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Emotionless, stone face, cold fish ....

After watching the CNN borefest GOP debate.
People keep comparing Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina.
To Margaret Thatcher.
As a Brit who live through her reign of terror.
Not a compliment, trust me.


T. W. said…
Thanks for the warning.
Anonymous said…
As long as she doesn't become elected she reuioned any company she chaired. All about the money.
Maria said…
So funny! Not her, but just before I came to your site I was tweeting how scary this woman is to me. I'm sure there's a heart in there somewhere, but I think it's cloaked (choked?) inside a very cold, terminator-like being. I don't respect her and I don't trust her. I'm glad to know she will not be our president.
Sarah said…
She won't get far. No worries! All flash but repubs don't like feisty women. Oh, everyone must see the play called All The Way. It's about Lyndon Johnson and his role in the passage of The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Excellent! And, yes, T.W., I'm the one who calls herself your biggest fan! Love and light to all!
Anonymous said…
She has too much botox and facial filler to be able to express emotion. Doctors can create smoothness, but not recreate youth.

Did you see where 6'3" Jeb Bush stood on his tippy toes so he would tower like a giant over the other candidates when they stood side by side in a group shot at the debates? What is wrong with this man?
Anonymous said…
Jeb thinks he's going to win and why is Carly even a contender? Her track record is terrible.
T. W. said…
Love you too Sarah! Don't be a stranger to the blog.
T. W. said…
That was a good laugh for me. Barbara Bush is Alister Crowley's biological daughter, maybe that has something to do with the madness.

Mariska Hargitay looks like Anton LeVey. Hmmm ....
Anonymous said…
There is something about her that really unsettles me. I can't quite put my finger on it but her energy just comes across as cold, emotionless and dark. I am not kidding. There is something really "off" with her in a seriously bad way. Almost a "Hitler" type energy. It wouldn't surprise me if the GOP is stupid enough to raise her in the ranks to a VP position. I hope to God that it doesn't happen. She is bad news.
Anonymous said…
She not only has standing bitch face, she has frozen bitch face. She will never get elected. She told the biggest lie of all time about Planned Parenthood. Nobody corrects their lies and it was determined that they only told the truth 4% of the time. I am truly disgusted by this display and that it is even allowed.

Tony said…
Hi CD. We all remember Thatcher. She threw a lot of people on the scrapheap. My uncle and cousins in Staffs were out of work for some time along with a lot of people. I remember her idea in 1980 called Youth training scheme for 16-18 year old. Work 40 hours a week for £25. That opened the door for employers to use it as cheap labour. That woman totally ruined our country..The only ones to benefit was her own sort. A right nasty piece of work
Anonymous said…
Off the topic: I guess you were right about Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas getting back together eventually
Anonymous said…
hi how many years will we have to suffer the tories in uk ,the poor are really suffering . I thought we would never get as bad as USA treat their poor and unfortunate but we are just as bad now.
Anonymous said…
Any predictions for this Sunday's Emmy awards? I hope Jon Hamm finally wins an Emmy! Looks like you might have a BIG "I told you" with Prince Harry and Cresida from your December 2014 predictions.
Anonymous said…
TW, you are so right! Reading the facts about who was where when Barbara B was conceived leaves no doubt about her sire. And Jayne Mansfield was in tight with LeVey for awhile, until he got mad at her and cursed her. True life is stranger than Fiction, as they say.

Anon 6:56, Debate got huge ratings, so the lies are now in wide circulation. My Republican friends will begin their browbeating and my email will be full of crap from them. I'm a registered Independent voter so they try to horrify me into voting for their favorite nutjob. I can pick my own nutjob, thank you.

On a lighter note, wishing best of luck to Jon Hamm for an emmy win. He created a cultural icon in Don Draper.
Anonymous said…
Fiorina was not lying. The videos she referred to do exist. Look up the articles on The Federalist. The mainstream media is lying and covering for Planned Parenthood. Just like when the mainstream media spreads the lie that PP provides mammograms (they do not, they only provide referalls) and act like only PP is capable of providing health care to low income women and that without PP low income women would shrivel up and die, etc. If Margaret Sanger had her way all the low income women (and their children) WOULD shrivel up and die! There are and can be better alternatives to Planned Parenthood.
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. The truth sometimes hurts.
Defund Planned Parenthood!!

T. W. said…
You are right. Margret Sanger wanted to rid the world of certain people and abortion was her way of doing it. