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For NOW ...

So DWTS dancer/judge/actress Julianne Hough has got her self engaged to Footballer.
Brooks Laich of the Washington Capitals.
Of course this isn't going to last.
But it'll be fun for the gossip.


Patworx said…
Rosie O'Donnell's daughter has gone missing. What's gonna happen there?
T. W. said…
Did Rosie's daughter run away?

Julianne seems like a social climber to me.
Anonymous said…
The Hough's date for publicity, nothing ever really comes of it attention seekers.

Rosie's daughter seems odd more so the bio mom too.
T. W. said…
She has been found.
NicQuerica said…
I just read an article about how Dutchess Kate cancelled her attendance to a friend's wedding and Prince William showed up by himself. Also word that she doesn't attend social gatherings as much as she used to before Prince George was born. Can't shake the feeling that something's wrong. Is she alright, CD?
Psychic Gossip said…
Post partum depression CD
Anonymous said…
OMG that's what Diana suffered from and the hair twisting is also signs of other issues and stress. The need to be with her mother, but she wanted to the life style, that's heavy. Plus she's already going grey dealing with the old order. You did mention CD issues with the Queen and Kate and soon another baby.
NicQuerica said…
So that's what it is. I have a young child too and things were a little rough for a while after he was born, so I empathize. Thank you for responding. Blessings! :-)
Anonymous said…
I was going to ask the same question re: Duchess of Cambridge. It seemed odd that she missed Zara's daughter's christening. Palace pressure also a factor?
T. W. said…
That is a bad thing to go through. We must pray for her.
Anonymous said…
That's unfortunate.

I hope she feels better soon.
Anonymous said…
oh no!! I am worried for the Duchess!! I just thought that she might have accidentally got pregnant again- but with this post partum- this could get bad!! Please CD- let us know if she will pull thru and if she has her family or help with her during this difficult time!
Anonymous said…
Funny! I was just going to write to say no one wants to hear about that Hough person. We want to hear about Royals instead! I got my wish!
Anonymous said…

Or are her real relationships always on the down low? And this PDA crap just to keep her name in the news? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Maria said…
Poor Kate. I didn't have PPD but I had a depression and that is a horrible disease. Then to also have two kids? I sure hope she is being treated with tenderness and understanding from BP who showed Diana neither. Poor Wills, too. It's a thing that affects the whole family.
Maria said…
Now if I may be catty.

This photo is nauseating to me. Gee, I wonder who took the picture! So candid and unplanned. Please! I mean how staged! Barf. Nothing against her. But barf.

I really am so glad not to be a celebrity and have to play these games.
Anonymous said…
Poor Kate :( Depression stinks. I hope she can get help and that she pulls through, she's human just like everyone else.
NicQuerica said…
Yes indeed I agree!
Anonymous said…
Sadly, Megan and Brian Green separated today. Halle and the French guy was always on the cards, punching her ex to a pulp was a red flag.
Anonymous said…
haha she is. She has no talent.

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