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I know I shouldn't but...........

So she has been in touch,
 with her married director 
all along.


Anonymous said…
lol sure
Anonymous said…
That article cannot be true, Kristen doesn't shower.
Psychic Gossip said…
HA HA so true why didn't I think of that line CD
Really? said…
Umm yeah, that sounds legit... Do you get all your predictions confirmed by reading it in gossip magazines?
Anonymous said…
Lol I think that whole photo op was staged, Rob never lived there with her. But I think he staged it himself so that he could send a clear message that he is done and over and contradict the articles that Kristen Team was putting out.
Psychic Gossip said…
ha ha no I get them confirmed by life, but some people like to "SEE PROOF" ha ha CD
Anonymous said…
Christian - some people, even faced with "proof," will disregard it and hate you more for it. Have a great day, don't let the drama get ya down. -kat
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi Kat, don't worry they won't get me down, I've these kind of responses all my life, too long to tell how long ha ha. It's just the irony that makes me giggle CD x
Anonymous said…
If Rupert and Kristen keep in touch, what the hell does it mean? After a cheating, if you go back with your boyfriend to redeem your relationship, you're supposed to let go of your lover and forget him, but if they're still in touch and now single, Christian can we expect to see Rupert/Kristen dating???? Thank you!
Anonymous said…
You do realize that Rob and Kristen were fake right? She only had to get rid of Rupert because she got caught publicly. Christian already said that Rupert learned his lesson and that ship sailed a long time ago. Plus I think Kristen is just a user, she used Rupert to get the part and to continue to manipulate him. Now that he is out of the Next Snow White there is no reason for her to continue seeing him. Lots of stories coming out that no one in Twilight cast or crew liked her, she manipulated the producers to get what she wanted because she knew they couldnt replace her. Her true colors are showing now.
Liz said…
So it's "low" of her to text "her ex" on his birthday? You're the one saying they're not in a real relationship to begin with so it should be okay for her to text whomever she wants, right?
Anonymous said…
Christian,Lainey gossip claims that Rob cheated on Kristen when he was filming Cosmopolis in July 2011,and that he drove her to cheating,what do you see/sense?
Anonymous said…
If the Rupsten ship sailed a long time ago, why are they still in touch? It doesn't make sense to text your ex lover if you have nothing going on with him, right?
Anonymous said…
We all know Lainey works with Kristen team its just one of the ways her team is defending her and lashing out at Rob.
Anonymous said…
How do you know that Rupert and Kristen are still in touch, because a tabloid article says so? Christian only posted this article because we all like to make fun of them and the way Kristen team can try to spin a story. Rupert was the scapegoat and easy excuse for a breakup in this case. You really think they are going to report about Robert growing a pair and walking away from his 3 year contract pr relationship? And trust me all the media know they were fake
Anonymous said…
The Teen Choice Awards (the one with the surfboards as the award) were announced for August 11th. Twilight BD2 has been nominated for the most awards at seven. Maybe Pattinson's a no show or something happens (or doesn't happen) that finally makes all the remaining Twi-hard hold outs finally accept that Robsten is "over"? :)
Anonymous said…
Or they will be seen together. CD said it ends the end of summer so anything is possible. It could be positive or negative. Still no confirmation from either camps that they broke-up. They do look happy apart now.
Vangie said…
You fans only on rupert's case, i believe that is no more just another lie, kristen seems to get caught up in things very easy1 js saying, but it either alaniah or alica, or tamara, that's where i notice kristen focus is these days, or and her new movie, club x-ray, notice sightings on the shooting range, the gym, i believe rupert is no more now it's ladies time!
Anonymous said…
Neither the ex lovebirds nor their camps have ever made any statement on their romantic status and I don't think they're gonna make it now. They've always played the Keep them guessing game, hence fans and no-fans have been hooked up on this "couple" trying to figure out the enigma and making up all sort of fantasies about them. If Rob has an ounce of maturity shouldn't attend the event along with her... unless he wants to unleash tons of rumors and play the game again.
Anonymous said…
Christian I wanted to ask you about your prediction on RK breaking up for good at the end of the summer. You mean there will be some big scandal which definitely will make them apart for good? Or will they just split ways and forget about each other?
Anonymous said…
"So she has been in touch,
with her married director
all along.
Even on Rob's birthday, now that's low. "
CD why are you writting FRIEND in capital letters and inverted commas???
Anonymous said…
CD There are more and more rumours coming about Robert and Katy Perry dating. They have been friends for years. Are they dating as a real couple now? Thanks.
Anonymous said…
