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So, So sad, I hate it when these predictions come true

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bad ending in sight.......a liitle redneck.

Bobbi Kristina Brown 
daughter of the Late Whitney Houston 
has become engaged to her 
"adopted" brother Nick Gordon.
This is not what her mother would want.
He's all about the money/fame.
If she doesn't rethink this, she'll be seeing her mother quicker that she thinks.


Anonymous said…
How very tragic.
It must be difficult and upsetting for you too Christian to see all these things in advance.
T. W. said…
Word is they will pull the plug at midnight tonight so she Can die the same day as her mother Whitney (two years apart ).
Anonymous said…
This prediction was right on the mark. ..sadly
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian,
This is totally unrelated, but on the Internet now are 2 children that seem to be whistle blowers on a huge satanic pedophile ring, if you Google this you will find it.
If possible, will you share your impressions about this please ?... thank you !
Anonymous said…
Now, I read that a family member says she is improving and will be alright. (Personally, I don't believe it). Very sad! I hope she can recover but it would literally take a miracle.
Anonymous said…
I hope she's going to be all right. CD is Bobbi going to make it or is it too late for her? I'm crossing my fingers she'll be okay. Anyway, you were right about Fifty Shades being a critical flop :)
T. W. said…
Rumor has it Bobbi Kristina was dead upon arrival. I have been praying for her. I don't know what is going on.

As for Fifty Shades, the books were terrible and unbelievable. Do yourself a favor and read the Wikipedia summaries. For a good laugh read the reviews. Do someone else a favor and donate to a battered women's shelter.
Anonymous said…
TW did you hear about twigs being pregnant with rob's baby? Do you think it's true?
Anonymous said…
I would love to read what Christian thinks about that rumored pregnancy.
T. W. said…
I have not heard. I think it is a rumor.
Anonymous said…
Do you think it will last thru the summer?
Anonymous said…
Christian,does it mean the pregnancy is a rumor?:)
T. W. said…
There is no pregnancy.
Anonymous said…
Is there a break up soon coming up?
Anonymous said…
I saw the rumor also, it started with a blind item on CDAN, but there are whispers that it is true, Rob & Twiggs were seen holding hands in London today, I don't know about the pregnancy stuff but I do believe they are in it for the long haul. I think we can chalk CD's prediction of a break-up as one of the few he gets wrong, it is way past the new year, which he predicted that they would not be together, oh well, you can't be right all the time, nobody's perfect. Sill love CD :)
T. W. said…
There is nothing to break.
Anonymous said…
So they aren't dating?
Anonymous said…
CD says it's PR tho. That they have to appear together. I don't think he's wrong at all. I don't know why CD doesn't say when this will end but I don't think he's wrong
Anonymous said…
Christian, is Bobbi Kristina going to live?
T. W. said…
No they are not. It is all PR.
T. W. said…
Not all CDAN blinds are true.
Anonymous said…
If there's not to break anything when will it be over the sightings and the media? When will the PR stop?
Anonymous said…
Sometimes I think certain celebs read your blog and do the exact opposite of what you say just to fool people, when they only wind up hurting themselves more
Anonymous said…
A twig supporter sent it in to CDAN. They are all waiting for some epic love for Valentines.
Anonymous said…
I don't think he's wrong either. CD, is there anything new about Rob or Twigs you can tell us for a Valentine treat? I hear she might get sued for stealing her name from another British duo. Hope she has to pay? Will negative press be why he leaves?
Anonymous said…
CD I know you said you didn't want to post about Rob & company anymore but can you do at least one post for the new year? What do you see for him? Will Twigs exit soon? She just seems like another lesson he needs to learn. There have been accounts of her rudeness to his fans, how she's "moany, bitchy, and clingy" when around him. Not to mention the vulgar image she projects.......
Anonymous said…
FKA Twigs is a good PR for Rob,so it doesn't matter if they are real or not.And they are not papped so frequently,mostly fans report they saw them.Rob came back from Berlinale to London and there were at least 2 tweets from fans.
Anonymous said…
Exactly,what do you see for Rob,Christian?I don't know but he looked somehow tired and deadly in Berlin,he's thin.
Anonymous said…
The point is they don't appear together,she wasn't with him on the red carpet in Berlin.They are hiding and paparazzi seem don't bother them much losing interest,apparently.Pity,that Christian doesn't say when this will end.
Anonymous said…
Maybe he just doesn't know when it will end. If "the one" for him is still around, which I imagine she is, then maybe they both have to work on themselves before they can get together. Maybe him working a lot and dating twigs will somehow prepare him for the real deal girl. Timing is everything! Tho most of the time it's a bitch cause it takes forever. Idk just a thought. Maybe CD just really doesn't know when, & maybe he does he's just not sure if he should put it out there. But we all know she's not the one and we also all know that Rob will end up with an American who is attached to his friends circle and she'll be loving and true. As CD gas stated numerous times. I can't wait for that relationship. I think Rob will be happier than ever. :)
T. W. said…
I heard her organs are failing.
Anonymous said…
What's in store for Nick Gordon, who wanted fame so much

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