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Can't stop laughing.....

You have been asking me about the reports that 
Kristen Stewart 

Robert Pattinson.
Are either friends with benefits.
Or are going to get back together.
For those of you that have read by blog for some time.
Know what I think about this
It's all PR.
But let me make it clear.
It never was "Real".
Nor are they friends with benefits.
Or are they getting back together.


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Anonymous said…
Believe me. Delusional robsteners would not give up on their fantasies, not even if Rob or Kristen got married to other people. Robsteners would say it was a mistake and they would wait patiently for the divorce. This is how much they're invested in this fauxmance.There're people who are happier living into delusion, even if deep down they know it's a fantasy that will never come true.
Anonymous said…
Christian can we keep on posting comments in this entry? hope so!

I just wanted to tell that many girls are being linked to Rob but I have the feeling that Kristen will find a boyfriend or girlfriend sooner than him. I don't think he finds a real girlfriend on the upcoming months, it will take him some time to find the right one and he's not going to date girls radomly because he's not actually a womanizer though he'll keep hanging out with pals quite often.
Anonymous said…
I don't understand why ppl want CD to admit he is wrong. He makes predicitions, he doesn't control these actors' lives. If you are that invested then you need help. In the grand scheme of things happening in the world, who really cares about Twilight and the cast?
Vangie said…
i believe this too,, he seems to be a careful thinker, and if this was pr, in 5 yrs what rob was doing for sex, nothing? i saw a photo of k today with her two friends who looks like dudes, one had her black dogs with them looks like they went pumpkin shopping but now i notice there is a AA female with her too she also looks like a dude, is it leading to a pack, and k is the beautiful quee
Anonymous said…
CD has anything changed between Katy Perry and Rob or are they just friends? No benefits...
Anonymous said…
I honestly cant see them having anything more than drunk sex maybe once. But that usually changes the dynamic of a friendship and they are still really good friends. Besides Katy likes it kinky, why do you think she married Russel Brand and now dating John Mayer. Those or the two kinkiest known dudes in entertainment. Rob is most likely normal or boring to her in bed if they even tried it.
Anonymous said…
Katy already said they were just friends,well,she said it twice and even admited they never had a sex and she is proud of it.lolPeople are interested with whom Rob hooked up for all this time.Not with Katy for sure.
Anonymous said…
CD - Will Liberty Ross' interview with Vanity Fair reveal details about Kristen Stewart & Rupert Sanders' affair that has not be discussed before? Will the public finally see Kristen Stewart as the greasy sleaze ball she really is?
Anonymous said…
OMG I'm dying to know! Please Christian, can you predict if Liberty is going to spill the beans about her ex-husband cheating? I fear she won't.. too good to be true! :)
Anonymous said…
Is it a interview a revenge that Christian was talking about a few months ago?I would love to read it,it's time for Liberty to tell her story because she got enough shit from media and crazy stewart fans.Those idiots were bullying her all over the internet.People who don't follow the story don't even know how this woman has been insulted by stewart fans.
Anonymous said…
So CD are you saying 5 year ago when kristen was with Micheal Ang.... she gave it up to have fake / PR Romance with Robert because it sold the Twilight Moves better.......NOW THATS COMMITTMENT.......WHICH I FIND HARD TO BELIEVE.
Anonymous said…
This probably has started during New Moon promotion in November 2009 because they both have been photographed holding hands in Paris and then at press conference the moderator was like no private questions.According to twilight fans Michael Angarano hasn't been seen with Kristen since summer 2009.
Psychic Gossip said…
Oh yes Liberty will spill then beans CD
Anonymous said…
It was all fake but they played people s feelings for money and I believe Rob responsible as that Kristen about home wrecker he knew all along he kept quite he didn't give a shot about those children they are the real victim. I don't understand why Rob fans pretending he s an angel he s not at all! He know what he did wrong and he s bisexual as her they both same! They cover for each other! You know that seer!
Anonymous said…
I'm a disappointed ex Rob fan, I know I'm not the only one and I'm afraid you are right.
Vangie said…
and you know this how, do you have court clothes?
Anonymous said…
Why the hell would Rob be responsible for Kristen's actions and for what happened with the children? Because he stayed quiet publicly? You have no idea what happened behind scenes. Besides the fact that he and Kristen were never real, it was all business so that makes it doubly not his fault. I am a Rob fan, but I dont think he is an angel. I just think he was stupid for having gotten himself involved in that mess to begin with, but it made him a star and who he is today. No one in Hollywood gets very far without playing the game and he is no exception. But I am glad he eventually manned up and stood his ground to walk away from her. He has handled their "breakup" with grace by ignoring all the stupid gossip and stories coming out from Kristen's team. If anything Kristen has come out looking worse. OH and I cant wait for the Liberty article to come out. I hope it puts Krispians in their place.
Anonymous said…
CD- What is your take on Rob's character? He seems lost to Hollywood and all the parties and girls, going to No Vacancy every night. Is this just him being free of baggage after years or is this his real self coming out, a big party-player? I thought he was a shy guy, but now he acts like every other guy in Hollywood looking for a temporary fix. That kind of guy has either no self-esteem or too much ego and would never settle for 1 girl when he can have his parties with many in bathrooms like that girl on twitter said.
Anonymous said…
IMO Rob was naive and believed in kristen's explanations it was a momentary indiscretion,so he continued ''relationship'' because he protected her cheating ass and saved twilight promotional tour in US,Australia and Europe.Stupid fans were happy seeing robsten reunion etc.Yes,he seems didn't care about the children and the wife.What was he supposed to do?He really got backlash from kristen's friendly outlets that were accusing him of cheating and his fans for trashing kristen on webloids.I remember some female critic who wrote defenfing artice and she was like:'' feel free to keep moaning over Pattinson's pain for as long as it suits you'' it wasn't nice.Christian says that Rob is not gay and I don't know why people keep repeating this?Was he ever seen with a man in intimate situation?lol
Psychic Gossip said…
He's feeling lost I agree but he'll come out on top . 2014 will be better for him.
Anonymous said…
What kind of parties in bathrooms?OMG people, someone tweeted that Rob was in bathroom asking a woman what she is doing there in man bathroom with 2 men.It's supposed to be He always has been seen in clubs during ''relationship'' with Kristen and how he's living his life,what is wrong with that?He has 3 movies in line;Queen Of The Desert with Nicole Kidman and James Franco is supposed to be filming in the middle of December.Some people want him to see locked down in his home with his 2 dogs,I guess.He's not Edward only normal man :)
Anonymous said…
Oh,sorry,it was tweet from a woman who was in men's bathroom with 2 blonde girls:D and was talking about it to Rob.Besides people don't know how many of those Rob sightings are legit,people make up the stories all the time for attention.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 5.36 PM. Did Rob really man up? Robsten was a farce that was supposed to end when Twilight had wrapped up, as it actually has happened. Moreover Dior Campaign was about to start off and Robsten didn't really benefit his image.

