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TOLD YA......Rob doesn't care........
Here is a section of the above article.
Hopefully this proves once and for all IT'S OVER.
(readers of this blog already know it never was a real relationship)

'They've also begged Rob to visit her on set. They fear the stress is getting worse because she's been trying to make contact with him and he's ignoring all of her calls.'
It was reported recently that Kristen has been trying to arrange a reunion with her Twilight ex Robert, from whom she split earlier this year after their relationship failed to get past her infidelity with married film director Rupert Sanders.
But Robert is said to be unwilling to give Kristen another chance, having decided once and for all that their romance is over. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yeah Right......

So the rumour mills are saying that 
Kristen Stewart is so missing Rob Patterson.
That she has set her sights on Zac Efron.
Dear God, even her PR team couldn't have dreamed this one up.
Pure bullshit.
She won't find anyone for a long long time.


Anonymous said…
If I was her I would be so fed up of a fake relationship that lasted for 4 years! I don't get why would she want to go back to Rob. Twilight cash cow is already dried out and Robsten became a pathetic Circus.

She seems focused on work and on her lesbian friends, maybe she's trying to figure out her real sexual orientation... that I could believe.
Anonymous said…
She really is a joke.
Anonymous said…
If she was so fed up with it then maybe she should stop it and if her PR team ''forced'' her to play a game she should fire them and not to play ''keep them guessing game'' and sending public apology and make photo ops and parading in Rob's clothes when he was filming in Austalia.She wasn't lasbian with her director.
Anonymous said…
I can't imagine any man or woman wanting to be in a relationship with her. She has no morals, you could never trust her & she seems like a miserable person. I think something is seriously wrong with her, like depression or past trauma, I hope she gets some help.
Anonymous said…
"TOLD-YA"...what? I don't validate capitalizing or predicating a this young woman's 'stress' as evidence for their relationship being "PR" or fake!!!!
If reinforces the opposite conclusion, if she is in-fact losing her hair due to the stress and separation of her "REAL" relationship with Robert.

Actions speak louder than words. Words can be artifice, crafted and contrived. How does this article validate your predictions/beliefs that Rob doesn't care and their relationship was always fake/PR? are stretching conform to your justify you are right. Will you throw this woman under the bus over and over...just to "PROVE" you were right?

You've been correct about many situations...but, I've told you this before.....your energy/intuitions is mis-guided or "off base" about Rob/kristen's relationship being just PR/Fake. Throw in the towel made a know it and just admit it. They were as "real" as any relationship regardless of the cheating. can't cheat on someone you haven't really dated or had a genuine relationship this article/post is mute, unjustified and obtuse...

Why can't you just admit, that you could have been potentially wrong about "validity" of Rob and kristen's relationship. Remember...this... "98.5% Accurate"? You're not are not God...
Psychic Gossip said…
Well,well seems like I touched a nerve..
By the way...
I don't need to throw her under a bus.
She did that the minute she went off with a MRRIED MAN.
Psychic Gossip said…
PS If you read your 3rd paragraph. It is you that wants it both ways.........
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the respectful reply back and the "feedback":)
A Nerve? exactly, my friend....that is what I was thinking as well:) I viscerally hit a "nerve" inside you and you reciprocally hit one in me as well. Did you know that I'm the "WTF" gospel/scripture girl?:)

I have this 'gift' too...not developed or as evolved as yours....but, I have it. I knew I hit a nerve within you....really...I did.
I think you are grafting your own personal view of Kristen with your prediction that her relationship with Rob is fake/pr.
Separate the two emotions....and see it for what it is...not what you want it to be....just to be "RIGHT". are correct, it takes TWO TO TANGO....and she certainly could have said "NO" to impulsively "indulging" into the married man with children advances/attention. She was selfish, immature and narcissistic in her behavior. That's a given, CD. But, how does that illustrate that her relationship with Rob was fake/PR?
The overt "hair-loss" is not a natural outcome of something that was 'fake' but, indeed... "Real". I've heard of contrived, crocodile tears....but hair-loss...really? come on...

She is mourning the absence of him....and most likely crucifying 'herself' for all the systemic damage she has caused.
You said:
"Ps if you read your 3rd paragraph, It's you that wants in both ways":
If I decipher this right and your meaning behind that statement is stemming from the following from my paragraph:

I said: "They were as "real" as any relationship regardless of the cheating. can't cheat on someone you haven't really dated or had a genuine relationship this article/post is mute, unjustified and obtuse..."

I was simply stating that I think their relationship was always real...and her cheating on Robert was a secondary issue, not the systemic 'cause' of their 'real' relationship problems. There are a host of issues that contributed to the fracture of their relationship....not 'just' the cheating.
Cheating is rarely the "cause" is a passive-aggressive warning or symptom of something missing within that person, or their partner ...or both. point was this....if the relationship was a manufactured, PR mess as you insist emphatically...than why is outward signs of physical, bodily stress proof that her relationship with Robert was fake? Actions speak Opposite...and that is why I called this article and your "PR" prediction "rubbish" in your tongue. In my's obtuse and contradictory.
Re-evaluate your insight/intuitions about them being PR, CD.....take your personal feelings about her disposition/ post actions out of it....and you will see more clearly they were in fact... a real couple....

Anonymous said…
I think her hair loss is a result of her drug addiction. She looks high out of her mind and like shit all the time. Even someone in Berlin tweeted that he met her and said she needs to lay off the Toot-aka coke.
Anonymous said…
She no longer can play "keep them guessing game" since she broke up with Rob...or vice versa (no idea) . Only obsessed Robsten fans refuse to believe the break up but the rest of the world has moved on.

Both of them played the game till Twilight was totally done, maybe they were contractually obligated but not anymore and I frankly believe that RK had to be freaking fed up after such a long time feigning a romantic relationship. I figure It has to be psychologically exhausting LOL.

