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Free for now.......

I hope this smug bastard is enjoying the fresh air.
Because he's going to clinky.
Shame they won't fry him.


Anonymous said…
Oh Christian - I'm so glad to read this prediction. This case is driving me nuts. This sick bastard killed this poor child in cold blood for no reason - why is this even a trial? Is there any dispute he is the murderer? Glad to hear (in advance!) that he is going away - hopefully for life. Love your site - your batting average is amazing. Elle
Anonymous said…
The "brothers" will get to him. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Thanks CD for posting this& confirming that justice will be served! :)
Anonymous said…
Sandy said…

Thanks CD

Lock him up!!
Anonymous said…
Zimmerman found not guilty today! CD is this a fail?
Psychic Gossip said…
Clearly it's not possible to predict what jurors in Florida will do. I just can't understand why you can be found not guilty of being guilty..
Anonymous said…
What will happen to him now? A riot is taking place now
dshareef222 said… be able to kill an unarmed kid and be able to walk...ugh.
Sandy said…
I am so upset over this but I found this

CD please tell us if this is what you saw.. I want him to suffer. He is an evil human being.
Sandy said…
CD will there be a civil right case brought up?
I cannot wait until he is locked up.
Sandy said…
Sickening shit.. He better hide. Please everyone sign this petition

Sandy said…

Anonymous said…
Hands that shed innocent blood answer to God no matter what the courts say. If the state wants to try him again they will have to prove juror or witness tampering or charge him with something else such as excessive lethal force, witness tampering or first degree murder. Maybe that is what Christian saw in his vision? T. W.
Anonymous said…
T.W. i agree. God is a God who sees all and gz will have to answer to him. Remember you reap what you sow

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