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Hooters Texas style.......

So as not to feel too lonely over the weekend.
Kristen Stewart popped into, 
(or does one pop out to Hooters?)
In Amarillo Texas.......
Personally I think she was there to fill out an employment application.
As that's about her career level now....


Erika said…
Well, she sure looks happy.
Anonymous said…
Not even that hahahaha
Anonymous said…
Ummm ok, how is this a prediction, though?
Anonymous said…
This site has fun with gossip. Sometimes you have to read between the lines to get the prediction.

I thought Kristin was looking for her next girlfriend? T. W.
Anonymous said…
At least her being there not in LA helped debunk those fake sighting of them together at the park too.
Anonymous said…
This isn't a prediction and I think you are getting carried away with the mean Kristen Stewart comments.
Anonymous said…
She always looks happier when she is surrounded by women.
Anonymous said…
CD is Kristen ever going to officially come out the closet? or is she going to go the Jodie Foster route, the "it's so obvious you can see it from space but I'll never tell" LOL
Psychic Gossip said…
Oh yes it is I predict she can get a job at hooters.......LIGHTEN UP CD
Psychic Gossip said…
For your viewing pleasure I Highlighted the PREDICTION in PINK CD
Anonymous said…
See that's even funnier cause she doesnt have any to fill out that outfit and we all know she's a miserable cunt her words not mine so I cant see her even getting a job there or not being fired withen an hour for flipping the customers off. Lol
Anonymous said…
But she has 2 movies lined up and she'll probably start shooting in July,or those annoucements were a PR move from her people.hmm
Anonymous said…
Stop catering to butthurt Rob fan girls,Mr.Dion and give us REAL predictions and no real predictions like August break up ;) ROFL
Anonymous said…
Thank you Christian! Let's see what the Robsten fans have to say now. I hope they are coherent this time. T. W.
Anonymous said…
IMO. Kristen is probably finally enjoying her freedom from a restricted "relationship" just like Robert is. They looked miserable and mechanical together. I am siding on the belief that she is a closet lesbian. She hooked up with a married man because she wanted something new and was to scared to explore her real sexual desires. Now, she has nothing to lose, she was already exposed as a lying, cheating, home-wrecker. Now she can be who she really is Kristen Stewart the gay Bella of Twilight. Chin up and legs open Kristen Stewart you are a proud, single, gay woman.
Anonymous said…
Kristen was lesbian with Rob but she was straight with Rupert. O RLY? ROFL. Can't have it both ways,gurrrrrrl. You desperately want her to be gay so badly because you can't accept that she is Rob's ex GF and they dated for 4 years, its quite funny imo. I'm sure Rob can tell you how gay she was with him ;) Chin up and heart open,gurrl there's nothing you can do to change what happened between Rob and her
Anonymous said…
She was so scared that she made up with married guy(maybe he was also scared)in public.LOL You know she has enough money to rent some love nest and be more discreet.Maybe the next time.
Anonymous said…
@Anonymous 2:11pm --> Nope, Kristen was not lesbian with Rob, it was just PR with Rob. She was straight with Rupert as shown in the 50 famous pics but I guess he wasn't the love of her life either and right now she looks happy and relaxed, maybe she found out her real sexual orientation... who knows, this chick is just unpredictable.
Anonymous said…
Kristen Stewart surely wouldn't last 5 minutes in a real job. She wouldn't know what to do in the reality the rest of us have to deal with. Us normal people don't have a PR team to deal with all our mistakes. We can't flip others off whenever we feel like it nor dress like homeless folk and still be respected. She's earned a GED but basically has an 8th grade education. She probably couldn't get a job as a greeter at Wal-mart with her education. Can you imagine her working in food service or retail or an office setting, dealing with customers? I can't. In the real world you have to actually put your ego aside, I doubt this entitled brat is capable of that.
Anonymous said…
So is Rob going to hook up with one of the hot models from his dior commercial or is he not a modelizer like Leo dicaprio?
Anonymous said…
I don't know or care who Rob will date next. However I will be kind and remind everyone Christian has already told us what type of woman Rob will marry. She will be behind the scenes in the industry. She won't be a model 'cuz that is in front. He has also said Rob will have great success behind the scenes himself (directing).