As for Kristen sexual orientation, yes, she had an affair with her director and she hasn't been seen with any other man since then, maybe she has realized that she feels more comfortable with women since she's always hanging out with lesbians or maybe she'll get involved with another guy. According to CD it's not gonna happen for a long time....
Anonymous said…
anon 8:49 if they were a real couple why they didn't admit it publicly?what's the problem to say''we're together,but we're not talking about it''?that's all.If someone is in love with the person doesn't hurt that person publicly like she did,it's not a behaviour for a normal loving human,only for someone who is in some kind of horrendous deal.she should kick her PR people if they are responsible for dragging her into it.The same with Rob,he's adult enough to do what is good for him as an actor,not for people from his managment.
Anonymous said…
I hope you don't mind if I get in the conversation but you can't rely on everything gossip mags are telling. Personally I can't believe a word of this article because my gut and common sense tell me it's BS. On the other hand I can believe Kristen is stressed, but by papz harassment, not by Rob's absence.

Rob and Kristen always gave me the impression of being a players. They played fans and the media for their own benefit and Twilight's. Some languid looks at each other in their movie's premieres were enough to make robsten fans drool over them and they knew it. Kristen wearing his items kept fans analyzing everthing and wanting to know more but they never acknowledged a relationship, they never acted like a real couple, they just played "Keep them guessing" till Twilight was done. How convenient.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous - Please calm down. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will either be fine or not. They will either be together or not. Attacking or insulting CD is not going to make you feel any better. If Kristen is loosing her hair its probably due to drugs and career stresses. She has had relationships before Robert and has them now after Robert. I hope she seeks professional help. Based on what you & CD have both said (whether right or wrong) Kristen Stewart needs SERIOUS PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE. Her career and image have suffered and with the new young actresses emerging and receiving excellent roles and recognition her self-esteem is probably dropping. She is no longer the IT girl or the most wanted actress. She is now the B- celebrity in the tabliods with the scandal and Twilight romance. Pretty sad and pathetic. She caused 100% of her career damage.
Anonymous said…
I read this tweet,who knows maybe it's true.
Psychic Gossip said…
Her hair loss is purely down to stress and the fact that in simple speak.. "She's FUCKED "CD
Anonymous said…
Hi, CD....
Thanks for personally blessing me with your "two" consecutive responses:) The "nerve" that I exposed is apparently a 'hot' one...
Truly...I'm not attacking you or your intuitive insights/predictions. I believe you are the genuine article....because I can feel it and your energy.
But...regardless if Kristen is all the derogatory things that you or others propose here or within the does that prove her relationship with Robert is pr/fake? How does your posted article/picture of her enduring 'stress' related hair-loss validate her relationship with Rob is fake?
I'm sorry CD, give her PR Team way, way too much credit. These people are cheeky fellows, with a Harvard doctorate degree in PR relationships. Seriously...I think you and many others have misread Kristen and Rob's REAL game face and the "TRUE" meaning behind their actions of placating the media and anti-fan, twilight hatred. For example, what do I mean?

@AnonymousSeptember 11, 2013 at 12:01 AM

anon 8:49 "if they were a real couple why they didn't admit it publicly?what's the problem to say''we're together,but we're not talking about it''?
Exactly the've been played...but not in the literal way you have described. Why should they give away/share that small part of themselves and power with the abusive, self-serving world/media that rapes them of privacy every 5 seconds? There is a sense of power/control in owning/protecting what you love/cherish...and keeping it 'private' in a very over-exposed, conditional world? They were sheltering themselves and each other from potential emotional damage, scrutiny. They wanted to keep their love protected, sacred and untainted from all the smutt and filth that surrounds them. True love rarely exists in Hollywood...they were cognitive of this obstacle...and didn't want to become another cliche hollywood couple without the media crawling inside their knickers!!:)
however...Ms. Kristen cracked under the pressure and became the cliche she was trying to defy. She felt unworthy of Rob's unconditional love...and became a self-fulfilling prophecy or her own worst enemy before the crazy media snatched it away from her first. Immature? Dumb? self-centred? all of the above....but, it doesn't change the idea of her love for Rob was "real"...because she is your quote, CD.."Fucked". which I believe is true, CD...that Kristen is essentially 'fucked' and has been swallowed into the Hollywood media hell and politics that she was mocking...yet finally succumbed to. The looks and exchanges that transpired in a silent code between Rob/kristen was this small private world they shared and didn't want the media to take or inhabit...that is the clever mockery of it all...and the media were being played at their own game.
Anonymous said…
Amateur Psychic - Kristen needs help & so does Robert. Can you imagine dealing with her for only an hour? Yeah, scary and exhausting. Well if they end up together, I am sure rehab and career suicide (Robert's career) will follow. They really became the cliché couple they arrogantly wanted to avoid. What a joke. And reading your explanation really makes Kristen look worse then CD ever did. He uses humor you use strong judgment and cruel criticism.
Anonymous said…
Kristen been called a pr genius for years by reporters. Dont you ever wonder why? You dont get called that if your not hiding something big and lying to the general public. Usually that means lying about their relationship, sexuality, drug use, goody goody image etc. And it was obviously known by the reporters and everyone behind the scenes. So im so not buying that she was trying to protect their special relationship.
Your assumptions of these twos love and relationship is just that. Assumptions, you dont know anything about them or how they really felt towords each other so just stop. It may be your opinion but at least you should admit that. And the rest of us will amicably disagree with your crazy and delusional opinions on them.
Anonymous said…
@06.32AM. You can keep your Robsten script to yourself and believe in them for the rest of your life... even if they're not seen together anymore in order to protect their precious love.

I choose to believe in couples who are not afraid of sharing their love with the world because is real, and in doing so they don't make a drama of their relationship, waking up the curiosity of fans all over the world and consequently the media.

I choose to believe in couples who happily hold their hands publicly because they love each other and feel like it. Love is to be celebrate it, not to hide it away. Love is not a sin, it's a joy.

I choose to believe in actors like Jennifer Lawrence who is respected and gets massive attention for her talent and her Awards, not for her romantic life and she has had relationships which she never hid.