well there is another scandal coming she s after papaz who took picture of her and Rupert last summer! he has more dirt on her ! she made deal with agency so she can get info bout that guy but it doesn't look like that guy want to give her what she want! most people think she has a sex tape at the hotel room in austarlia! they were staying same room and some stuff also commented that they saw Rupert Sander exit her room 6.30 in the morning before everybody else get up! they were also alone most of the premieres because Liberty busy with kids and Rob busy his own project so most of the tour they were alone! this papaz follow her he has stuff since the beginning but he sold only one of them and that was enough to destroy her now he has planned something for anniversary of RUPSTEN! I cant wait to see it!! I want that bitch suffer rest of her life! her fans feel sorry for dogs but not for Liberty s children sick people!Selfish and they have no moral values like their SLUT queen !
Anonymous said…
He already addressed that above and in a previous post from a week or two ago.
Anonymous said…
CD just a guestion is the news of robs girlfriend true her name is Polly stenham just need to know ASAP thank
Psychic Gossip said…
Now that would be telling CD
Anonymous said…
Just a quick question CD rob new girlfriend is she from England and her name called Polly stenham need to know ASAP thank
Anonymous said…
CD don't do that it ok if it is or she just a good friend of robs like Katy Perry lol
Anonymous said…
And that the reason for the prsten to finish now
Anonymous said…
CD hope he has a good girlfriend who can support him as a man than a boy maybe he has now but not the right one for him thank
Anonymous said…
Is he hooking up with Katy Perry - they were at a resort this past weekend?
Psychic Gossip said…
Anonymous said…
CD can u answer the post at 1:27 thanks and about Katy Perry that's a lie and is he's girlfriend someone we don't now thanks again
Anonymous said…
CD, is Robert single?
Psychic Gossip said…
H's been single for a longtime ha ha CD
Anonymous said…
I honestly cant wait to see who she blames next then! It seems to me like she never wants to take the blame for anything...and her fans dont put any blame on her either. Do you feel like she will ever accept blame on anything? Anything on her friends... girl friends and her?
Anonymous said…
Christian, your prediction about the end of the summer: it's about Rob's finally finding his love, isn’t it?
Anonymous said…
Did he hook up with Kristen Stewart?
Anonymous said…
I think so too. TO bad the sheeps won't get the message...
Anonymous said…
Honestly I think end of the summer really was their end of contract but I think he and his team forced kristens to end the charade early. Shippers still think there is a chance that they arnt really over just because they havent been seen together in 2 weeks and if Christian is right (he always is) then something is about to happen which will be another huge scandal for her and will prove that they are officialy over and never ever ever(like Taylor Swift song) getting back together. And I've asked before and Christian said that yes this charade will come to light and expose this relationship as a fraud.
Anonymous said…
Oh I really hope you and Christian are right! Nothing would please me more than this so called relationship were exposed as a fraud and the world got to know the truth about the "robsten lovebirds". It would be painful for all of their hardcore fandom but at the same time they would learn a good lesson about PR for the future. Christian how I wish you're right!
Anonymous said…
its all PR. they will get back together soon for the additional PR. they are so fake.
Psychic Gossip said…
You are so wrong they won't be back together as HE"S GROWN A PAIR and put a stop yo it CD
Anonymous said…
Christian,why is that people on twitter,gossip sites all over the internet try to blame Robert for Kristen's cheating saying he is a manwh@re banging anything.I mean is that true or really he's such a ''saint'' person?What can you say?
Anonymous said…
CD, I don’t really get it. If they "break up" now and aren’t "getting back together", what will happen in the end of the summer then? Give us a hint.
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi As I have said many times. the prediction was that they would be finished by the end of August/summer.THey are so the prediction was/is right.CDd nothing else to get CD
Psychic Gossip said…
Of course that's what her team/fans will say. CD
Anonymous said…
Will there be Kristen Stewart shocking photos or a video in the near future? Or will she and Robert Pattinson now fade from the limelight?
Anonymous said…
So it seems that Kristen will be working this summer on 2 films and not in LA. CD you said that she would sink down with the sewage this summer in LA while Robert is filiming away from LA. Is that still going to happen or have you changed your tune? Somehow I think nothing is going to happen. It's all over. Unless they get back together again. I was hoping for a Kristen Stewart sex tape leaked, but that will never happen. I guess her career will flourish and she image is back on track. I guess Robert Pattinson really helped her by forgiving her and loving her for a 2nd chance.
Psychic Gossip said…
Why should I change my tune..........I said along that this crap would be over by the end of summer. It is..end of story CD
Anonymous said…
Chill out dude, Rob and Kristen are over but there is still a few months for a scandal to come out. Christian never said she wouldn't work, but did say they would be flops like her other movies so it doesnt matter where she or he will be. When shtf Rob wont be around her.

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