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A crossroads maybe ....

Sadly Jimmy Fallon,
 has injured his hand and needs surgery.
Maybe his controllers should get him into rehab.
Before he cuts something he can't get repaired.
Then they loose their cashcow.


T. W. said…
Oh wow! The things you see...
Anonymous said…
He's one if my favorite host :-) genuinely enjoys laughing. Funny when he giggles. I hope he doesn't CD. He is loved
Anonymous said…
CD - what does that even mean? Are you saying he drinks or does drugs and needs rehab? He seems like the most well balanced sweet person - why would he possibly need rehab?
Anonymous said…
I have always had a feeling that he was a little off, having to be inventive to keep people laughing- can cause a person to be needing some relief with a shrink. I hope he gets it especially with 2 little adorable baby girls- he needs to take better care of his life.
Anonymous said…

There's been a number of blind items about JF. It looks like his partying has escalated and has become dangerous. He's so talented I hope he gets help before it's too late.
Anonymous said…
Hijacking comments just to say, if RPattz and Twigs are purely PR, he is getting the shit end of it. He just lost his role in Brimstone, and now he has followed her to Glastonbury. Which, sorry, can only make me think they're for real. A bloke just tweeted they were making out.
T. W. said…
Most men would not turn down sex with no strings attached.
Anonymous said…
Annoymous 1:37 I couldn't agree more. He's such an idiot for even getting involved with her in the first place. CD what are your thoughts on this?
Anonymous said…
Rob is not in Brimstone because of scheduling conflict.Don't make drama.It's supporting role in an indie movie.Christian,please tell are you sure Rob and Twigs relationship will end at the end of the year?
Anonymous said…
He ia smart for dumping that movie
Anonymous said…
Scheduling conflicts? What scheduling conflicts. Lost City of Z is the only thing on his list, and that keeps getting postponed and re-cast. I doubt it will even happen.
Anonymous said…
Scheduling conflicts because Brimstone is supposed to be filmed right now and in the winter he couldn't be do Lost City Of Z.Why do you care about this Brimstone movie,it's not like you are going to see it,right?LOL Rob has two movies come out this year Life and Queen Of The Desert with small role of T.E.Lawrence.And a movie made with his friend B.Corbet Childhood Of A Lider could have a premiere at festivals in Fall.Other actors at his age make one movie a year.Lost City is a movie made by B.Pitt's company it's going to happen.
Anonymous said…
Rob's dropping out of Brimstone has nothing to do with Twigs and her concert at Glastonbury.Actor who replaced him is not even on set yet.You Anons from June 29 need help.
Anonymous said…
No the one that needs help are these fools playing the public with fake loves. Man at least get a good looking one. Yuck. That guy needs to fire his pr team and management team.
Anonymous said…
I never said going to Glastonbury caused him to lose Brimstone. What I'm saying is, PR relationships are supposed to benefit both parties with more jobs, money, promotion, etc. And right now, this relationship is not helping him one bit. Check out the director's tweets. There is no scheduling conflict.
Anonymous said…
Or because this love is not PR only a real one.I don't understand why you care so much what was the reason Rob is not longer in Brimstone if you asking me to check out director's tweets.He doesn't have to know what was the real reason,this movie is an indie movie with different places and time of filming(summer and winter),why Rob would risk to be in this movie if this could collide with Lost City of Z filming?Being in LCOZ is more important for him.

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