Anonymous said…
Have you seen the PR contract? If yes can you please scan it and put it on net for all of us to see ;) LOL now you say that she seems happy because she found out about her real sexual orientation gurrrl.... your obsession with making her out to be lesbian just so all the possibility of her having anything with Rob (in past) is erased is quite funny imo
Anonymous said…
He is not going to marry the first girl he dates after Kristen. Right now he should go out and "date" many girls - including models.
Anonymous said…
I didn't mention any contract, I said Robsten was PR. Did they ever acknowledge a relationship? Did they ever attend any event as a couple? They just needed to send hints, little sings, love tokens so that their gullible and dreamy fans let their romantics minds fly to make these little movies about RK lives. That was it. Twilight is over and so is Robsten. If you like, you can read CD predictions or ask Christian for the 99888764 time about their relationship.

Regarding Kristen possible lesbianism I said that "maybe" she had found out her real sexual orientation. There're persons who realize their gayness at 14 and there're many persons who even have to get married and have kids to finally realize their real sexual orientation. It's not that easy you know.
Anonymous said…
Are you new around here? There are pics of them spending New Year together since 2010,attending weddings,birthday parties,posing besides each others parents,getting caught by random people in blurry/sneaky pics all alone with each other,visiting each others movie sets,etc.( Its all out there. You can Google it) Now please don't tell me all this was staged by almighty Summit aka a movie company that cannot arrange for decent wig or make an appealing movie poster or I might die laughing.

I know people can be confused about their sexual orientation but suggesting that she looks happy because she found out her real sexual orientation is weird. You think she doesn't have any other reason to be happy because your obsessed with her sexuality.
Anonymous said…
R and K used to be friends hence the pics. Similar pics exist with R and Tom S. Did they date as well?
Anonymous said…
OK I'll give you this. Probably at some point they were a couple for all the "powerful reasons" you told in your post. In fact they loved each other so madly that she cheated on him with a man double her age and didn't even bother to make it out with him behind closed doors. Quite telling. Robsten was the weirdest "couple" ever in Hollywood that ended uplike a pathetic joke. That is what they made out of their precious relationship.

I believe in "you're the company you keep". She dresses and acts like a butch or will you now tell me that she is feminine? LOL!
Anonymous said…
Yeah I'm sure a guy & girl who are just friends do all that stuff together LOL. Rob & Tom have been friends ever since they were kids but did you see Rob & Tom like this No because Rob only acted that way with his ex-gf
Anonymous said…
Cuz you know what's best for him right? RME
Anonymous said…
CD are kslut still seeing rupig? the last photo of she walking to rupig's car told us they still seeing each other. Maybe these latest photos try to distract public and create other public opinion so that people don't focus on the affair. Btw it's near july. thx.
Anonymous said…
If I remember right Christian said KS would like to be with that man again but he ain't having it. Christian also believes KS will "play" with anyone. Seeing as there is no KPat FAQ, please search the archives. You may be new to the sight so please don't take offense when I say people are asking the same questions over and over. Christian has kindly answered them so often that he is now ignoring them. Now that I think about it, why don't I create a FAQ over the weekend? T. W.
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi TW that would be fun.........
Anonymous said…
If they were supposed to be a "couple", they had to show a little bit of PDA now and then, hadn't they?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Yes my reasons were powerful because I just stated that they did do things that a COUPLE does. I hope that didn't bother you LOL ;) Your resistance when it comes to accepting their former couple status is amusing gurrrrl. Please don't tell me your "proof" of them not being a couple is Kristen's cheating. People cheat in marriages and long term relationship. Brad Pitt cheated on Jen when he was married to her. Oh lemme guess it was not a real marriage cause the hottest guy in the world who could get any woman in the world was faking it with her,right? Gurrrl,you need to understand that shit happens & feelings change over time that's why divorce rates are high in this country.And when feelings change,people change too.

