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So this is what love looks like.....

Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson 
of Twilight fame.
Are shown above.
Now if this is what young looks like, I give up.
I'm not sure which one of them looks the most uncomfortable.
But they sure don't look happy or in love.
Great job PR team.
Now even the blind can see that this is a 
fake relationship.


Anonymous said…
Still end in summer right?
Anonymous said…
The other pitures show she made sure to bring her girfriend too.
Anonymous said…
what does he think about fans leaving him,cause many are leaving him now
Anonymous said…
Please God, make them stop! T. W.
Anonymous said…
Hey, doesn't them looking miserable defeat the purpose of a PR relationship. Shouldn't they be hamming it up or at least look interested in each other for the viewing puplic to believe its real. In my opinion its a PR fail, so to me its not PR, sorry, and don't say its because their over it because if they were over it they wounldn't be seen together at all. And they can't be forced together because of SAG and yes I do believe some relationships in HW are fake but not because they are forced but because of a mutual agreement, which, if you knew anything about Rob Pattinson, you would know that this is not something he would partake in. And no Iam not a "Robsten", I just think its insulting to both him/her to keep pushing your agenda, but hey what ever floats your boat.
Anonymous said…
Do you see them breaking up this year?
Anonymous said…
Could you please tell me if any of the projects she has lined up will go forward this year?
Psychic Gossip said…
Oh no doubt they will go forward, but will be a flop for sure, which of course is what's needed for her to learn a life lesson CD
Anonymous said…
Any hope it will end sooner than the end of the summer?
Anonymous said…
Sorry but English is not my native language:
I have seen diehard Robfans jumping the ship these last two days (me included). They don't want to spend their hard earned money any more on Rob future films. They are tired of these games. It is very difficult to find Robonly news these days because the tabloids always mentions Kristen. Even if she is not in the film they mention her. Fans are selling all their Robstuff on Ebay (magazines, Edward dolls etc)
After 4 years it is enough. I am sorry but I want a strong actor to play the leadrole in Mission Blacklist not a doormat playing the fans the PR game. It wouldn't surprise me if the Dior campaign will not have the succes they want.
I think Kristen can use her free time to have some toastmasters training instead of hitting the bong and eating fish tacos with her famewhore friends.
Anonymous said…
You dont know rob so how can you say it something he would not partake in? Like seriously BYE drama queen
Anonymous said…
One of the most important things I learnt from Kristen's cheating was that I didn't know Kristen at all, I made up a little movie about her which turned out to be totally wrong. Same for Rob, especially after he took Kristen back so soon and gave us "a display of his devotion and love for her" by the swimming pool of her house. So I can't be as confident as you when you say this is not something he would partake in. I only know that I don't know them at all and that an humiliating cheating like Kristen's cannot be forgiven in a month. Impossible. Rupert and Liberty, a real couple tried marriage counselling for several months, they have 2 kids and despite their efforts, they couldn't make it.
Anonymous said…
No care what you think BYE
Anonymous said…
Why you just come here to start drama and act stupid nothing you say make sense. He her nothing cause there a fake couple
Anonymous said…
CD I want more juice on the breakup how will it go down,will it be a messy one?
Anonymous said…
I know you're not answering the question but could you please tell me if they will still finish this fake relationship until August or if any changes
Psychic Gossip said…
As I have said many times this bullshit will be finished by Augusts end CD
Anonymous said…
What will be the reason for their public break up?
Psychic Gossip said…
Hopefully him growing a pair of balls ha ha CD
Anonymous said…
If you know him tell us your name. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Christian, what's your real name?
Unknown said…
you people are all crazy! You all sit here like you personally know Rob. Stew has shown what she is but Rob? Get off your high horse. Just because you've seen and heard interviews does not give you the right to bash him so get over yourselves and for godd sake learn proper grammer people!
Anonymous said…
I understand you and agree completely on each one of your points as I was a Rob fan too. Not any longer, not after the Pool boy pics LOL :) He needs to man up!
Anonymous said…
cd = Christian Dion
T. W.
Anonymous said…
I dont think any real couple can survive that kind of public cheating even married couple couldn't stand humiliation and going through divorce! Kristen slut is lucky to be alive because most man in that point when they saw those cheating pictures they end up being violent and some of the cases end up murder the cheater bitch thats what happen normally but Rob seems never care about cheating because they weren't a couple anyway but what they could say to the public's make it better!!nothing so they carry on this shit and very unprofessional !! Sadly Rob lost too much respect and fan I dont know how he makes up later on !! People very disgusted with him most man doesn't like him anyway now they think hes a moron nothing else ! They dont accept him as a men!! They think he is shame for a man! Wow I'm not sure this all good for him at all! He will be one point not worth anything ! Very sad to lost him on PR life
Psychic Gossip said…
That what it says on my passport and driving permit
Anonymous said…
Christian, any more thoughts on what the explosive info will be about Ho White?
Anonymous said…
Watch all the trolls come out.

