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TOld Ya The End is nigh........Robert flies in to ?

Tuesday April 16th 2013

Told YA.......Well, well........

Seems things didn't go well for Kristen Stewart 
at Coachella over the weekend.
Look who she bumped into while hanging off Robert.
Liberty Ross, her love rival.
Karma is such a bitch.
Mind you we knew here for a long time Kristen was/is a cheat.


Anonymous said…
Christian, can people change their fate/destiny? Or what's meant to be - will be, no matter what?
Anonymous said…
Will their professional reputation survive "Robsten"? Will either be nominated for a academy award? Will they fade away as has-beens actors, due to overexposure? Will they only be remembered due to Kristen's cheating scandal & their immediate reconciliation?
Psychic Gossip said…
He will more behind the camera in the long run CD
Anonymous said…
CD what happened with the other comments here? Why did they disappear? Will Rob be a successful director/producer? Thanks.
Psychic Gossip said…
I'm begining to think the sites been hacked CD
Anonymous said…
I am sorry to say this CD, but this fandom is crazy. They hack, block and report each other like crazy. Specially them who think that Kristen and Rob has this fantastic lifetime romance going on. When someone threatens their delusional bubble, they act completely insane. Maybe BlogSpot can give you info about if this has happened to you and how you can protect your blog for the future.
Anonymous said…
CD, robsten fans are insane. Be careful!
I wonder what will they do when they see their precious so-called couple going out with other partners
Anonymous said…
I bet Kristen's psycho fans did it.I hope it doesn't stop you Christian for doing your job.Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Christian you say this will be over by August end but how? Thats on;y 4 months. He will go film and then continue this fuckery when he returns.....there was also a picture of him in Kristens house last night in the kitchen...someone posted a picture of themselves and he is in the backround. I dont know how everything would crash and burn by the end of the summer.
Anonymous said…
Oh man Kristen team found the site and now too many people posting know the truth! lol
Anonymous said…
CD, when you say this all ends by the end of the summer, do you mean that Rob won't be even friends with Kristen and she'll disappear from his life completely?
Anonymous said…
Just wait and stop being dramatic,you dont know what he will do once he come back form filming,stop jumping the gun
Anonymous said…
I SO hope you're right about it, CD! Let it be…
Thank you for your great work!
We support you!
Anonymous said…
Psycho Robsten fans are actually Kristen's fans.I don't think any normal Rob's fan worships this PR circus.
Anonymous said…
I hope she she will disappear,she should chasing old directors if she likes them lol
Anonymous said…
Oooo I'd like to know that too! Good question!
Anonymous said…
I'm not psychic but I sense there has to be something more than a PR stunt behind Robsten relationship. Doormat Rob is millionaire, pretty more than he could ever imagine before Twilight. No man with a normal mind would endure the humiliation of being called all sort of names by fans and papz just for money. There has to be something else and I keep wondering what is it...
Anonymous said…
CD has Rob and Liberty ever communicated with each other after the cheating scandal? Will Liberty ever discuss the scandal in a public way (televised interview, magazine interview, etc.)? Has Kristen ever apologized to Liberty in person, in a telephone call, or a in a letter? Will Kristen ever discuss her affair with Rupert in a interview w/Oprah? It seems as though Kristen would do a cheesy interview with Oprah to win over people with sympathy. I can actually see Robert doing an interview with Oprah and crying over Kristen and his broken heart. He just seems the type whether it's real or just for PR. He likes to be famous and rich.
Anonymous said…
Why doesn't people understand the concept of PR? Of course it's about money. That doesn't mean that Rob gain any monetary benefits at all right now. That can mean, that if you have done a deal like this and you quit before the expiry date, you might get a huge monetary penalty. He will loose money. Lots of it. And he will not get any more jobs in Hollywood. The big guys won't trust him anymore. Rob has shown us for more than five years that he is a smart person. He and his team has surely gone through all options here. No man on Earth freely goes through this humiliation, without considering all options. He has chosen the least worse option. IMO. He looks sad and humiliated doing it. It's sad that his fans cannot support him these last months instead of turning on him like crazy. None of them knows all facts about this, background and reasons.
