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Sales to tumble......

Kristen Stewart has been named the face of Chanel's Western inspired clothes.
She looks awful, 
more like a tramp. 
Oh wait she is a tramp.
Well I hope Karl Lagerfeld,
 doesn't think that this will help sales.
Quite the opposite.....


Anonymous said…
Doesn't sound like a prediciton - more like stating the obvisious...! LOL She will hurt the brand and Karl will end up being pissed with himself.
T. W. said…
Thank you for the good news! T. W.
heather said…
Lol you've been wrong so many times before about her, sadly.
Psychic Gossip said…
When have I been wrong about her exactly. CD
Anonymous said…
Don't worry Christian. Just one of Kristen's shipper obsessed. They all think she's pregnant and apparently the pics from the Chanel show prove it. Lol
Anonymous said…
I just saw this pic and a Jennifer Lawrence's pic wearing a similar outfit and OMG there's no comparison. Jennifer has an attitude, she wears the clothes gracefully, she's not quite smiling and she doesn't look like a grumpy cat either, her hair is styled, her waist is slimmer...then when you watch back Kristen's pic.. she seems a trucker..

No wonder you'll be spot on on this prediction Christian! So she's still going downhill?
Anonymous said…
Christian......You are starting to cross the line here,anything about kristen Stewart ( in the news) you become quite nasty.Anyone would think SHE CHEATER ON YOU.....OR IS THAT THE REAL ISSUE HERE.......DID SOMEBODY DO THE DIRTY ON YOU.
Anonymous said…
CD, please, when this girl will disappear? I do not understand how someone like her is still in the media! After all she did! Disappointed with Chanel
Anonymous said…
It was obvious,I mean have you seen the collection?The Indian motif clothes,rodeo jeans and classic Chanel jacket.Who is going to wear it?And to buy it LOL I personally don't know what had happened to Kristen's look,she's so muscular her neck is so thick,she looks like a man.
Anonymous said…
Whoever thought couture tacky Texas country wear was a good idea? And then to choose Kristen Stewart who is always looking like a greasy trucker lesbian to front this line. That's a limited market. I think Christian is right this is going to be a epic fail.
Anonymous said…
Kristen is a butch and her girlfriend, Alicia is still butcher than her haha . They make a cute couple anyway!! I'd love to know how if they will work as a couple... Christian? :)
Anonymous said…
This is good to hear. I mean to be fair it is a pretty obvious one. Balenciaga fired the man who named her the face of a perfume, so really, what the hell is Karl thinking? LOL
Anonymous said…
She's a nuisance. I want more about Rob. Where is his girlfriend?
Anonymous said…
The line were YOU START TO SOUND LIKE A HATER YOUSELF......A person like YOU CD... with your special gift SHOULD NOT stoop so low.......
Anonymous said…
If you read all of Christian's predictions, you'd notice that he's using the same snarky tone in all of them and for each celebrity. In my opinion, Kristen Stewart is the one stooping lower and lower. She's just becoming all what she said she would never be but you are so fascinated with her that you don't see beyond her nose.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the earlier poster - I don't get why you're so vicious about her, it's really bad energy

And I'm not a twi hard fan either!
Anonymous said…
Thanks CD .....NOT. And who are you to say how low Kristen has gone you beleive everything you read.....SILLY PERSON IT IS ALL PR..........and are you soooooo perfect that you have the right to point the finger......Like I said CD your gift is special DONT STOOP SO LOW......
Anonymous said…
Look at pics of this girl over the past 3 years, she's not aging well. I don't know if it's chain smoking, alcohol, or what, but she looks so different, and not in a good way. I wonder if Karl will get fired for this embarrassment to Chanel the way Nickolas G. got fired from Balenciaga?