As far as her being "butch" is considered. I wanna ask you- Are you homophobic? You are actually trying to suggest that Kristen must be a lesbian because three of her known friends are lesbian/gay ( rest of them are straight and relationships are documented on their Instagram)Why? Because straight people should not hang out with gay people? If you really feel that way then you should be ashamed of yourself.

Lets not go to PDA part because if I start pointing out stuff it will be called as "staged". It has always been like that with some Rob fans.
R/K show any kind of PDA/do coupley things = Rob was drunk/Almighty Summit staged it/Conspiracy theories
R/K don't show any kind of PDA = OMG! This is 100% true. Rob is trying to communicate with his real fans and tell us that its all fake.

Yeah right *snort*
Anonymous said…
I am seriously considering this. I can serve humanity and get a good laugh at the same time. Watch them continue to ask the same questions though. T. W.
Anonymous said…
My resistance is as amusing as it is yours but I'm not alone, Christian has repeated left and right that RK relationship was a sham and I just happen to agree with him. I'm not intending to change your mind, I respect your opinion but I don't share it.

As for Brad Pitt cheating on Jen, it was regretable as it is any cheating but it was such a different situation. Brad and Angie truly fell in love, they have a nice large family, they've been together for a long time and I'd say they're stronger than ever. Do you think Kristen and Rupert fell really in love like Brangelina...? They just gave in to lust and self indulgence, "powerful reasons" to put at stake a family and a relationship. Not the same situation, not at all!

Seriously, I don't care whether Kristen is lesbian or not. By her looks and her company, she could be, that's all I'm saying and not just me, there's alot of buzzing, so I'm not alone on this either.

As I said Twilight is over and so are they, coincidence?
Anonymous said…
Christian this post for her prediction is about her needing employment. She has two movies lined up for this summer, Only one looks semi interesting the other I cant see mctwitchy acting military if her life depended on it so probably a big flop. Do you see her never making these movies or do you think they will be serius flops and this will be the beggining of the end of her career?
Anonymous said…
Christian has said this girl is finished. It is possible she will never work in Hollywood again. It is also possible she will end up on the D or Z list. She has more than enough money anyway. I need to get started on the FAQ. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Twilight ended in Nov 2012 and they broke up in May 2013 so idk what you are talking but its really funny to see how you are still hanging on to PR theory. Summit executives must be so happy with you for giving them so much credit ROFL. But whatever its your opinion and you are entitled to it.I know its very important for you to believe this relationship was a bigger conspiracy than JFK assassination and there were like 54563552 people involved yeah that's completely ooookay. And also thanks for admitting that you are homophobic :/ Being a homophobe is not cool gurrrl.Btw what "buzz" are you talking about? Most "buzz" I see is from butt hurt Rob fans who tweet about her being lesbian every other day.
Its like they are trying to convince themselves rather than anyone else about KS's "real" sexual orientation. Acceptance brings peace,if they had really accepted her as a lesbian they wouldn't need to convince themselves by talking about it every other day. What's even more funny is how they are still talking about it even though R/K broke up....tsk tsk so much for believing a relationship was completely fake & KS is lesbian. They want Kristen to be lesbian so that they have some sort of reassurance about the relationship being fake.

I have some Qs for you - If it was fake then why did Rob chose to remain celibate all these years? Did he have secret GF? How did he manage to keep it DL all these years? Nobody wanted to sell a story about one half of a famous Hollywood couple having a secret GF or hooking up with someone? Why did he look thinner in Aug 2012 after the cheating scandal was revealed? If there was fake relationship contract,then I'm sure it had a clause that stated that both the parties should never be seen with their RL lovers. Kristen went against that by getting caught with Rupert then how was the contract still valid?
Vangie said…
Yeah enough money for now but if you keep taking out, and not putting any in, eventually, it will dry up, especially if you keep spending, with no help, those friends?
Anonymous said…
Maybe you should get a new avi lol
Anonymous said…
they will probably get together for the additional attention. they are a brand that generates them $.
Anonymous said…
Do you REALIZE that only you are talking about contracts, conspiracies and Summit? I never mentioned any of these, I just said they were PR, so don't put words in my mouth that I didn't say. If two actors agree to play a charade because that's what the public wants, that's what helps them to stay relevant and that's what fills up their pockets, they don't need any CONTRACT NOR CONSPIRACIES NEITHER SUMMIT, they just need to agree to it.