Robsten is an abstract thing who got Rob and Kristen loads of attention, fans, fame and money. I choose reality and love.
Anonymous said…
I think you are right. A littel stress, drugs, to much alkohol (as she is said to be drinking vodka already in the early hours of the day) and probably unhealthy food as well. What do you expect? You can see it in her eyes, on the bags underneath them and on her skin. She really needs to get her shit together or she will end bad.
Anonymous said…
LOL yeah sure. You know the saying? If you are in love you might not know it right away - but everyone else can see it. What do you think why there always have been doubters? Becaue they NEVER looked in love. You probably never had a relationship. Because if your love looks at you the way those two looked at each other - then you are just screwed. True love doesn't spent month apart if they don't REALLY REALLY need to. Thoe two have money like hell but they choosed to spend a lot of time apart - on different continents sometimes while it would have been so easy to stay together to keep each other company. They never were a couple. Accept it. Deal with it.
Anonymous said…
The hair loss is called traction alopecia, which is due to poor maintenance of hair extensions she's worn for movie roles (SWATH and BD). It put stress on the roots, and her hair fell out. If it was due to emotional issues, it would be falling out in clumps all over, not symmetrical lines that follow how extensions are attached to the roots of hair. She doesn't even wash her hair, so this is not shocking that she didn't go to a salon for maintenance.
Anonymous said…
Exactly, my point as well....
Hair-loss can be a multifactorial thing. CD made a huge assumption that her hair-loss was caused by stress of some capacity from His "perceived" view/prediction that it's due to her PR/non-relationship with Pattinson. He is rationalizing and manipulating the sitation or images to confirm his predictions were in fact "RIGHT" by exclaiming "TOLD YA". His "told Ya" based upon this article and images has the credibility of a lot "NOTHING" and "ASSUMPTIONS"...not concrete facts....nor exercising "logic"/common sense.
Execuse me...but Cd posting this article to affirm his predictions about PR/Fake Robsten makes NO SENSE and completely contradictory in terms. Why would Kristen mourn/emotionally respond to something physically that was never truly real or emotionally invested in to begin with?
This is my whole 'point' that I've been attempting to illustrate, in a nutshell. There is no "TOLD-YA" or proof of any type "fake" or "PR" anything. CD actually reiterated and confirmed what I've been trying to convey along....ROBSTEN IS/WAS real.
CD debunked his own prediction/theory by posting this trash article about kristen losing her hair due to stress. If Robsten wasn't real and was manufactured "PR"... Kristen would have never shown signs of physical or emotional stress in Rob's absence in her life....logical, right? I'm finding out in my old age... that commonsense isn't so common....but, a rarity in disguise.
Of course kristen is under 'stress'...her life is under a microscope day and night. My God...I'd loose my hair, too.
However, my thoughts and conclusions to "why" she may have lost some hair besides the obvious element of chronic stress within her very public life....would be literal, mechanical/chemical abuse upon her hair that she endures according to her character roles requiring hair extensions,changing hair color and products. Or, she could have a thyroid condition induced from stress. The point is...CD didn't validate anything regarding Kristen's relationship status with Pattinson by posting this reinforced my stated theory/feeling that Their relationship was real if she is indeed losing hair from the "stress" of the breakup.
Anonymous said…
Kristen has now joined the ranks of Lindsey, Pamela Anderson, and Kim K by agreeing to be paid 500k to "meet" with a foreign prince. Everyone knows this is just a legal way of whoring themselves out, its also always done in other countries, "meetings" are never in America or their home country.
Anonymous said…
I highly disagree about your celebrity comparables and about Kristen's recent motivations/charitable intentions. Stop thinking like a drone...and following/breeding the "hate" the media has for kristen. Just like sex, Hatred sells.
kristen is nothing like Lindsey, Pam or Kim K....matter-of-fact, completely opposite....or not in the same class/species.
Kristen is what you 'see' is what you 'get' masks, pretentious clothes/materialism or "fakeness" that these woman have built/perpetuated their images upon. I do believe Lindsey may be finally growing up and taking accountability for her mistakes/destructive life habits.
Kristen is opposite in her desperate need to express her own individuality amongst all the lemmings in hollywood...that she's become the rebellious, punk-rock "actress"...with the f-u attitude. problem's counterproductive and self-destructive in which she's only hurting herself.
I like kristen stewart...her bare bones honesty I admire/respect...she just needs to find a positive 'way'to channel her brilliant, independent mind/acting skills without hurting herself in the process. The charity event with the prince...was a nice step in that direction. nothing helps the spirit grow when we look beyond ourselves...and help others unconditionally....
Anonymous said…
"Her bare bones honesty" ...Yes, she made it clear when she had an affair with a married man while she was still with her sparkly boyfriend.... Please tell whatever you want to tell about Kristen Stewart but don't write the word "Honesty" next to her name. It's laughable.
Anonymous said…
Yeah not buying her real honest, punk kind of attitude. She wasnt always awkward with bad attitude, she used to be well poised now it seems more of a act that she adopted. She trying too hard at it.
And I agree she is whoring herself out, thats the way its done. And your beyond dumb and naive if you think a prince would pay that to just talk about her stellar twitchy cardboard acting skills.
Anonymous said…'re righteous, standing in judgement from your puritanical pulpit.....and branding kristen over and over with the scarlet "A"......
Who made you judge and jury? Are you perfect and absolved of sin? All of humanity are potential cheaters and sinners in one capacity or another.

love, mercy, compassion and "forgiveness" are foreign concepts to most of our society....yet we proclaim to understand what it is to Love another.

True Love is there when a person is least deserving of it or receptive. It's easy to "love" when your 'needs' are all met...but does your love change for that person when they fail you in some capacity or another? We will all fail each other....the parent/child, the child/parent, spouses, friends, authority figures and people of position/power will cheat or lie in some way or another. No one is innocent or pure....and we are all guilty of selfishness, lies and 'cheating'. It's how we learn from our mistakes....that is most important.

