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No don't think so, mother nature will deal with this one....

Kate Winslet,
 who is married to jerk Ned RocknRoll.
Yes that's his real name, 
he's the nephew of Sir Richard Branson.
So that alone explains alot.
Is talking of having kids with her current/latest husband.
Not going to happen.
What kid wants RocknRoll as a surname.
Plus he's a nasty, slimy looking idiot.


Anonymous said…
Hope you are right . It's hardly fair to inflict this creep on a child plus if they have babies she will be linked to him for life. Val
Anonymous said…
She must have lost all judgement to marry this man. How long can the madness continue? Will Ned be her final husband? J.J.
Anonymous said…
Surely this marriage won't last? Eww. Wonder if he will put her off further marriage?
Anonymous said…
If Leo walked Kate down the aisle when she married this moron, did he do it just because she asked or does he like Ned? Sue
Anonymous said…
Wow yet more marriage in her future. She will have to be careful that as with Liz Taylor people don't start focusing on the multiple marriage thing over and above her work or anything else. Hopefully she will choose better next time and it will last as a result. A.D.
Anonymous said…
What was this woman thinking? The body language in that picture does not look good. Something about this relationship is off. T. W.
Anonymous said…
EVERYTHING about this relationship is off. It should end and the sooner the better. Although with her taste in men and her inability to.stay single for more than 5 minutes, god knows who the next hubby will be. How many marriages overall I wonder? Only seems right that she should marry Dicaprio atleast once ... S.P
Anonymous said…
She can't be thinking at all it seems. This needs to be over before she can't cut all ties (such as where kids exist). Wonder what Leo said before walking her down the aisle? Surely he can see Neds idiotic tendancies. Living in Hollywood he would have seen it lots.
Psychic Gossip said…
Franca do you think you have to know someone to know that they are a complete the way I haven't been nasty to Kate, only to her choices. Oh by the way you don't know me but you are being bitchy to me, can't have your cake and eat it CD
Anonymous said…
Exactly. Dear Franca, Christian speaks the truth. Why not type told ya in the search box and see for yourself? We all love Kate but her decisions have not been the greatest. God bless you. T. W.
Anonymous said…
I love Kate as an actress and she seems like a nice girl but I have never understood her romantic choices - never more so than with guy. More marriage to come? Wow at what number will she stop? Surely she has to marry Leo at least once. What do you think Christian??? Cara
Psychic Gossip said…
What do I think.She needs a good therapist CD
Anonymous said…
You're probably right about the therapist thing. Seriously, how many marriages though? And the Leo thing - will they always just be friends?
Anonymous said…
Will these 2 still be married this time next year? Pete
Anonymous said…
Was you "No" to the question from Cara or from Pete? Love the blog by the way.
Erika said…
She's pregnant
Anonymous said…
CD she just confirmed she IS pregnant. I thought you were certain she was not going to have a baby.
Psychic Gossip said…
The CLUE is in the title of this post CD
Erika said…
Oh no. Miscarriage?
Anonymous said…
Will not everyone can be correct 100% of the time.
Anonymous said…
Apparently the baby was conceived not long after the wedding and her baby bump is already showing causing costume difficulties on the set of her latest film in which she has to wear a corset. So, she has been pregnant for a while seems.