Rob still looks like a lost guy who has verbal diarrhea in his interviews to actually say nothing worth to be read. I would really believe he had manned up if he had spoken out in Dior interviews to tell that the relationship with Kristen was "broken up" and she was no longer in his life. Instead he is still playing the "Keep them guessing" so crazy robsteeners can still spread stories like robsten are living together, they cannot be seen together because of paparazo or Kristen is pregnant. No, I don't see Rob manning up... yet.
Anonymous said…
Rob is not really look like everybody think he s the guy got cheat by his gf but truth is he knew that already he was just after money! He keep going on that pr which he easily get out after the scandal bc scandal wasn't in the contract so he could use law suit to get out but he didn't he kept going for money he s exactly same what she is no difference ! I don't know how can he sleep at night all the time he knew she was sleeping w director and he was looking his wife s face! Rob and Kristen both are skank!
Anonymous said…
According to some insider or someone who gets to view magazines early on twitter....RK were pictured leaving his diff is this more publicity to help sell the box set CD?
Psychic Gossip said…
PR PR PR PR PR do youknow how much the sales of the box set will bee worldwide BILLIONS CD
Anonymous said…
CD, are kristen and rupert still together? Poor liberty. I hope she reveals details about rupert and kristen affair. Thanx CD.
Anonymous said…
Rob and Kristen are a pair of sell outs and their fans the most pathetic, vile and ridiculous I've ever seen in my life!
Anonymous said…
Who said Rob Pattinson had manned up? hhahahahhaaaaaa he's a hopeless doormat and always will be.
Anonymous said…
This is next fabricated lie from tabloids.The same was in August when Rob supposed be at her house for 2 hours,but of cource no pics of him entering/leaving her house or her gated community in Los Feliz.Robsten fans only waiting for such BS and tabloids just give them what they wanted.
Anonymous said…
Are you blaming Rob for some psycho robsten fans who can't get over twilight fantasy and still think that Robert and Kristen are together?There are people who still think that Elvis is alive and nobody blames Priscilla for playing games with them LOL.You can't do anything with such deluded people.Anon from October 27 at 1:24 AM explained it perfectly.
Psychic Gossip said…
Electronically at least CD
Anonymous said…
Yes I'm blaming Rob and don't get Elvis in this circus, he's dead and can do nothing but Rob or Kristen's Doormat, as you like, is still very much alive and can speak out, can tell the truth because he is not mute. If robsten shit is still alive it's because he allows it.
Anonymous said…
Christian,have you read Liberty's interview for Vanity Fair?She didn't say anything about kristen only about her ex-husband and her feelings.Is it all about the scandal or will she tell more in the future?
Anonymous said…
I would like to know if the truth about Robsten farce will ever come out to light. Christian you can tell left and right that Robsten has always been PR but I would gladly pay for someone to spill the beans and exposed publicly Rob&Kristen for what they really are.
Anonymous said…
So does that mean we will see more of them together or is this a one time thing. I think kristen is a manipulater and doesn't like that he is dating other girls. I hope he gets out of her web for good.
Anonymous said…
Beside for the sells of the box set, I believe it's fabricated lie from kristen and her pr team. They know Liberty will tell about the affair in her interview for Vanity Fair, so they try to divert fans attention to the false possibility of RK unite with "RK were pictured leaving his house" story. They always use Rob to save kristen image. So selfish and manipulative...
Anonymous said…
On facebook and twitter Robert Pattinson's new nickname is Pu**y Patz. CD, will this new round of PR completely destroy Rob's image? It looks as though he doesn't care about it and will again appear publicly with KStew. Well as least they accomplished getting back in the media and social media.
Anonymous said…
Christian,please answer the questions,when this BS will stop?Maybe Rob and Kristen are really together but you can't somehow see it?
Psychic Gossip said…
while ever the PR team/s can milk it they will. CD
Anonymous said…
Ok,but how pictures of 2 people in separate cars are going to help the Twilight box set sales?They both could just attend event in NY that is planned,I read somewhere but something like this?Rob face is not even seen in pictures only some blurry image,but her face is clear.As long as he's linked to her his image is destroyed;tabloids will paint him as obsessed idiot who can't get over a woman who publicly humiliated him.Rob can be sure that paparazzi will not leave him alone any soon and they will be mean to him even more then they were before.
Anonymous said…
Yes,I remember Christian says that sameone will expose PR relationship as a sham.But when?
Anonymous said…
BUT, you yourself said they may have "hooked up *wink wink*" so to say they were NEVER TOGETHER is technically contradicting. IMO, "never together" is strictly friendship only. They may not have been an official couple, but being f*** buddies is casually "together" even if just for sex.