Anonymous said…
You're implying there's a binding contract that forces him to keep up the Circus till the end of the summer but after Twilight is over what is the point for going on with this sham? If Rob actually wants to have a respectable and long career in HW, he had the best opportunity to break up Robsten Circus when the Stew cheated on him. I understand they had to remain together till Twilight was done but stretching out the farce till the end of summer it's just making a total fool of him, fans are turning on him and even the Industry is losing respect for him. Now if the only thing that matters to him is money, then I can understand that he goes through this crap like forever. There's something that I just don't get and sorry but I cannot support someone with so many skeletons in his closet.
Anonymous said…
A couple of months ago I read 50 psychic predictions for this current year and one of them was that KS should face another big scandal as a sex tape would surface. And it wouldn't be with Robert Pattinson. Christian do you think it can be possible?
Anonymous said…
Assuming that the contract deal is true, "breaking up" with each other right after Twilight is done, which is when BD2 DVD came out, would make it too obvious that their being together was just a show. It would look more natural if they break up several months after. One reason could be they have grown apart due to distance, which would make sense if Rob is filming overseas. Or, Kristen is caught cheating again, or whatever. If you're going to put on a show, you might as well make it as believable as you possibly can.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I read the predictions too. They were comical & so is the psychic. I doubt it's true. I think he was more tongue & cheek about it. He predicted an engagement for Ryan Seacrest & Julianna ( they broke-up)and he predicted a wedding this yr for Miley & Liam (won't happen). I think CD has the better record on predictions.
Anonymous said…
Well, I was not comparing that psychic with Christian I just thought it would be great if a KStew sex tape surfaced and wanted to know Christian's view on this but thanks for the info.
Anonymous said…
You could be right but is pretty risky to go on with a relationship that practically everybody think it's a PR stunt except gullible robsten fans and they're not as numerous as they used to be. When his reputation is being tarnished and people call him Doormat everywhere it should be time to stand up and say Enough! but he won't... that's why I think there're more skeletons in his closet than we figured.
Anonymous said…
Christian,please tell,is something about their fake relationship that you sense but you don't want to say publicly for whatever reasons?
Psychic Gossip said…
Indeed there is but my lips are sealed, don't want the lawyers after me ha ha
Anonymous said…
Christian says that Kristen will cheat again,so maybe a sex tape will surface.
Anonymous said…
Christian this is not ending by the end of August. How can you be so exact and sure??? I know your a psychic but if by August this does not end these twilight fans will turn on you and go nuts thinking you lied to them. So as far as today what else are you seeing for the end of summer? Because im hearing the opposite from other psychics who are claiming other you still see this charade ending and if so what else do you see? Fights? Anger? another scandal? What are your feelings on this?
Psychic Gossip said…
HI I have heard some of the other stuff out there, also the crap about the promise ring, it late for that ha ha.she can't keep her legs together never mind keep a promise. the fuse has been lit CD
Anonymous said…
So, CD, does it mean that Rob has some sort of obligations to do this sh*t, and in reality he doesn’t want to do it, but has to?
Anonymous said…
what else do you see for them/him? I know people keep asking you. But im genuinly the heck will she be totally out of his life by august? If she is a clinger and he does not care? I mean something would have to change but what...aside from a contract? What exactly do you see/feel will happen?
Anonymous said…
Christian when rob returns from filming in Sept/Aug whats going to happen? Will we see a fight or a mutual breakup?
Anonymous said…
Oh please not CD!!!! curiosity is gonna kill me! I'll be sleepless till the whole truth about Robsten Circus comes out to light... ok Like Miss Momentary Indiscretion says, let's keep guessing *rolleyes*
Psychic Gossip said…
I think it's when he's filming all will be revealed, can't wait, just to see her fall all the way past the gutter into the sewer where she belongs CD
Anonymous said…
Honestly, I can believe that their "break up" will be in august.
But, CD, does it mean that something big is gonna happen way before august?
Anonymous said…
Does it mean there is something so bad that you are not going to tell,because you're afraid of their lawyers?
Anonymous said…
Will Rob the doormat continue to stick by her through this reveal or is this the final straw for him?