No one comments on Margret Thatcher's passing and Kim Jun Un. This post now has over 30 comments. Watch it grow to over 100 like the other KStew posts. If Rome were burning I bet these people would play the fiddle. If it weren't for the fact I am turning a year older in August, it can't come soon enough. T. W.
Anonymous said…
@Shellie - if you're going to berate people over their grammar spell it correctly sweets. G R A M M A R not grammer
Anonymous said…
You live in LA ever met a famous person?
Anonymous said…
Hi Shellie. If you think the grammar is bad now, search the archives for the older KStew predictions. It is too sad to be funny. Not only that a lot of these prople can't spell. T. W.
Anonymous said…
I think you mean grammar.

I do agree that Rob takes quite a hit from fans, but he's chosen this path for some reason, we just have to watch it play out. I've never prayed for September to come before...but I want it to be here now. Bitch is wearing on my last nerve. Can't wait for her fans to have their delusions shattered and Rob to be free.
Anonymous said…
So in your opinion... is the rush of pics that seem to have come out in the last few weeks all because hes leaving to film? its one thing i dont get....if their "So private" what is with the rush of pics of them out together so much? is that to cover up something coming up or just because he will be ..or should be off filming most of the summer?
Anonymous said…
I wonder why Liberty Ross keeps quiet about all this mess?I mean she didn't say a word about the scandal;maybe she is a person with class,or someone has paid her to keep the mouth shut.
Psychic Gossip said…
I live in Hollywood..yes i have met lots, but never say which ones. But I do sometimes pick on the one I have met if they don't behave ha ha. Alos when I lived in UK I met alot of famous people CD
heather said…
So SEER no one has asked so please answer.....why do you say summer for a break up? Why the summer and not earlier?
Psychic Gossip said…
That;a destiny/fate for you CD
Anonymous said…
CD, when you say «the end of the summer», does it mean that we'll see this so-called couple going out in public during the whole summer?
Anonymous said…
SEER you said before that something similar to the scandal before will come to light again. Will this be what they 'break up' over, or will it just end through tabloids, and slowly die?? And will Rob's next gf be in the movie business, or music maybe? Thanks
Psychic Gossip said…
she'll cheat again. no idea who is next romance is
heather said…
huh? So, why will they break up this time? I still dont get why August. So, you saw this happening??
Anonymous said…
How do you know they were fake this whole time? How can someone be fake for 5 years??
Anonymous said…
Wait, didnt you say in your last post on them that Rob's people will be taking him away from all this and protecting him? Why do you keep changing your SEE'S?
Anonymous said…
Why August?
Anonymous said…
thanks for the response. so we should expect that happening in the next 4 months?
Psychic Gossip said…
do you understans the meaning of just is
Psychic Gossip said…
Psychic Gossip said…
Anonymous said…
But he going off to film soon so no biggie
Anonymous said…
Christian has been consistent. Check the archives. I see people are asking the same questions again. Either they are too lazy to check the archives or they are trolls. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Um lol, christian DID say that robs people would start pulling him away and protecting him
Anonymous said…
lol he's not going to be filming for a long time. MBL has been pushed back 1 million times. Its never going to see the light of filming day.
Anonymous said…
Will there be a PUBLIC break up or will it be private? I want the robsten fans to suffer. Since they are gloating so much now
Erika said…
I think Rob's people are protecting him. Whenever there's an outing, Rob is seen solo shortly after. He's set to film in Morocco, soon. So that should hold him.
Anonymous said…
Umm lol check your facts hasnt never been push back no one know about what going on with the it. Also the screen writer on twitter and said it still being made. Check yourselves dumbass before you talk
Anonymous said…
He answered the same quesiton about a billion times go back and look before bugging damn
Anonymous said…
They are so awkward. If this is a happy reconciled couple, then I am a monkey's uncle. I cant stop laughing it's so ridiculous. Their PR ppl need to step it up, because they look like the fakest couple in HW right now. Kanye & Kim look more convincing and that's saying alot. The ship is sinking. Laughing so hard.
Unknown said…
Hey, i never said anything about spelling lol ;-) I can't help it if my phone has a mind of its own!
Anonymous said…
same here! and your tooo right! if this is happy then i am a monkeys uncle too. I feel hes lost or is losing fans by the boatload. No one wants to put up with this train wreck anymore.. its not worth it anymore.
Anonymous said…
LOL, he's not filming in Morocco until September. They havent been protecting him at all. What happened to hiding, never seen Rob. He's papped every fucking day. Lawd.
Anonymous said…
Random question... If we try to call in for your reading.. what are the odds we will get through? I see on the banner it says line get busy fast..Should we try if we want?
Anonymous said…
We have been over this a millon times people really need to pay attention or read past threads. Rob and kristen made an agreement/contract with their teams for a 3 year fake relationship. When final dvd was to be released they could end relastionship early if both agreed to it. Kristen doesnt, which is why we see all the rob miserable pics. The agreement is to last until August where I'm sure Rob will hit the high road and never look back. Kristen wont be able to force anymore photo ops on him anymore. This was all information leaked about their contract and coincides with everything Christian has said about them being over at end of summer. And for all you ragging on Rob for not ending this charade earlier. Im sure he wanted to do that last year but he cant. He would be liable for alot of money plus risk getting black listed by the industry if he doesnt continue playing the game.
