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To the land of Spuds..........with or with butter?

So Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are heading to Idaho.
I feel sorry for the citizens of Idaho personally.
Seems Kristin suggested the move as a way to avoid the cameras in La La Land.
I can hardly type for laughing.
She won't last five minutes so far away from her place of ego " Hollywood ".
I wonder if she's ever cooked chips for him, quite a way to a Brits heart, chips.


ruby said…
I feel like this post is entirely in code but I can't figure it out. Lol. How do I get a private reading CD and what info would you need to do one?
Psychic Gossip said…
Most of my stuff is code well done, one day t'll click. If you write to someone will give you all the details CD
Erika said…
What will they think of next.
Anonymous said…
They can date their real significant others if they are far from the papparatzzi and gossipmongers. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Oh CD, you are becoming pathetic with these BS robsten articles. Come on now
Anonymous said…
I can figure out from this prediction that Miss Stewart is an attention seeker who can't live peacefully and away from trouble, and that despite her statements of loving Rob the most and blah blah, she actually cares a fuck about him which are symptons of quite a selfish person... could I be right?
Anonymous said…
CD Are you referring to Goodbye Mr. Chips? ha ha ha
Anonymous said…
This is BS from the tabloids,but Kristen is really a good cook.
Anonymous said…
Clam yourself dont take it serious it all for good laugh and fun. He been running this sight like this way before people started paying attetnion to his site. He once posted an article claiming her to be pregant back before you all came to his site cause it show he been runnung this site like this way before you came,it wasnt a prediction just CD making fun of the articles and the gossip it self. Stop taking things so serious
Anonymous said…
You need help
Anonymous said…
You too need help
Psychic Gossip said…
I have to ask did you READ what I wrote I NEVER said she wasn't a good cook, I asked if she cooked him CHIPS (translation CHIPS in the UK are FRENCH FRIES) which along with fried fish is the traditional fast food in the UK (it still is) CD
Anonymous said…
I'm just enjoying that the tabloids chose the state of I Da HO and that it's her that wants to move there.
Anonymous said…
Fish and chips are the bomb! I love trout best. T. W.
Anonymous said…
CD when youre ask a question and you dont answer it does that mean you cant yet see the outcome of a certain question being asked yet?
Anonymous said…
Christian, on last monday (Rob's birthday) X17 published Kristen's pics where she appeared serious, distressed and x17 hinted at a possible break up with Rob. No one pic or report about Rob's birthday party has surfaced, it's like he's disappeared off the face of the earth... can it be possible that "august split" has been advanced? or maybe serious problems are starting right now but they will drag them out till august? Thanks.
Psychic Gossip said…
It can be that, or that I just haven't got round to the answer yet. I post comments asap, but answer sometimes get held up...CD
Anonymous said…
that another stupid tablids news!! they moving the Paris, London and now this!!BS they ll never move anywhere! why they should move they are not a couple!! and that slut grow up in LA all friends she has those looser lesbians! she s dating one of them! she ll never leave LA ! she cant survive at all ! and Rob he said before he want to spend 6 months in London and other 6 months he like to share between LA and New York! that he said it himself ! its not a tabloid news! he like to spend more time in London H e always he missing his family and friends and then tabloids wrote Rob and the slut moving to London! they looking house and bla bla bla! that kristen slut ll never leave LA , she has no confidence away from those lesbians!!
Anonymous said…
UH OHH LaineyGossip just posted this blind item and it sounds exactly to dear Kristen Stewart. What do you think? If her dirty laundry begins to come out to light, she better hide in Nepal! LOL

Blind Riddles
She hates the paps, and she’s been burned by the paps. So now she’s dealing with the paps and is working exclusively with one agency, agreeing to give them photos on a regular basis. The agreement started several months ago when she approached one agency in exchange for information on a paparazzo working for another agency. She wanted names, plates, any details available, presumably in hopes of either legal retribution, if possible, and illegal retribution, if necessary. Very gangster.

The only problem with making this kind of arrangement is that you have to deliver. And if you don’t deliver as often as the paps want, and on the kind of photos that are lucrative, they’ll take what they can get, show up when they’re not supposed to, and that compromises the control she was attempting to secure in the first place. Very Faustian.
Anonymous said…
Like those last photos on Rob's birthday where they caught her not with him. They said she was upset and pacing back and forth then hopped in a car with a female friend to drive around then park and talk some more?...
Anonymous said…
Maybe Kristen hoped Rob would agree to do a photo op for his birthday, like she did with hers but he refused, so she got upset with him and perhaps she had already done a deal with papz for the photo op so she would probably get in some trouble. I guess Kristen thinks there's no one smarter than her and she just keeps messing things up...
Anonymous said…
CD, not until today,did I begin to notice a pattern. Robert Pattinson does not get photographed with Kristen Stewart on his birthdays or major holidays. Maybe they are not together during these specific days, because they are not required to be. Since the scandal no pictures for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter, and now his Birthday. I beleive there were only pictures of Halloween last year, but is Halloween really considered a major holiday or a reason to get drunk & stupid. I am going with the latter. Am I correct in my observation CD? BTW I enjoy your blog, you have a great sense of humour.
Anonymous said…
Huh. Wow, that's some sleuthing! They'll be spotted together again soon, "in love" and "working" on their relationship.
*eye roll*
Anonymous said…
Eh how about no
Anonymous said…
It's Over!!!,,20701661,00.html
Anonymous said…
OMG!! I can't believe it.... too good to be true!!! Christian I would love to know your opinion!
Anonymous said…
Cd people mag said there done for now and a source said it would not be shock if they got back together? Do you see them getting back together?
Anonymous said…
The RPtaz/KStew break up is on every Gossip site, I'm surprised that CD hasn't yet said a word about it. Christian has your silence have any meaning...? I mean the RK charade is not over yet? Thanks!
Anonymous said…
CD why are you being so quiet?
Anonymous said…
CD do you ever use Tarot cards,what are your thoughts on suppose physics who use them. I think it your really physic it something that come from with in ,not from tricks and cards etc anyone can do that. What your thoughts?
Psychic Gossip said…
No I don't use Tarot cards but I do collect them CD
Psychic Gossip said…
waiting to get proper absolute confirmation before I out that told ya up...'case you know what will happen CD
Anonymous said…
What do you mean by "you know what will happen"?
Psychic Gossip said…
THe NUTTY fans will start their campagn that I don't know what I am talking about ha ha, but just getting ready to put up the TOLD YA CD
Anonymous said…
why they ended PR before august or end of summer? I thought maybe their contract has been leaked it ll be confirmation of their contract! but not sure why! Rob was not happy a while ! he didnt like to give pict to papaz! what do you think CD??
Psychic Gossip said…
already answered this under replies to comments under this posting CD

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