I'm not living with Rob so I have no idea how he manages to keep his life under the radar. Maybe he is intelligent, maybe he's got good advice and knows how to keep his dirty laundry behind closed doors, who knows? I'm sure he is not any saint either. Both of them are responsibles for letting their fans believe they were like Edward and Bella, they fed that dream to the point that even now many robsteners still refuse to believe that Kristen and Rupert were lovers or that Rob and Kristen broke up.
Anonymous said…
Not anymore so I doubt it. Especially when Rob is generating a lot of buzz with Dior and Kristen is...well...she's eating hot dogs and "fish tacos" in NOLA lol
Anonymous said…
LOL so there was no life controlling PR contract but Rob still decided to take her back after cheating scandal. A rising star in his late 20s sacrificed his reputation for his fake GF? (not to mention also lost weight for her) If this is true then Rob should be declared as a saint by Hollywood standards. I mean a guy gets humiliated in such a cruel manner & gets caught in big Hollywood scandal but instead of using it to get public sympathy and help his career he decided to help Kristen's career & subject himself to nasty name calling. All hail Saint Rob!*snort* I know you have no idea what's going in Rob's life so I never expected any answers from you. I just wanted you to back up your beliefs with some logical reasoning but you haven't done that so far but its okay. Your life,your choices.

Kristen got caught with Rupert even though they were no rumors about her affair with Rupert reported in gossip mags. How? Because someone close to the situation tipped off US Weekly. The pap who caught them made tons of moolah. Rob is much more popular than Kristen but he didn't get caught in act all these years? Yep he was celibate for sure
Anonymous said…
OMG some Krisbian found out Christian site.Let me tell you something,if they were a real couple why didn't they admit they are in relationship?Becuase it was so sacre for them?Kristen has proved last summer what Rob means to her,she didn't care about him,his movie he has to promote in a few weeks and even about her movie Cali that she dropped off,when scandal broke.And comparing her to Angelina is diggusting.Angie and Brad fell in love with each other,he divorced and he wasn't chaught by paparazzi while making out with Angelina.Besides he and Jen didn't have children,right?And what about Kristen and her pathetic director?Are they together?They were so passionate in her car.Next Brad and Angelina lol.The PR deal was between Rob and Kristen's teams to make delusional fans believed in Bella and Edward in real life,like a perfect couple coming from the book to the life.But unfortunatelly it was all fake.
Anonymous said…
About rob weight:he was thinner because he was publicly humiliated by her action and public apology in which she included him(funny,she didn't say ''my relationship''with Rob,only ''the most important thing in my life''),besides he had to escape from his home and hide,because the papzz were camping outside his house and waiting for ''the first'' pic of him after the scandal.he also had to face the media after this mess,because of promotion of his movie Cosmopolis.Don't you think it's enough stressful situation for one guy and become thinner is natural?
Anonymous said…
Kristen was lucky,that Twi premiere in L.A.(this avi is from American premiere)went so smoothly with smiling and professional Rob by her side.And those stupid Twilight fans were so happy seeing Bella and Edward together :D
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 7:40PM--> Of course Rob took her back in time for BD2 promotion! How not? Otherwise every robstener would have jumped off a cliff and BD2 hadn't made so much money! Is that so hard to understand?

He lost weight only to the eyes of robsteners who needed to believe he was nearly to die from pain because of his gf's momentary indiscretion. Good grief! you'll never learn that they're not characters of a book.

BTW "logical reasoning" doesn't exist in the mind of an obssesive robstener like you, so as hard as I'm trying it, I actually don't expect you to understand my answers.

