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So sad really .....

I, as many others saw Kiefer Sutherland,
 at the ESPY"S the other night.
He was clearly out of it.
I accept that he claims he's sober.
But he was as high as a kite.
What a waste of a great talent.
He's in danger of not seeing,
 many more award shows.


Anonymous said…
I love Keifer such a nice guy, but his addictions must be a nightmare. I hope he beats this.
Anonymous said…
Christian,why doesn't you comment on Sienna Miller and the break up with her fiance?
Psychic Gossip said…
Because it's alreay happened CD
Anonymous said…
What about Blake Shelton do you see his marriage lasting? ??
Anonymous said…
Guess he needs 25 instead of 24 hrs in real time...

T. W. said…
What did Julia Roberts do to him? There is no shame in therapy.
Anonymous said…
Christian but why Sienna and Tom broke up?Is that true she's into Ari Emanuel?Did she cheat on Tom?
Anonymous said…
Christian, please can you say something about Robert and Twigs. Are they getting married this weekend since his parents came to see her perform? please help. Light and love
Anonymous said…
i feel like the darkness put a spell on me, and that the dark side won. i have no idea what to do now or what happened... missing him
T. W. said…
There is no spell. God has the way out for you, ask for it and receive.
Anonymous said…
I know I'm not CD and I'm by no means trying to put words in his mouth, but from what I've gathered what he's said before they're not engaged and there's no wedding. All of this is PR and the fact that the parents were in the same city as wherever she's performing just adds more fuel. Fuel, hits, PR, check.

Keep in mind she's got another festival, tour and new album, so these rumors aren't going to die down for a bit. I think CD said til the end of the year.

Again, I'm not him and I don't have his gift, but it's pretty PR to me.
Anonymous said…
Yea please answer this!how much longer till the break up?
Anonymous said…
So till the end of the year means around Christmas they'll end right?
Pop Culture Junkie said…
CD- Who took the picture of Bobbi Kristina? Or is there no actual picture?
Anonymous said…
Not only Rob's parents came to see Twigs performance in Manchester but her father was with them in restaurant/cafe.I don't believe it's PR,why would it be?Rob's friend Tom Sturridge was with Sienna in relationship.Was it PR too?
Psychic Gossip said…
It's called "SHOW" "BUSINESS" for a reason IT"S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY CD
Anonymous said…
I believe 100% it's all PR! Christian shouldn't have to keep repeating himself over and over about it being "show business". You gotta have patience. No wonder he doesn't answer other questions about rob. :(
Anonymous said…
Her dad wasn't at the restaurant just his parents (it was tea) and you guys are going to put poor CD in his grave making him repeat himself over and over. This really is the same formula as Rob and Kristen (PR to the max).

And do we all remember there's no comfirmation from their rep about this? Letting this rumor take and build on is easy money for everyone involved.
Anonymous said…
Cd will you at least just say if it will end before Christmas? That's all I wanna know and you haven't said yet. Pretty please
Psychic Gossip said…
Seems that's when the " CONTRACT" ends at the end of the year CD
Anonymous said…
Thank you Christian! :)
Anonymous said…
So Rob doesn't really stay with her. Does he enjoy being around her? cause he looks miserable all the time. I hope whoever he gets with next is good for him and she finds him soon
Anonymous said…
Twigs father is with Rob and his parents in the restaurant.There're paps pics when he comes with Rob's father behind Rob and his mother.He is in the restaurant with them because a girl/woman took their pics.All pis are on Rob's fan sites.christian of course didn't answer if Rob's very close friend since a childhood,Tom Sturridge was in PR relationsip with Sienna because IMO it would be more logical becasuse this relationship cleaned Sienna's image of a home wrecker involved with only married men.She became a nice mother in relationship with calm and talented single man and as long as she got her career on tracks again she stopped this PR to look for another high profile relationship with some A list.Rob doesn't need to be in PR relationship.He has enough of fame and paps stalking him.
Anonymous said…
Christian do you know who rob will end up with? Do you know what she looks like? :)
Anonymous said…
Twigs father is not in those pics. She doesn't talk to her dad because he left her and her mother when she was little.
Psychic Gossip said…
Two arms two legs one head CD
Anonymous said…
Haha ok I get it. Thanks anyways.
T. W. said…
Thank you for my laugh today!
Anonymous said…
Twigs'father is in these pics,you can see a man in a blue t-shirt walking with Rob's father,they are behind Rob and his mother.They are all in the restaurant pics,look twice.Twigs posted her father pic on her IG so she is in contact with him despite she was rised by her mother and stepfather and she met her father when she was older.
Anonymous said…
Well even so it doesn't mean this "relationship" is real. It's PR, & the family all coming together ISPs perfect for her and her new album and tour. Rob can just relax until he starts filming and he's making a lot of money off of this faux relationship that he's been doing ok. Hate that he looks like a doormat to twigs but he'll come back on top!
Anonymous said…
Hey Cd can you say if she's blonde or brunette? That's a safe question. X
Anonymous said…
::giggles:: bless you sir and everything you put up with
Anonymous said…
Christian thank you for your amazing answers and kind words. How do you be so patient with all of these people asking about the poor girl?
Anonymous said…
Omfg what does it matter if she's blonde or brunette?! Hell, she could be bald and it wouldn't matter as long as she's a good woman. I hope he breaches his contract. PR fauxlationships are so passé LOL Good luck to you CD idk how you put up with this crap.
NicQuerica said…
Omg Christian yes indeed bless your heart 1000x because I don't know how you put up with these nutters! Lol
NicQuerica said…
Anyhow what is that.coming out of Kiefers nose? He doesn't look good at all but I hope he gets help. He's a good actor.
Anonymous said…
Anybody see the pic of Rob backstage at figs show. It's so telling. He looks out of place and miserable while everyone else is celebrating. He's in the back by himself. It's really sad and super bummed me out :/
Anonymous said…
CD is Rob really miserable with her?
Anonymous said…
Don't mean to speak for CD but if I remember correctly he said that rob basically was miserable with her. He said Rob was unhappy right now. It's Actually really sad :(
Anonymous said…
What happened to his shirt??? Did he arrive this way?
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if CD ever said when rob would meet the one for him? I don't wanna ask him to repeat himself if he has.
T. W. said…
the girl is around him.
Anonymous said…
Yea I knew he had said she is around but did he say when they would be together? Thank you t.w
Anonymous said…
Anon at 5:33PM,Christian has said many things about Rob's private/love life but not everything is right IMO.He said his GF was around him in 2014,he said that Rob's love life will be ok in 2015,well,he's with Twigs that is not his real GF and it's 2015 already.Rob's GF will be more behind the scenes and she will be an American,according to Christian.
Anonymous said…
Anon at 6:45 thank you for your response, although I can't blame Christian for the timing. In all honesty the timing is the hardest to predict. It sometimes changes if the "fate horizon" changes. I don't know the psychic term for it but fate horizon sounded ok to use lol. CD may have said he'd fine her in 2015 and maybe he still will. If he ends this with twigs by late fall he still has time. Or maybe it just moved to 2016. I think by next year he will find her but I just wanted to know what cd would say.
Anonymous said…
There needs to be a message board exclusively about Rob so there's less hijacking of stories (I say that with so much love).
T. W. said…
Many blessings to you.

