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She misses him......Ha Ha Ha.......


Anonymous said…
what should we make with this,dear CD?
Anonymous said…
I think she really misses the good publicity Rob gave her.
Anonymous said…
CD can you pls tell us when are we going to see Robert's new girlfriend ? Is it gonna be soon.I hope that Robsten thing is over for good.His fans can't take it any more.
Anonymous said…
CD, give us a hint of what you wanted to say by that?
Anonymous said…
Ha ha ha indeed. It's pretty obvious this is the gossip portion of psychic goosip.
Anonymous said…
The end of August is coming! T. W.
Anonymous said…
You think something is gonna happen?
Anonymous said…
Dior campagn starts exactly one day after the supposed pr contract and end of August. Coincidence I think not!
Anonymous said…
Am I the only one thinking she really hates Rob?
Anonymous said…
I dont think we will see either of them officially dating anyone until after this.
Anonymous said…
OMG! She misses Robert Pattinson so much she enrolled in college. This is just do comical. They both look relieved to be done with their domed relationship. If chaeating with a married man doesnt tell you its over what will. At least Rob did actually love her based on his actions, she NEVER loved him only used him. The poor guy was dumped on like a toliet.
Anonymous said…
Come on Christian, :-), tell us. What's up between Michelle Rodriguez and Rob?
Psychic Gossip said…
As they say in Yorkshire "NOWT" ha ha CD
Anonymous said…
What does it mean ''NOWT''?And Christian,you were right,Rob moved to BH,now other outlets report this.
Anonymous said…
Christian, I like the background of your blog, it’s very stylish!
Erika said…
I think Michelle Rodriguez and Kristen would have better luck in a relationship.
Anonymous said…
Kristen is spoiled and immature, the sudden fame and 'dating' "the world's hottest man" went to her head. She was much more approachable and grounded before Twilight and this Robsten thing happened. She slept with that director Mr Sanders because she thought she was on top of the world & untouchable. I think she has become less mature as she's gotten older. If you watch her interviews from when she was a young girl she was much more poised & coherent than she is now. She's adopted this faux tough-girl façade, is uncomfortable in her own skin and struggles to express herself. Sometimes her personality / aura / whatever you'd like to call it reminds me of someone who has survived some sort of abuse. It makes me wonder if she suffered some sort of trauma. She grew up Hollywood, and it is not a safe place for children.
Anonymous said…
Christian,have you seen the papz video of Rob leaving the concert when they called him patz-faggot and shauting that Kristen is going to cheat on him again?
Anonymous said…
New Instyle mag interview for Dior Rob lists his status as Single. I hope thats proof enough for the sheep to finally admit that Rob and Kristen are no more, done, kaput. Admit and move on plz.
Anonymous said…
Us Magazine is now reporting that they r close to reconciling and the Robsten madness will again begin. I wish him the best, because he has been through so much humiliation the last year. But it looks like he really does love her CD. Rob can't seem to live without Kristen.
Anonymous said…
Most of these magazines say reconciliation or break up just for the hits and traffic it brings to the site. Don't trust gossip mags.
Anonymous said…
A former writer for US Weekly magazine said this after the whole cheating scandal: "But before we get celebrity gossip whiplash, let's pause to remember that Kstew and RPats are media constructs — brands traded like margarine on the cover of Us Weekly, People, or the National Enquirer. The "Twilight" duo's coupledom is as material as John Travolta's marriage. Oops! Followed by belated revelations that Travolta had a long-term relationship with a man. Tell me: Who in the offices of Us Weekly didn't know that already? (I worked there for 11 years — trust me on this one.)"
All the magazines even know they werent real but its not in their best interest to sell that story because they make deals with publicists all the time to put out fake stories. ITs all part of the Hollywood cycle, Stars need papz for these magazines to spread lies to keep people from knowing the real truth about them and to try and stay relavent. Thats why I hate that Kristen or others always act like they hate the papz when they have the papz on speed dial.