Anonymous said…
He probably will be in Marocco in August filming Mission:Blacklist.
Anonymous said…
C.D. new pics of them going to the store yesterday just came out. He seems fine and she seems content with herself. How is this ending by summer? This cant just end that soon so abruptly with all this bs going on
Anonymous said…
Christian has said before that some things that he doesn't feel comfortable revealing outright that he may hide in another post. In this situation I'm gonna guess that he knows Kristen is gay/bi and he posted that specific artical before on her with the rumors that she was in a relationship with her close friend Tamara. Straight out claiming someone is gay without proof to back it up would bring the lawyers out too. So we'll see what happens...
Anonymous said…
Yes, this is exactly what I believe. :)
Psychic Gossip said…
I'm not afraid of her lawyers, but my lawyers are ...CD
Anonymous said…
THANK YOU AND BLESS YOUR POST! You said everything, I don't understand why this is so difficult for people to understand this.
And Anonymous April 28, 2013 at 9:03 PM, sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I'll say this to everybody who is saying this kind of thing lately. If can't stand Rob anymore and think he's a disgusting human being, why do you keep bothering yourself following him? You all say all the time that you don't care about him anymore but yet you can't stop talking about him, this only shows that you care A LOT. Rob is not a part of you life, neither mine, this is not a serious business, you all act like he has done something personal to you and if you feel this way, you should reflect about why this disturbs you so much. I'm still here because I'm still his fan, I don't like this PR show, but I as I say, I'm still his fan, what's the point of continue to follow a person that you loathe?
And please, how is he losing his credibility in the movie industry with four movies lined, again one movie with Cronenberg already confirmed, a movie with big stars as John Cusack, Juliane Moore? Another movie with Werner Herzog, do you have a clue about who is this director and his work? Please.
Anonymous said…
How abou just wait and stop bugging CD with the same questions,he been said they would be seen together again until august.You acting like august in not a whole 4 months away.Get a crip
Anonymous said…
Even the Blind Items on Blind Gossip says you will see them doing outings between now and August, so get a grip and just ride it out.
Anonymous said…
Has he lost friendships over this and distanced himself with his family? Whether its real or not, I really don't see the benefit for either.
Erika said…
Anny is actually a nonsten that I'm in contact with. This is strange to me because she is on the "This is pr" team. I'll talk to her. This seems unlike her.
Erika said…
She says she didn't report you.
Erika said…
I knew this wasn't Anny.
It was a group of Robsten supporters called @ThlnRedLlne. Their entire blog is about reporting people that don't think RK are real for spam.
Anny RT'd it and added LOL because she thought it was stupid.
Here it is.
See. All done :) I feel like a detective.
Anonymous said…
Hey why dont you report about ohter young celebs like Jennifer Lawrence,Emma Stone,Andrew Garflied etc,these twos are so boring rob nice and all but I like to hear about him alone not with this fake showmance. Is it that you dont get visions about these other young starts?
Anonymous said…
This.I would like to hear about Jennifer,wonder if she is so angelic,or if she is a casting couch actress.
Anonymous said…
Good job,Erika:)
Anonymous said…
Why do you afraid of your lawyers?
Psychic Gossip said…
I'm not Afraid of the lawyers, but my lawyers dont want me to get into trouble, so some stuff either doesn't get posted or it's hidden in other prediction CD
Anonymous said…
Why are you trying to throw shit upon Jennifer? She's got real talent and a bright personality. When she's had a boyfriend she's acted naturally, without fooling fans and the media by the "keep them guessing" game. Jennifer is KStew's antithesis.
Anonymous said…
@anon,I'm not.Kristen was also this angelic,genuine,honest and humble teenage Twilight star and look at her actions.Christian said about her:''can't wait,just to see her fall all the way past the gutter into the sewer where she belongs''-it's not nice,right?She fooled everybody especially fans of hers.I just hope that Jen is not next sluty actress praised by sugar daddys.
Anonymous said…
I think you're wrong, you have not described Kristen, you've described Bella and that's the BIG mistake of her fandom and Robsten fandom, they mistook Kristen for Bella and worst of all, she let the fandom believed in this fantasy. Jennifer Lawrence, so far, has never played this game.