Kinda OT, CD I must say your predictions blow me away. I was always very skeptical of psychics, but you have left me speechless!
Anonymous said…
That I would like to know! Maybe when the interest in robsten is really fading, someone will spill the beans as a way of fueling the robsten flame again... problem is that I don't see twihards giving up on the robsten shit. As long as Ktstew and doormat keep their mouths shut there'll be a mystery to solve, that's what keeps fans hooked on them.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian how are you? I'm sorry to ask I know your over these questions but do you think they will start pretending to be a couple again? Or will they continue being broken up fake? Thank you.
Anonymous said…
"while ever the PR team/s can milk it they will". Then the robsten sham will last forever CD. Neither Rob nor Kristen are gonna say a word about their relationship -keep 'em guessing- and seeing Rob/Kristen together in the same frame made the crazy robsteners cry tears of joy! Just a few crumbs is enough to make them root for robsten till the end of their lives. Robsten is a never ending story.
Anonymous said…
Hi, CD....
It's me again....I say this "again" have read their energy've interpreted their film identities being emerged into their real being "fake"" or not real/ just "PR". Their stage characters and real lives were in parallel...and I think this is the energy that you were interpreting as "fake" or an "ILLUSION". THEY WERE A REAL COUPLE, regardless if they were in a "fantasy or not..
No doubt about it, they do all the natural things that "couples do".......common sense speaks for itself. Your claim that it was "JUST PR''...doesn't add up to X, Y, Z....but, just contrary, illogical speculations.

I'm puzzled by your over-all accuracy with other predictions...but, with Robsten you are misguided perhaps by your personal feelings or judgements of them as individuals. Whether you don't like kristen or Robert as actors or their personalities, you have become clouded by your own inherent feelings to see the truth.
A great and wise man admits when they are wrong....a fool sees only that he is right.
I love ya CD...please re-evaluate your "visions" and remain impartial and "OPEN" to possibility despite your personal feelings about them as people and your unwavering claim that their relationship was all "PR".
Anonymous said…
Agree and I think his Idiocy is gonna stop him from getting to A-list actors Olympus but he's got a lot of money and he can always make more money with Ads and this sort of things. After all, money is what counts for "wanna be actors" like him.
Anonymous said…
I agree :(
Anonymous said…
@Anon,7:07 PM.Obviously,they were together for sex and Kristen actually called him ''my fucking boyfriend''also she made a reference to her intimate relationship with Rob in private conversation with Vouge UK reporter which was published after the scandal.She was like ''I'm so in love with my boyfriend,I miss him,I love the way he smells(...)he loves to lick under my armpits'' actually it sounds like she's really attracted to him.
Anonymous said…
He's walking contradiction.He protects his privacy changing his cars constantly to avoid being followed by paparazzi (he got papped driving 5-6 different cars since the break up) and then he spends a time with a woman who brought drama and the worst media attention into his life.
Anonymous said…
At that time she had two boyfriends... if you can call them boyfriends. According to fans and the media she was with Robbie and under the radar she had an affair with Rupert Sanders and since she didn't mention the name of her "boyfriend" in the interview you can just assume it could be any of them but I'm prone to think she was talking about Rupert because she sounded excited as when you're starting a new relatinship and Robbie had "allegedly" been with her like for 3 years?
Anonymous said…
To anon at 7:36 She was talking about Rob as her fucking boyfriend who did Bel Ami movie,it was Snow White promo interview for Elle,I think.In these infamous Vogue interview she was also referring to him,because he got asked about armpits licking by some Australian journalist in radio/phone interview while promoting Breaking Dawn 2.But of course we don't know when she/director started their affair I think it was in May after Cannes festival.Pity that Liberty didn't say anything about it.
Anonymous said…
And you know this how... Tell us, I'm curious.
Anonymous said…
This is hilarious, 99% CD predictions are right, he even predicted about the Pope retiring, but you beg for him to be wrong about something so obvious that only blind people cannot see it, lmao.
Anonymous said…
Really? This is an extract of her interview. BTW no Bel Ami mention at all.