Rob tried to forgive kristen....and I give him so much credit for his strength and integrity of trying to love her unconditionally...because that is the definition of true love. If they are meant to be...they will find each other again...
1 Corinthians 13:4-8:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Anonymous said…
I recommend you open your own blog. You are pushing your agenda and this is "The Seer" blog. I respect your beliefs and opinions, but I don't respect you attacking or judging Christian Dion in his own blog. If you want to help these actors do it in your own time and in your own space. Provide your pyschic gifts to your audience don't use CD's blog to do it. I am not a fan of either of these actors, but I am a fan of Christian Dion. If you preach love, respect, forgiveness then you should also practice it.
Anonymous said…
Wow for not being a religious person, you keep on quoting things from the Bible, that's weird...

I'm neither a priest nor Kristen's ex boyfriend nor Lyberty Ross (Rupert Sander's ex) to forgive Miss Stewart, so you can spare the rant about mercy, compassion and forgiveness.

I only know that Kristen had an affair with a married man while she was still or allegedly with Rob. She was 22, not 15 and she's been working and traveling abroad since she was a kid, so she knew perfectly what she was doing. Do you still think she's Honest? Ok then we'll have to agree to Disagree.

Corinthians is a perfect definition of love, send it to Kristen Stewart, maybe she'll learn something about love. As for Rob I think he has no idea yet, what love is, he doesn't even understand women... so yes, these two had a good time with Twilight, made plenty of money, fame and fooled thousands of girls and women, leading them to believe that Rob and Kristen were actually Edward and Bella coming true. Wake up time!
Anonymous said…
You have no idea what you are saying. I am not a fan of Kristen but I wiil not assume to know her. Also who are you to talk about rob and his knowledge of women. We will never know what went on behind closed doors.
Anonymous said…
religion is man- made and spirituality is a individual/personal belief one beholds within their selves. Religion and spirituality are vastly different concepts. I'm not religious in any way....and barely literate of the bible. Actually....those passages I used as reference were told to me intuitively and to seek the words/passages out.
As for disrespecting CD's website/blog....IN CONTRARY!!!! I respect CD and his intuitions/gifts....and actually I knew nothing about him or this web-site until I was intuitively drawn to this specific place.
Give CD more credit than that...I'm sure he doesn't like a bunch of mouth-pieces on here....he does enjoy a cerebral challenge.:) Being told what you want to hear all the time...can be ego-boosting...but, rarely stimulating or intellectual.
I just intuitively feel...CD is wrong about Rob and Kristen's relationship being Pr/fake. I was compelled to his site...and to relay these intuitions/feelings I have about them.
I actually wanted feedback from him as to "why" she self-inflicted/destructed her REAL relationship with Robert.
How I can I clarify this?.....I'm not looking to argue or to offend, I'm looking for other like minded intuitives. I feel very strongly about this real love between Robert and Kristen. Their love was nothing but PR...almost symbiotic...true soul mates. I'm very surprised CD doesn't feel that as well. The worldly view, perspective and hatred of Twilight is very misdirected/misunderstood/misinterpreted. I would love CD to give me his insight in why I feel this so strongly....and why I was compelled to participate on his web site without any prior knowledge of who/what he is.
Anonymous said…
If you are a psychic you should know by now that people are laughing at you. Go away.
Anonymous said…
You're asking CD to tell you why you're intuitive and found his site and yet your intuitionso far is wrong. You got caught up in the lives of 2 actors doing their jobs. They are NOT soulmates. They are not their characters. CD isn't saying everything he knows, maybe out of respect, who knows? If you want him to tell you insights about your own character, email him and pay him for his service then. I'm sure he'd love to help you. But please don't shill your agenda out here because there are some people that are personally very tired of seeing all this "they're married/they're soulmates/together forever" stuff for years. Please let go.

Anonymous said…
Where did I say that I knew Kristen Stewart? Didn't you heard about 2012 cheating? You must be the only one, just google it, it was all over the net. Her behavior was selfish, self indulgent and that is so far away from real love,

Regarding Rob, I don't know him either, I was quoting what he said in one of his recent interviews for Dior ad, he admitted that he didn't understand women, hence you can figure out that if he's having trouble on that, he hasn't yet found love otherwise he would be in a relationship, but yes, this is my assumption.

If you're not a Kristen's fan you shouldn't be that bothered, I was not disrespectful towards her, was I?
Anonymous said…
@ 7:00 & 8:14...
Why so bitter? Angry? It's you that has issues, because YOU ARE CLOSED MINDED and unhappy within yourselves.
Are you psychic? No, you are not....obviously...because you would understand what I was trying to convey regarding my "intuitions" about Robert and Kristen. And yes they are soul mates....
Soul mates teach one another how to become their full actualized self.
Soul mates are not necessarily meant to be lovers or the same sex. You have romanticized the notion or concept of what a soul mate is.
You have never experienced the meaning of what it is to truly love....or you'd understand this. You are too closed emotionally, to understand what it is to love someone beyond your own benefit or personal gain. Your ideology represents the way of the world...tear down others to falsely elevate your very low self-esteem. And I don't care if everyone is laughing at me...people usually mock/reject what they don't intellectually understand. And please stop speaking for CD...he doesn't need a mouth piece....he's very capable of addressing me and my commentary.
Anonymous said…
Well,such a pity she didn't love him and even worse,she didn't respect him not only as her BF(as you claim he was)but also co-star of successful franchise and friend.Her ''love'' fails.
Anonymous said…
It's sad to see someone as hopelessly devoted to a celebrity as this anonymous commentor defending Kristen Stewart & the "Robsten" relationship in the comments above. I wouldn't be surprised if this person was one of Kristen's older women fans who fantasize about being Kristen & think if they cheer for her loud enough they'll somehow be part of Bella's sparkly fairytale life. Bizarre.

If you have read The Seer's blog at all you'd understand celebrities, however "real" and different-from-the-rest they claim to be, are actually just very flawed human beings who work in a business where everyone thrives on drama and attention. Actors work in an industry where a false image is crafted around them by teams of people who are financially invested in their careers to sell them as a product to audiences. You believe Kristen is a shy, awkward girl who hates attention because that's been her PR schtick for many years. Honey, if she hated attention she wouldn't be a Hollywood actress, she wouldn't be desperate to get on magazine covers, she wouldn't attend award shows and she wouldn't be representing a fashion house. Like everyone else in the business she needs attention to survive, without it her career will wither and die. Why do you think she clung to Robert for dear life for so long? It's not like she can make it on acting talent alone. The girl needs drama and speculation to keep people interested in her because she is as bland as they come.

