouldn’t be predicted out loud publicly until it actually happens in reality?
Anonymous said…
Indie films are not suppose to make big amounts of money
Psychic Gossip said…
YES there are somethings that I see, that I log but do not publish, as they are too much. Sometimes things are hidden in other posts that only make sense when they come to light. CD
Anonymous said…
Thank you very much for your answer!
Anonymous said…
Will Rob have critical acclaim? Poor guy needs something positive.
Anonymous said…
Nope. He's doomed. No joke, but he is one.
Anonymous said…
I was a fan of him but in these last months I've lost all respect for him. I think a good actor or a good politic for the case has to be as consistent in his job as in his privacy, when he is not and he isn't doing anything to fix it up either, something fails and stinks. He remembers me of Rock Hudson and now I call him Doormat, Kristen's Doormat to be fair.
Anonymous said…
This movie is an adaptation of the book by Bruce Wagner ''Maps to the Stars''it's about Hollywood.I read reviews from rob's fans that have read the book and they said it was a really strong stuff.Rob is probably going to play a drug addicted psychosis paparazzo,his speciality is crotch shots as young actresess exit cars.there are many of celebrities references in that book;if Cronenberg stays close to the book it will be crazy.I can't wait:)
Anonymous said…
Yes,this movie was on Cahiers du Cinema best of 2012 list.It's the oldest and most respected French movie magazine.This magazine was a supporter of the French New Wave back in 50s the new form of movie making/story telling started by directors like Resnais,Truffaut,Godard.
Anonymous said…
Hey C.D. I know people keep asking you about a breakup in August but aside from that....what do you see for kristen after August? You said she would have a bad year all around...she seems to not be caring or remorseful and she goes out like nothing is wrong so it does not seems she is having a bad year. What will happen to her come fall what do you see for her? Do you see her losing Rob and her pr game and going crazy to like Britney Spears? Also in terms of relationships when will her next one be? Soon after or will it be a while? If you could respond I would really like to know, thank you.
Anonymous said…
I hope he failed in this movie to learn a lesson he cant be a good actor and famewhore he got to choose one of them! I wish failure for him thats all!!!
Anonymous said…
Get a life
Anonymous said…
You this how? Mmm leave the questions to the physic,cause you are not hon,she wasnt asking you
Anonymous said…
most actors in hollywood are "famewhores" why do you think they chose this proffesion? they love the spotlight and the money
Psychic Gossip said…
she'll just me more of a mess.....
Anonymous said…
Christian what do you pick up from Robs feelings? Is he in a happy place? or does he want out? He seems to be fine now. But how does he really feel?
Anonymous said…
I agree ,you cant be an actor if you dont,he not the only one all actors do it ALL,no one a real gem in showbiz
Anonymous said…
Oh,please this mess will end at the end of the Summer.
Anonymous said…
Name a really good actor who appears in gossip sites every two days like Doormat. You can see him at any LA street, at a gas station with his gf, walking the dogs, going to concerts, restaurants, at airports, surfing on the beach, partying with other actors, at his cheater gf's swimming pool with a towel and a cup of something for her etc etc etc. Good grief! he's a total famewhore! I don't think you can find a single respectable actor who is as exposed as him.