Anonymous said…
I believe both their people will start to pull them away little by little. They want to establish their careers and can't do that as a fantasy vampire couple. They are not Kate & Leo, they do not have talent. I think they are together. I think he loves her beyond reason and she is manipulating him to her advantage. She needs to continue to rebuild her image and he is helping her. His image, well is going into the crapper, but he is blinded by love. No wonder she will cheat again, she's probably already bored again.
Anonymous said…
I hoped that Rob would be the one, who'd "cheat" this time…
Anonymous said…
I'm curious how you knew what happened at the sushi lunch. You have insider info?
Anonymous said…
So, how exactly is it going to go down? Another scandal? Just them never being seen together again? Leaked info from both teams? You have to give us something more here!
Anonymous said…
If you are a fan of Rob based on how you think he behaves or handles his personal life then he doesn't really need fans like you. Movie fans should like an actor because they enjoy the movies he's in, and/or they think he's a good, if not great, actor. It's too bad that his so called relationship with Kristen Stewart, especially the cheating scandal, really got entangled with the public's image of him. I have enjoyed the movies he has done prior to, and after the Twilight franchise, and I am really looking forward to watching his future movies since they all sound quite interesting and he'll be working with great directors and actors. These kinds of movies will not appeal to the Twilight audience anyway so hopefully he'll gain the type of fans who appreciate good movies and good acting and not care how his personal life is going.
Anonymous said…
Why are people here asking the same question every time? Please read the archives!
And what can you say about Liberty Ross Christian? Will she get revenge?
Anonymous said…
See, what you say would make sense if he ACTED like a man in love, this is something he never did in FOUR YEARS, ffs. He never claimed her. Paps called her a whore in the airport and he did nothing (and he was more than right and the paps too, because she's a disgusting slut). The pics of Coachella show him walking in front of her, like he wants to dissapear. When she tries to catch his hand, his hand is fisted. Only the shippers that are insane can see love between these two. Blinded by love??? If he's blinded by something is for MONEY and nothing more.
Anonymous said…
Cheat?Really?Robert will be finished.Will this cheating be public?
Anonymous said…
I also want to know about Liberty,Christian,please response.She seems to be a very classy and good woman and her husband humiliated her.
Anonymous said…
Any that all there is to rob is personal life so shut it. All you hear about is robsten no has anything else to foucs on with him
Anonymous said…
Shut up just come here to start drama
Anonymous said…
The film has never been push back,actullly the screen writer said that it still being made,check your facts next time dumb dumb
Anonymous said…
Liberty been classy trough out this whole thing and I think that the best revenge right there. She becoming more famous then kristen,cause kristen fame is fading slowly. She dump that scum,she has a weathly boyfriend now,and just living her life. Kristen gonna get what coming to her,liberty first proitaty is being a mother and not lower herself down to that scum level
Anonymous said…
This is getting even weirder each time I think they should stop going out that will show them better couple! I have seen a lot of couple in my life this two are not couple at all! he is very embarrassed be around her always front of her or behind! she can try to catch his hand but that even look worst!first picts was a lot better he was nearly on the phone msging that was shows his interest! not sure he was chatting and his face was more relax! I saw that sushi date too and if you put all pict together he went there he was holding his take away! but he left walk to the his car and he wasnt holding any take away! in the same pict Kslut and her lesbo friends was leaving too and on the table Rob s take away and it was untouched! such a waste of food! I was hoping FAT CJ eat but he left either! Its funny and very unprofessional! popsugar said he left with Kslut and her girlfriend! but ksluts car in the same car park and she was holding her own car key and in the vide which it has been deleted because it doesnt match with their story! Rob left alone then camera stop! video has deleted and write a different story! well next time Kslut should leave her minicooper at home and she shouldnt carry her car key on her hand! that will make sense! people are not stupid! first sushi date was worst because soon as she saw papaz she just jum his arm! but he never let it go his phone! I prefer hold his phone instead of her hand dirty hands of course God knows where she has been! by the way I cant still believe she driving that minicooper front of Rob its a bad reminder!
Anonymous said…
80-90% of the movie going public don't know or care what's going on in the Robsten world. Only invested fans track any mention of Rob and Kristen and you hear about it all the time 'cause you look for it.
Anonymous said…
Cheat? She will cheat on her fake relationship? Did'nt she learn from her last scandal (less than 1 yr ago)? Isnt that why she was pushed back to Rob? OMG, will a sextape surface with Rupert Sanders? I get a feeling her friends or brothers will sell her out to the tabliods. This young woman is psycopathic if she does'nt realize she is only harming herself, she is looking at a Lindsay Lohan life or drug rehab or worse.
Anonymous said…
She'll cheat again and he needs to grow a pair of balls, but at the same time it's all PR? That doesn't make any sense. I'd like for them to break up as much the next person, but I don't think you have any idea what you're saying.
Anonymous said…
Maybe Christian is saying she'll cheat on her next boyfriend or in her future? Girl clearly has no morals or regard for monogamy and fidelity.