He never said when. He did say Rob would be fine in the end. Plz do not worry about Rob. Just pray for him.

Anonymous said…
Anon at 7:00PM you're you have such prediction gift like Christian has?I read at least 2 prediction on Rob and one says he will marry Twigs but a marriage will be short.To Anon at 8:15PM I would like to see that a message board but Christian says he doesn't comment on Rob.
Anonymous said…
@T.W. I'm atheist,how can I pray for him?I adore the guy and would like to see him happy.
Anonymous said…
TW I am the original poster and I will pray for him! God is good. Thank you for responding to me and many blessings to you as well
Anonymous said…
(Anon 8:15 here) oh I know. Just can't imagine CD not being tired of people jacking the thread not related to Rob and turning it into Rob and it's always the same questions. :)
Anonymous said…
I don't understand why there's so much rob hate. I mean yea the repeated questions are getting old but it's not that bad. I'd rather hear about rob than the kardashians, Justin bieber, 1 direction. Rob is a nice guy it's just the obsessed fans you guys get tired of. I like hearing what cd says about his career. I wish we got more career news instead of love life questions.
T. W. said…
Easy. Pray to the creator.
NicQuerica said…
These "Rob" hijackings need to stop. The ones asking what his next gf will look like are hoping that somehow it will be them. That's why they keep asking for specifics (hair color, etc.) It's a sad state of our young people when they become SO obsessed with someone they will never meet. It's terrible.
T. W. said…
You are right. I never thought about it that way.
Anonymous said…
I was the one asking the hair color. I'm happily married. I'm not even that big a fan just wanted to ask a fun question to see if cd could get it spot on. I don't even care that he didn't answer. It's no big deal to me. Just something other than the same questions over and over. Although I'd love to know his career. I don't much mind hearing about rob. It's just the same questions get old.
Anonymous said…
To Anon 5:07AM,I would like to hear about Rob's career too but Christian doesn't want to talk about him.He didn't even include Rob in his 2015 predictions.I don't care if Twigs is PR or not,it's good for him to be seen with her because it stops the tabloids to link him to his ex and her crazy stans who are waiting for reconciliation.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian, I'm extremely stressed out right now, please send some positive vibes my way. I don't want people finding out out me.
Psychic Gossip said…
Healing Angels sent CD
Anonymous said…
Well maybe one day CD will predict only Rob's career news cause that's what's important not who he's sleeping with. To me, if it's PR.. No need to know about it. If it's real and true to Rob that's what is Worth hearing about, & his career is a good thing. Gotta admit though I'm looking forward to the "told ya" on this break up. Lol
Anonymous said…
Thank you CD, I'm feeling so much better now. You're the best and annoymous @11:54 pm I can't wait as well ;)
OWS99 said…
I agree that the rob hijackings MUST STOP! When I'm reading the comments I end up forgetting what the original post is about. Please stop people because it's a head ache for the rest of us that simply do not care about Rob and whatshername, ok? Have some manners and consideration please.