Really? Someone tipped off papz? Rupert and Kristen were making it out in broad day light near Rupert's house and also in a parking lot. Anyone could see them, they weren't caught in a hotel and Kristen, just in case you don't know, gets papped almost daily because she's a gossip target since she got famous for Twilight+Robsten. No need of tipping off papz.
Anonymous said…
LMAO the excuses here are hilarious. Lets ignore everything and focus of them not saying yes we are couple. Seriously that's the only thing you got? :( That's sad. I feel like I'm loosing my brain cells. He only lost weight in eyes of Robsteners? You mean to say all those pics of him looking thin in pics & VIDEOS are manipulated by Robsten fans? LOL mind you a Rob only fan (who also dislikes Kristen) on twitter who saw him in person on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart said that Rob had def lost weight. [I can post the tweet screencap if you want]You can be delusional but you can't close your eyes gurrrrl. I guess your "logic" doesn't allow you to see what's in front of your eyes *snort* And yes the paps were tipped off. You think paps were waiting outside Rupert's home? US Weekly admitted that they had been tipped off and the photos were taken with a long lens camera.

To Anon @ June 21, 2013 at 8:52 PM Do you think Rob is some kind of delicate flower? He lost weight due to media shizz storm? Then why didn't he loose weight when people called him names and questioned his manhood when he took Kristen back?
Anonymous said…
Seriously, I don't get why it is so important to you "Rob's loss of weight..". but show me a single article from any magazine, gossip site, tabloid that mentioned Rob's loss of weight. If I'm not wrong his first appearances were for Cosmopolis promotion, let's see if you can find an interview mentioning his so evident loss of weight. As far as I can remember everybody said how gorgeous he looked after The momentary indiscretion.