Rob needing to grow balls = not letting PR run his life, maybe?

I donno, this is interesting. I love this kind of stuff (not just Robsten related, but all medium / psychic things). We'll see what happens in August...if it happens, it happens. This prediction may be muddied right now because I'm sure her PR person is aware of this blog now and also free will takes a part in all this as well.

Here's hoping Rob has a nice life and Kristen disappears into obscurity.
Anonymous said…
Because we think he needs to grow some balls and tell Kristen her team and the stupid agreement to go to hell. He could salvage his dignity, reputation, and career if he did. But he will most likely stick to his word and wait until their agreement is over at end of summer. Sometime between now and then christian sees her cheating again, and again it will be exposed.
Anonymous said…
He'll be filming Hold On To Me with Carey Mulligan and Maps To The Star with Viggo Mortensen.Also Mission Blacklist probably at the end of April.He finished The Rover one month ago.Yes,he's papped almost every f@king day.
Anonymous said…
they both awkward Rob never felt cheating becausehe knows they werent a couple! but he pretend to be upset and run away! I always the way he handle no boyfriend handle like that! it just awkward! You can handle cheating the way he did if you in love with somebody! thats tell me a lot and I feel sick when I look at him more than Kristen! She is too obvious showing she is not happy both of them but bunch of idiots keep saying how happy they looked! God get a glasses! and look at them clearly I think they want to ppl see they are not really in that place ! prob they both pray somebody understand then they can be free! well there is a lot of money hunger and delusional idiots so I wish them good luck! they just wasting their life !

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