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Dark Times ahead ........ For the UK ...


Tony said…
Hi CD. How bad will things be for the UK..and how long will Cameron be in power? The last five years have been bad enough what with cruel cuts and that awful bedroom tax. Regards Tony
Psychic Gossip said…
HI Tony

If he gets passed a year it'll be a miracle CD
Tony said…
Thanks cd. On a lighter note my team Arsenal are in the FA Cup final later this month against Aston Villa. Can you see Arsenal winning the cup? Many thanks with blessings to you. Tony
Anonymous said…
I live in London and today, there is no feel good factor in evidence at all here. I am sad about that. I think the pollsters said Labour did very well in London boroughs, there is still no feel good factor in London. 1997/8 I remember a feelgood factor when "New Labour" came in power there was. Mr Cameron's 1st speech on reaching majority place, he promised to look after ALL PEOPLES. I swear I took a breath and prayed he does thru his party's work and this beautiful, amazing country has opportunities for all people's to have a better quality of life and security. I want that for everybody here. I do like Sturgeon, Cameron,Clegg and Miliband's styles - wish they would agree core values and really work together on this stuff but that is unrealistic :{ lh
Jan Thomas said…
Hi Christian, hope you are feeling better now.I am devastated that Labour lost the election and we are now stuck with the cruel bedroom tax,I had hope but now of course, it's gone.The bedroom tax is killing me as well as thousands of others. I just had the urge to post to you, I dont know why, I love to read your blog everyday. Love Jan x
Anonymous said…
How is Kim Kardashian book Selfish will do? Is it a hit?
T. W. said…
What on earth is a bedroom tax?
Psychic Gossip said…
If you have a spare bedroom and are receiving help from social services to pay rent etc they tax you CD
Anonymous said…
They don't have socialism in America why should we have socialism in the UK. Milliband and New Labour would have bankrupted Britain.
Scotland will breakaway and become another Greece - but England will thrive on its own.

The future is what you make it. Long Live England.
T. W. said…
On one hand it majes sense. They figure you can rent the room for income. But in the person's defense they may not be able to move to another home. Good affordable housing is hard to find. Maybe the person inherited the house and doesn't want to move so they can pass it on to family. In North Carolina you can own one home, one car, and $2,000 savings without penalty from social services. We are broke here.
Anonymous said…
Hi - just hoping to clear up the confusion around the term "bedroom tax" and what it actually is.

It isn't a government imposed tax on spare bedrooms. Rather, it is a reduction in benefits paid out to those claiming housing benefit to assist with rent. The clue's in the term really. Benefits are paid to those who are unable to work, the unemployed or those on low wages. The bedroom tax places a threshold on the amount of benefit which is paid out. So, in effect, if you are already impoverished, the government will make it worse for you by refusing to assist you in your rent payments.

The government had the exceeding bright idea that if you couldn't afford to live in accommodation with "unused" bedroom/s, you could move house. Sounds like a plan, yeah? But where exactly do you move to? There is a lack of social housing in the UK and certainly not enough one bedroom properties to go round. Private accommodation costs a fortune and benefits paid to help with rent are capped on this too. AND, if you are disabled with a bedroom that may be used to store equipment or accommodate a carer or partner who is unable to sleep in the same room, sure, you can apply to be exempted but it's not guaranteed. So it's a tax on poverty really.

The term "bedroom tax" is a way of explaining its impact and was coined by opposition parties/the media.

I hope that helps!

I hope this explains the situation. I can only shudder at the thought of what they'll come up with next.
T. W. said…
Thank you. We are to care for the poor, orphans, and widows. Shame on us.
Tony said…
There have even been stories where people in this position have taken their own lives because of this cruel tax. And in this day and age there are food banks and zero hour contracts at certain places of work where people struggle to make ends meet. I too shudder to think what they will come up with next
T. W. said…
Yeah. Some military families qualify fir food stamps. Veterans are still waiting for care and benefits. The elite powers that be want to make slaves of us little people that cannot be killed off.

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