"Stewart had just returned from Sydney with Sanders and her Snow White co-star Chris Hemsworth on the last leg of the film's promotional tour. She seemed a little tired (those slight bags under her eyes were a bit more pronounced, and she seemed almost a little constrained by all her finery), but - with that cigarette placed behind her back, like she was behind a bike shed, and a drink in hand - she was in full swing. In retrospect, perhaps dangerously so.

"My God, I'm so in love with my boyfriend," she suddenly confided, squeezing her fists and stiffening that little body with anticipation. "I wish he were here now. I think I want to have his babies."

My God, I'm so in love with my boyfriend. I wish he were here now. I think I want to have his babies.
Had I heard her right? Wasn't her "boyfriend" the one thing she never talked about? To anyone? And yet here we were. "God, I miss him," she said, raking her hair back and exhaling a plume of smoke. "I love the way he smells. And him me. Like, he loves to lick under my armpits. I don't get this obsession with washing the smell off. That smell of someone you love. Don't you think it's the whole point?"

Looking back, the exchange still feels surreal. It took place just three weeks before those incriminating pictures were allegedly taken. Was she even talking about Pattinson?

Even the journalist doubted she was talking about Rob. She had never ever showed this level of excitement for Robbie. Like Christian says, it was all a big PR stunt that they're still milking.
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:59 I'm talking about two different interviews.The one with quote ''my fucking boyfriend'' it was Elle interview with Kristen.She and journalist met in book store and Kristen was like when she looked at Bel Ami book ''my fucking boyfriend just did this movie''.The Vogue part you posted is a private conversation between interviewer and Kristen which took place 3 weeks before the scandal and interviewer himself decided to print it as a juicy private things just after the scandal in September edition of Vogue.Kristen was talking about Rob because he was asked about this armpits licking interview during BD2 promotion.The Australian journalists asked him about this.It's obvious that Kristen and Rob slept together.And it's obvious that she and Rupert sanders had an affair with sex included.She just had two lovers at the same time.And it doesn't matter if it was PR relationship,fake relationship etc they were lovers.
Anonymous said…
And don't get mad at me, but obviously I'm giving more credit to the journalist who wrote the interview I posted above than to you. She said literally, "was she even talking about Pattinson? Like her most of the people who read her article wondered the same. Me too.

I remember reading in another interview that Kristen saw Bel Ami book and then she exclaimed my fucking boyfriend did this movie! That's correct, but bearing in mind she's a manipulative player who has been fooling fans and the media about her PR "relationship" with Rob for years, her quote sounds to me like another lie to keep fans hooked on her -Keep 'em guessing" game. So you can believe that they were a couple, friends with benefits, fucking buddies whatever but don't try to convince me. I believe what Christian says.

Anonymous said…
@Anonymous 5:32 PM It's so obvious that kristen was talking about rupert in her interview with Vogue. She is so disgusting...
Anonymous said…
You all have it twisted and contradictory.....
1. if all you robsten haters are in congruence with CD's theory that they are ALL PR...than what is there to dispute or talk about?
2. FORGIVENESS is not a sign of weakness, submission or stupidity..but, takes tremendous inner strength, sacrifice & humility.
3.I hope they are back together or on some level of respect with one another. They should be the example or the template of how the world should really behave towards one another. Forgiveness is a powerful Negative Nellies should all try it sometime...instead of spouting and infecting with your cancerous hatred. of course most of the world will identify with your remarks instead of mine...I anticipate it. Those reject or hate what they don't comprehend.
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:09 AM I brought up those kristen's quotes from 2 interviews as a proof that they both rob&kristen had sexual relationship.For how long and if it was on regular basis we don't know.This is what Christian said: '' In my way of thinking FAKE,doesn't mean nothing happend wink,wink,but always an arrangement.(...)don't worry about him he's going to be fine''.As I said,Kristen was talking about Rob in her Vogue interview not about her director because Rob got asked about if he likes to lick girls' armpits in Jay-Jay Mike&Dom's Podcast radio via phone interview during BD2 promotion.This is you tube link with his answer:
Anonymous said…
''More you are in gossip magazines more people don't believe you in the movie'' - Robert Pattinson
Anonymous said…
CD I know you are saying that they're no longer a couple, and that it's been almost a couple of months since they were last seen together and broke up in May. But seeing them photographed really made my stomach churn. You also said the next girl he's supposed to be with isn't famous and she's not from his circle of friends. Is this unknown girl whoever she is know and aware somehow that she's going to be his girlfriend? his is a quote from a fansite that I came across a few months ago:"That was a good interview. Rob likes to joke around and kid. It’s nice to see that he doesn’t have the stuck-up personality like some other celebs have. Can’t wait to see what he has up his shelve next. (Congrats on the engagement to Kate) blessings to him and his family."
Anonymous said…
“There’s not very much that really bothers me, ” Rob tells the magazine. “I don’t ever feel the need to forgive or expect people to be … I judge people on their actions. I don’t really care if it’s wrong or right, I give them the benefit of the doubt. If they do something I can’t be bothered to deal with, I just cut them out.”

