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I am posting this. But WILL NOT COMMENT ON IT, SO DON"T ASK ..

Robert Pattinson & "TWIGS"
Are not engaged.
They are not married.
They are not having a baby.
However, for reasons beyond me.
The PR team seems to want to drag out this drama.
Till the end of the year.
I don't know why.
So don't bother asking me.


Anonymous said…
Oh god.... so we have to deal with this for another christmas? Ugh.
Anonymous said…
That sucks, cause Rob is so unhappy. Is there a chance it could end sooner than the end of the year?
T. W. said…
Better than dealing with Kartrashians.
Anonymous said…
It's alright, He's gonna be just fine :) hang in there Rob! Your happiness is right around the corner with a girl who deserves you.
Anonymous said…
He must be having a movie coming out
Anonymous said…

I knew someone (not famous) who was in an arranged relationship. It was good for both of their careers but of course it didn't last long. I guess it's like George Clooney's but on a smaller scale and for slightly different reasons.
Anonymous said…
If his last relationship was PR and this relationship is PR, what is he hiding? Or is he just asexual?
Anonymous said…
I pray it will be sooner. They both look so strung out on drugs. Some sites say the drug use is bad, really bad. As much as I really don't care for either of them; just the gossip, I would not want to see either of them end up on a slab.
Anonymous said…
CD said rob isn't into drugs. I believe him on that. Her on the other hand idk. He said she was nuts. But I believe rob doesn't touch them
sweetforty's said…
Thanks CD for the updates
Anonymous said…
Is CD saying they WILL be dragging out the PR till end of year? Or that it just seems like they are? I'm a bit confused by the wording.
Anonymous said…
CD thank you so much for the update. It means a lot ^_^ You're the best. I cannot wait until finally happens.
Anonymous said…
Dear CD, Since you have commented on Rob when you said earlier you didn't want to. Could you also please predict about Leo DiCaprio's love life/ marriage prospects and Matthew mcconaughey?

June said…
I know you won't reply CD but you confirming left and right that this guy is not able to have a genuine relationship with a woman it's like implying he is gay.
Anonymous said…
Chriastian,the point is there are amount of people who think and write all over the web that Rob and Kristen Stewart are secretly married and have a child and another in the way.These people say that Rob and FKA Twigs are PR in order to cover Rob's marriage with Kristen Stewart.Please write it's not true,these crazy people can't move on.
Anonymous said…
Well,Rob is not gay I as a fan who has watched his interviews/seen him around people/female co-stars/generally his interactions with both men and women like million times can honestly say there is no indication he can be gay.It's impossible.If he was,he would have been caught a long time ago,don't forget he has been followed by paps for years.He's British and has female vibe he grown up with sisters and dominant mother.He could be asexual,funny,because he said some time ago something like this but it was said as a joke.I don't know but FKA Twigs wears a big ring on her finger that looks like an engagement ring,it looks expensive,I don't know if she can effort such a beautiful ring.
Anonymous said…
I don't recall CD's opinion on whether or not Rob uses drugs. I believe I typed they LOOK like they are strung out and that some other GOSSIP SITES say the drug use is bad. I have no way of knowing (neither do you)if he takes drugs or is an alcoholic. He's young and lives in LA...when in Rome...
Anonymous said…
Some of you don't understand what CD means:

Rob IS NOT engaged To Twigs

So the ring she wears is NOT from Rob.
Anonymous said…
Christian was saying at least two times that he doesn't feel that Rob uses drugs.I remember when radar online published that he's doing drugs when someone sent them a fan pic of Rob with some people in the background keeping some white thing.A guy who posted this pic on his social media wrote that there were no drugs and he doesn't know what people behind him have been doing.Other gossip sites picked it up and run it.Rob was seen with Zac Efron and they automatically linked him to drugs because Zac had problem with it.Rob is allergic that's for sure because there is a pic of him with Claritin in his hands.
Anonymous said…
To Anon at 5:22PM,Twigs wears the ring on her left hand this is according to the website a jewel made by Morgan Shara and it costs $150,000.It's expensive ring for her who just started her career.Engagement rumors started when her friend said about it in his interview for Vulture in April and when she and Rob attended The Met Gala the ring was on her finger.So everybody says it's an engagement ring from Rob.
Anonymous said…
Actually I DO know he in FACT doesnt! ;)
Anonymous said…
They are engaged. The ring isn't fake. Common christian give us a prediction based in reality. They seem in love and may get to the alter. What will you say then since you didn't expect them to make it to 2015. Are you just trolling the readers for more hits?????
T. W. said…
I thought the British wore their rings on their right hands.
Anonymous said…
Anon at 5:02... don't make me die laughing here... I'm literally... unable to breathe... I'm like -_-
Anonymous said…
So tell me... what is it that tells you "they seem in love" what exactly are they doing or have they done that says "Oh look it's epic love of awesome epicness and I can't wait to fantasize about them having sex and them make scrapbooks about what their babies will look like"? I'm just not seeing love here at all. Rob looks like he'd rather be anywhere else than with her.
Anonymous said…
I'm not the Anon at 5:02AM but to answer the question,Rob never has been seen with a woman attending event that weren't conected with his Twilight job.He never walked the red carpet for Oscars,Golden Globe,BAFTA,or Met gala with his ex(PR or not)he only attended On the Road premiere in Cannes because he was there with his Cosmopolis movie.But there are no pics of them hugging or holding hands on the red carpet.Rob was with Twigs at the Met Gala he never attended this event even when he became Dior Homme spokeman,he did it with Twigs this year,they walked the red carpet together like a couple so they seem to be in love.And of course rob wore Dior tux.
Anonymous said…
Bit he's told to do these things with her. It shows "validity" of a "relationship" so people buy it. And he never did those things w K bc he was told not to. The guessing game for them was huge PR. Different PR tactics work for different celeb couples. For R&K... "are they or aren't they?" & for R&T "PDA" go back and look at all the pics of Them. There are far more of him looking miserable then of him looking in love.
Anonymous said…
I would have never guessed that a famous and millionaire actor had to lead such a miserable life by having to endure PR relationships for years. So sad for him.
Anonymous said…
Christian,please answer.Is Rob secretly married to Kristen Stewart and they have a baby?
Anonymous said…
For God's sake No No NO!!! He's said this a million times. They are not secretly married and they don't have a baby!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 8:55 You can't be so stupid. You're kidding, right? Maybe you're whacky, senile?
Anonymous 1:07 ITA.
Anonymous said…
Everytime Christian mentions Rob or Kstew the crazies come out in droves. Christian PLEASE make it stop!!!
Anonymous said…
Let me guess your an insider right???
Anonymous said…
There are people on a blog and instagram saying that Rob and Kristen are secretly married.One of a poster from that blog,Lydia posted here.I want Christian to say it clearly for everybody to see that Rob and Kristen are NOT secretly married and they don't have a baby because these freaks will never move on.
Anonymous said…
They wouldn't move on if God himself told them
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 2:05 If you need Christian Dion to debunk that bunch of nonsense, you must be one of those delusional and senile ladies posting in those sites. It's sad that people like you no longer can distinguish between reality and fiction. Like the previous poster said, you wouldn't move on if God himself told you, so why are you even asking Christian Dion to debunk an absurdity?
Unknown said…
This is Lydia I,m so tired of all this shit everybody is talking about Kristen and rob they need to leave them live their life's like humans why are people so concerned if they are married or not I thought people already have their mines made up that he's with twigs so what's the problem now that's what you all want so live with what you ask for. My opionon is with Kristen and Robert and I always will you all believe what youall wants to I,lol stick with rob and Kristen thank you all
Anonymous said…
You are the one who say that Rob and Kristen are secretly married with a child,these lies are written on Haters Know nothing blog and mama nails tumblr.These freaking women feed you their BS and lies in order to get hits.Why do you believe in these bunch of lies?There is no marriage,no baby,no relationship,Rob and K are former co-stars.Tell your freaks from HKN to stay away from Rob's fan sites and articles,don't post there your lies about marriage with stewart.Or better,post your lies on Stewart's fan sites you will hear what they think about you.
Anonymous said…
Good cause I'm all ready planning my escape from him XD
Unknown said…
Anonymous Listen and listen good I was not the one that started the rumor about rob and Kristen being secretly married or have a child I just give my opionon on what I want just like what you are doing right now and who the hell are you to tell me what blog I should go to as far as I last heard that this is a free country I don,t live or sleep with rob or Kristen to know anything personal about them all you people sit here and write all this about rob and Kristen and it,s okay but when someone else give their opionon and youall don,t like the first thing youall come up with is don,t come on this blog even if I read HKN,s blog and went to believe what I want to that's my right again I,m so tired of all this shit I don,t give a shit if rob and Kristen is marrired or not it,s not my business I love them as human being and I love their movies like I said I believe in them and I will stay believing what I want and to make things plain to anyone I,m married for40yrs to the same man and if anyone wants to know I,m 65yrs. Old so get this straight I,m very piss off for anyone to say that I was the one start the rumor about rob and Kristen because I did not I read it just like everyone else did and he said it in an interview himself go look for that interview he was with green the one that played his sister in the movie I will not come back to this blog and I,m not leaving because you told me to leave I,m not afraid to answer any one of you that talk shit about me I.ll leave youall with this keep voting for him to marry twigs because youall know him good luck
Anonymous said…
Lydia I completely respect your opinion and everything else you're saying on here. Of course you weren't the one who started the rumor, it was someone else. CD I wish we all knew why.
Anonymous said…
Freaks from HKN site once again spamming Robert Pattinson Life fan site and another comment section has been closed by moderator because they can't stop spreading their lies about Rob and his former Twilight co-star.If you from HKN site want to belive in lies about a marriage and a baby stick to your site don't come to Rob sites to spread lies,why do you only clinging to his sites?Have you been on Stewart's fan sites telling your lies about a baby?Spreading lies is not an opinion,HKN site is lying to get hits from those of you who think twilight is not over.It's over:no baby,no marriage,no relationship,Rob and Kristen are former co-stars.
Anonymous said…
What the hell will Kristen have to do with his girlfriend Alicia for these freaks to see that they're a couple in love? Maybe a public liplock since they've already held hands publicy and are constantly together. Anyway, who cares about HKN freaks?
Anonymous said…
CD will you just say if Rob will get his happiness soon? Please
Anonymous said…
Yea CD rob stayed In LA and she went back to europe. When u said it's till the end of the year is it possible the PR will end sooner?
Hey look this is about this fake relationship not K or A lol I just hope it ends soon because I just want rob to be happy and in love with the one but I was thinking what if rob as already got her behind this PR relationship lol
Anonymous said…
Solo digo una cosa, donde ha ido a parar ese famoso anillo de compromiso, que por cierto apareció cuando actuó para Swarovsky, en todo el año 2016 que no lo ha llevado puesto en ninguna vez? Por cierto que ha finales de 2015 lo llevaba en la riñonera y cuando aparecían los paparazzis se lo ponía, eso se vio en una secuencia de fotos, lo podéis buscar cuando queráis. Y poner el traductor que para eso está.
Anonymous said…
Robert y Kristen no están casados ni tienen hijos, pero no están tan alejados como nos están haciendo creer. La verdad saldrá y todos sabremos que lo que hicieron fue para matar el Robsten, eso les pesaba como una piedra.

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