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Not buying it......

So it seems that George Clooney,
 is engaged to Brit Lawyer Amal Alamddin.
It strikes me that this is all a bit sudden.
As though it's a diversion.
I smell a tell all, 
that this engagement is supposed to head off.
Either way it won't work.
This kind of arrangement,
 never does in the long run.


Mariefass said…
Is Amal aware that she is being used, or is she a willing participant?
Anonymous said…
There was a recent blind item about a well known Hollywood actor and his um, activities. If it is George, I'm surprised the beans haven't been spilled before now.
Anonymous said…
Wow. Normally I get why these bimbos sign up for these "contracts" - but this woman is smart, accomplished, credentialed etc. - why bother? Although this does seem fast. She looks smitten. What could be be hiding?

By the way - what's up with Prince Harry and Cressida?
Anonymous said…
Will she keep the ring?
T. W. said…
Muslims can marry non muslims.

I am going to say it again. I heard Jen Aniston divorcef Brad Pitt because she caught him in bed with Clooney.
Anonymous said…
So sick of him playing everyone, and always way over doing it. I sense he gets a sick enjoyment out of it.
T. W. said…
Muslim women can and do marry non muslims. Here is an example. Disgraced politician Anthony Weiner is Jewish and his wife is Muslim. Tabloids claim she is Hillary Clinton's lesbian lover. Homosexualitu is not officially tolerayed in Islam.

Christian, Hollywood Street King is reporting they have identified Janet Jackson's daughter. Fathet is her first husband. What say you?
Anonymous said…
He needs a wife for his political agenda. She is his beard.
Anonymous said…
What caught my attention was the recent story about how he proposed "at home" and "made her dinner" etc... that is something that must have come from him/them. So why is he leaking personal details of the proposal? He must want people to know. People in real relationships treasure those private moments and don't sell the details to tabloids. Also - she's waving her ring at a famous restaurant? it's all too public. Although - I must say - she looks smitten. If this is fake - why would she throw her life away like that?
Psychic Gossip said…
Assuming we are being told the truth...that he proposed at home.
You ask why she would go with it.
$$$$$ millions CD
Anonymous said…
Duh! Of course... I'm being naive. Such an odd way to live a life - all these fake relationships!
T. W. said…
The economy is in the toilet. I believe it is planned so "they" can usher in the one world currency.

Anyway, if any rich men need a beard please holler back. I am T. W.
Anonymous said…
Are we so sure the deep dark secret is that he's gay? Maybe a tell all will tell something different - like he likes to suck toes or something equally strange -
T. W. said…
I only know of the rumor about him with George Clooney. Christian does not out people so I will not ask.

I wish the gays did not have to hide. I am a Christian and if someone wants to be gay and proud and say it loud, go ahead. God loves the gays and so do I so if anyone needs a beard call me.
T. W. said…
I meant him with Brad Pitt.
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian

I have left comments on here, and the truth is I love and appreciate your site! I am VERY intuitive! My take on Clooney-

Well for starters with so much fame and support of his "shady" acts to parade various beards around like a thief who goes back to the crime over and over even when the cops are there pretending to be an innocent bystander. With that said, my heart of hearts is screaming at me...that Looney is parading these different women to hide what he infact engages in....and its not just men,...boys and I feel it gets worse from there. I have so much pain and sadness when I'm faced with it. Christian,...any feed back?
Anonymous said…
He prob into little boys/minors on a grand scale we have no clue about unless we look at the "singer" situation. I feel that its something like that or worse...and he uses his power of celebrity to hide it using women, media and fans to fool...

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