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Dream Team ? more like BLOODY NIGHTMARE

So the rumour mills are a buzz.
That these two morons are joining forces.
Both believe in building a wall.
Then send people back to the other side of it.
The last person to try this trick.
In the 1930/40's.
Came to a sticky end .
So will these two.


Anonymous said…
The sooner the better, this is a circus and the crazies ate coming out.
Anonymous said…
If he makes it,this could all be a charade.. it will Ben Carson for running mate.Honestly do you think this is really a my vote counts.This my fellow inmates is fixed and you cant change it.You could on the other hand change everything.
Anonymous said…
Donald's wife did playboy or penthouse. This election is becoming a joke.
Anonymous said…
Oh my. Wow. The Tea Party activists are going to go crazy over this match. Believe me, there are people who don't care if Sarah is dumb (exact quote from a teapartier). They only care that she is pro gun. Really. I'm not kidding.
Anonymous said…
CD--I'm worried about Anna Duggar...will she ever get a backbone? She'd get a hell of a lot of great press and money (I'm thinking she could write a biography) if she left him
OWS99 said…
It's not going to fly, but there is going to be a lot of freaking out over it.
Anonymous said…
Does Palin have a job? With her track record and private life combined with Trumps, the press will have a field day.
Anonymous said…
Hello CA
Many people are talking about something happening this September. Can you please tell us what it is? A clue maybe?
Anonymous said…
Answer to the query what happens in September...The Shmita happens.Google it.Could be good could be bad..something that needs watching.If the stock markets are any indicator this is going to be the latter.All things are good its just your perspective..may not be comfortable but things need to happen.
T. W. said…
Many blessings to all of you.

A lot of Doomsday profits, I meant prophets are predicting stock market collapse September 11 because of the Shemitah cycle. Apparently there is a historical seven year pattern to back this claim. I am not worried about it. But you know, Christian did say the market will rise and fall again too.

Also because the four blood moons fall on the Shemitah year, they are predicting bad things for Israel. They claim there is a historical pattern to back this. Rabbis claim lunar eclipse signals trouble for Israel, solar eclipse predicts trouble for the nations. Again, I am not worried about it.

Some Christians are hoping an event known as the Rapture will take place. If it does you won't be hearing from me again. I know some of you want that. Ha ha. As for the rapture event, not all Christians believe this. If you really want to know about it go to www.rapture

Some profits, I meant prophets, claim God is angry and judgement is coming. They must not have read Isaiah in their Bibles. It says God's wrath and judgement are a strange thing. The Bible says several times God would rather give mercy. Also, God is NOT angry. He loves you. The Bible says we are not appointed to wrath.

The profits, I meant prophets, forget the Shemitah is an Old Testament Law teaching. The New Testament says Jesus fulfilled all the Law requirements and the writings of Paul makes it clear we are not under Old Testament Law.

In summary, I have explained an Old Testament teaching. 365 times the Bible says be not afraid. That is one a day. Please do not let the "Christian profits" scare you.
Anonymous said…
Trump said he wants to run against Kanye in 2020, LMAO. They've exposed what politics is about and Trump is pure entertainment and ratings.
Anonymous said…
TW we need to talk, the world is changing and shifts in power. We are evolving as beings...

Your opinions are different, and make you think.
T. W. said…
Thank you for your kindness. Many blessings to you always.

You are right about the world. In time, things will be the way God intended them to be from the start. I am on Google+ search for "Tausha t w" You will see the black Madonna and child and Edvard Munch's "The Scream."

If you do not want to do Google + , I come to this site daily. We are all friends here!
T. W. said…
You mean he doesn't want to run against Rosie?
Anonymous said…
What do you mean by a "sticky end"?

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