Anonymous your image of Rob and Kristen is absolutely platonic and surreal. Nothing to do with the reality.
Anonymous said…
Wonder why Libery is still hated and insulted by psychotic kstew stans,did you read comment section on Vanity Fair?What about gossip sites and Gossip cop?And you're talking about forgiveness..better tell me about hate.You and your delusional fantasy feed tabloids and horde of paparazzi who constantly stalk Rob to get a ''proof'' of his unconditional love for amazing Kristen Stewart.Psycho fans are responsible for sending tweets about Robs drug addiction to gossip outlets,they spread false twitter sighting of him in numerous clubs to prove his alcohol addict because he dared to dump your princess half year ago.And now after ''robsten reunion'' he's good and forgiving man who is going to live with his beloved one together forever.You hope they are back together,why?Why is it so important to you?Better watch their upcoming movies.
Anonymous said…
Christian,what do you think,is Rob a puppet in his PR people hands and he really doesn't appreciate their efforts or he likes this PR circus around him?
Anonymous said…
Anon at 8:15 PM Christian also admitted that something happened wink,wink between them,it's not like only Kristen said about intimate details of her sex life.I don't know why is it so impossible for you that Rob and Kristen had sex or/and were fucking buddies.She was able to do it with old and unattractive married man,so why not with Rob?
Anonymous said…
They are probably already married. Would it really be a surprise? Robert Pattinson is obsessed with the androgynous Kristen Stewart. He is the woman and she is the man. Perfect match.
Anonymous said…
CD you have to tell us if this is TRUE or NOT.....Word is that Kristen is PREGNANT with Roberts BABY.....Is it TRUE or PR again.
You must tell US the TRUTH...
Anonymous said…
Yeah and Kristen is pregnant!!! ... or is Robert? Christian help me out!
Psychic Gossip said…
Ha Ha HA,,,,,,she must have got the turkey baster out early CD
Anonymous said…
Ok.. my English ain't good enough for understanding that...

But... US MAG and PEOPLE are now reporting about the Robsten reunion. We know it's PR... But why why why? This is so not good for Rob's image. Did you see this coming??
Psychic Gossip said…
Anonymous said…
Lol...thank u CD!.. So then will Rob ever speak out and stop all the speculations of him back with Kristen or let it slide because its publicity?
Anonymous said…
Christian do you think they have a new "contract" so this shit will go on for a long time?
Anonymous said…
I can't see how 2014 can be a better year for Rob Pattinson. He's gonna be stuck in Robsten eternally since he's not dating any decent girl. I'm truly believing he is gay and that's why he needs the Robsten beard, so in his personal life I don't see how it can get any better. Christian 2014 will be a better year for Rob professionally?
Anonymous said…
Christian says he's not gay not even a little,he's just british.I personally can't even think that people could say that Rob is gay;D Have you seen how he's looking at women?And even if he was,what is not true,he would be dating models with blonde hair and big boobs,that's the best beard for gays actors.
Anonymous said…
2 morons on twitter start saying he's gay because he's not with Dylan and everyone follows suit. He's not gay, and People magazine is another tabloid, unless it has Exclusive beside it that indicates the celebrity is working with them. Rob and Kris both have never done that or talked to People directly, though they have for Harper's and others that actually write stores and in-depth interviews on careers. Hollywood execs are looking at talent, not who someone went grocery shopping with. Calm down.
Anonymous said…
How can you be so sure he is not gay? I don't know whether he is gay or not but definitely there's something off in Rob..
Anonymous said…
Can you do a list of predictions of all the young stars in hollywood as well as rob for what to come for them kinda like what you do for new year?
Anonymous said…
So Christian, do you think they hooked up or have they been strictly friends/co-workers? Them being true friends is something I really question--if anyone has watched some of the behind-the-scenes footage from the new box set, they didn't really hang around each other much when not filming. When they did, it was very platonic.
Psychic Gossip said…
As you may know I do, do a New Years Prediction list every year. But this is a good idea I will give it serious thought CD
Anonymous said…
People magazine and us magazine are saying they are trying again., that means we will see them together again. He was dong well and dating others but he can't shake kristen. She will cheat on him again.
Anonymous said…
CD , You Kristen is not PREGNANT by Robert Pattinson then my next question is......Is Kristen Stewart PREGNANT at all.I feel your answer has more to I right
Anonymous said…
Great idea! I'm honestly amazed that Christian somehow stick to some kind of people who are not interesting like kardashians and lindsey lohan,but forgot about young stars in HW.
Anonymous said…
This is the worst scenario for him,because they could be just friends but the tabloids would spin it whatever they want.According to Daily Mail he is obsessed with her.What next headline will be?Is he stalking her?Does he call her 24/7?Is she in danger?Never ending story.
Anonymous said…
Don't worry. He's been dating some chic that everyone says is nice and pretty. Idk why paps don't catch them, or maybe they just know Robsten still sells more and they don't want to give that bank up. Why do you think he changes cars so much, he's hiding someone. Maybe CDAN's theory that he's serious about 1 but still plays the field is true. CD< what do you think? Is the girl he's with right now the 1 you saw for the long haul? Do you even think he's with someone now or is it just a friend? Maybe people are trying to swing it both ways, Robsten or this new girl phase, or is it just business with both?
Anonymous said…
Last night a celebrity stalker twitted that she talked to Rob, also mentioned his date was very sweet, but then another twitter account said he had just seen Rob Pattinson with some dude from Glee at the Roosevelt.... Not a nice and pretty girl...

