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Run out of town.........

It seems that Kristen Stewart,
 has run her (fake) ex Robert Pattinson, 
out of town.
She is claiming the Los Angeles,
 area of Los Feliz, for herself.
Well. Robert, never mind,
 Beverly Hills is more your style.
She's welcome to LF.
Mind you, I don't think the residents,
 will allow her to stay for long.


Anonymous said…
Ok so does this have something to do with the scandal you've hinted at before? More pap all over the place..what would make the people try to force her out?
Anonymous said…
CD, hi!
How do you think – will Robert be living in the US in the future as well or return back to England?
Anonymous said…
will rob move back to England or stay in California? Will he hook up with a british girl?
Anonymous said…
I always thought Rob fitted more into a comunity like Los Feliz than Kristen. Glamour and quietness don't seem her style, anyway if Rob has decided to put distance between him and his fake ex, he must have good reasons... If I was him I would run away from her as much as I could.

CD I'm afraid you're not gonna answer any of our questions but my gut tells me Rob/Kristen together is an item of the past and we, no longer are gonna hear of them and I think Kristen will be the first one to provide a good piece of gossip by having a new boyfriend before the year comes to an end.
Anonymous said…
Has Robb's career peaked with twilight or will he continue to be a major movie star?
Anonymous said…
I was thinking the same,but Christian suggests,well at least in my opinion,that Kristen is lesbian...
Anonymous said…
Rob got papped in Beverly Hills area,so maybe that's true he is not living in Los Felis anymore.
Anonymous said…
Christian, hi! What do you think about new photos of Rob with a blonde woman?
Anonymous said…
Will Rob ever get serious about acting and dressing better? Or will he continuously dress like he currently does C.D?
Psychic Gossip said…
HA HA In Hollywierd that is dressed up CD
Anonymous said…
CD is that just gossip or are you predicting he will be moving to Brentwood or Beverly Hills. The gossip columns are reporting the same thing as you. Other psychics are predicting he will move to NY with Kristen Stewart. Interesting to see what happens. It seems as though this nightmare ex-couple will continue to be in tabloids.
Anonymous said…
Oh God, this is supposed to be dressed up? Ha ha, Rob mentioned that he likes ladies who look classy, well.. in order to get one, he should start to dress accordingly and not like an old teenager.
Erika said…
That's the singer, Sia( "Titanium" w/ David Guetta and "Breathe Me". They've been friends for a bit.
Anonymous said…
Lol! Completely agree Anon!! he needs to quit dressing like an old teenager
Anonymous said…
So C.D will any of his upcoming movies be hits? Well at least semi decent? Or will they be mostly flops until he ends up behind camera like you predicted?
Anonymous said…
CD. will rob and kristen stay friends? Or are they friends? When will the public get confirmation of their split or pretend split. The shippers are driving some of us batty. Lol.
Anonymous said…
That was Sia, they are just friends
Anonymous said…
What does BH stand for? I was just wonder the same as anonymous @1:42am. BTW Katy Perry confirmed that "Robsten" was a couple and they broke-up, but she did not have a intimate relationship with Rob. you were 50% correct CD. I feel bad for Perry stuck in this Robsten mess.
Anonymous said…
CD will Rob remain in California for long? Do you see him making a move to New York or back to London?
Anonymous said…
Robert Pattinson in Beverly Hills. He really is saying out with the old & in with the new. He is making a break. Good for him, I hope in time he is able to disassociate himself with his ex-girlfriend. And I hope his ex-girlfriend gets much needed psychiatric help in LF.
Anonymous said…
Jeans,T-shirt,jacket are casual clothes and they're perfect for raper concert.Are you expecting him to wear tuxedo?lol
Anonymous said…
Katy Perry shares a publicist with Kristen and it wasn't until then that they started hanging out together. Katy is just another puppet used to keep the illussion relevant. It's so tacky.
Anonymous said…
They are never going to confirm anything. They never have and never will. Their actions will be all the confirmation anyone needs.
Anonymous said…
I just want to clear this!! Rob doesn't live in Los Feliz! I cannot say where but I confirmed that he actually never properly live in that area! he own a house there but he def not lives there! and that house not to close to Kristen! even papaz doesn't know where he lives and who hes living with! not Kristen and it has never been her!
by the way PR contract will be finish end of November! so they ll quite some time and this will go on like this until that time! they stopped photo op! bc Rob isn't happy! but they both cannot talk until actual contract date over!
Kristen is not lesbian she s bisexual and confused ! so we ll see her w woman and man! maybe older age when she confident enough she can tell herself but until then she wouldn't talk!
