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Not quite a TOLDA YA.......yet....

This boys & girls.
Is the first pic in the $12m Dior ad campaign.
That Robert Pattinson signed up for in March.
This is it!!!!!!!
See it'll be a told ya before long.
Perfect for Bastille Day ha ha


Anonymous said…
LOL! I like the picture, what's wrong with it? How exactly do you see this campaign failing CD? xoxo
Anonymous said…
:)It's not official promo pic,but it was taken while filming the ad in December 2012.
Anonymous said…
CD, I’ve got a strange feeling that he’ll soon be in London, do u see anything like that?
Anonymous said…
HI CD. It must be a big fail for Dior but Pattinson will have already cashed 12M$ in his Bank account so I don't see how it can be a negative thing for Mr. Doormat. The only negativity I can see is Dior not renewing him for another 12M$ contract. .. if that can be considered as a bad thing. So, here's my question. Will it be a USELESS ad for Dior income or will it affect negatively on Mr. Pattinson career? I bet on Dior... Thanks CD.
Anonymous said…
How is this first? What about this pic or the other pics already available?
Anonymous said…
I think he's expected in Canada, sometime along this month, to shoot a movie.
Anonymous said…
When you consider his audience I think Robert is a smart choice for Dior because most of his fans are women in the 20's, 30's, 40+ age range which is also the main demographic purchasing cosmetics/luxury goods like Dior. Around 60% of men's cologne sold is purchased by women.
Anonymous said…
It doesn’t mean that he can’t find some time to go to London for a few days.
Besides, his next movie "Mission:Black list" is due autumn, not august as previously expected. So he’lll have free time for at least a month or even more.
Anonymous said…
Christian,how can you see this campaign being flop?Rob is going to be the face of Dior Homme old fragrances(Homme,Homme Intense,Homme Sport,Homme Cologne,he replaced Jude Law)does it mean nobody are going to buy those perfumes anymore?
Anonymous said…
I'll never understand why CD says this campaign will be a failure. Rob is promoting a traditional fragrance, Dior Homme is the same for years, it's not like Dior created a new fragance for him, like happened with Kristen and Balenciaga. That perfume Florabotanica was created FOR HER. Not the case of Dior Homme. And sorry AnonymousJuly 14, 2013 at 11:07 PM, it's really stupid to believe that nobody will buy a fragance that they use for years just because they may not like the actor that it's promoting it this it? Lmao, sorry, but this post is really stupid. And bitter hags, aren't you tired, prsten is already over, no need to still be angry with Rob, I told you all he was not going to knock on your door to ask you to marry him, Lol. I want to be a failure too, with 12 millions in my bank account. :) CD, you are using this for hits on this site, prsten finished much before than you predicted.
Anonymous said…
People who try to know every move of Robert or any other celebrity, to know what is he doing now, to where is he going to travel, who will they will be dating are fucking insane.
Anonymous said…
People keep making lots of silly questions that CD, obviously, cannot answer. He willingly interacted with posters to answer their questions but we've been pushing him way too much and now we're even blaming him because RK broke up in may instead of august. We should remember that CD is not God and has no answers for everything.

I think that making a prediction means foreseeing a general fact which usually doesn't include all sort of details people keep asking CD about.

As for this prediction, in my opinion CD sees this campaign as a failure because it won't get to the sale's level intended by Dior, it won't live up to their expectations. How else could it be a failure?

