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Hypocrites, with no morals ...

So now that the Duggars,
have lost their TV cash cow.
They are going to do a home grown version.
Along with lectures, books etc ....
Pushing their 
"Do as I say, not do as I do lifestyle".
Seems that these "Good Christian Folk".
Haven't read their own handbook.


Anonymous said…
/But will this scam work or expose more hidden secrets.
T. W. said…
Why can't more people seem them for what they are? They sicken me.
Anonymous said…

Creepy "Christian"cult!
Anonymous said…
They are creepy, I feel bad for the poor kids :(
Anonymous said…
Here we go with the Christian stuff again.
Anonymous said…
They get away with being them because they're American Christians (which is vastly different from actual Christians--less hypocritical). If they were any other religion they would have been dragged through the mud seasons ago.

But no, they're "Christian and wholesome" so people worship them.
Anonymous said…
Wow. No shame in their game huh!?
Anonymous said…
CD I know this is completely off topic, but I was told by a friend who is a psychic that the love of my life was supposedly someone from my past that I knew growing up as a teenager. He's around me and I don't know what to believe. His first name according to her is David. What should I do?
Anonymous said…
Cd do you see me finding work? ??? Its been rough but hanging in there. ...
Psychic Gossip said…
Send me a pic recent of you to CD
Anonymous said…
Who me?
Anonymous said…
You're so nice CD I can't wait to use your services, once I land. I'm not the other person but in a similar situation.
Anonymous said…
Some pastors earn millions per year most are not legitimate and have had affairs with other pastors and children out of wedlock. It's a business and for some a vocation. Doctors are now doing it too, operate when there's no need.
Psychic Gossip said…
Send a pic to CD
Anonymous said…
Saw the pic before I read the CD's comment below it, and I thought it was a pic of two politicians.
T. W. said…
The pastors that earn millions per year do so off book sales, video sales, etc. They do give back. They must eatn a token salary from the church according to IRS rules but I know some of them give the salary back to the church as a donation. Joseph Prince is in Singapore and does not take a salary from the church. Please don't let a few bad apples blind you to the good ones.
Anonymous said…
Just sent it to you! K
T. W. said…
Go here for updates:

The Duggars Federal Criminal Charges ahead... TRUMPERS...

June 24, 2020

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