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha some people can't let go!
Anonymous said…
"But they both cannot talk until actual contract date over!"... and what the hell can they talk about? Contracts and PR stunts? fake relationships or the sake of Twilight? They will never open their mouths to expose themselves, sheep would turn into wolves to bite their asses LOL
Anonymous said…
Christian,do you sense a new scandal?
Anonymous said…
I asked Christian a long time ago if this fake relationship would ever be exposed and he said yes after some kind of another scandal from Kristen. And that Rob would have a sad pathetic interview later about it all. I hope nothing has changed and this still happens, but we will have to wait and see. Liberty is also supposed to eventually get her revenge and reveal about Kristen too...
Anonymous said…
Will Kristen's same sex interests be exposed?
Anonymous said…
‘You Don’t Deserve to Breathe the Same Air I Do’
Anonymous said…
CD what are your thoughts on Katy Perry blabbing about her friendship with Robert in her latest interview? Wouldn't a real friend keep their mouth shut or is this simply a case of Hollywood ass kissing and industry "friendship"? She has the same PR person as Kristen so I side eye the hell out of her...
Anonymous said…
Babygurl Kristen has lost Robsten and she still needs attention.... she has to make sure paparazzo will keep following her.
Anonymous said…
That would be amazing!! I hope CD is right and we get to know the truth about this circus.
Anonymous said…
What a ''classy'' sl@t:D.She complains about lack of privacy,but when she was making out with a married guy she didn't care about being caught.At least the paparazzi didn't call her any kind of names.
Anonymous said…
To: AnonymousJuly 30, 2013 at 10:57 PM - I also read that in the comments section in various postings along time ago, the following: 1)CD mentioned Kristen was a lesbian 2) Kristen was going to get pregnant and have a baby with a man and not Robert. ALot has been reoported, printed, and speculated. But everything is a possibility, hey they could even get back together. It happened before.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian. According to this psychic, Kristen will have a new love interest in a few months, do you agree?
Anonymous said…
IDK, I think both Kristen & Robert will be plagued with Twilight and the July 2012/Cheating scandal for the rest of their careers. If she is a star in the future, I would be surprised, but its possible. I actually do see Rob fading away. He doesnt have any confirmed films for the future and his current projects are completed or shelved (not going to happen). I actually think they will get back together for the PR tbh.
Anonymous said…
@ 1:25 wtf are you talking about? He's making his second movie this year both with respectable directors and costars, and he's the face of Doir right now. He may never be super succesful again like in Twight days but this is exactly how he wants it. That doesnt mean he is fading. Kristen just now started a movie too with a nobody director and nobody costars and she was dropped from Balenciaga or however you say it and replaced with a snake. So Kristen is fading Rob's doing fine.
So stop trolling you post the same comment each post and you always fail to convince anyone but yourself and other butthurt robstens that Rob is fading.
Anonymous said…
Relax. read this, it makes sense.
Anonymous said…
anon at 7:54AM,Was Kristen's perfume Balenciaga really replaced with a snake?I've seen the poster,but I thought it was photoshoped by Kstew haters/any-fans to make fun of her.Is it really a true?
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your opinion but I would rather appreciate Christian point of view. :)
Anonymous said…
It is true she doesnt represent them anymore. Notice at fashionweek she wasn't there?
Anonymous said…
thank you:).She was at Chanel show 3 weeks ago and she screamed at photographers ''rats,parasites,cockroachs''lol,If she can't stand media attention,why did she come to Paris to watch fashion show?
Anonymous said…
Is Kristen secretly dating Emile Hirsch? They were spotted together. He seems like her type?

Why aren't you responding to comments anymore - too busy these days?
Anonymous said…
Cd is now charging $50 for up to 3 questions that ppl want to know on his blog. He has provided a email address if you are interested. He isn't going to answer questions anymore unless he is paid. Everybody has to make a living.
Psychic Gossip said…
OK NOT TRUE...the email reading is for people who want a PRIVATE reading about themselves or a loved one.. It has NOTHING to do with what I put for Free on the BLOG.........
Anonymous said…
So C.D. .... What's your opinion on new reports of him seen driving to Kristen's house? ... Although they show no pics yet of him ever leaving the vehicle, just statement that he was there for 2 hours.
Anonymous said…
Christian please, take a look at this. Rob and Kristen back together? I can't believe it. This is over pathetic.