Famewhores love the spotlight/money. Talented actors love acting.
Erika said…
I don't believe that actors have to be private. It's not their fault that people can't be mature and compartmentalize.
Anonymous said…
People who wish failure and unhappiness to a person that they don't even know and that don't know that they exist are crazy and acting like a bunch a bitter ex-GFs. Bitter hags, if you ever thought that Rob was different from the rest of Hollywood it's your fault. Get a life. I'm still his fan, because I never expected to be some prince charming from some fairytale that would knock on my door asking me to marry him. Go sell your Edward dolls ond Ebay and get a life (if you're older than 13 years old, you should have never bought such pathetic thing, lmfao!)
Anonymous said…
Cd can you enlighten me on some of the things that go on in hollywood,like stuff that no knows about or not suppose to know?
Anonymous said…
EVERY ACTOR HONEY,your kidding yourself everyone does this,everyone stop being navie
Erika said…
Oh, come on. Rob and Kristen give gossip sites and magazines hits. Just look at this website, most posts here get maybe 6-7 comments, but posts about "Robsten" can get about 100. No other people bring in this kind of traffic. They'll always be papped. Even when they're done as a couple, because insane fans will be interested in seeing who they date next and who the make friends with in the industry,
Anonymous said…
I bet the truth about Natalie Wood's death is one of them. Rumor has it she was Robert Wagner's beard. She caught him in bed with Christopher Walken and we know the rest of the story. In case anyone is wondering, she was a child star. Hmmmm. . . T. W.
Anonymous said…
Hey CD, you told us that the PR will end in August. Did you see some kind of falling-out or will they just stop being spotted together without any apparent reason?
Anonymous said…
CD we have a lot of pics of these to everyday, T mean this is really pathetic!!!! They became more stupid that Kardasina family!!! Is that normal?? Can we expect something, like anohter scandal? When will it stop?
Anonymous said…
Rob knows he is doing the role of sucker out with her right? Does not he think of his career rather than just for money?
Anonymous said…
Rob is a looser! hes a famewhore become like kardashians soon just wait and see ! by the way he s not the only one doing this PR i know that but is anybody see Ryan Goslin doing this kind of cheap stuff!!1 he has a lot of fans as well or Channing Tattum?? they are great and they only do their job look at Channing Tattum and his wife pict when they are together full of love but nothing else! when you look Rob Krsiten slut all miserable , fake and sigusting as they are!! idiot robstens think how lovely they looked theye are aged between 13-16! someof them older grandmother age thats very annoying but I talk one of them she is 49 years old never married and never have a child and she never been in love! and this lady think this Rob and Kristen bitch in love!!!! how sad is this the woman in that age thinks thats love and she never been in love! this gossip sites are idiots they should know what kind of people b elieve them I never thought anybody has brain and eye can see there is no love exist between this two idiot! well they werec acting better on movie than their real life they both look like suicedal! I still do wish Rob failure in next movie because I dont think he deserves to be success after all this shit! I dont like famewhores who has been famewhore as a actor they are not succesful anyway he want to be one of them so let him to be one of them !!
Anonymous said…
OMG. Who are you to judge? You don't know the background facts about this. Maybe he have to? I feel sorry for you. Go out in the sun and heal.
Anonymous said…
I'm not blaming Rob,well,it will end soon,I hope,Christian still claims it's all PR,so I believe him.
Anonymous said…
Go take you meds hon
Anonymous said…
CD, you are so spot on it's scary...anyway, few questions...if Rob and Kristen have been PR all this time has he had any relationships with anyone throughout the years? Has Kristen? Have Robert and Kristen ALWAYS been fake or was there a time where they had something real going on? It's just such a bizarre situation, one that sounds unhealthy and lonely. Curious minds want to know and understand this arrangement better...thanks!
Psychic Gossip said…
In my way of thinking FAKE, doesn't mean nothing happened wink wink, but always an arrangement. But don't worry about him he's going to be fine CD
Anonymous said…
When «he's going to be fine» ?
Anonymous said…
Christian, well you're saying that he has no real relationship, but a fake one, but he's going to be fine. I assumed you meant «fine» as «has a real relationship and not with Kristen» and that’s why I asked «When».
Anonymous said…
CD, thank you for being so nice in answering all our questions. This fandom is not easy to deal with. Easy to loose temper... Ha ha ha
Anonymous said…
Please go tell it to someone who care,get a life
Anonymous said…
Wow. Rob is not a drug addict. Christian - do you think when he is fine later with whomever that fans will revolt more or be oK with who he chooses? Will that side of things cause more damage and/or can it be lasting love for him? You say he'll be fine, but can he be truly happy? -k2013
Psychic Gossip said…
Correct he is NOT a drug addicted . His fans will be pleased with who he chooses CD
Anonymous said…
That RobstentheTruth blog might be on to something. Recent posts:
"What would you say is the biggest scandal involving Kristen Stewart right now? The Rupert Sanders cheating scandal? Her open and unashamed use of Marijuana? or could it be the fact that Ms, Stewart is openly gay amongst friends and family? And could it also be the fact that Stewart is in a relationship with a very close female “Friend”?"
"Robert Pattinson, arguably the more popular out of the “couple” (and lets face it, the more approachable and marketable) can’t stand being linked to Stewart, however, knows that he is on to a semi-good deal. What is a few photo ops and “date nights” in exchange for his *REAL* private life? He knows there is a game to be played and the boy is playing it spectacularly… More soon."
Erika said…
Uh, Christian. Pics are just now being released of Kristen and Rupert Sanders from last night. Rob left for Morocco the day before yesterday. Is this the end?
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi Erika as they say the beginning of the end CD
Anonymous said…
Christian you said that Kristen went with Robert due her PR people seeing this as a great thing for her,what about his PR people?Did they co-operate with her people?
Psychic Gossip said…
Of course team effort that's how they manage to make it seem real, but in the end the truth always comes out, when it's fake.......CD
Anonymous said…
Kristen with Rupert again? My goodness! I thought it was only a torrid affair that lasted till they were caught. Christian could it be possible that Rupert and Kristen were really really in love? Thanks!