Gosh I hope Kristen is not pregnant, that bitch would not say who is the father and would let everybody think that Rob is and Rob, of course would not say a word. He really is a bit idiot.
Anonymous said…
Rumors are spreading about Rob Pattinson&Nick Jarecki. Can there be any truth?
Anonymous said…
Truth about what?
Anonymous said…
Christian, Rob and Kristen had a staged relationship for years. Everything was controlled as to when and what to release in media. I have a feeling of deja vu with Dylan Penn. Do you think that R and D have a knew 'contract' and Rob is hiding a new gf in private.
Anonymous said…
I agree, except about Dylan Penn. They are only friends, real friends and based on who her parents are, I doubt its PR. Robert is hounded and hunted by the tabloids/papz and Dylan isn't no PR for her.
Anonymous said…
Rob Pattinson is gossip material but I doubt he wants his life to be any faker than it has been for these last 5 years, unless there's a big really big secret to hide from public.

If he is a hetero, why should he want a new PR contract with a girl? He just have to date a girl to be in tabloids, even not dating anyone he's every week on tabloids for whatever stupid reason. Since he never talks about his relationships, papz have to follow him to find out who the hell he's dating. It's a way to be in the spotlight pretending to be private and honorable LOL He thinks he's the smartest guy in town but his insecurities and lack of self esteem are more than obvious.
Anonymous said…
According to Christian Dylan is Rob's friend.
Anonymous said…
Papz follow him because they want money shot aka robsten reunion.He is stupid because he agreed for this PR meeting with k stewart and now he can forget about his privacy.For me it's the cheating scandal chapter 2.
Anonymous said…
Christian, Robert is about to become a father now. Isn't he? And it's not Kristen. Not Dylan. That's why we've been fed all the lies in media. To hide s/t.
Anonymous said…
LMAO Wait, Robsten's crazy insiders are claiming left and right that Kristen is pregnant with Rob's baby though you claim he's about to become a father with an unknown mother? The level of delusion in this fandom is fascinating. Usually the saying is right: Much ado about nothing.
Anonymous said…
I guess we will see if CD's prediction is true. To much information is out there about them. Personally I think Robsten is back. Their relationship will be their professional destruction. What I don't see this year is a bad year for Kristen, she is making movies, money, and has a ton of fans. I think her career is looking better than Robert Pattinson and he didn't cheat and doesn't act like a spoiled insecure selfish baby with dirty hair. BTW Kristen Stewart is fugly!
Anonymous said…
CD. Have anything changed between Robert and Dylan Penn? Still just friends?
Anonymous said…
Either you are the delusional one who doesn't see that all this buzz in media is just smokescreens for something else. Or you are paid PR....
Anonymous said…
It seems like the history is repeating itself. Are they/are they not with KS for years and now it's Dylan Penn. Wonder why. It must have been affective to hide his real private life. Christian will this continue after New Year do you think?
Anonymous said…
My twitter account is flooded with Rob and Dylan Penn comments! and none of them has ever acknowledged a relationship, there's no pics of them together, nothign! Rob fans are going crazy about them and Kristen fans are bashing them, I'm literally freaking out!...Christian Dion is there even a romantic relationship between Rob and Dylan? or Is it only tabloids BS? Thanks!