Can you tell us something about this?
Anonymous said…
Thank you,Christian for the answer.
Psychic Gossip said…
HA HA NO I dont think or feel they are back together....remember I always said FAKE.......maybe he was changing a light bulb
Psychic Gossip said…
WOW a whole 2hrs ha ha
Anonymous said…
Thank you for clearing that up the tabs are going to have a field day with this one -_-
Anonymous said…
That is the worst pathetic excuse for an article ever. There is no pictures of his car at Kristen's house just a picture of her house and truck and a seperate picture of him driving. And we have no idea if they are even telling the truth about when those pics are taken.
Anonymous said…
C.D, you may have answered before, but, will either of them ever marry and have a family? I know you said he'll have someone/gf who works in the industry behind the scenes but can't remember if you ever mentioned them ever marrying down the line. Thank You!
Anonymous said…
I've been observing from afar....
I think you intuitively get many things right....but, I feel you have misguided or "READ" the energy from Rob and kristen's relationship incorrectly. THEY WERE NEVER FAKE!!! EVER!!!! THEY INDEED WERE IN A REAL RELATIONSHIP. "PR" IS EVERYTHING THEY DEPLORE, AVOID AND MOCK!!!! I BELIEVE THEY HAVE BEEN SEPARATED....AND I DO BELIEVE AND FEEL INTUITIVELY THAT THEY WILL REUNITE!!!
Words of wisdom, perception, TRUTH and honesty from the heart of a child......
Anonymous said…
Another intuitive snipet of information that surges inside my head....
Anonymous said…
Wow stop screaming at us. Second get a life you have issues and are way over invested in two people you know nothing about. You have imposed your own fantasies and ideals on these two individuals. Thirdly you are coming to the wrong site, no one here is ever going to agree with you so go back to lala land at E! news, Gossip Cop or Robstenland or what ever those delusional crap sites are because you'll fit right in with the other crazies. Otherwise I suggest you make a print out of all your posts and ask other people or your doctor what they think about them cause you need medication!
Anonymous said…
Rob doesnt have a PR person to handle this stuff he only has Nick as a manager and he has never respoded to rumors before and he's not going to now.
Anonymous said…
Seriously? You tell your 6 years old child gossip stories? you transmit her your delusional dreams about two actors whom you'll never get to meet? My goodness this is absolute insanity you crazy robsteners. Shame on you.
Anonymous said…
Is Rob really moving to BH? It looks like he's making arrangments to move back in with Kristen Stewart. They are a very complicated and tempermental couple.
Anonymous said…
Hmm you only need to see a car like the one Rob is driving these last days around LA, parked outside Kristen's house to assume that he's moving in with her? Really?
Anonymous said…
Christian, you said we would see Rob with a new gf, but maybe you saw Kristen in your mind just didn’t recognize her? It’s just seems that Rob isn’t gonna have a new gf any time soon.
Anonymous said…
Your kidding right? He made one quick stop at her house maybe, cause there isnt actual pictures of him going there cause Kristen lives in a gated community so paps have no pictures of him entering her house. Secondly Kristen was working on set at the time he supposedly went to her house. It sounds like he planned to go there exactly when she wouldnt be there so he could get more stuff out. They are not a complicated or tempermental couple because they were never really together its all PR and all this so called news is only more PR to make her look better after her fiasco last week with the paps and Twilight box set comes out on the 13th.
Anonymous said…
I don't know why I'm wasting my time & energy to respond to your narrow minded, spew of garbage. I'm feeding into your cancerous, infectious negativity that our modern society thrives upon.
I'm an optimist...and I believe in LOVE. You believe in spreading hate....let that be your own cross to bare...but, I will not submit myself into that negative mentality.

I'm sorry you didn't comprehend the depth and meaning within my thoughts...
I wasn't expecting to change anyone's perspective or have "YOUR" validation....I just wanted to share/contrast my intuition/feelings with CD.