And before you get all pissy with me, just remember: Kristen Stewart doesn't know or care that you or I exist and she doesn't know or care that you defend her all over the internet. She's set for life at age 23 & can do whatever she likes whenever she likes, haters/defenders don't matter to her in the slightest.
Anonymous said…
You seem to live in a ""parallel universe"" where all is about intuition and spirituality, soul mates, notions and concepts about an idealized, eternal and perfect love but... you absolutely forget the earthly and real love which is based on strong feelings like respect, trust, empathy, honesty and mutual understanding. These are the pillars of true love and not the fairy tale philosophy you're trying to sell.

We might be closed minded but you're blinded by cheesy Twilight books!
Anonymous said…
-Standing ovation for your post- We need a dose of common sense in this section! I completely agree with you and I'd only add that "it takes two to Tango". Rob is as accountable as Kristen for that delusional thing called Robsten.
Anonymous said…
@Anon post Sep 14 8:02PM

Anonymous said…
The earth didn't stop spinning not even after the World Wars genius. However you're right on one thing, this is crap, gossip is crap but it's a part of CD's blog and sadly many people are interested and like to comment on gossip, it's a way of entertainment and it doesn't give you the right to call them idiots.
Anonymous said…
CD - I am assuming this is all gossip, right? They look to have moved on. CD will their current projects succeed or will their Twilight personas affect their future as credible actors? Not that they are very good actors more like barely mediocre.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for answering my question. Glad to see they will both be successful actors in the future. I thought Twilight and Kristen's cheating scandal would hold them back. Guess I am wrong.
Anonymous said…
Christian said awhile ago that Kristin was in for a fall and she would have nothing but flops for long time. Has something changed CD?
Anonymous said…
CD, Rob/Kristen will succeed as actors past Twilight? opppsss Big Surprise! I thought they would be forgotten in no more than a year.
Anonymous said…
It all depends upon what you view as "flops"....
Art is highly subjective. Actually, most of what the movie critics acclaim with esteem and value...I don't see the merit behind all the hype.

Twilight was hated by critics...and adored by vast demographics. Who pays the bills? Fans? Critics? Pr/adverts? takes an artist's "eye" and collective individuals whom "identify" art to be able to exist and to be declared important. Fashion is always out of fashion.. It's the forecasters...that I'm more interested in....

Or plainly....people who can think for themselves...despite the popular opinion/culture.(which can be favorable/unfavorable).
And you recognize me???? whom Am I?
Anonymous said…
CD Your answers are a bit confusing ...

CD will Rob / Kristen current projects succeed?

Christian DionSeptember 16, 2013 at 4:07 AM

Christian said awhile ago that Kristen was in for a fall and she would have nothing but flops for long time. Has something changed?

Christian DionSeptember 16, 2013 at 9:00 AM

Anonymous said…
2 questions were originally asked perhaps he answered the latter, and someone assumed he meant they would both be succesful.
Anonymous said…
Christian,please clarify this,you said that Kristen was finished and Rob would be more behind the camera,is that corect?
Psychic Gossip said…
THey are finish here in Robs own words
When it comes to crossing Rob, he admits to being able to hold a grudge for a LONG time! R-Patz explained:

"QUOTE" "I don't ever feel the need to forgive or expect people to be. I judge people on their actions. I don't really care if it's wrong or right, I give them the benefit of the doubt. If they do something I can't be bothered to deal with, I just cut them out."
Anonymous said…
Christian,I know,I read this interview,but I was asking about their career,will it be successful in the future?You said in the previous posts:''she is finished'' and about Rob:''more behind the camera'',has it changed?
Anonymous said…
So will he make a clean break from her friends too C.D?... Seems like thats what is keeping the hope alive for some in the Twilight fandom.
Psychic Gossip said…
He's already doing that.CD
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the answer.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your answers Christian :)
Anonymous said…
Christian,how do you sense,does Rob have problems with alcohol?He seems spend much time at LA clubs.And ther's this info about Zac Efron's rehab.
Psychic Gossip said…
Rob doesn't have no more of a problem than those of his age and wealth, he'll be fine CD
Anonymous said…
CD you posted awhile back that Rob's Dior thing would fail, do you still see it as a dud. Thanks
Psychic Gossip said…
Absolutely, saw it the other day. Doesn't do him any favours way too artsy it won't bring in the $$$ numbers that Dior expected CD
Anonymous said…
CD, wow that was a quick reply, thanks. One more question if I may, the number of views on the Ad (mini film) Dior released had like 6/7 million in a couple days, will that not transfer over into higher sales?................Just found your site a couple months back, I'm really enjoying it.
Anonymous said…
When will we see Rob with a new girl?
Psychic Gossip said…
Well I wouldn't but from that AD and I like him. It just seems arrognat...and the smoking UGH. CD Glad you like the site tell everyone ha h
Psychic Gossip said…
hen he's ready. Aftert he crap he's had to deal with via hie last "RELATIONSHIP" he needs some spce CD
Anonymous said…
I can imagine that he needed some time after pr crap. But if he’s ready, as you are saying, then it’ll be soon?
Anonymous said…
Not sure why so many people need so much assurances. I read a few of his interviews and it seems he is moving on with his life in every aspect and he has a good sense of humor about it. She seems to be doing the same.
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't think soon....since he's probably going to take a bit to get over the PR crap......U said She will be the first one out with someone new or he will CD?
Anonymous said…
I wonder if Rob or Kristen read this blog.. It would be fun, lol
Anonymous said…
hi.. CD...

What blows me away is the "thus-far", 77 inquiries/responses on your blog about Kristen and Robert...
In all seriousness....Why such a phenomenon/vast interest that surrounds these two individuals? I truly haven't witnessed such wide-spread emotional investment in a celebrity couple.

