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This hit movie with more awards to come.
Will make a Mega Star of Miles Teller.


auntliddy said…
That is so funny, i was just reading his bio this morning!( when i was reading about Divergent)
Anonymous said…
Christian is Cumberbatchs fiancée pregnant?
T. W. said…
Christian, can you comment on Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez? He allegedly assaulted an airport worker with his son's car seat.

Anonymous said…
Christian,Kristen Stewart was papped with her girlfriend Alicia showing PDA.You said she was banging Nick Hault.Does Alicia know about that?She's cheated on,I guess.
T. W. said…
My sister says the same. Thanks Christian!
Anonymous said…
Christian, why was Cameron Diaz in such a hurry to get married?
Anonymous said…
I wish them a happy and healthy marriage and baby then!
Anonymous said…
It's well after the new year and RPattz & Twiggs are still glued at the hip (she met his family, they "love" her). Did this turn into the real thing CD ? Or could it be that you were wrong about this. Yeah, I know, you won't answer, or you won't post my Q, but I guess that answers my Q, unless someone else on here knows what's going on, any takers?, T W how about you? :)
Anonymous said…
Thank you :)
Anonymous said…
they are on Maldives.
Anonymous said…
Christian,are Stewart and Alicia dating?
T. W. said…
They want a bigger payoff that PR can give them.
Anonymous said…
Iam having a brain fart moment, cause I'am not quite understanding, the PR is the payoff right or is there more going on behind the scene, maybe money involved, so does this mean they will stay together longer? What do you think of the KStew beach pics with girlfriend, do you think she knew pics were being taken, her way of coming out maybe, or do you think there might be something else behind those pics. Sorry so many Q's but they have always been a train wreck I couldn't look away from :)**************Cameron and that Madden character***********Katy Perry/Mayer ************JLaw/ Martin etc, I just love all this hollyweird shit
Anonymous said…
I don't get how their PR relationship is PR.They spent time together at holidays in UK and now on Maldives....I hope they stay together because they look beautifu and they both seem very happy.Just look at the pics taken by a random person in the pub at New Year's Eve.
T. W. said…
Look at all the attention they are getting. I never heard of Twiggs until she became associated with Robert.
Anonymous said…
I see she's performing at Coachella now too. Do you think he'll still be with her by then?
Anonymous said…
I doubt it very much
Anonymous said…
TW think he'll still be with her by coachella if she's gonna be performing there?
Anonymous said…
Yes,I hope it's a very good thing for him,PR or not.There is a rumor they met either on Coachella 2014 or in 2013 in December when Rob was in London.
Anonymous said…
Getting attention of being Robert Pattinson's girlfriend it's not what an independent and non meanstream singer would want,fans buy the tickets for her concerts not because she's his girlfriend.People buy it to see her and her performance.She got a topless cover because she's new,attractive and edgy.Rob never was on the cover of V mag.
Anonymous said…
How is it a good thing for him if it's PR? I mean other than a possible pay off
Anonymous said…
Because he's at least not alone.I think he has feelings for her or he's just superb actor,which he really is.He was nominated for AACTA Award for the best supporting role in The Rover,it's Australian equivalent for an Oscar and for Australian Critics Association for the same role.
Anonymous said…
Yes its good he's not alone. I'll agree with that but if CD ends up being right about it being PR and he's told to follow her around I wonder if he's truly happy. Just saying "if" ... not saying he isn't happy
T. W. said…
When is Coachella? If I were them I would stay together.
T. W. said…
Good point. He can also put his energy into his work instead of a girlfriend.
Anonymous said…
It's in June I think? I don't know for sure. Well that would be a bummer if they were. CD predicted wouldn't last to the New Year so I didn't think it would go long after anyways
Anonymous said…
LOL Can't find bigger fans than E! They just keep writing about how much they are in love. Good grief.
Anonymous said…
Rob doesn't work right now he will be on set in few weeks filming Childhood Of A Leader and after that Maps To The Stars will be released in US.As long as he's with FKA Twigs it stops rumors about possible getting back together with Stewart.It's all good.
Anonymous said…
It's in April.
Anonymous said…
CD how does the PR work? Does his team say "ok you guys are gonna go on a romantic getaway" and they pay for everything? And if they keep getting seen together - which I imagine is all set up - that's all staged? Do u think they still sleep together if it's all a show? I hope it ends soon. I'm tired of hearing about her.
Psychic Gossip said…
Thats more or less how it works although the PR team dont work as they are paid by the celebs or the company it has been going on for years used to be more subtle, but since the internet its given the PR people a bit more of an headache. The real reason PR exist is more lots of it. For example if a male in the closest gay, needs to have people not know. He will be given a GF aka beard. This person is paid alot of money to go on with the game. Usually these beards are up and coming actresses so they get the publicity plus the cash and connections CD
Anonymous said…
Oh ok that makes sense. So this twigs thing is more just her getting more exposure and for Rob it's distancing him from the twi fiasco?
Anonymous said…
So was this PR setup to distance from Twilight once and for all, or to distance from Kristen since she seems to be dating a girl now?

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