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Many more acts to come ...

So many of you have asked how long will this Donald "Babyfart" Trump silliness go on.
For a long time yet.
But don't worry as I have said before he won't be renting the Whitehouse.
Enjoy the circus.


Anonymous said…
Is American Pickers real or fake?
Anonymous said…
What is he about to do now? May be hold another press conference, he needs to act in a film for real. He so delusional I bet he thinks he can win for real, but he is entertaining. What's worse are the people that rally for him, easily led.
Anonymous said…
Why does Tori Spelling - McDermott keep dragging her husband through the mud? He is not involved with the Ashley scandal. Publicity hungry or desperate for attention.
Anonymous said…
All for attention
Plain and simple
Anonymous said…
Will Ben Affleck marry again?
Anonymous said…
There's seems to be no opposition, no one is taking him seriously but the public are, that's what is scary. But something will come out about him that puts a stop to all of this, there just has to be an end to the circus.
Anonymous said…
Nice photo
Anonymous said…
What happens to Ben now? He looks happy with his ring off and Jen's not around. People were not buying the fakeness for their films soon to be released.
Maureen said…
I think DT and his ego are buying into the hype. I doubt he wants the job. He'd like the publicity and the attention, sure, but he couldn't take the constant criticism and disrespect he would engender. He lacks the temperament to be anything more than The Boss From Hell. IMHO, of course. He's playing to the lowest common denominator in the R party. He's upping the stupid ante every time he does a speech.
Anonymous said…
Plus he doesn't want all is mess and financial woes to come out.
OWS99 said…
I'm more disappointed in the knot heads that actually support this loser. Those people need to get a life and stop breathing in the hate...
Unknown said…
So true,how abt the man who told Jorge Ramos to go back to his country : even though he is a US citizen! The US belong to the native Indians.Who always live there.... :
Anonymous said…

A bullying buffoon. Where's Sarah Palin when he needs her?
T. W. said…
President Obama unfollowed the gay site Rent Boy on his twitter account. Why was he following it to begin with?
Anonymous said…
TW are you joking about Obama?
Anonymous said…
CD, what's going to happen in September?
Anonymous said…
Thank you for not playing the hollywood big shot CD, even though you are, but you are available and not after 5 mins of fame unavailable with an impossible waiting list.

I think you are one in a million and you interact with your readers and fans. Love your site.

Anonymous said…
Are David Beckham and Victoria getting divorced? Sad she had a girl, the boys and still he strayed was it Katie Price's book?
Anonymous said…
No. People just follow you and you can "unfollow". It's happened to me before. You know what?? I am really sick and tired of people believing the lies about Obama. What is wrong with you people? Do you not have eyes?? Can you not see that he is being attacked because the right wing liars hate him? Honesty, I am so sick and tired of defending this man. He is an upstanding Christian man, who is going to go down in history as one of the top presidents of all time and that, my friends, is a FACT! This is the only president in 60 years that never did anything to warrant this kind of hate and has the cleanest record. Quit believing the lies, people....grow up please and realize that Faux news is a steaming pile of lies!!!
Anonymous said…
What happens to DT and his companies after the elections are over?
T. W. said…
No. Go to
T. W. said…
I do not follow Fox news. I do not have cable.

As for Obama being Christian, that is funny. He has stated in public there are many ways to get to heaven. Christians do not believe this. I could go on but what is the point?
T. W. said…
Have you heard the doomsday predictions and the talk about the Shemitah year? These people have a skewed vision of God. Christ took our judgement and bore the curse. There is no end of the world coming next month. Did you know one of the so called prophets lives in the town he claims will be destroyed? Why? Please, relax.
Anonymous said…
What his kids will they lose out on business ventures because of the circus
Anonymous said…
Thank you for alleviating at least some of the fear concerning Donald Trump and the Presidency. I know a lot of people who want this man to be President. This hate is unreal. And I don't find him entertaining, I find him to be scary.
Anonymous said…
Again. Check your sources. Juicyreport is not a legitimate source. YES, Obama is a Christian, he goes to church. Many Christians are NOT fundamentals, like you T.W., some of us believe that other religions will go to "heaven" as well. It is for Jesus and GOD to judge and NOT for YOU to judge. Reading yellow journalism and then reporting it as fact is just as irresponsible as watching Faux News, Beckkk's trash, Limpbo, et al..

Obama may or may not be serious about there being many ways to get to heaven, but he is right. It isn't a one-size fits all. Nobody really knows so don't sit here and play "expert" about things you can't prove and don't know. Anyone can say anything they like and be as right as you are.

I personally do not care about your ramblings about what some right wing kooks say about when the world will end. FYI Christ also rose from the dead too and THAT is what is important about the Easter celebration, not that he died....that he came back. I personally believe in reincarnation. It used to be in the bible, but was thrown out long ago. Fundies won't acknowledge that, but that doesn't make them right.
Anonymous said…
11:50 pm, thank GOD for you. Your comment about the lies being told about Obama is spot on. He has been accused of every living sin possible. I too am totally sick of it. He's accused of being born in Kenya, but guess what, John McCain was born in Panama! Yet he ran for president! Ted Kruz was born in Canada and he's running for president!
Obama was born in Hawaii. He's condemned from that point on with lie after lie by evil people.

Honestly, TW, you come on here and make nice, and get all kinds of loving compliments, and then you post something weird. Christ will slap your crack one of these days for passing along gossip about people you don't even know.
T. W. said…
I do not read juicy report. I said judiciary report.

You say you do not care about my alleged ramblings yet you are attacking what I say. At least get what I said right.

You can disagree. No problem. But don't attack my beliefs and say they are wrong. I don't attack any one else's beliefs when they share.

No Jewish or Christian Bible has ever said there are many ways to get to heaven.

Going to church regularly does not make you a Christian. Accepting Jesus Christ does.

Plenty of people have died and rose from the dead.

As for Glenn Beck and others, I do not like them either. I do not have cable or satellite.

As for other people's personal beliefs they can believe what they want, even the Bible says that. It still says that. That has not been thrown out.

As for the end of the world, I was trying to calm the person down. There are a lot of people who claim God told them certain things but they are lies. The Bible says the world will never end.

Have a good day.
T. W. said…
I saw the Obama report and wanted to know more. Another poster replied anyone can sign your Twitter account to follow someone. Another person confirm this.

I don't care where Obama was born. I don't care where the others were born because they will never be President. However I do thank you for sharing the information.

This is a GOSSIP site. Get over it.
T. W. said…
Oh by the way. You are participating in the gossip by reading it. You are consulting a psychic by reading his work. Is Christ going to slap you in your crack? No. He is going to love you. I do not hate you either. I am responding to your comments. That is all
T. W. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Looks like the bot batteries failed at 7:39 PM.
T. W. said…
No. I replied to the wrong comment. Sorry to offend.
Anonymous said…
Well pity christians do not believe that there are other ways to get to heaven. But then christians do believe that there are other religions right? So who is to say christianity is the only way to heaven? Fyi - heaven is within you and what you make of it and nothing to do with following the bible, the Koran or the Gita - and yes so there are many ways to heaven. Not just your christian way
T. W. said…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
T. W. said…
Other faiths say theirs is the only way. You can believe what you want. God says you can choose to do what you want to do. He will never violate your free will.
Anonymous said…
You're welcome
Anonymous said…
Trump look at what you've, everybody wants to play, forget serious contenders or what the elections about. How many deals have you struck Trump?

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