Anonymous said…
Maybe she does miss Rob, CD? I don't believe its over for them. They obviously wanted the US Magazine story leaked. They are getting back together and the circus will begin again. On a serious note CD, will the USA step in and assist in the unrest in Egypt? So many innocent people are dying. God be with them
Anonymous said…
@anon 5:40PM ok,but as long as Rob is linked to her his image is damaged,because he looks like an idiot obsessed with a woman who PUBLICLY humilated him,it really doesn't matter if they were PR couple or not,any mentioning her with him make him look worse.This has to end,for his sake if he thinks seriously about his career in HL.Look at Ben Affleck when he was with J.Lopez his life turned into gossip series and she NEVER went against him,never humiliated him,but he was not taken seriously by movie industry.When he left her he started rebuilt his career and image and look at him now.He has a good and beautiful woman and actress as a wife,3 sweet children and an Oscar for the best movie.
Anonymous said…
@anon 1:37 PM I agree to a certain extent except Ben was choosing horrible movies that kept flopping. He had his own hand in destroying his career it wasnt all Jlo's fault. The difference with Rob is, he doesnt care what the tabloids say. If he really cared he would hire a publicist to take care of the rumors but he doesnt. He is getting work just fine, he has plenty of money that allows him to be choosy and he doesnt care if he ever gets blockbuster movies or really high pay again because he is set for life with his Twilight money. The whole point of my post was just to prove to @Anon at 5:38 AM who believes every little story that comes out in a tabloid. Really? dont be so gullible. Not to say that every story is a complete lie but you really need to take a huge dose of salt with your tabs or rather any entertainment stories.
Anonymous said…
Couldnt agree with you more except I'm not so sure about it necessarily being abuse. I think the older she gets the more she is realizing what her sexuality is and the more famous she got with Twilight means the more she was controlled. Being in Hollywood is really hard on anyone who isnt the straight and narrow and you have to pretend to be in relationships and really be someone your not all the time not just on screen. I think those, in Hollywood, who cant seperate their work with their real life have the most problems too, drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, etc. I really think she should take a page from Rob. Twilight is over, drop all the publicity pushing, fake stories, papz on speed dial, and just focus on work. She knows how to go around Hollywood with out papz. So she should be able to just live her life the way she wants and go to work like she likes. She should change all her management and pr, I think she would be better off.
Anonymous said…
2Anon at 6:52PM I also agree with you,but US Weekly got some kind of credibility bacause they were right with the cheating scandal,they published the pics and now people believe them with their story about possible robsten reunion.That's the problem with the tabloids,sometimes they're right.My point is as long as an actor is known more because of unstable and scandalous private life he is not taken seriously in HL,especially if Rob became famous starring in female driven franchise and his fans are 99% of women.Everybody knows that movie bussines is sexist and young actors with heartthrob status have it much harder with critics and especially male audience to be taken seriously because girls/women love them.Rob is the best example for such treatment and when you add this scandal from the close person,his public perception is really horrible.You're totally right about a publicist,wonder why he didn't hire one,it would help I guess.Anyway,I'm really glad that Rob works with David Cronenberg again,I can't wait for this movie.
Anonymous said…
Christian, thank you for your patience with us. You have before stated that the new woman in Rob's life will be one "behind the scenes". What do you mean by that? Will he have a private life with one person and at the same time be in another PR-relationship again?
Vangie said…
so no one not saying anything abt k and lane? if true he might can't leaave the country, oh we it will come out whatever, seems alanah mightt have a new rival until k getvangry and let lane have the f -bomb and he get happy, but that was quick!
Anonymous said…
All his new interviews are so depressing, it seems like he’s having a breakdown. CD, will it be for a long time?
Anonymous said…
So C.D will he keep her out of the spotlight for as long as he can? He will remain single for a while though right?
Anonymous said…
They are a cliché. They do not miss each other. They actually look happier now. Kristen has moved on she will hook up with some guy soon if she isn't already. Rob is not at home praying, he is having fun. In regards to his recent interviews, it sounds like he is feed-up with his image intertwined with Twilight and Kristen Stewart. Can you blame the guy?
Vangie said…
Guy you say, ha! seems she travel to europe in alana jacket and chain, guy! as much as alana thiks anf looks like a dude she is not, js! poor susie has t go instead od alana, why don;t kristen just take who she is missing, that's cool and honest!