I'm disturbed about K.S. and I really hope he gets it together because he's a great actor. Maybe his Dad should give him a reality check...
Anonymous said…
Yes they must stop it's really getting annoying and poor Christian has constantly said over and over that it's purely PR and is going to over at the end of this year. It's giving us all a headache!
Anonymous said…
I think the idea of a Rob thread is good since everyone hates the others getting hijacked, even if CD is sick of dealing with it maybe. Its been nice to see people helping each other or helping fans who are concerned about Rob. Something tells me Rob reads on occasion here, too ;) It's nice to know some still care and that they trust things here over tabs.
Anonymous said…
anon from july 19th, 6:45- CD was right about all those things you say he got wrong on Robs friend, shes in the picture behind the scenes, American and has had red, blonde and brunette hair. So everyone wins. To help CD, not that he needs it. Sorry to hijack.
Anonymous said…
I don't think he's ever mentioned hair color but everything you said is what he's said. I also think it's cool people still care about Rob. I don't care for hearing about twigs or Kristen but to hear career stuff is nice. :)
Anonymous said…
Rob either bought a house or is decorating hers. He bought a bunch of home décor with her in London today.
Anonymous said…
Remember he "lived with Kristen" during Twilight. You guys have to calm down every time he's papped doing something that is connected with her thinking it's something real.

It's still PR no matter what
Anonymous said…
Anon at 6:27PM,Rob bought his house in Los Feliz in Fall 2011 and he allegely lived with stewart there.They separated in July 2012 and she bought another house in these area in 2012.Rob was papped kissing her in the front of her house in Fall 2012,then in May 2013 he was papped leaving her hause in his truck full of bags.Rob sold his LF house in the beggining of 2014.In the latest Twigs interview a journalist who interviewed her said Rob opened the door.So it seems they both live together.
Anonymous said…
I have it on good authority that Rob has a new home in LA. He lives alone, and they (him and twigs)do not have a house together.
Anonymous said…
Yes he has a new house probably in West Hollywood,Twigs has an apartment in London.I don't know if this journalist who saw Rob in a house with Twigs was interviewing her in her London apartment or in Rob's house in LA.Rob has been seen in the gym/restaurants/area of Shoreditch in London many times,it's where Twigs has her apartment.
Anonymous said…
So because Rob opened the door during the interview they live together?

No, no this isn't a set up at all. Nothing fishy.

And yes yes, I remember the entire Kristen thing. Doesn't make it less PR.
Anonymous said…
Yeah I know who the mystery girl is. I think.....
Anonymous said…
Anon who is she? Have you seen her? What can you tell us?
Anonymous said…
They could live together,why not?;)wonder if Rob will get asked about Twigs and their rumored engagement because if he will,he will get another shit storm from the stans of his previous relationship.
Anon 4;58AM what the mystery girl are you talking about?
Anonymous said…
CD can you say if ztwigs will win any of her MTV video music awards? She got 3 noms bc Rob put her on the map. A lot of people were bored by her Manchester shows but shes still acting like shes the only creator out there in music. Hope she has to learn humility.
Anonymous said…
I would love to hear If Twigs shows up at MTV awards and with Rob.It would be great.I like them together.
Anonymous said…
The girl he will be with has blonde hair. People have Harassed her before I heard. I don't know who she is but I've heard things.
Anonymous said…
No she's a brunnette, her name is Kate.
Anonymous said…
Or should I say Kayln!
Anonymous said…
Anon at 9:51PM,Please explain,are you the seer or something like that?Im Rob fan,he got papped leaving the restaurant with Imogen Kerr,friend of Dakota Fanning,some time ago she was harassed if I recall and she's blonde.Other blonde is Sarah Gadon but she has a fiance I guess.She was his co-star in Cosmopolis.
J said…
No it's not anyone named Kate. And the girl I was informed of has blonde hair. I was told by a very good source. Not Imogene or Sarah. This girl isn't famous.
Anonymous said…
Yes it is, and I don't care what you say. Her name is Kate.
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah J? I was told by the girl herself, and she's scared to death about this, and she's not sure what people are going to think. Her real name is Kayln as far as I know. She's 5'2, has brown hair and has blue eyes.
Anonymous said…
CD will you please comment on this?
J said…
No she's not but whatever. I have no reason to argue this. Think what you want but when his next gf is a blonde, don't say I didn't tell you so. ive been friends with a couple guys from his crowd for years.
Loveisall said…
OMG Christian already said she has two arms two legs and one head.
Anonymous said…
Whatever J or whoever you are. I know because I'm her. You are mistaken and don't say I told you so when we're together.
Anonymous said…
CD please comment all of these people are agruing and it's pointless.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry CD for constantly pestering you I apologize. J, leave my friend alone.
Anonymous said…
Anon at @5:06 OMG.. Lol... Well that makes since why you were so defensive. Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
Anonymous said…
Im so embarrassed for all womenkind right now. This is the weirdest thing ive ever read. Maybe he has a lot of mystery women. He is a guy. If you really are one of them Kalyn, dont settle.

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