Have you ever noticed that Jen never talks about honesty, being real, being true to herself and all this stuff Kristen uses in her interviews? And yet Jen has already won the best cinema awards an actress can win and has never been involved in any cheating scandal. Kristen has won Razzies, popcorns, surfboard tablets and cheated on the man she loved the most.... You want a tip? Believe in actions more than in glorious words.
Anonymous said…
If this does occur, will the reveal and what I assume will be a 2nd scandal plague the press and tabloids for the remainder of the year? Last year Kristen's cheating scandal ran thru the new year and its still brought up. I am so bored of these 2. But for whatever reason I want to witness the end of this sick pairing. I have never seen a more awkward and unrelatable couple in Hollywood. They are actors and they can't even act as a couple. They deserve a razzie awards for their performances. To bad they ruined Twilight. I was an actual fan prior to the terrible films.
Psychic Gossip said…
Don't worry about Jennifer she's going to be just fine. Good times ahead CD
Anonymous said…
Those pics were taken on April 7th. They're not new.
Erika said…
So CD, Since we've established that Rob hates this, does it mean that Kristen is loving it? That must mean they don't even like each other. Or at least Rob doesn't want anything to do with her and she is clinging on for dear career. Am I close?
Psychic Gossip said…
agreed.and I feel he's beginning to hate her/it CD
Anonymous said…
@Anonymous at 10:38,how do you know those pictures were taken on April 7th?Please explain.
Anonymous said…
So there is a rumor going around that Ryan Seacrest said their getting engaged...or that Rob bought her a "commitment ring" .... like a promise ring.... Would a lot of the news stories like that be just to get traffic to the gossip site? Do you believe he will be her date to the MET Gala in NYC ?....thats what speculation is since he is back in NYC.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of rumors, I lost track on how many times they got married, he gave an engagement ring to her or she's been pregnant. Has any of these rumors ever come true? and speaking of facts, who would have thought that Miss Bella Stewart would ever cheat on her sparkly and adorable boyfriend? Not a single rumor about her cheating on him before last july.... and she did cheat on him, so I wouldn't pay attention to rumors.
Anonymous said…
Christian can you be a little bit more specific. These two don't show any sign of this ending by August. He will return from filming. We will get some rumors....and then we will continue to see them out together again. How would this just end? impossible.
Anonymous said…
Very True! but how do you know she cheated on him before?... Honestly they never seemed together...or i've never believed it...just wanted his take on all these rumors...think this one only got through my mind because usually i didn't think Seacrest led BS stories... but its also via Perez Hilton so I don't believe it.
Anonymous said…
Why,you dont know what will happen so stop jumping the gun my lord august in 4 whole months away clam down and stop bugging CD with the same silly question over and over again. Just wait and see
Anonymous said…
Ryan a ding -don,who love gossip who got that story from Perez Hilton,who got that from Hollywood life .com the most non legit site out there.
Anonymous said…
@Anonymous May 1, 11:23 PM: You sound like a broken record. Maybe CD should just tell you that the Robsten saga will continue beyond August so you'll stop bugging him. Remember CD is just predicting. Doesn't mean he would know all the little details on how this will play out when the time comes. Just go read other blogs or predictions and come back in August if you cannot come up with any other question.
Erika said…
Well, well, well
Anonymous said…
That bullshit from a blind item. Its fake....Rob did NOT go to Europe and he's NOT filming anything in April/May.
Anonymous said…
Actully it not fake,cause at the time when the blind item came out when he was still filming in Oz and everything was still set and he was set to go film mission blacklist in april in Jordan,only rectnley things got switch around, Check next time
Anonymous said…
Christian two of robs projects that he was suppose to film in the summer are now on hold...whats going to happen with this? and will it effect the August outcome? What do you see?
Psychic Gossip said…
NO it'll still be the same CD
Anonymous said…
Only one of his projects are on hold,he films with Croneberg this summer than in auguest film Mission Blacklist
Anonymous said…
If anyone is interested in Robert Pattinson's career and Christian's prediction. He listed him as having a OK career year. Look back at his 2013 predicitions. Also, give Christian a break, he predicts he is not Robert Pattinson's shadow. Based on everything that Christian has predicted; Robert Pattinson is well aware of all his decisions and chooses to continue in his relationship with Kristen Stewart. If it's real or not, who really cares. They are actors with little talent and probably 1 hit wonders. People leave CD alone.
