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I know that I have said this before.
But I gave in.
Well, this time it's for real.
There will be 
 Posts or Comments.
Please refrain from hijacking any threads.
As those comments will not be published, 
they will be delted.


Anonymous said…
Thank you CD. I honestly admit I gave in too for constantly pestering you, and I'm so sorry.
Anonymous said…
Why do people ruin it for everyone else by posting stupid stuff? I only liked hearing about Robs career and now we can't hear that. CD I'm sorry for the annoying posts. Maybe one day you can only do his career and nothing else.
Anonymous said…
As a fan it was getting annoying. You already said what you needed to say and yet people kept going on and on.
Anonymous said…
I feel so sorry for everyone after reading all that and i dont even know why.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, CD. It seemed like some wanted weekly or more often least that was my perception of it. Hopefully this decision will allow you to address and even wider scope of what is revealed to you.
Anonymous said…

Harsh! Does that mean the posts will be belted and then deleted?
Anonymous said…
It's regrettable we all have to pay for a few crazy ones. I love your predictions on these two. Wouldn't it be better if you deleted the offensive comments rather than deprive us of your predictions?
melc said…
thanks CD that is great as i found it disrespectful to you given you had already stated you were not posting anymore on it
Anonymous said…
Thanks it was out of control
Anonymous said…
I understand it must be annoying and it's your blog so it's your decision what or who you talk about ! But will you just do the "I told ya" when they break up eventually or it's out of question too?
Anonymous said…
Yes,yes Christian,post about kardashians or other idiots.They are very interesting.RME Insteat to be grateful that you have people who give hits on your site you alienate them?Bye
Psychic Gossip said…
ALL ":Told Ya's" will stay CD
Anonymous said…
I'm happy you'll be keeping the told ya's Christian, I really enjoy reading your blog it's fantastic :D
Anonymous said…
If Rob and Twigs break up and it will be published by People Magazine or Gossip Cop it will be an info OLNY that they broke up.It won't be an info that they were PR relationship,so your ''told ya''won't be exactly what you had said about their relationship.IF there would be hacked e-mails,phone calls,conversations stating about a CONTRACT between Rob and Twigs to be in PR relationship then your ''told ya'' is actually told ya.So don't hold your breath people.
Anonymous said…
CD I apologize cause I was arguing with the girl saying she's rob secret brunette gf. It was just ridiculous so anyways I do apologize to you. Thank you for posting your predictions. This blog is awesome
Anonymous said…
Anon at 5:54PM is that you a person who said Rob's GF will be blonde and not famous?
Loveisall said…
Anon @ 5:48 you need to calm down. If it upsets you that bad you need to walk away from your computer. Its not that big of a deal
Anonymous said…
GOOD I just don't want understand the obsession with them. People were losing their minds good for you CD.
Anonymous said…
I think you need to calm down if you don't care about some actors/celebs don't read about them.I don't read about Kardashians.It seems it is a big deal if it upsets Christian so much.
Anonymous said…
J I apologize for arguing and yelling at you too. I honestly didn't mean it and I'm very truly sorry. But I do stand by what I'm saying, and I've had a few things happen to me over the last few years that I literally cannot and have no explaination for that involves me and Rob. CD helped me figure everything out and I'm grateful for his help in understanding it all.
T. W. said…
I don't get what was so good about Rob to begin with. The comments were out of control.
NicQuerica said…
Thank you Christian! :-)
Anonymous said…
To Anon 6:53,I am not English native speaker but can you explain what are you talking about?Are you Rob's friend/rumored GF?Please,explain it.
Anonymous said…
Are you friends with Brit Pack,Tom,Marcus,Sam?
Anonymous said…
Yeah T.W. they were and annoymous 9:11, No I'm not friends with them, but I do have a friend named Tom. annon@ 8:57 Yes but we haven't met yet.
Anonymous said…
Teenage girls still obsessed with twilight XD
Anonymous said…
Christian said he has already met the one he will be with. He said that Rob and the one he'll be with are already around each other. In his circle of friends.
T. W. said…
Yes, he did say that.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Christian.
Anonymous said…
Yes I'm ready.
Anonymous said…
Hi. There are rumors that Jare Leto is a rapist. Are there any truths to this rumor and will it effect his career?
Thank you.
Anonymous said…
I read this recently. Has this been common knowledge?
Anonymous said…
From what I've heard, its just women saying he likes rough sex. There's nothing that alluded to rape to me. Just people on social media blowing things out of proportion.
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear it. It is very rude, disrespectful, and intrusive. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Sreaming with you CD, can't understand these two not good actors either, not interesting at all.
Anonymous said…
Hey CD, some non-Twilight questions: Will Jennifer Aniston ever have kids of her own? (Biological or adopted?) Will Madonna top the charts again or is her career on a downward slide? Will Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris last? Who will Prince Harry marry and when?
Thanks! Love reading your blog.
T. W. said…
Christian has stated Harry will marry Cressida.
Loveisall said…
He has also said Taylor and Calvin wouldn't last.
Anonymous said…
Like other CD fans, I'm glad the Rob roaches are being banned.

The "free reading" people who want their questions answered are annoying too. Pay up, guys, if you want CD's expertise. You are depriving him of his rightful due. When he is compassionate and answers, then there is a flurry of others who want a free answer.
This is not an "Ask Auntie" advice column.
Anonymous said…
Me too, no one needs to keep priving into the poor guy's personal life or mine. Trust me, a reading from CD is amazing.
Anonymous said…
Hey cd what about jennifer anston will she marry her boyfriend and have kids?

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