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TOLD YA Bottle or Draft ? Kim Kardashian expecting

Monday, December 8, 2014

2015 Predictions

2015 Predictions 
Composed between 
Nov 14th  noon & Dec 1st 7pm 2014
In Hermosa Beach Ca, USA.

 Kim Kardashian


Anonymous said…

Will the truth about her "marriage" and how the babies were conceived ever come out, Christian?
T. W. said…
MediaTakeOut claims a producer told them Kin hired a surrogate from the Philippines. MTO is not always accurate. I hope Kim and Kanye do right by their children.
Anonymous said…
Wendy Williams reporting the same surrogate story
I just want them to go away but this will not happen in my lifetime.
Anonymous said…
Off topic, but I saw on Twitter today that Jared Leto is dating a 20 year old. What do you think about that? Will he ever settle down? What about his career? People are saying his new joker role is terrible. Will it be?
Anonymous said…
CD is she going to name it something stupid?
Anonymous said…
South West airlines
Anonymous said…
I wonder how angry Kim Trashian West feels about her old step dad/step mom stealing her spotlight, Caitlyn Jenner on a mag cover tops another silly 'West' name. I'm thinking when the baby (I agree with CD,it's a boy)gets here they can get the spotlight back...'Wilde West', indeed.
Anonymous said…
Christian, I see Kim has tweeted today that she is having a boy (according to the Daily Mail).

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