Maybe on the same scale as the Beatles? Elvis? Michael Jackson...
But, it seems to be on a greater scale....less superficial...and "real" emotional interest or 'detest' from polar opposite sides....Fans and anti's both alike....take their time out of their busy schedules/life to state their favorable/unfavorable opinions about them.'s so strange...but I feel there is a higher purpose or lesson for society to vicariously learn from by witnessing this "sacrificial-lamb" celebrity relationship and all their public, emotional laundry....

Do you understand what I'm trying to convey and asking you to validate/confirm?
Anonymous said…
Thanks CD...for your confirmation/validation.
In your intuitive opinion/feeling...
What is it about these two people and the conjoining cultural phenomenon of Twilight...that is so special? Is it our humanity seeking or filling a deficit within ourselves? A cultural cry for help? Seeking unconditional love and acceptance that seems so lost/vacant within our society?
please confirm or attest to my intuitive feelings.....or give me your individual take on it all...
Psychic Gossip said…
for those that are fans it's about boring lives.For the actors it's about the money plain and simple CD
Anonymous said…
Doesn't the "celebrity" represent a fantasy or a world that can only exist within the dreams of common man?
Doesn't a celebrity serve as a tangible, safe medium for the average person to live out dreams/fantasies vicariously through them?
Aren't movies/arts/entertainment a form of escapism and celebration from the routine part of our lives?
The differences is....the celebrity actually acts upon their dreams/fantasies.(not without a price or consequences). Any person who becomes a 'known' figure in our subject to overt criticism. (that includes you, CD).
I think there is something noble and brave about living out your dreams as many celebrities have done. I think many get too greedy, and their ego becomes their primary guide to self-destructive choices.
However, the celebrities whom remain in balance/check....can sustain a some-what happy life despite all the media attention.(which many enjoy/seek-out like a addictive drug.)

CD, You really think Robert is in it just for the money? I think he's a very artistic person trying to find the right 'medium' to express himself. I don't think money is his primary motivator, CD.
I agree about the Dior ad...on some levels. It screams sell-out for which it's contrary to how he was raised and what's in his heart. I intuitively feel he loves couture fashion or "Dior" because of it's artistic merit, reputation and elegance. However....It will not read that way to the mainstream public eye. It will read... pretentious, sell-out, arrogance, PR and trying too 'hard' to reach mainstream demographics/assimilation.
And the "smoking" will also be misinterpreted/frowned upon as dirty, politically incorrect...and yet again...arrogant/impulsive. I think the smoking was relective of Dior's peak era in the 50' which most cultured, manly-men...smoked. hence....the Ad had that vintage feel...being filmed and stylized in black and white. Once again...Pattinson's intention/motivations will be misunderstood...The modern, refined real man..can be/do what he wants, a free-will going against the grain of society/oppressive norms/rules...yet still maintaining a cool, refinement.
It's odd...CD, he's almost regressed like a teenager...trying too hard to appear grown-up/mature before his brain is fully wired/ready for it. Too me...he was more confident and mature when he did the first twilight movie...and his confidence got lost/misdirected after that....
Thoughts CD? agree or disagree? please convey your gifted insight/wisdom....
Anonymous said…
Your answers are plain and simple but full of meaning!!! Love you Christian! :)
Anonymous said…
I was a Twilight fan even before the movies came out and I can tell you that Rob was as inmature then as he is now. I haven't actually seen a growing in regards of maturity in him. Five years have gone by and he's now supposed to be more mature. Besides he's promoting a Dior ad where he plays a manly and confident man and that is what he's been trying to sell but that is just a role. He's currently trying to be taken seriously as an actor but deep down and reading between the lines of his recent interviews I still see the insecure, playful, giggly guy with rather little self esteem who often begins to answer questions with an "I don't know" or hides himself behind ambiguous replies.
Anonymous said…
@ 12:00
I've been a Twilight fan since I witnessed Pattinson/stewart's extraordinary chemistry...and Pattinson's James Dean-type method acting, in the 1st twilight. I know, I'm probably a rare anomaly on CD's site/blog...
But...I was physically drawn/compelled to seek Twilight out. NO ONE I knew influenced me or solicited my interest in twilight. It was A SELF-induced interest...and I had no prior knowledge of the actors/books...ect.
I became a Twilight fan due to the rare, original quality and acting style of Pattinson/Stewart.
I never understood why Pattinson/Stewart are dissed for their acting skills....quite my opinion. They're both ahead of their time...and people often reject what is not mainstream and unique.

For me....Pattinson was most himself...and raw to the bone in his acting craft/element, within the 1st Twilight movie. I haven't been moved by an actor's performance and style in years...and he caught my attention.
I liked his performance so much in Twilight...from his non-verbals, timing and of course synergized chemistry with Stewart.
I think the fame and exposure of twilight...tainted his acting craft....and his artistic, internal compass. TOO MUCH PRESSURE, TOO MUCH EXPECTATIONS, TOO MUCH CRITICISM ruined his innocence and vigor.

Dior will not make the media/critics see him as a Man.... but, remaining true to himself and his convictions/vision/craft will. Conforming to an image of what people perceive as quality or high social status will not elevate his station/reputation. There are people like me who saw his rare talent/potential in the 1st twilight...and he needs to re-instate that confidence and vigor...and he'll be emotionally true to himself.
Success is not valued by others's attained by feeling accomplished within yourself....otherwise the self-esteem hole will never be filled if you live to please others' "ideal" of what you should be...instead of what you are inside yourself.
Anonymous said…
Will rob have a fling with another movie star. Not a long term relationship but some fun? He needs to be slutty for awhile.
Anonymous said…
CD - Would not be surprised if these 2 hook-up again for the publicity. I don't think he cares or that she does but they want the fame and the money. Even after saying that I admit, Robert looks handsome and quite sexy in the Dior ads. I even liked the smoking
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:31 AM. Somehow I agree with you on Rob trying to please everybody's expectations as long as Twilight Saga lasted. Twilight has been the key that opened Hollywood's door for him and made him rich but it has never been his thing.

