The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
IF she was with someone else other than Rob, that's who she cheated on.
IF she was not with someone else, then only Rupert cheated (on his wife). Kristen was just Rupert's accomplice in cheating. Correct?
It would have been so easy to deny or acknowledge a relationship, yet they never did it. Only a few hints dropped conveniently here and there, were enough to convince everybody that they were in, Oh such a strong, real and special relationship.
Technically you're right. Kristen never cheated since their "relationship" was not real but in the eyes of the public it was real so she cheated on him and they had to play along with it, as they had been doing it for the last years. Rob, somehow, played the jilted boyfriend card while promoting Cosmopolis, though Kristen rushed to tell the fans in Canada that they were all right! and so the Robsten reunion took place, conveniently documented with lots of pics, Oh even from Kristen's house, right before BD2 premiered. Afterwards more and more pics of them together, Twi DVDs and stuff comes out and, Oh, right before Dior Campaign is released, Robsten breaks up.... Oh!
And this huge PR stunt has been, so conveniently well designed and played out by both Stars that, even though more than a year has gone by, their Robsten fans are still believing in Oh the greatest love of all and waiting for pics of them together. Hats off to Rob, Kristen, Summit and everybody involved in one of the HW biggest PR stunts!
Sorry for the rant.
Robert was humiliated when he was called all sort of nasty names for getting KStew back in time for BD2 premiere, but who can blame him? When you are in such a big mess like Robsten PR stunt, you have to play your role and fool people till the end.
I agree on the "I love him I love him" pathetic apology was a brilliant PR move. Her fans and Robsten fans were absolutely delighted... and once more fooled. It worked out fantastically.
Her apology was an attempt to take attention away from her dirty behavior with Sanders and divert it to her sudden public declaration of love for Rob, to subdue the Twihards and their broken hearts. With her apology she used Rob's name and the good will the public has for him (he's always been more likable) to wipe up her dirty mess. There was nothing romantic about it, just more self serving behavior from a narcissistic twat. Rob had no other option besides 'taking her back' temporarily until the DVD's came out, because they had to power through one more cycle of promotion for the last Twilight movie. He did what was expected of him in a professional sense. He did some PR photo ops with her on the street (with a group of friends as a buffer) to make it look like things were fine. Rob is a nice person. He could have very easily dragged her through the mud after everything was all over, but he hasn't.
After this debacle I doubt she'll be doing any more big franchise movies, she fucked over so many people when she couldn't keep her legs closed & keep her dirty business out of the public eye. This was one of the biggest scandals in years because of the multiple photos. That movie was probably going to get a sequel or some sort of spin off treatment, now it won't. Every once in awhile you hear some talk of Snow White 2, from Kristen herself sometimes when she's desperate to make her self look in demand. I'm no psychic, but that Snow White 2 movie is never going to happen, mark my words.
CD will NEVER give the public the names off "ROBSTEN" new partners.So to speak. Then all the interest will be gone.As KSTEW said once quote. ......KEEP THEM GUESSING.
a) “Neither I nor you know whether Rob has dirty laundry or it’s all pure speculation”.
Correction: “Neither I nor you know SO it’s all pure speculation”, not “or”.
b) “Imagine that Kristen and Rupert had never been caught…”
Of course we would not have known but the thing is they were caught, due to their own recklessness in fact, so now we do know.
c) “are we to believe there’re saints in Hollywood world?.. First of all define saints. But no matter, you’re using faulty logic here. Are you saying that everyone, or most everyone in Hollywood is a cheater or non-saint so since Rob is in Hollywood, he must be a cheater or a non-saint? It doesn’t follow. It’s like saying rich people drive Mercedes-Benz. My neighbor drives a MB. My neighbor must be rich.
Just tell me one thing. Do you actually believe Rob is a faultless and immaculate guy? For the record I'm not Kristen's fan. I was a fan of both of them years ago. I just couldn't digest the sassy PR stunt they were both involved in.
Nope, they didn't do an excellent acting job. No need really. Just wearing each other tshirts or same sunglasses when they were "caught" at airports or in the street were enough. Staring at each other with puppy eyes from time to time it's something than even I can do and answering direct questions with unsubstantial verbal diatribe instead of saying Yes or Not. That's all it took them.
Acting chops is what Jen Lawrence, Rooney Mara or Shailene Woodley have showed on the screens without getting involved in pathetic PR stunts.
Why am I still around? I like reading other people opinions and experiences regarding robsten invention and, above all I'm curious to know how and when robsten will definitely end and I also kind of hope that Christian Dion predicts that Kristen will screw up again LOL but you can be certain that I won't spend a $ going to theaters to see their movies.
Those actresses are not in any PR relationship like Robsten. Jen has been in a serious relationship for years with Nick Hoult. Shailene and Rooney, as far as I know, are single and not into tabloids. Rob has a new girlfriend every 2 months. Kristen hasn't because she's always with lesbians. Two years after Twilight the frenzy around them has calmed down but they're still gossip material. Those actresses are not.
When I got really upset was when all the posterior RK+ friends photo ops began to surface, week after week, intending to convince every robsten fan that Edward/Bella, I mean Rob and Kristen were fine and as in love as ever! That was too much to digest, that was a sassy and shameful PR Stunt for the money sake and I just lost all respect for them, even as actors.
Jen, Shailene and Rooney, unlike RK, never did anything to draw attention to their private lives.