BTW I liked Kristen with Rupert, in fact I think she needs someone much older who can challenge her and at the same time keep her balanced.
Erika said…
Those pictures.
Kristen walking up to a car (Note the driver)

Kristen getting in said car

Proof that it's Rupert's car.

Proof that it's Rupert.

And lastly, me right now.

Anonymous said…
Erika,who took the pictures?Paparazzi?He doesn't look like Rupert Sanders...but who knows?
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the answer.
Anonymous said…
That deffinately looks like Rupert, and that is his car. This link from above proves that is his car, and the other link shows close ups of his profile.

I tried to check where the pics came from too, most the sites I found that had them were cropped so you cant see who's in the car. Her team is hard at work already.
Anonymous said…
WHAT are you kidding he look exactly like Rupert Sanders
Anonymous said…
But who took them?If the paparazzi caught them again,so the tabloids will buy the pics and publish them like they did back in July.The circus will start again
Anonymous said…
The nose looks different,Sanders nose seems more sharp.Also her friends are there,so I think if both Kristen and Sanders wanted hook up again they would have been more discreet,but also they proved they were stupid enough in July,so...
Erika said…
apparently a rep, I don't know his or hers, made a statement that it's not him.
Anonymous said…
GossipCop just debunked the "Rupsten reunion" and they also rushed to say that KS was having dinner with Pattinson's friends to avoid any misgivings... Miss Stewart keeps staying absolutely faithful to Mr. Doormat and Robsteners are even planning on the great Pattinson-Stewart wedding. OK I give up. Robsten is unbroken.
Anonymous said…
His people never speak to the press,gossip cop is not truthful what so ever,I remeber once they said rob was at in LA once with katy perry,but then a pic came out showing he was in london. They wanted to keep the idea that he in LA near kristen and not away,when it was wrong. Dont belieave any taploid no one trustful. They know next to nothing they only write what that celeb publiscts want them to write doesnt mean it the truth it a cover up
Anonymous said…
The point of your comment? Prove nothing
Anonymous said…
Cause Gossip Cop say so? They know next to nothing
Anonymous said…
HEY, ITS my first time and I was wondering if rob and kristen are done for good as seen in the pics of her with rupert last friday. And do u know who her next man will be
Psychic Gossip said…
Finished by the end of summer, no idea who she'll end up with, she needs thearpy first lots of it CD
Anonymous said…
@ 2:42AM --> My point was that Miss KStew always gets away with whatever she wants and I have the feeling that she can drag out this situation as long as she pleases. I want to believe in CD predictions but this shit has been going on for so long that it seems it has no end and meanwhile Mr. Doormat will be supporting her and making a total fool of himself. Sorry but I hate these situations. I know I shouldn't waste my time an energy in these two famewhores but curiosity kills me! LOL
Anonymous said…
that person in the car is Rupert if you look close to his forehead and nose and where the hair start! face shape is exactly him! the car is the his car ! you can see on google thats his car! and Rob is not in LA he left there are pict of him arriving to LA and he getting his plane ticket! but nobody knows where he gone yet! I think if there is another scandal coming again he went to hide again like july! MBL start day not published yet there is no info about MBL ! if its start he will go first Jordan not Morocco! he is somewhere mayble in London but he is family so pissed of with him about this ugly game so I doubt he can go there! I think hes somewhere and alone or some model to keep him busy like last summer! I cant believe she can be that idiot to do this again!! or they really want to be together they dont care it will come out! Gossip cop is very untrustable stite they know nothing it s worst than Pevez!
Anonymous said…
Actually they said he was on a flight to Toronto to film Map to the Stars and that is where he is right now. I wish he was further away though cause that means its too close for Kstew to come visit. Although we'll see if he bans her from coming to see him again.
