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Performing again....

So Miley Cyrus is out of hospital,

After having an allergic reaction to antibiotics?
She is in the UK performing at the O2.
How nice.
But clearly she not well.
She thinks her vagina sings.
Wait a minute, at least it doesn't lip sync.
She'll be back in rehab, 
er sorry.
Hospital very soon......


Vangie said…
Wow rehab, so why lie?
T. W. said…
Christian I love you!

Miley also pleasures herself onstage. Public self pleasuring is a sign of mental illness.
Anonymous said…
Did she make so much money for her parents that they're willing to look the other way? If she keeps up with the drug use, it'll cause permanent brain damage if it hasn't already. Hello, Britney!
Anonymous said…
Someone predicted she would pass in next year or so.
T. W. said…
The real question is who hasn't. People need to name names.
Anonymous said…
If you ask a local Mason about ”The Royal Arch,” they might be scared, assuming they know what goes on. Maybe they joined Masonry to progress up the career ladder, get told what to do by a semi-official government official and call it a day. 
(left, Lucifer’s UK enforcer, Evelyn de Rothschild) 
You can join The Royal Arch after joining the friendly and relatively insignificant local lodge. It is for the people who “will do anything, absolutely anything to get on”. A British Intelligence Officer involved – an ex Director General – told me “we have our fair share of sociopaths”.
Indoctrination is by degree, but if you are caught by the Royal Arch as a child, as I was,  you will be subject to such deliberately traumatic rape, torture and “mind control” that a normal person disassociates.
Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World

Injections are administered to prevent recall, and drugs such as Rohypnol are used along with electroshock punishment. Most of the people involved in the Royal Arch would have been through this at the hands of their own “Illuminati” or “multi-generational-Satanic” family. For example, Douglas Hurd (Foreign Secretary) and his son Thomas Hurd (‘Diplomat’/MI-6 Officer) Hurd. They will then often suffer displacement – meting out similar punishments to others – and cognitive dissonance identifying with the organization that abused them.
The best way to understand how they work together is to see the agenda as “a force”. They are Luciferian but some take it more seriously than others. Either way they all agree that the way to prove one’s power is to cause suffering to others and that “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. If you can imagine what ‘normal’ people regard as the worst possible philosophy, you will also be pretty close.
In a previous article, I went through the torture techniques of electroshock with cattle prod. My parents were not Satanists, but those who are in with the Royal Arch can let their offspring be ‘treated’ with electroshock therapy three times a week. At the extreme, Miley Cyrus’s father (left) used to rape her live at Bohemian Grove as one of the leading attractions.
Christian,...your take on Illuminati ritual sexual incestial on Mikey

Was Miley raped by her dad at bohemian

Vangie said…
CD hello, did you see the photo of miss cyrus making fans touching her vagina? this is really sad..
T. W. said…
I believe you. They have many members within law enforcement and the military.

If the person is buried in a Freemason cemetery that is a sign they served the organization well.
T. W. said…
Vangie, please tell us you got bored and made that up. I truly feel sorry for Miley, we must pray for her and others like her.
Anonymous said…

The Elite who are unknown and like it that way can make or break a star who is not willing to do whatever it takes to be world famous on the scale Miley and her dad chose. There is a price and its now consuming Mileys life her acting out sexually, drugs, ...mind programming. The two links above tell a sad reality. Pedophilia elite sex rings, sexual rituals involving incest drugs you name it Miley and her dad haven taken part in.

Anonymous said…
People are already tired of her attention seeking schtick. She will go the way of Gaga and burn out once she runs out of ways to shock people which is happening fast.
T. W. said…
MTO has a pic of her fellating a male blow up doll. I didn't know they made those.
Anonymous said…
And to think, at one point, she was the lead in the poll running for Time's Person of the Year 2013.
Thank GOD/GODDESS, the editors of Time had more sense and ultimately named Pope Francis instead.

I really hope this will pass quickly. Perhaps another music icon can come forth and show a better way for our youth. It really troubles me the lack of respect she has for herself, and the lack of respect for females, she puts out to others. We all need better role models for our youngsters. Her parents should be ashamed of themselves. She is a product of her environment. Very misguided. I hope one day she will look back and regret; perhaps use whatever lessons she learns in a positive way.
Anonymous said…
Oh brother....this is your source??? Beforeitsnews?? Ha ha ha ha ha. That is a blog and an illegitimate piece of propaganda with no truth to it whatsoever. Try again...
Anonymous said…
It is very sad and those that say pray are right to do so. She is a person spiraling out of control. She probably needs drug rehab and therapy. Hopefully someone will do an intervention on her and get her the help she needs.
Anonymous said…
My Family has a long history with the Freemason's and I do not appreciate anyone associating them with any satanic anything. My grandfather was of the 32 level my grandmother in the sisterhood and my mother and all the aunts were in the childrens organization of the rainbow something...they are all extremely religious and would never touch or associate with anything that was like that. The Freemasons is simply one of the oldest forms of networking and making contacts. They all said the majority of the meetings was 90% bible study!
Vangie said…
No love i saw it on twitter, i'll never make up such a sick thing abt some one, it was on twitter.
T. W. said…
Oh dear! I will pray for her.
Anonymous said…
She chose , despite being gifted to be abused used and therefore acting out for the dark side of the industry...the new world order who live on perversion and brainwashing the masses with thereof. God and divine order see all.
Anonymous said…
Are u blinde... HER BEHAVIOR says it all and if you were 1% educated...

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