No I don't think papz were waiting outside Rupert's home, I think they were following Kristen, as usual. Anyway if papz were actually tipped off, what difference does it make? She chose to have an affair with Rupert, a married man, double her age. Period.
Anonymous said…
@Anon,7:40.I don't get your point.You think that Rob took her back,because he is so madly in love with her and he doesn't care about his image?He took her back for PR reason:first of all he shut up all Kristen deffenders from reliable press(critics and movie bloggers)that felt all happy to kick his butt after Kristen's scandal and wrote articles attacking him on proffesional level.Those bologgers were all sure he dumped her,but he didn't.So those bunch of ''jurnalists''stopped writing about this scandal.Next he calmed down the tabloids with their hate towards Kristen and they come back to the ''Robsten is unbroken''stories.Then he calmed down his fans(not all of course,for most of them he bacame doormat)so they stopped trashing Kristen all over the internet.And the most important he calmed down Twilight fans and saved promotion of the latest movie.BD2 got $830 million at box office and everybody are happy with their money in their pockets.Now he dumped her,tabloids fabricate some stories about dealing with the break up and all this will stop soon.I don't know anything about his life and I don't care,all I know he did what he(his team)decided to do.I'm waiting for his next movies,The Rover and Maps To The Stars.
Anonymous said…
How do you know? Are you the waitress that served her? LOL
Anonymous said…
You want tabloids to confirm what you can clearly see in the pics? I'm totally at a loss for words here. I guess people choose to ignore whats in front of their eyes to protect their delusional beliefs whatever floats your boat. But if you really want tabloid confirmation then here we go
Anonymous said…
I think you are the waitress that served her, but in the back seat of her car not the restaurant. PMSL
Anonymous said…
@ Anon June 22, 2013 at 6:28 AM Awww you sound really pressed Maybe you don't get any fish tacos or..... any sausages for that matter ;) LMAO
Anonymous said…
Nope. I expect tabloids to report on such an evident loss of weight (that only you robsteners see) just like they do when any famous actor actually loses weight. Sorry but your link doesn't work. If you ask me, I think he looked stunning on Jon Stewart show, the first one he appeared at after the cheating, he even had a new hairdo that made him look more manly and less idiot.
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:09PM.You suggest that he's a delicate flower and he lost his weight because he was so heartbroken by K's scandal.He bacame the tabloid fodder because of something he didn't do.He had to face the media and promote his movie.It was 3 weeks after the scandal.Do you think he doesn't have any pride?He was thinner at Cosmo premiere in NY,but it was his the BEST look,he never looked so beautiful at premiere of his movie before.Kristen also lost her weight,but when she get papped the first time after the scandal(around August 20th)she looked normal.She became look like a skeleton,guess when?when she had to face the media for the first time since the scandal and promote OTR at Toronto Festival(September)Was she terrified because she broke rob's heart?No,she was scared because of the fans,journalists,paparazzi.She shoudn't have been affraid,nobody asked her about the scandal,her PR team made good job,everything went smoothly.Wonder why Rob was the one asked about this shit and when she was interviewed journalists were all professional and asking about her role.You try to make them both look like a great couple with something special that was between them,but it's not true.Rob lost/gained his waight all the time,it's a difference when you have to stay in front of journalists and photographers and answering the questions looking straight in their eyes,when they all saw your so called GF in intimate situation with married guy,than reading commenst called you a doormat.He was called pussy,because he played Edward-the sparkle vampire and he didn't care.Now he looks amazing,he was papped leaving CM a few days ago.
Anonymous said…
Kristen has(and had,since last July)a problem with sausages.
Vangie said…
For someone who have always been photograph eating, is it me or does kristen seem to have lost weight, maybe the camera, and look at bags under her eyes, what's up beautiful kristen?
Anonymous said…
She feels terribly sad because she'll miss out the golden child pregnancy...
Anonymous said…
OMG! We got an insider here YA'ALL LMAO
Anonymous said…
I don't know if its sad or funny how adamant you are about denying his weight loss. Do you have any eye sight problem? Here's the working link btw
Anonymous said…
Ok thanks for the link! I still don't see any weight loss, his cheekbones are as full as usual, no dark circles around his eyes and he's always showed off very slim when dressed up in suits, so yes, tabloids and robsteners are always prone to over dramatize any situation, even more in regards to the couple of last july, perfect Kristen cheating on perfect Rob. Have you seen the pics from Dior add? I'd say his face look thinner in those pics but whatever...
Anonymous said…
Yeah sure she was picture at alot at fast food joints on her road trip yeah sure she not eating lol,also she always had bags under her eyes nothing new
Anonymous said…
This is his answer to the question about his next girlfriend "Ermm not from his circle, to start with so not famous. More behind the scenes..." so he didn't said marriage or industry. Behind the scenes can mean so many many things... Maybe it's your interpretation of what he said. OR you have followed him for so long so that you can read between the lines. And I am relaxed.
Anonymous said…
UberFacts ‏@UberFacts 7h
Until the age of 12, Robert Pattinson's (Edward Cullen's) two older sisters would dress him up as a girl and call him Claudia.