Anonymous said…
nobody knows where he is and I think hes hiding again like July!! he just fooling himself with this game people lost too much respect of him ! I dont think he will be succesful very much after all this foolish behaviour ! I asked one papaz on twitter and he said that gas station pict set up because they dont wait gas stations incase somebody famous turn up! He said two obvious that some called them out for a pict usual normal couple pict but thats all! He doesnt want to say more because he said that whats their job most of the time they get called to go get some pict! I think Kristen s publicist makes call he didnt want to give any name! something odd in that gas station pict because two dog inside the car as well there is no way they all fit 2door truck just not enough room and somebody said on twitter supposedly working that gas station after papaz left Rob left separately! he wasnt at her truck at all thats explain 2dogs in the truck ! those pict same days as the concert and it looks like they spend all day together which they werent ! this is so annoying because it used to be ppl get away with this stuff but now! everybody talking online and writing what they really saw !! like in concert a lot of people said they werent even talking at concert even robstens was shocked they were tweeting and they left half an hour different than eacxh other and they havent interact all night during the concert! why should they? there were no papaz to pretend at all! this is getting ver ugly!
Erika said…
Anonymous said…
Rob needs some positive feedback at least in his career. A hit will maybe give him a reputable name in the entertainment industry. He really is only know internationally as a aprakly vampire and the guy whose girlfriend cheated on him with her married director in her mini cooper. Pretty humiliating.
Anonymous said…
I feel like most of the comments are not even about CD or his blog,prediction etc,it like a chat session here
Anonymous said…
How do you know his family pissed?
Anonymous said…
Well, Christian predicted that this fake Robsten relationship would end up at the end of the summer, still 4 long months of fakery to go.... when the prediction comes true, we could congratulate Christian and comment on it.
Anonymous said…
She's not exactly getting away with things...maybe no one has physically beaten her or gotten revenge, but Karma is doing pretty good right now. She is 23 and went from highest paid actress to having no career and being fired from two bit roles like a movie about a SHOE FETISH. She's so young and her career is over. Plus the fact you know she's footing the bill for all her mother's projects and her PR team isn't cheap. She is so done and once she and RP are over, it'll seal the deal.
Anonymous said…
I just warn everybody now that FAKE ROBSTEN site on tumblr create by Robsten fans bc some nonsten troll them and now they returning back please do not take that serious! if you look their site they dont even get hate msg bc all of them know who created and do not take seriously! I saw some of you copy their site but its a troll made by Robsten they try to show how stupid Rob fans they believe anything! bc some nonsten troll them with a fake account ! I did warn you!!
Anonymous said…
CD, I believe Robert Pattinson's career as an actor is over. This film will be a monumental flop like his other (except Twilight series). The guy cant act & the his negative PR is making him look really bad. He will do anything for his girlfriend Kristen. He has proved that.
Anonymous said…
He is great actor and he will be ok! but he has no girlfriend you mention kristen well everybody knows its a PR! Yes this PR give him a lot of negative reviews but when its end I am sure he will be fine and I bet he learned his lesson not to stuck w contract! He can nothing do! Now he has to go through this time but he cant pretend to be look a boyfriend!! that not like a acting it s his real life and he cannot pretend it thats all give away!
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian , do you have anything new to sharing with us ??
nico123 said…
will this film do well or is this straight to video/VOD?

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