Anonymous said…
The crazy fandom just repeats the stories of other celebs' lives.E.Hirsch became a father with a mother with whom he is not in relationship,some random woman.And maybe they think that Rob did the same,since he is Emile's friend.The same story was with Zac Efron and his rehab;in their opinion Rob is drugg addicted because he was seen together with Zac at the wedding of producer Kevin Turen back in 2012.Turen is producer of Zac's latest movie.
Anonymous said…
He was seen with Dylan so tabloids knowing his problematic,thanks to the ks's scandal,private life just run the story.It sells.Crazy twi fandom and robsten fans just can't move on.
Anonymous said…
There is blurry pic of Rob,Dylan and some unknown woman at Viper Room posted by People mag.They also were seen at private party celebrating the release of book on November 6th at the Roosevelt Hotel.According to Christian they are friends.
Anonymous said…
Please Christian, can you give us a new prediction about Robert's girls.
Anonymous said…
Yes,Christian people are curious with whom Rob sleeps Ha,ha:)
Anonymous said…
Hey CD, why don't you answer this? Has anything changed between Robert and Dylan. Are they dating, FWB or just random friends?
Psychic Gossip said…
Why would I answer when I already have, nothing has changed regarding these two CD
Anonymous said…
Thank you! You are a nice man with a lot of patience with us overinvested fans. Thx. Have a nice day.
Anonymous said…
But does she like him?She is such a beauty with amazing body and seems to be smart..eonline's jurnalist says she wants to a screenwriter.
Anonymous said…
That's true,Christian is very patience with people posting here.Thanks,Christian.
Anonymous said…
I believe Christian said Dylan was a passing fancy but I think they are actually dating. Rob has been seeing her since July/August in secret.
Anonymous said…
If you are right. They will no survive the Robsten fanatics, those fans are beyond crazy.
Anonymous said…
Aaaaand YOU know this how?... >________>
Anonymous said…
After all the media reporting on Rob Dylan relationship, It turns out Dylan Penn has a boyfriend and is not Rob Pattinson, it's Steven R. Mcqueen, so there we go with the GAY rumors for Rob again.
Anonymous said…
CD....Just noting anything written about those two(kristen & Robert) brings a LOT of hits to ANY web page( noting a 142 comments to your own site) more than any other persons. So what is the big thing about them and it can not just be all about TWILIGHT....I guess it pays a lot to keep writing ALL kinds of STUFF about THEM = TRUE or
Anonymous said…
I feel sorry for Dylan Penn. :(
Anonymous said…
I don't! She's getting attention, I guess it's good for her modeling career and she's still being low key so it's not that bad.
Anonymous said…
CD can you pleeeeeeaaaaassssse make 2014 predictions for Robert?! We're all so deliciously curious as to what is in store for that disgustingly fascinating little boy lol!
Anonymous said…
I would love a Rob&Kristen wedding and pregnancy!! There would be plenty of cheating, gossip, gays, lesbians. Even better than Kardashians!
Anonymous said…
It's not about twilight,this is war between rob and kristen's fans.
Anonymous said…
He's not little boy lol;I'm also waiting for 2014 predictions for him.Can't wait for Cronenberg's Maps To The Stars with Rob and Mia Wasikowska but his role will be supporting.I loved Cosmopolis so I hope MTTS will be even better.
Anonymous said…
Hey C.D .l.what do you think of "blind items" this?
Anonymous said…
Christian post it a few months ago ''Don't worry the tabs do have pics of her with her girlfiends,when they are ready,they will publish.''
Anonymous said…
Do you really believe in story written by Life@Style about the wedding?
Vangie said…
hi CD, i;m not miss stewart's fan, but why are these new friends kristen has is bugging me,, i really do not think this girl id gay, outright, but al three/four seems to be gay, and i say for because i saw a new female an african amerian appeared, but geez kristen seemed to be so lost, where is her real family or her agent or even john, do you think she need an intervention? i real cannot seem to see ppl being taken advantage of seems there is photo of kristen mking out with one of these females, gosh! it' said all i know to do is pray, i'll totally pray for her to open her eyes and sever the ties of these entities! you ladies do not hate on me, and i your are her fans you ps pray for her
Anonymous said…
C.D... like the poster mentioned above have mentioned pics of Kristen of her with her girlfriends and them being released when the media is ready... Are they releasing them any time soon?
Anonymous said…
C.D... Do we still have a while until we see Rob with a girlfriend? a real girlfriend
Anonymous said…
No one believes the Life & Styles article. Now that is 1 hilarious story. I think anon @8:59 am is referring to constant buzz about Robsten. He took her back before, he could do it again. There are photos of him & her leaving his house and none of him with other women, so some wonder. It is possible he took her back.
Anonymous said…
Most likely pictures of him and Kristen Stewart together coming soon...........
Anonymous said…
How did he take her back?Because of a few pics of him following her car?There is pic of him with Dylan Penn and other women and it doesn't meant they are dating.Christian claims it was all PR and they never were a real couple.They even live in different places,what kind of couple would live separately?
Anonymous said…
Christian please tell once again in new thread that Robert and Kristen are not going to get married LOL
Psychic Gossip said…
Well they will get married............but not to each other ha ha CD x
Anonymous said…
There are new pix of KS and her friend and some other people.
Anonymous said…
I find it hard to believe that she can get married. I'd rather believe that she gets out of the closet and make out publicly with her lesbian gf Alicia!

Christian can lesbians get married in USA?