Anonymous said…
Rob will film Maps to the Stars in July,then Mission:Blacklist in August,next Queen of the Desert in September.Only his movie with Carey Mulligan Hold On To Me is now on hold,because schedule conflict,she is going probably working with Nicolas Winding Refn again.
Anonymous said…
Christian,thank you for answering the questions.
Anonymous said…
Who really cares? I do care! and many people like me who supported and believed in their perfect love for years till the cheating surfaced and we felt like deceived idiots! They didn't talk about their relationship because it was so important, they didn't want to cheapen it! they wanted to protect it, you know.... I don't care about details, I'm not the one asking questions to CD, I just think we deserve to know the final truth about this so called couple.
Anonymous said…
I think you read wrong,he stated that it been fake and PR all along,not that it real and it not a relationship at all. Also why are you here in the first place
Anonymous said…
anonymous 11:02.Well said,but I'm Rob fan,so I really didn't care who his GF was,for me he could date even his dog,as long as it doesn't influence his professional life and image.I even was surprised that many people didn't accept Kristen as his girlfriend,or rather fake girlfriend.But after the scandal broke all tabloids were against her,but reliable media defended her as if she was some kind of victim.Rob was blamed for what has happend,he was mocked and ridiculed,like he was the one responsible for the cheating.This has happend three weeks before premiere of his the most important movie and promotion was totally overshadowed by this shit.She didn't care about him not only as her friend and co-star in successful franchise,but also as an actor,who has movies outside of twilight.
Anonymous said…
Off topic but CD emma stone and andrew garfield are such a cute couple,what will happen with them,will they get married and have children what gonna happen?
Anonymous said…
Will Liberty run into Kristen again?
Anonymous said…
I would rather be more interested on knowing if Liberty will ever spill the beans on the Rupsten affair....
Psychic Gossip said…
Oh yes she'll pick her time for revenge ha ha
Anonymous said…
If Liberty speaks publicly about it, I a sure Kristen Stewart will finally open up about her affair and spin it around. Will she play the victim again, CD?
Anonymous said…
Christian, do you see any stalkers in Rob's life and any potential danger in that? His fanbase is pretty unstable and there are a couple in particular who are off the charts in delusion. One in particular pretends to know him and engages with fans online. She says she even talks to you. It's disturbing and I hope it doesn't get out of hand.
Psychic Gossip said…
No more than the run of the mill that fame attracts
Anonymous said…
Christian was more kind and decent to me in 1 hr than most have been in a year so thank you so much for that. My future business partner and I hope to buy you lunch one day- you put the wheels in motion and gave us faith in ourselves to try our dreams. But more than anything you were wonderfully, spiritually uplifting and not judgmental (a rarity, I assure you). The kindness I needed (because I would call me crazy, too). I hope you're not wrong about the fans liking who Rob ends up with, whoever it is one day. He needs all the support right now he can get. God bless and thanks again for your enlightenment- yes, I do recommend everyone talk to Christian when truly stuck "without those bloody signposts" in life. He's a true caring soul that sees far better than perhaps any of us can - k2013, the "delusional" one
Anonymous said…
Christian , between now and the time of the "break up" will they make appearances as a "couple" to big events in order to convince the public that they are the real thing or just the same old boring photo ops ??
Anonymous said…
I feel terrible for Liberty and her children. Does Kristen have any honest remorse for her part in her adulterous affair? Does she care that she hurt and humiliated Robert Pattinson or is it all a act?
Anonymous said…
I saw the pics of them at JFK,it's always the Popsugar that has them exclusive.
Anonymous said…
Christian, what's your opinion about the Illuminati? Is it prevalent in Hollywood? Are these two nothing more than Illuminati puppets who souled out for fame and money?
Psychic Gossip said…
Oh them, they have been in all areas of life forever and will be forever CD
Anonymous said…
What is it Illuminati?
Psychic Gossip said…

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