Laughing my ass off!!!!!! Now I understand his mannerism.
Anonymous said…
CD will Kristen's friends sell her out to the tabloids? Or are they already selling stories and pictures to the tabloids?
Anonymous said…
So what does the # 8 symbolize, isnt that what all of her crew and herself just got tattoo?
Psychic Gossip said…
It's for long life also infinitey
Anonymous said…
I see, but I guess their not the sharpest tools in the shed. They should've got it horizontal like the infinity symbol is supposed to be. Now forever everybody is gonna ask why #8. Should have just got best friend necklaces. We'll see if her friends dont sell her out to tabs or stand by her when she hits rock bottom and doesnt get attention anymore cause no one cares about a has-been mess.
Anonymous said…
to - Anon June 25 @ 7:53 pm - Not a fan of Krsiten Stewart, but the fact is she is working and still mentioned in the film industry by legit reporters, film critics, actors/actresses, and directors. She may not have the same fame as she did with Twilight, but she will continue to work. She cheated and hooked up with a married man, but that has nothing to do with her professionally. As bad as she maybe as an actress, she has connections and is using them as well as her fanbase in the social networks. Actors cheat all the time and they still work. Arnold S. was a governor and an actor and he father a child while married and he is still working. So I think CD exaggerated about her future. There will be no more scandals and nothing is going to happen unless she & Robert Pattinson get back together. She will not sink down to the sewer and there will be no sex tape (CD just wants the hits by Rob fans).
Anonymous said…
CD rob just had that big Hollywood party with lots of models and actresses. X17 is saying it was to help set him up with women. You still think he's not getting it on (or going to) with a celeb or wannabe celeb? Sounds like he's playing the field with these parties now. Why wouldn't he choose some big name to rebound with?
Anonymous said…
Direct questions. Is Rob Pattinson gay? or could Kristen Stewart beard him? or could they be bearding each other? Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Those legit reporters are in contact with her PR person Ruth Berntain that steel cleans her shit,like she did it back in July.If you're ecpecting from middle aged,white,heterosexual men from movie industry that they will be trashing Kristen and her scandal,you're delusional;they loved what she did,they're happy that young actress is ready to f@ck with them.I bet Sanders is their hero.So of course she'll get a job,but I hope Christian is right with his prediction.
Anonymous said…
Kristen Slut never attend any of Rob s family event lol! they never invited her anywhere near them even they stay away from her Twilight premeries! Rob always keep distance her from his family bc he doesn't his family get involve w that PR shit1 that basically what its! new year nights! they never alone isle of wights! she always stay w her friends and she was a another girl! I am not saying Kristen full lesbian but she is bisexual! hotel workers check in Rob alone into his room and he left first thing in the morning before anybody see them at breakfast! this is from who work at hotel! he said he stay all night bc they need some pict from being them stay together or it looks like it then he left so early! that happened last new year eve as well and if anybody remember Kristen was travelling back to new York w her friends not w Rob bc he already left ! so they never admit they were together bc they playing a game and they want to be out whenever they can! nobody knows this very much but Rob has already have gf! he kept her private as much as he can using Kristen at front line! everybody was so busy w Kristen and him his gf at premieres, and everywhere w him undercover! people are so stupid this happen a lot of celeb they keep their personal life secret so tabs cannot bother them! Johny Depp did same thing long time! I think people get to understand this PR but always some idiots falling for it !! by the way Rob s family never liked her anyway but after the scandal she broke the contract actually so they really would love to kill her for good! that how much they hate her! and they don't really keep secret their feelings bout her but they are not allowed to talk! like others! so nobody should wait official announcement that will never happen it never happened with them ! this PR start unofficial and finish unofficial! that's it everybody just get over it and moved on! what I am saying is true! there will be no picture of them together ever again! put underline on my word! and come back to look some time later! there will never be another picture of them together! they wont even be friend!! they are not friend at all! Rob hates her and I know she s never been fan of him either!
Anonymous said…
X17 and Popsugar and the ones who always had the exclusive pictures the last several months with Rob and Kristen. Something HER team set up. X17 was being snarky and mean about it all. His friend is the one who had the event planned and the guest list made. I believe Rob just played host at his house. And people that tweeted said he was a gracious host but he was not interested in any of the girls there. This was a who's who party with not just actors and actresses but directors and producers in Hollywood. He's making connections in Hollywood and good for him for moving on past Twilight, he doesnt need Kristen anymore to make connections for him. I really believe he was in his serious and professional mode during the party, I really doubt he was only there to hook up with girls.
Anonymous said…
I have received information from a reliable source that RK are back together and it will be publicly revealed next yr. CD knows this that is why he is no longer commenting. They are together and very much in love.
Psychic Gossip said…
So not commenting .ermmm. BULLSHIT Cd is that enough of a comment?
Vangie said…
Please comment is there going to be a sex tape also how is your headache
Psychic Gossip said…
Thankfully no sex tape..........migraine fading Tnak you CD
Anonymous said…
I'm glad your migraine is gone. Do you think the girl he took back to his hotel is the not famous one you see him with? Do you think they'll be longterm? Will she be good for him or like Kristens friends always showing her off in photos and tweets. Will we see them being happy and doing sweet things because Rob hides and we never saw it with robsten. What do you think?
Anonymous said…
Come on ppl. Leave CD alone already. He has already stated what he knows. The only thing about them left is the continious tabloid reports. They look so over it & each other. I will agree with some comments, I do think Kristen will have a more successful career in HW than Robert. She has many connections and friends in the industry. Rob will must likely fade away next year. IMO he is handsome and talented but not well connected.
Anonymous said…
The fact that Kristen hasnt worked in a year and half and just now took two indie films which will take at least another year or more to come out and will most likely flop like all her indie films is proof she is losing her film credibility and becoming more of a celebrity.
This whole past year Rob has been seen in meetings with Richard Gere, Vince Vaughn, Joaquin Phoenix and many more I'm sure that wasnt so public. And lets not forget that he just threw a party for friend film director Nicholas Jarecki with more than 100 of Hollywoods prestigious directors, writers, actors and producers. He has 4 movies in preproduction interesting movies at that and one already in post production- so how is he fading away?
He sounds way more connected at present than Kristen. Perhaps Kristen was at one point, but she's tarneshed now-she broke the number one rule in Hollywood Keep your shit private. And since then it has forced the public to take a long good look at Kristen and everybody has been way more vocal about the Hollywood darling that was highest paid actress. She's a crap actress and all the hype and highest paid actess was only because of Twilight which was also the worst movies ever. Everybody knows it. If she even makes these two movies she signed on for cause she dropped out of several already they would have to be a huge success. Otherwise why would they want to continue to hire her, she doesnt command the huge fanbase that she used to and she isnt that good of an actress. Everyone also always talks about how she was a manipulative bitch behind scenes and thats part of the reason why none want to work with her again. Thats not good connections, she doesnt know how to be nice and schmooze with the industry. OH I'm sorry she does know how to spread her legs so I guess she'll have to rely on that to keep getting jobs. So maybe I was wrong she is still well connected. If she can take a shower maybe other directors and producers will still want to sleep with her.
Anonymous said…
We don't even know the chick's name! It could be anyone from a Robbie's friend to someone from the Industry. They could be hanging out, it could be a business meeting or maybe they just met there casually. Just let time go by and we'll see who the hell is the girl. Wow you're really impatient, aren't you?
Anonymous said…
LOL You are DELUSIONAL! It doesn't matter how well connected she is. She is box office poison, the overall public hates her, and certain actors don't want to work with her. She'll fade into obscurity just like she's supposed to. Deal with it.
Anonymous said…
So you think being successful as an actor is a matter of connections... it can help out, of course, but you also need talent among other things. Maybe RPtaz threw that Gatsby party last week to make some good connections... who knows.

