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As of today this site is declared 
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart  & all connected FREE


Jack said…
Sounds good to me.
Anonymous said…
Aw not all of us hounded you about Rob. I loved getting his predictions from you and I trusted them. Now we all miss out cause some kept asking the same thing over & over :(
Anonymous said…
Will you at least still do rob predictions but not answer any comments? Just post ur prediction? I enjoyed watching your predictions about him come true.
Anonymous said…
What happened?Christian,you have to understand why people are interested in his private life.He's young,handsome,successful that's the reason it's diffiucult to understand why he needs PR girlfriend instead to real one.It's like he's affraid of the people from his managment.A millionaire is affraid of the people who work for him?
Anonymous said…
Thank you! :-)
Anonymous said…
Hip, hip hooray!
Anonymous said…
Wow. ..more predictions on the way for other stars
Anonymous said…
If you are not interested in Robert Pattinson why are you saying thank you to Christian?I don't care about Kardashians I ignore them...
Anonymous said…
I'm glad and thankful for your decision CD. It will be one less internet site for Rob and Kristen fans to fight over who's better, more popular, if their rumored or proven current partners are better, etc. I hope you'll stick with your decision even if some clamor for your continued predictions.
Anonymous said…
What about County stars like Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Miranda Lambert, Garth, Kenny Chesney
Anonymous said…
Christian,pretty please,tell us about the star of "Outlander" Sam Heughan!
Anonymous said…
Seer! What about Outlander star Sam Heughan?Please tell us!
Anonymous said…
Sounds like very good!
Anonymous said…
CD,please,could you tell us about actor Sam Heughan? Please please please!
Anonymous said…
I am a Robert/Kristen fan...together or separate...not that is relevant to what I have to say....
Really what I want to convey and possibly provoke some personal insight from you is this:
Why all the phenomenon surrounding Rob/Kristen's post relationship? Why all the psychological/emotional investment in this previous pair? As a psychic, you know this world is connected by unseen energy...and their ''energy'' evokes and connects with many, many people. Maybe people want to believe unconditional love exists beyond the confines of the human, selfish condition. I as a intuitive person, obviously not as developed as you, Christian...believe/feel a rare energy from these two individuals.
How do I know? Because, knowing nothing about them/background back in 2008/twilight,they consumed the screen with a energy that I have rarely experienced before. They were "real" in every way CD, I'm not speaking from a crazy twilight fan perspective, but from a intuitive energy source inside me. Like you, I've predicted/felt things surrounding mostly 'people' and sometimes events. I wish I had your level of ability, and some days Its more acute than others. Matter of fact, I knew nothing of you or your website and was intuitively drawn to it.
See what I'm saying? So, try to empathize on why you are being bombarded/questioned about kristen/Robert. There is something very unique/one-of-kind about them and their auras.
As for Robert's relationship with Twigs, you are exactly right in the sense that it is NOT real. I believe/feel Robert wants it to BE REAL...and he's trying to forget her by projecting his love on Twigs. He's too overt about it all....desperately trying to prove to himself and to the world/fans he's over Kristen...when he's clearly NOT. Maybe that is what you are picking up on, CD....that is emotions are manufactured within his own mind....lying to himself??????
Please confirm/validate this...if will bang inside my head until I have an answer.
Thank you for your awesome gift, time, energy and fab website!
Anonymous said…
Like Kardashians,I guess?Christian doesn't say anything about Andrew Garfield,Eddie Redmayne,Dane DeHaan,Benedict Cumberbatch,Hemsworth brothers....
Anonymous said…
Can you also continue to predict on sports stars as well. Thanks CD
Anonymous said…
Yeah Christian, I see EXACTLY why you have declared this site to be free of those two drips from now on. Even the slightest mention of those two brings all the weirdos out of the woodwork. Are there really THAT many sad people in the world that want what they see on a movie screen to be real?
Anonymous said…
When did you start reading CD's predictions on this blog? Looks like fairly recently since you must not have read CD saying from the very beginning that Rob and Kristen romantic relationship off screen is purely PR. So you saying Rob is "desperately trying to prove to himself and to the world/fans he's over Kristen...when he's clearly NOT." does not match CD's vibes regarding R/K.
Anonymous said…
Really? That is your best stab into me?Typically response...from a lemming mentality...try to buy a ticket for original may broaden your scope.
Hey're on a psychic site....and you know damn well... psychic intuition isn't a contrived/deliberate sensing path way but more spontaneous , or CD would be a millionaire, too.(laugh, Cough).
It simply doesn't work that way, for me it's about sensing emotions/energy from others and anticipating behaviors before they happen. Besides, I never stated I had intuition skills like CD. We all have intuitive abilities....some people are more developed than haven't been touched with a spit full of internal insight or wisdom.
Anonymous said…
I call it, as I see it....
I've been following CD for about 3 years....and think he is gifted...but, for some reason, off the mark with Rob/Kristen...yet agree with his intuitions about him with twigs. YET....interpreted which Rob believes his own condition about FKA.... whom in my opinion, has characteristics of Kristen. He believes his own "PR"...and projects it upon FKA...because really he wishes it was kristen. That is the "PR" element that CD is intuitively picking u on. Only time will tell if I am right. I intuitively feel....he will not last in his own fantasy with Twigs. A candle that is burning too hot, and too quickly at both ends....never lasts.
Anonymous said…
Wow thank you so much. I loved the books and films but ppl on here are super obsessed with these 2, i dont get it. According to the comments u would think these 2 are bigger than beyonce and gaga combined!
Anonymous said…
haha, yet another Kristen Stewart fan, that has her confused with Bell & Twi crap.

Robsten was marketing for a crappy teen franchise.
Anonymous said…
CD could you please make a prediction about Pattinson (I personally think he'll fade away in 2015) but say something about his career and love life.
Anonymous said…
Please CD can you do just 1 more or reply since it's Dec now? All she does is not keep her mouth shut about her love for him. what about him do you think?Is she manipulating him? Please your help?
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian. Hope you have a wonderful holiday and wanted to ask if you would do one last prediction of Rob. I know you said you were cutting him out but it would mean a lot just to hear his 2015 prediction. You can post it here you don't have to make a post. Please and thank you xx

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