The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The Kray Krays lost all credibility some time ago and every new move they make shows how desperate they've become. For what? Lying, Dirty money and bad publicity?
Their step mom was paid off not to reveal the truth.
First, last night I had a dream about my boss, we got into an argument about something and when I went threatened to leave, I saw him holding a baby in his arms, I remember feeling sorry for him and a sense of regret...that's pretty much all I remember about this dream.
Then, I had a dream I was at a house I lived with my family in from '89-'00. We were sitting at this long table in this vacant lot that was next door to the house we lived in. I remember seeing Kelly Osbourne in it, which was weird. Anywho, towards the end of the dream, I saw my Aunt Cleo who passed away in 1999. She was a always a beautiful woman. But when I saw her, her teeth were rotten, her skin was ghoulish and she looked senile. I went to hug her and she looked alarmed and moved back when I tried to hug her. The look in here eyes looked of worry and that she had no clue who I was. It was a weird feeling. I woke up and felt so out of sorts, I had a hard time falling back to sleep.
I talked to my mother about it and she said maybe my Aunts' children could be in trouble or she trying to tell me to take care of my health, my teeth have bothering me lately and I do feel scared about it because I have very little dental coverage. I just hope it doesn't mean anything grave.
I am so curious as to what this all means.
please help, Christian...thank you so very much
these dreams forecast changes for you and your family.
A newbeginning in the job promotion etc.
Aunt is at peace and happy.
You must look forward not back
Then it's New Years and I am walking up this street and people are walking the other way and I see him and I duck behind some other people, he seems like he is trying to be seen. Kind of like he's saying (no, I won't let you get over me, I won't let you forget me). This dream was 50 times more vivid than most of my dreams.
My analysis: We are in a Mercury Retrograde, which is a period of the year where electronics and cars fail, communications get garbled and you think about your past and deal with it. So, I think there was an unresolved feeling of rejection attached to my relationship with this guy and it allowed me to say and do what I should have done and always wanted to do. Say my peace, move on, and forget about him. I had a hard time getting over the rejection of that relationship, but I shouldn't have taken it was his problem. He is very passive-aggressive.
C.D. if you have anything else to add, your insight is welcome. The dream was so vivid it felt more like a vision than a dream. So clear.
Thanks all,
As for Karreuche, I like her! I don't know why, she just seems sweet and well meaning. Chris Brown sure shredded her heart, so she must be very strong too. Imagine having your heart broken when your man says, "Surprise! Not only did I cheat on you, but here's my baby." Poor girl.
To Anonymous asking about Christian's credibility: He's the real deal! He's an amazing psychic and spot on. His price for three questions is reasonable and his answers are kind and wise. I took his advice on a major life dilemma and I'm glad I did.
I've had a lot of readings (went to a fun psychic fair today as a matter of fact and the lady with the crystal ball was similar to Christian as she saw things and was incredibly accurate. Also just as nice. Best wishes!