Well I think if getting good movie roles was just a matter of connections, probably Kristen would already be working in a good project, not in the series B movie nobody has ever heard of except her fans, she's gonna shoot next month. Regarding Rob, he's nothing of the other world either... not very talented iMO, maybe that's why he's doing Dior adds and throwing parties to look for connections to help him out.
Anonymous said…
CD the gril with rob in the back of the car is that his new girlfriend or just a friend of his thanks
Anonymous said…
You did say before that you saw some kind of scandal coming for her that you thought might be the reason for robsten to officialy breakup but rob broke it off a little earlier...Christian do you still see anything like that happening to her?
Anonymous said…
Maybe CD was just adding the scandal description for the gossip/shock value. I think that this Robsten relationship is over for now. I do believe there is a large possibility they will get back together in the future. Rob can't seem to live without her, why is that CD?
Anonymous said…
Rob can't seem to live without her?Really?He's not Edward,he's living his life,meeting with friends and movie people and prepering to make a movie with Cronenberg again.According to Christian robsten was always fake.
Anonymous said…
Rob's been caught with a red headed girl in his car, the sheep are delusional again and trying to say that is Kristen although she was caught earlier in the day leaving LA at the airport.
Anonymous said…
Christian, hi!
There are a few new photos of Rob, could you tell is this a girl you were talking about or its just an ordinary friend/mate/co-worker and its not the time yet for his new gf?
p.s. I don’t believe they’ve just been caught, I think it’s a set-up before Rob leaves for his new movie.
Erika said…
I think it's Riley Keough and I think they were just hanging out.
Anonymous said…
Yep, looks like her, agree
Psychic Gossip said…
I've been badgered since i was five ha ha

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