Do you still think the marriage will be over by this time next year?
Anonymous said…
This girl must be nuts. Like the poster above I now wonder wil all of this make her stay with him longer or will the marriage still be over within a year???
Anonymous said…
What kind of woman marries and gets pregnant by a man who thought it was a good idea to change his name to Mr Rock'nroll? Perhaps the family money made that easier to ignore ... No amount of money is likely to protect any kid they may have from being bullied for having a silly name though. I used to like Kate but I'm not so sure now. Toni
Anonymous said…
Oh God! When will this end???
Anonymous said…
I thought the same thing. There are two other options. 1. The child is not the husband's. 2. She is suffering from an illness that causes a false positive on a pregnancy test. I feel she will miscarry. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of bad parents, another site claims Paris Jackson has been hospitalized after a suicide attempt. I was wondering if Christian can share what he sees about this. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Not that this makes it true, but the Daily Mail reports that Kate is believed to have fallen pregrant after her second honeymoon in late February. If so, this would make the baby due around November (also Dicaprio's birthday month!). The paper also quotes a 'friend' saying that the couple would like more kids after this one. More than one little Ned?!
Anonymous said…
I am hoping that this relationship ends before there can be several kids. But if this baby is born in November, may she name it after Leo given that they would share a birthday month? What do you think Christian? Traci Ann
Anonymous said…
I don't understand anyone choosing to marry and procreate with this guy. Surely she will see sense? Will her future choices be any better?
Psychic Gossip said…
They can't be WORSE.CD
Anonymous said…
Lol - that's true CD. Seriously though, how many marriages will she go
Anonymous said…
This pair have only been married 6 months. Something pretty big will need to happen for her to leave this man anytime soon. She was married to her first husband for 2 years, her second husband for 7 years. She won't want to walk away from a third marriage too quickly unless ... Might he cause a scandal that might lead her to leave?
Anonymous said…
Children with the surname Rock'nroll? Good luck with that when they go to school. No way they would n't be bullied. Ned choose his name as an adult. He did n't have to grow up with it.

It would n't surprise many if Winslet named any child of hers after Leo. In fact it would be sweet. Is Ned the sort of man who would support that though? Or would he insist that his kids are given more unusual (stupid) names? Jackie
Anonymous said…
Oh dear. I do not understand this pairing at all. They have known each other for less than 2 years and yet it feels like this stupidity has been going on for much longer. If something is going to bring this to head and make her see sense I wish it would hurry up and happen. H.H.
Anonymous said…
A scandal would n't surprise me at all but would her press people be able to keep a lid on it and more importantly would she make excuses or see sense as a result? Time may tell but it already feels like too long a wait.
Anonymous said…
Still no sign of this baby. This pregnancy seems never ending (and it is not even happening to me!) It has to be over soon surely? Jude
Anonymous said…
This baby is due right? Any guesses as to what it will be called?
Anonymous said…
Yeah it has to arrive any day now. As to the name - goodness only knows. I hope for the little ones sake it is not ridiculous. (Kate says that the surname will not be Rocknroll. If she allows Ned to choose the forenames as compensation for this, Lord knows what the chosen name(s) will be.
Anonymous said…
Wow. I have no idea what they might choose to call this baby but this pregnancy does seem like it is never ending and I am just observing! She looked like she was ready to explode in photos taken last week. Unless the baby has arrived since and we just have not heard about it yet. What do you reckon CD?
Anonymous said…
I agree Jojo. It does seem like Kate W has been pregnant for a LONG time. It can't be long now until we hear something surely? Issy
Anonymous said…
The news of her children has in the past been announced 3-5 days after the birth. So, we will see ...

As to names. If it is a boy it would be nice if Leo got a mention (as a middle name maybe?). It's more likely to be weird or toff name. (Her husband's middle name is Lyulph and 2 of his brothers are called Otto and Ludo.
Anonymous said…
It's a boy. Name yet to be announced. Lets hope the little mite does n't have his Dad's looks or personality! P.J.
Anonymous said…
No 'told ya' here then? Here's hoping you are correct about the marriage not lasting. True there are kids involved but I will never get why she choose this dude.
Anonymous said…
This kid was born 7 December and there is still no word on a name? Odd. I though this guy and his crowd would be shouting the details of this from the roof tops to soak up the attention. Also, with her other 2 kids, their names were included in the press statement confirming the births. Any guesses on the name Mr Dion?
Anonymous said…
I have been wondering about this too. Even the British Royal family come up with their children's names quicker than this. Perhaps it's a silly name and she will have it announced on a busy news day when it will get less attention. Who knows. She was able to release a public statement within moments of her golden globe nomination being announced but seems in no hurry to reveal her child's name. Hope it's not too absurd for the child's sake.
Anonymous said…
Still no name has been announced for this baby? I thought his crowd would be wanted everyone to know all the details. Guess not.
Anonymous said…
I'm sure they have agreed a name by now. I did n't reckon we would potentially have to wait until she next does an interview to find out the name is though. I reckon it will be a shame if Leo does n't make an appearance somewhere in the list of names cos I could be wrong but I reckon this might well be her last child. What do you reckon CD?

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