It seems like everything she touches turns to crap. Universal isn't making SWATH2, The Big Shoe fell apart, she's only got that Jesse E movie, and just a small part in that. Camp X Ray has no distribution, it has to be shopped at Sundance, and Rob fly off to London to get away from her. So glad his schedule booked solid for 2014.
Psychic Gossip said…
steep so low.not really I sit in a nice comfy chair to do my predictions. Mind you when she decides to live her money ladened life in the gutter, she needs to be called on it...CD
Anonymous said…
CD has his opinion and doesn't like her, that's ok. But in all reality Kristen Stewart is doing very well and her mistake has been forgiven and long forgotten. She will be the new Kate WInslet. Mark my words. Everyone now wants to work with her and she is the face of several high profile labels. A loser/mess does not earn those privileges. She is a winner.
Psychic Gossip said…
There's nothing to like!as for her being the next Kate Winslett.......she couldn't marry that low CD
Anonymous said…
Kristen is a winner? Are you people mad or insane? She is a scam, trash etc. People want to work with her not because she is a role model or a professional or a good person, cos she’s neither of those. They want to work with her because they think she can bring lots of money/attention to them, they try to use her as a tool, which is useless most of the time, simple as that. God, she’s not capable of even speaking English properly! Being on tv doesn’t mean she’s a winner, she’s famous for being famous, another trash like Kardashian. Ew
Anonymous said…
By the way Rob is not better than her he shut his mouth during cheating dude we know you don't claimed the girl but keep her happy so she doesn't fuck someone's husband!I used to fan of him but when I realised he just selling his private life like her and allow her for cheat ! And play around for money get a name as a DOORMAT!! NOT many man agree to do that shit he's all money he has no honour what so ever! I feel sick at look at him everybody knows Kristen trash but Rob s not lower than her be honest he has a title as a man I'm sorry DOORMAT still and he will be forever as long as she title as a trash! you tell me CD does he has no responsibility you know that doormat knew Rupert and slut was item but he kept it himself by the way this info come from someone near Liberty she know more than anybody can imagine if she start to talk that Rob ll have no face in the public he's more guilty than that slut! Like I said I know from first hand! Why anybody think after liberty s interview they both panic and get out driving to take attention away from interview??? What they are hiding??? Eventually it ll come out!!! CD has to focus more to predict here first! I gave you first hint by the way Rob s watching you know and his team!!!! I hope he read this now and a lot of people know what shit he is because he s not different than a homewrecker!!!
Anonymous said…
First, was that even english? Second, any response from him would have simply prolonged all the stories and given the media more ammo. By not commenting he took the high road and all the focus was put on her. He went ahead and is now going to be busy man for the next few years while she can't get crap for work. If being called a doormat equals him getting high paying jobs and being as in demand and respected as he is, I'm pretty sure he's ok with that lol.
Anonymous said…
Rob was NOT in the white jeep, he is not in the pics. That set up was done by Kristen's team to get rid of the Vanity Fair interview with Liberty. Rob had NOTHING to do with that.
Anonymous said…
Yep, it's been proven to be her friends in the jeep, not Rob. Didn't take a genius to see he would have had to have shrunk a good foot to suddenly be that size in the jeep lol.
Anonymous said…
How has it been proven?
Anonymous said…
How is he supposed to stop her? She looks pathetic and the loser she is. He lives his life not giving her a second thought while she clings to the past. She has to to stay relavent. He looks like a hard working man while she looks as desperate as she is. I see no doormat lol
Anonymous said…
The paps themselves have said so lol
Anonymous said…
Did you even look at the pictures? LOL He would have to cut a good foot or more off himself and suddenly have a much smaller build to fit in the jeep the way Alicia did. That's who it was by the way, her, not Rob.
Anonymous said…
Rob is not a doormat, he couldn't do anything about those pics (he wasn't really in them) because Summit wouldn't let him because the Twilight box set was coming out that week. And Kristen's team knew he couldn't do anything due to that, so her team took advantage of the situation.
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous 2:20AM. It's very easy to stop her and the gossip. If he only spoke up to state that the person driving the Jeep was not him like everybody claim, the problem would be solved. Since he never does it, Kristen + Gossip have a free pass to play with him as they crave.
Anonymous said…
Where the paparazzi have said that it wasn't Rob in the pics?Because I really thought it was him.
Anonymous said…
How could he do that?Should he go to the morning TV show and say ''Oh,it wasn't me in those pictures posted by paparazzi on TMZ,X17 or other sites''.Or better to the Oprah?Actors usually go to the shows to promote their work.Rob doesn't have anything to promote yet.He seems to be above all this mess and don't play with private issues on public.
Anonymous said…
Yeah not him, no clue about a link (I'm not that anon and I don't care to spend my time looking for something so stupid) but it's not. That stuff was debunked awhile ago. It was Alicia, Stew called the paps to have them come and make it look like him to stir shit and take away from the Liberty Ross article. Stew is a parasite. Rob is better off not saying a word, he prolongs the story and adds to it by speaking. By not saying shit he can keep doing what he's doing and she'll throw herself under the bus. Him confirming or denying anything just gives the media more ammo, by keeping silent they can't do shit but take a few pictures and say, yeah he's here. Pretty boring, which makes his pictures worth less and less likely to be followed. He's still going to be but he's not going to do anything to add dollar signs to his pictures. Common sense people.
Anonymous said…
Obviously you have no idea about public relations. An actor can make a statement directly to the media whenever he wants to make it to announce something important, to debunk any fake news or whatever. He can also make it through a legit source like Nick who is known by all his fans. Any mag like People or website like Gossipcop will publish it. Simple.
Anonymous said…
Did you guys even look at the pictures, there are pictures of Rob, clear as a day, from a different day in a jeep, albeit a different one. His eyes are above the sunshiled and less than a week later they're under it and "his"shoulders don't even reach both sides of the seats. But they did less than a week before hand?? You really need ANYONE to confirm the obvious? Wow lol. There's a link on one of these Kristen posts to ALL the hoax crap that Ruth started for Kristen. For the record NO papz sit outside a private residence on Thanksgiving, and it's pretty convenient that Kristen couldn't get in the car BEFORE it left the garage. She's the one calling the papz and she's the one having her people make up these crap stories.
Anonymous said…
Common sense and taking the reins of his life it's what Rob should do, instead of allowing the media to write whatever BS they want to or letting KS to manipulate facts involving him in them. That is not common sense that is burying his head in the sand.
Anonymous said…
And the point of that would be to what? Prolong more gossip. Him staying silent helps the story go away faster.
Anonymous said…
No, it's not giving the media more ammo. Him saying anything at all does that. By staying quiet the story goes away that much faster. I'd say the fact that he's booked up for the next few years making movies is more than proof the reins of his life are firmly in his hands.
Anonymous said…
Well he may have the reins of his career firmly in his hands but he's still material for gossip, they don't respect him since they link him with every chick standing next to him, not to mention the stories about him trying to get Kristen back or viceversa that pop out in gossip sites from time to time. Robsten is a never ending story and he does nothing to clear it up or debunk it.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, till shortly after they'll publish the next story because you're always silent and giving them a free pass to make a gossip target out of you.
Anonymous said…
As long as he's popular he's going to be a target for gossip. He can't win by saying anything, not saying anything gives the media no ammo, so all they get is pictures and they are going to say whatever they want to. Nothing he does or says will stop it. He can't control that part. It wouldn't matter if he told them it's all pr, the media would spin it and say he's just trying to keep things private. The media does whatever they have to to sell stories they will make up lies and do whatever they please regardless of what he says or does. He can't control it and it's a waste of time and energy for him to try to. Hence him putting his energy and time to better use, ie his career.

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