The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Pass the popcorn, anonymous 3:40, we've got a long show ahead and free refills at the concession stand.
I want Hilary to win, but I know people in the Tea Party who are for Trump. Why? Their answer is "He tells the truth."
His narcissistic personality disorder was on full display last night; what a study in pathology! It surely benefits Hilary, thank goodness.
~ Johanna ~
"1. Never asks the guy upstairs for forgiveness. Of course not he talks to the guy in the basement. But I will continue to say he's a danger. As he is inciting a certain group of people. To be honest to me he's as bad as the morons, that are in charge of ISIS.
2. So just as you maybe thinking. That Donald "Babyfart" Trump.
Has run out of people to insult or upset.WRONG……..
You are not going to believe what, hatred and vitriol emerges from his foul mouth, in the coming weeks. Now granted, it makes great TV.
But sadly, there are those who believe, him to be right.
Remember, in the 1930's Hitler, used much the same soundbites……
3. So as Donald "Baby Fart" Trumps World. Continues to fall apart.
The latest being Macy's dumping him. Now watch as the stories of him stealing his friends wives and mistress’s. How he will screw anything that moves. Those that have been afraid to speak against him in the past. Are lining up to to spill the beans.
The Trump Family, make the Kardashians, look like a convent of Nuns.
4. I awoke this morning, with the strangest feeling. That the powers that be are after Donald " Scumbag Trump. This time he won't get away from them either."
Can someone remove it? I'm not coming here to read nasty porn in the comments section. If it stays, I'll consider it to be the opinion of the blogmaster, and I'll remove this site from my favorites.
'minion' 'fiat' 'damn well screwing that up' 'pie hole, don't you know' 'our Hillary'.
Don't mean to tar all British pensioners with the troll brush, though. This particular one is everything stated above in the comments, and needs to seek help from the NHS.