Anonymous said…
CD - I am no Kristen Stewart fan, but I just heard on a entertainment cable show that Kristen's costar Lance Garrison moved in with her a month ago. The guy is an ex-con with a history of domeistic violence. If she hooks up with this guy he will physically hurt her. He is a bully with a chip on his shoulder. Please say its all PR or gossip/lies. She can't be that desperate for companionship not that she and Rob broke-up.
Psychic Gossip said…
This is no PR stunt this is her not listening or playing the game CD
Anonymous said…
CD, you are saying that future Robert’s gf won’t be famous and from his circus. Do you mean he will be dating a fan?
Anonymous said…
OMG. Is she in danger?
Anonymous said…
oh no. I hope her parents step in & help her or maybe Rob. He seems like a good man. Even though she is a proven lying cheat, no one deserves violence.
Anonymous said…
Christian,please tell,does it mean it's true Garrison moved to her/is close with her?I think it's tabloids'BS.Like all this stories with Rob and Kathy Perry,Michele Ridriguez.I really can't believe in Kristen and Garrison ''relationship''.
Anonymous said…
Could this be in relation CD to the hinted scandal you mentioned before that is headed her way?
Anonymous said…
Why would you think that anyone not famous and from his "circus"(?) must be a fan? Rob, and any actor or celebrity for that matter, meet a lot of people outside of their "circus".
Anonymous said…
"meet a lot of people outside of their "circus" – Where, on the streets? People, he works with, mostly are famous, cos they’re actresses/models/directors. CD didn’t tell that Rob would meet his gf within his workplace, he stated that "behind the camera" meant she wouldn’t be famous, but he did say that she wouldn’t be from his company or friends. For that matter i can suggest only some social events probably, but he doesn’t attend them often
Anonymous said…
I feel sorry for her. Her career and apparently now her personal life is in the gutter. I hope she wakes up and doesnt follow the likes of Lindsay Lohan. She seems to sabatoge her own life its pretty pathetic. As for her missing Rob, that's hilarious. I see no love there at all. Is she a sell-out whore, hmmmm I think more like trying to get ahead of the competition no matter what the means are. She cant rely on talent, has anyone seen the Twilight movies, all the actors/actresses are terrible.
Anonymous said…
The film and entertainment industry is a very wide field. Even if an actor does not have enough opportunity to meet people outside the industry, there are thousands of people who work in the industry that an actor would come in contact with and be friends with them without the public knowing about it. Their circle of friends are certainly not limited to who they are seen in public with.
Anonymous said…
CD said she wouldn’t be from his circle of friends, so it doesn’t matter if they are famous or not.
Anonymous said…
So C.D ... What can u say or what do you think of people saying Rob is or should be dating Camille Rowe? ....the model from His Dior shoot?
Anonymous said…
I believe we will see them together again before the end of the year. I am sure they will be promoting some sort of Twilight package. I do believe think their relationship is over its all about the money. I do hope the Lance Garrison thing ends quick before he puts her in the hospital or jail.
Anonymous said…
People for God’s sake! Sorry but are you that stupid? Christian’s said so many times Rob’s gf wouldn’t be famous, try to be logical, it means she won’t be a model, an actress, a singer etc. Camille Rowe is a famous model, so she isn’t and won’t be his gf, they just worked together.
Anonymous said…
We are assuming that he'll only have 1 gf? What if he dates casually til they wind up together? He does seem really into Camille, saying he wants a French girl and how he's asserting his independence and new ego. That's his words. That sounds like a guy that won't settle down. What do you think CD? He said he's looking into directing like you said, but he's out every night with fans and women hanging all over him. He's only going to be with 1 girl? Will we see this chic get with him in 2013?
Anonymous said…
I hope he at least has a fling with camille rowe - they have great chemistry and he seems to like her.
Anonymous said…
Camille Rowe has a boyfriend which she wrote about in her twitter yesterday and its not Rob
Anonymous said…
I don't know if this is her twitter.
Mix said…
me encanta Rob, es genial

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