Now that Twilight is over, he talks about Cosmopolis being the movie where he first felt like an actor and on how Cronenberg was the first director who actually taught him important things about acting, but above all, he's telling he feels free, happy and he's taking important decisions about his career. So right now he seems to be on the way to gain self esteem and accomplish his own goals instead of someone else's expectations.
Anonymous said…
@ 8:36...
thanks for the affirmations...
But...this is really what I feel intuitively, and much differently than CD does and much of the world, critics and the majority of twilight fans...
yes...Twilight put Pattinson on the map for a reason....HIS ACTING...and His interpretation of Edward Cullen...was in my opinion, "Genius".

Let me ask you this...if you saw Pattinson's performance in Cosmopolis you think that acting would have put him on the map? I loved Cosmopolis...for it's edginess and cerebral context...however, I see Cronenberg's signature trademark on Pattinson...I don't see Pattinson's "trademark" acting style utilized to it's fullest potential.

WHY, I say this? I think cronenberg admires Pattinson as a person/actor...YET, he didn't give his role and acting as Edward Cullen,merit!!!! Cronenberg believe's Pattinson needed to move on and "improve" from that role. Ironically, in my opinion, Pattinson's true trademark/acting ability was most genuine/true to himself under Catherine Hardwicke's direction in Twilight.

Hardwicke challenged Pattinson to his FULLEST creative potential...unlike Cronenberg, who placed his vision/style upon Pattinson. Hardwicke brought out Pattinson's individual vision, style and creativity upon Edward cullen's literary personality/disposition. Pattinson made Edward darker, more internally tortured. Hardwicke challenged ROB on his interpretation...but, in the end allowed him to follow his gut, creative instinct...and in my was so genius/innovative.
Pattinson should work with Hardwicke again...she is a type of soul-mate/teacher...and was intrumental in finding his true "voice" in twilight. I believe Rob will be a director someday...and much like Hardwicke is.....A true visual artist...almost obsessive and so detailed...
I think those two are very much alike...and that is why the butted-heads and challenged eachother's artistic visions in twilight(for the better).
Anonymous said…
We'll have to agree to disagree. In my opinion It was not Pattinson's acting in Twilight what put him into Hollywood map. It was The Twilight Phenomenon whose books already had a massive fandom. It was Hardwicke who was wise enough as to cast a couple of unknown actors with good chemistry to play the lead roles. It was Hardwicke again who was the only director that captured the real essence of the books in the movie and finally, it was the Robsten phenomenon that gained him thousands of fans who believed Edward and Bella had come true.

Twilight is a teens movie with a script addressed to young people even though many women over their fourties got hooked on it as well... Edward Cullen is not an Oscar role and actually didn't require a very skilled actor to play it.

Pattinson didn't win the critics praise for his acting in Twilight, rather the contrary. The industry waited to see Pattinson's following movies to actually figure out whether he could act or not and, in my opinion this is currently what he's striving for. Whether he makes it or not, we'll see...

Anonymous said…
@ 10:19...
Thanks for your reply and honesty. I respect our differences and is actually what I anticipated your response to be in most directions. However, I didn't expect your acknowledgement of Hardwicke's part in twilight success.(Thank-you). She is the integral part of twilight's success...and I feel she rarely gets credit for the foundation/vision she paved for the other Twilight movies. From her assemble cast, indie atmosphere/ camp feel, which included "Pattinson" whom Twilight fans orginally rejected as the right actor to portray Edward.(who mostly re-canted later, after viewing his acting/persona in the film). all I can say. Most people are sheep...who rarely have vision/insight unless it's accepted by the majority or masses.
also..I don't fall into the category of Twilight fans who read the books than the movies. I became a Twilight fan due to Pattinson and stewart's acting in Hardwicke's twilight. I then the books...and loved their performances EVEN more after I got insight into the literary characters. Especially, Pattinson's adaptaion of "Edward" was based on Meyer's uncompleted draft of Midnight SUN.(from Edward's perspective).
By the way, Twilight was never intended for the teen/young reader market. that is a was a "acceptable Market" because of it's "clean writing style" due to Meyer's Mormon faith's proclivity to promoting this type of ideology/life style.
In reality...the themes of Twilight are mature in content...and bridge broad demographics...not just teens or middle aged woman...but a broad spectrum of individuals.
Twilight explores many deep themes beyond the context of vampires and stereotypical, teenage love. In taps into concepts of spirituality, redemption, forgiveness, atonement, self-actualization/self-love and unconditional love.
Critics rarely have the insight to see the beauty or value in people/things until it's accepted/recognized by the majority.
I'm rarely in congruence with what is accepted in pop-culture or what is declared great/important by art/film critics. Most famous artists aren't appreciated/understood or are valued more in death than when living.
In my opinion, I really think Pattinson has nothing to "prove", but refine what already exists. He established his credibility an actor in Twilight. And yes, it was a difficult part to portray especially tied to all the expectations from the Twilight fan-dom. Pattinson is extremely gifted...from his timing, subtle bodily language/non-verbals...he has a style like no other actor...a class in itself. He just needs to believe in himself/craft despite the criticism...and develop and refine his very innovative vision like he successfully delivered in Hardwicke's Twilight.
Anonymous said…
Okkk CD... must get your opinion on this :)