By the way, thanks for your work CD :)
Anonymous said…
CD and what about KStew? Any news on her now that Rupsten 1st anniversary is coming up? thanks!!
Anonymous said…
There is a lot of buzz about his campaign. Also it's not going to be shown in America and Britain. So I don't know how it will fail as it is only going to smaller markets.
Anonymous said…
I think since his fame is fading his face/name will do nothing extravagant for the design house. He needs to work on his career, or he will be left in the dust. Maybe he needs "Robsten"? Continuing the PR. There is no love between them but there is money left to be made.
Anonymous said…
No there isn't. It would be an embarrassment to try and continue Robsten. Pointless. He's better off without it.
Anonymous said…
His fame and face is not fading he's doing just fine people. And I believe if this Dior add fails it would be Diors fault not Roberts. They wanted a different vibe and chose a indie director for the short film and photoshoot. And they chose Rob because he has chosen mostly interesting indie movies. Notice they completely left out any mention of Twilight or Kristen Stewart, they mentioned all other films and even minor costars of other movies. Rob had the right look and character they wanted for this add and tried to do something different. The thing is Indie's are not exactly everybodies cup of tea. Rob has had some really great photoshoots in the past but I'm not a fan for this Dior shoot and while it may do well with his fan base it may not with the masses.
Anonymous said…
His next movie is Maps to the Stars which is shooting now its supposed to be shot in Toronto and maybe Montreal for the next 6 weeks. He is only a supporting role so we don't know when he'll leave to shoot or for how long but it will be soon. I don't see him going to London anytime real soon. There was already sightings of his mother in LA recently so unless he goes to visit friends he probably wont.
Anonymous said…
I think Robert's career will be fine. He will always have A list name recognition from Twilight which will keep him employed for many years. I think he knows he's not a great talent & wants to do smaller movies & supporting roles to build some credibility. If he wanted to he could retire from acting entirely, with a net worth of around $65 million he's financially set for life. How many 27-year-olds can say that?
Anonymous said…
Kstew was just at a bowling alley and took some pics with fans who tweeted them. The kid confirmed that Rob was not with her but Rupert was and there. So apparently they still see each other.
Anonymous said…
Yeah... I saw the kid's pics and comments about Rupert being there on twitter! Could it be true? Rupert and Kristen spending time together -under the radar-? If true, they should come out and date like any other couple. After all he's divorced, she's single. It would not be nice if papz catch them again in an awkward situation...
Anonymous said…
Perfectly said AnonymousJuly 16, 2013 at 2:29 AM. :) If Rob decides today that he doesn't want to act anymore (which I doubt) he's rich, he's set financially for the rest of his life and he can do whatever he wants. He's young, handsome, healthy, has few good friends that he can trust (he said it himself, that he has true friend and "LA" friends)a family that seems to love him very much. What else would you want for life? Sorry, but the people who wish him bad things are nothing but jealous and unhappy with their own lifes.
Also, it's incredible how difficult it is for people to understand that he will probably never have again a financial sucess as Twilight (like the actors of the Harry Potter will never have another experience like that too, Daniel Radcliff already said it). Why? Because this kind of thing doesn't happen everyday, and Rob always said that he wants to be taken seriously, if you consider that his image is "fading" because of the end of that pathetic shit called "robsten" and now he won't be seen so much on shitty gossip sites as he used too, you should reevaluate what do you consider being "sucessful". People who love movies don't care about gossip and the personal lifes of the actors and this is the public Rob wants to achieve. I believe he's more than happy to get rid of a bunch of crazy woman that are old enough to be his mom and wanted him to be Edward in real life, forever. :)
Anonymous said…
Relax,lol,the failure will be the concequence of the kstew scandal,just read the negative comments from the general audience.People don't buy Rob as a classy,sophisticated man,face of luxury brand.For them he's a doormat with a girlfriend who publicly cheated on him.He's not manly enough.So Dior can send their big ''thank you'' to kstew slut and her slutty director.Nobody is going to buy the bottles with betrayed man as a face of it.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian! I know I'm a bummer ... but as today is Rupert/Kristen cheating first anniversary I thought you might have some surprising prediction for us, anything? Thank you.
Anonymous said…
You made quite a good point. Actually it could be the reason for the failure. I never saw Rob as a manly and confident man, it has nothing to do with the cheating, it's just his personality and the way he behaves in interviews, but the fact her gf cheated on him so infamously and then his taking her back just in time for their movie premiere, was the reason many fans turned on him and called him Doormat so your argument could be actually pretty spot on!
Anonymous said…
Looks like Robert Pattinson is no longer a hot story. CD use to get over a 100 comments over him & Kristen. For the guy's sake I hope he can finally rid himself of the "pathetic, ballless, lovesick boyfriend" image. I am guessing since his image is so damaged the Dior campagin will be a disappointment. CD will Kristen Stewart's marketability improve? She is working now and looks really happy. Is she still a mess? or are you referring only to her appearance now?
Anonymous said…
@Anonymous July 17 5am post: Very well said and I concur. The general movie going public really don't care about gossip and the personal lives of the actors. They read gossip stuff and move on but will watch movies if it appeals to them, and will not boycott a movie because of whatever gossip they read about the actors.
The films that Rob has lined up so far are all indie movies so that's not even going to cater to the general public. But they are character driven roles with unique plot lines and with good directors that are known for making excellent but not commercial blockbuster type movies. Rob is building up his acting creds via these movies and his true fans fully support him in his career moves and goals.
Anonymous said…
The new pics of Rob for Dior fans are crazy for and even I admit some are hot. Don't see how this can fail since promos alone are making Dior so much publicity already. As for that girl you see him with, fans are all spreading it that you guys consult regularly and she is paying you to keep reminding her and telling everyone they'll be together. Rob is making huge bank, banging tons of Hollywood girls onset and off and K will keep doing films since daddy has connections. The only fall she has is one into her drug habit but that's Hollywood. They won't care. What do you say?
Anonymous said…
Christian,where are you?How will we get an info that Dior campaign failed?Will Dior people admit this publicly?
Anonymous said…
Its over for both RP and KS, they are old news.
Anonymous said…
CD, hi!
There is a new photo, taken on monday, of Rob with some woman.
Is that the woman you were talking about? Has his fate/destiny change or still the same and he hasn’t met his soulmate yet?
Anonymous said…
The woman who kisses Rob is probably Caitlin Cronenberg's friend,Caitlin is the one with a ponytail and leather jacket.Also Jesse Eisenberg and Mia Wasikowska are there,you can see her in the second pic.This is goodbye kiss.
Anonymous said…
Will Rob continue to be a popular celebrity like brad Pitt, Ben affleck, Channing tatum or will his career disappear like Orlando bloom??

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