Anonymous said…
I trust Christian Dion. If he doesn't post anything new about Mr. Pattinson and Miss Stewart is because there's nothing no tell, no changes, no news. If I remember correctly he predicted a bad year for her and that he'd be focused on work and, of course, they're FAKE and the PR is over. Period.
Anonymous said…
I dont think I have it in me to make the full response I would like as to all the whys you are wrong. My response would be like a page long. I do want to say however that I pay attention to facts and I always form my own opinions based on what I believe. Never stupid stories on most of the media sites that came from publicists or all the fake tweets from desperate robstens or photoshopped pictures to try to prove some epic love. How am I to believe they were ever in love when there is never any real proof that wasnt tainted. I understand that Hollywood needs and relies on PR all the time and yes Kristen and Rob needed it too. All that considering I never hate bashed Kristen or Rob so believing they were fake is spreading hate how?
Wow your a publicists dream come true because you bought into it tooth and nail and never questioned a thing. That makes you like a Stepford wife and you should believe and do everything your told.
I will never stop questioning, especially when it comes to anyone in Hollywood or the government. That makes me a realist not a pessimist.
And again why are you here if you think we are all narrow minded individuals? Its only garbage to delusional people like you. Its the truth to us.
Anonymous said…
I'm not Anonymous 6.36 pm but let me tell you something. Look for psychological help.
Anonymous said…
I don't cognitively "GET" why you believe/feel that Robsten's relationship is/was all PR/Fake.
It's not logical...
Love is not a rational, mathematical equation....
It's intangible, unquantifiable.....

The truth of Love speaks for it's self....observable to others without ever being labeled or officially 'declared'.
I don't see FAKE or PR in any way....WHERE do YOU base this feeling of "FAKE"/PR on ...CD?
I SEE/FEEL "REAL" relationship...with "REAL" problems....trying to sustain itself/heal in a very self-absorbed, egotistical evironment. HOLLYWOOD EQUATES TO HELL....and it would be a difficult place for any 'normal' relationship...let alone under the scrutiny/microscopic lens of of the public eye.
Anonymous said…
Maybe you are taking things to seriously. Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson with her married director. They broke-up and then they tried to work it out, they could not get past it, so they broke up again. Maybe they will hook-up again or maybe not? All CD predicted in this post is that Rob will move to BH. Simple.
Anonymous said…
You're right on one thing. "REAL problems". Yes, it's a real problem when your alleged True Love cheats on you publicly with a man double her age.

Anonymous said…
For all the twihards, this summarizes the actors that play your beloved Edward & Bella. There is no epic love.
Anonymous said…
I read it.How do they know if Robert is drunk every evening?How about kstew?Maybe she is high every evening?
Anonymous said…
Only to Americans would it seem he is drunk all the time. Where he's from it is normal to visit the pub often even everyday. No one has ever reported him drunk on set or while he is working and I think that is all that matters. Kstew however does seem to be high all the time though.
Anonymous said…
People need to relax about the Rob and Kristen "reunion". Either none of the major entertainment news sites picked up this story us or they already debunked it. The story was already shady as hell and there wasnt any real photos to prove it. In the land of paps either pics or it didnt happen. And their pathetic attempt to to show Rob in a white car and an old arial photo of a white car ( different cars btw) parked at K's house is not proof they ever met up.
Anonymous said…
To -AnonymousAugust 9, 2013 at 11:37 AM - Does it really mattter if he is drunk every night? He is young and having fun so I really hope he parties and has fun with a ton of women. I mean after dating a girl/boy for almost 4 years he deserves to have fun.
Anonymous said…
Exactly,but it's strange that the media and kristen fans are ready to turn him into a bad guy,manwh@re,drunk party animal,bacause he dares to live his life.
Anonymous said…
I hope he moves to BH and maybe all this BS will die along with both their struggling/meaningless careers.
Anonymous said…
Christian, is Rob dating Michelle Rodriguez?
Anonymous said…
Michelle Rodriguez is a lesbian. What do you think?
Anonymous said…
Did she publicly say that?I never heard about it.
Anonymous said…
Havent you ever heard the term "The lady doth protest too much!" There was a time when everyone speculated that she was and everywhere she went all she talked about was how she was not a lesbian. At the same time she was only seen around rumored girlfriend Kristanna Loken kissing and hugging alot around town and Loken even did interviews slyly implying they were lovers while not exactly answering the question. Even if she is not a lesbian Michelle even said in interviews that its been more than 8 years since she has dated a man and she would never date a hollywood man. She doesnt think they are manly enough.
So the real question is do you really think she would date Rob when he is not all that manly, and very hollywood? She would be crucified if they ever really dated. I seriously dont think they would ever even hook-up.

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