Regarding Rob, who in her/his sane mind would marry him?
Anonymous said…
There is so much being published about Rob & Kristen, right? That all I can gather is they will be photographed together again and pretty soon. Let's see where she spends the holidays. Rob looks to falling down a drug infested whole with Kristen. They are another cliché of young successful 1 hit wonder actors. They are pretty munch done in the industry, they are a tabloid joke. Their own friends are selling them out.
Anonymous said…
Homosexual people can get married in California.Rob is not gay so his next love interest will be a woman.I don't know why you insist that someone who would want to marry him would be insane.
Anonymous said…
Because Rob is a shady character. There're skeletons in his closet.
Anonymous said…
I hope you're right! I'd love to know all the shit they're keeping under the rug...
Anonymous said…
Christian,is Robert a shady character?Are there skeletons in his closet?
Anonymous said…
Rob has 2 movies coming out next year one with Cronenberg and another with D.Michod.He also has next 3 movies in pre-production,he's going to work with critically acclaimed directors like Corbijn,Herzog and Gray,so he's not done in industry so far.
Anonymous said…
CD, will Rob be single next year too? Or will he finally find a good girl who deserves him sometime in 2014?
Anonymous said…
See CD 171 comments I told you there is something weid about this couple...WHY are people SO invested in there Life,mmm. You have to do a 2014 reading for Kristen and Robert ....NOW THAT GET YOU SOME HITS.....LOL.X
Anonymous said…
Why does everyone think he's stupid even though CD keeps saying he's not with Kristen? CD is there anything you can tell us before the new year? Like right now? People are more curious the more he's staying out of the limelight.
Anonymous said…
Good question.
Psychic Gossip said…
I feel that he is trying to rebuild his career/life. I sense a change in his PR so hopefully he'a listening to someone who has his best interest at heart. CD
Anonymous said…
Great.I really hope that he would just kick his PR people out.Thank you Christian for the answer.
Anonymous said…
Rob doesn't employ a publicist and he hasn't changed his manager or age t. But I can see him rebuilding as his reputation has taken a hit. Do you think he will get some good critical review next year. Critics seem to hate him.

Can you do a reading for jennifer lawrence is she really as perfect as the media makes
Anonymous said…
I have to agree CD....idk if he found a publicist....or something.....but he seems to be listening or taking advice from someone and it's def helping him out it seems!
Anonymous said…
Nobody is perfect but Jennifer is funny, likable, easygoing, humble and smart apart from a talented actress. That's an irresistible combination. I don't think CD has to do a reading for her to foresee than she's gonna be fine. Jennifer doesn't strike me like the type of person who would screw up her life like Kristen Stewart did.
Anonymous said…
I haven't noticed any change in the way Rob is conducting his life, if anything he's pretty more smiley when photographed at events and he's dressing better as well.

He should make a change on his public image though, since he's still being coupled with Kristen. He's being seen by many people like her lap dog who would run to her whenever she snaps her fingers.

Probably Rob's PR team leaked Dylan Penn's name to the media to unlink him from Kristen but people need pics, evidence to believe it, so actually it's backfiring on him because they've never been seen together. In fact Rob has never dated any girl since he broke up with Kristen hence it reinforces twihards theories that he will always belong with Kristen.

Anonymous said…
He's always smiling,I've never seen in my life a man who smiles so often,but people mostly see his pics made by paparazzi who constantly tell something to him/insulting,so he makes ''the papz's face'',such no smiling/don't look at camera pics are less worthy for the paparazzi.He was papped following kristen's car in October so robsten freaks think they are together and they are waiting for another proof of happy couple,but some tabloids clearly says they are not together anymore.If Rob's team is responsible for dating Dylan rumor I think it was a good thing at least there's one pic of them at Viper Room.This is still better for his image to be linked to Dylan than KS.
Anonymous said…
Rob is gay and Kristen is a butch, that's why he endured a 3 years PR relationship with her. After all it wasn't that hard!
Anonymous said…
How do you know Rob is not gay? I have a friend who got married, had a son, afterwards he realized he only felt really happy when he was with men... He got a divorce and is currently living with his boyfriend. I mean, even if you've had a girlfriend you can be equally gay. As far as we know Rob only had a sort of girlfriend in UK called Nina.
Anonymous said…
How do you know he is gay?Christian says that Rob is not gay just british.
Anonymous said…
186 comments about a non-couple. It's incredible, how much people love them and hate them together or apart. That is some PR machine.
Anonymous said…
They are the best investment ANY WEB PAGE can write about......TOGETHER OR NOT. I think we will not get the TRUTH about these TWO it pays MORE to keep PEOPLE QUESTING...=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AND MORE$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
Vangie said…
hi CD! where is rob,is he okay? ps ans this would love to know.
Anonymous said…
to - AnonymousNovember 27, 2013 at 11:46 PM; CD also said that Rob was done with Kristen but they were photographed together so, maybe CD isn't always right. If Rob is gay, does it really matter? He is a human being and has the right to love whoever he wants.
Psychic Gossip said…
being photographed together doesn't constitute a relationship, or we would all be dating our Mothers CD
Anonymous said…
Rob has been missing for a while... a long while. He can go unnoticed wherever he wants to. It reminds me of the hundreds of RK photo ops where they pretended to be caught by surprise... both to them are players and have been fooling fans for years. Amazing how gullible fans can be. Christian I hope you'll do a new prediction about any of them soon. it's fun talking about them :) there're not bigger idiots in hw.
Anonymous said…
Rob is in London at the moment.
Anonymous said…
CD - Why does Rob live a monk's sexual life? Does he not have any sexual desire? Was he only attracted to Kristen Stewart? He does date other women or men? Why?

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