What are your thoughts?
Psychic Gossip said…
Soshana Bush another Hollywood thoughts HA HA......CD
Anonymous said…
CD Do you think this brunette is the new girlfriend and Rob's been hiding her? Think it will last?
Anonymous said…
Oughhh Christian, if you laugh at it, does it mean it's BS, lies, no girlfriend for Rob? Thanks.
Psychic Gossip said…
A passing fancy as we say in the UK.......CD.similar to BS
Anonymous said…
CD, I remember you said that the truth about this pr stunt would eventually come out. Do you still think people will find out the truth about these two and when?
Anonymous said…
OK thanks Christian! Anyway robsten fans or sheep like many people call them, have gone crazy with the news lol, they still think RK are together!
Anonymous said…
I think it was pretty clear the whole circus was over when he packed up (funny pics of him in his truck) and moved out. Also, the new tabloid reports of Kstew dating Rupert again after his divorse kinda proves it was all PR. As the saying goes where there is flames there is a fire. And ulitmatley they both loved happy & relieved. Their fans should be happy for them. Twilight is over move on.
Anonymous said…
Yes, of course, it was clear.
But as far as I remember, Christian said that the truth would come out as a scandal. Was there a scandal in May, when Rob and Kristen officially “broke up”? No, there wasn’t. That’s why it’s interesting whether it’ll be publicly reveled in the future or not.
Anonymous said…
Christian, what do you think about this
Anonymous said…
@Anon at 12:35 AM,you're right,I remember Christian saying it will be similar to the mess before,but more so,as people will at last see the truth about them.I don't know maybe something has changed.
Anonymous said…
Come on Christian, how does this fit with your other predictions about this. Tell us. :-) Love your site.
Anonymous said…
CD already said she was a passing fancy...
Psychic Gossip said…
I never said that he wouldn't have inbetweeners.I said his next real girlfriend would be behind the scenes CD
Anonymous said…
Then the brunette could actually be his real girlfriend as no one has idea of who she is.... every gossip site is calling her "the mystery brunette".
Anonymous said…
Ok, Christian, tell us, will the woman that Rob will end up with be famous or not? Clearly he has somebody now, as you were saying, an inbetweener, but she’s not The One apparently.
Anonymous said…
I believe/feel....this "Passing Fancy" or even serial ones he will experience...will lead him right back to the heart/soul of Ms. Kristen Stewart. This is a period of self-discovery for him. He will learn by tasting/sampling all the chocolates in the box.. that he will remain faithful to his favorite...Ms. Kristen Stewart.
Besides...all these little "Passing Fancy" or 'samplers" resemble Kristen. He will learn through these women ... is that he can't live without or replace...
Kristen Stewart....his true love.
Psychic Gossip said…
Anonymous said…
I luv ya....really I do:)
and thanks for the extra "x".....I actually laughed with you....but, it's what I feel.
SO, I guess you're not in congruence with with my novice intuitions?
I probably shouldn't contradict the master of psychic phenomenon...right?
Psychic Gossip said…
He he all oppinions are valid which is what makes the World fun......Cd x
Anonymous said…
CD - is Kristen Stewart really losing her hair over Robert Pattinson? I thought it was over her damaged reputation and lose of positive media coverage. It must be hard to be in tabloids weekly if not daily. Hey by the way did she continue her affair with Rupert after his divorce? She was cheating on Robert Pattinson again or all along?
Anonymous said…
Dear CD, sorry but my English isn't good enough to understand all you are saying. I like your blog, thoughts and your fantastic accuracy. But please, tell us. You are talking about his next real girlfriend. And you are talking about passing fancy and BS in the same post. Do you mean that Rob is dating this girl or not? E! refers to her as his trainer now.. THX love you.
Anonymous said…
Intuitively, I knew/felt that about you already....I've stated on here before...that you welcome a wide breath/spectrum of thoughts on your site...even ones that challenge your predictions. This is why I'm here...and why I respect/admire you...for your "honesty' and for your ability to "see" from all facets....
I agree with all your statements on this site..EXCEPT, about ROBSTEN(I hate this connotation, BTW, I'm just lazy to type their names;)

Please..please, personally answer this for me, since my "novice" intuitions contradict yours about the validity of Robsten's relationship is the core of our disagreement.....


Why do I feel these feelings so strongly and you...the polar opposite? I know you have an excellent track-record for your predictions....but, I feel "my'' intuitions are ringing truth...."LOUDLY" inside my head.(I know you understand this..most people would think "crazy"...but, that is how it works). Obviously, my level of intuitions are much less refined/developed than yours....and I have never had an actual "vision".....just very strong feeling/emotions attached to people or events...that usually manifests as true. (usually).
Sorry so long...but, I really need to resolve this dissonance with you...since we both feel our feelings so strongly regardless of their opposition.
Thanks CD, for your replies and 'hearing' my side...and "x" for you,too.....:)
Anonymous said…
With all due respect to your intuition and love of Kristen, it isn't Kristen he's shown on his phone with and it isn't her that tried to help him after the scandal broke when he had to go up against all the reporters for his own film. It was a friend who actually cares.
Anonymous said…
Chocolates, really? I know thes actors are fame hungry, but comparing them to chocolate is just hiliarious. Soulmates? True loves? If they get back together lets hope its for a real relationship and not a ridiculous fantasy.
Anonymous said…
Christian said in the previous post that Kristen went with Rob due to her PR team seeing this as a great thing for her,so it has always been fake and always about the money.For me it was strange,because Rob looked and acted like man in love,especially at Cannes Festival,he was so,so happy being there with his Cosmopolis movie and seeing this positive reaction from critics especially European ones he was personification of happiness.My theory was that it started as a PR stunt,but he really fell in love with her,but she didn't love him,because he is this giggling,funny,easy going,self-conscious guy not arrogant,self-centred macho-type for whom MANY women go crazy.You know shy people always think they don't deserve better.But Christian still very strong claims it was all PR.
Anonymous said…
I've never seen Christian explained his predictions, why does he feel what he feels? I just think it doesn't work like this. I've been reading his blog for a while and he's quite plain and simple telling what will happen. Period.

I think you're pretty invested in Robsten and probably what you think it's a feeling, it's only wishful thinking.

From my POV Robsten has always been more of a sham than a real couple. Their relationship has been perfectly synchronized with Twilight movies. They let people believe they were a couple without acknowledged it for as long as the movies lasted. She fell for Rupert, Robsten allegedly broke up and he took her back right in time for the last installment promo. A few months later the DVD came out and just when Dior ad promo was about to start, Robsten breaks up for good....

It's been perfectly scheduled but you still believe they're soulmates and robsten is unbroken ... ok wait a few months and you'll see what happens for yourself.

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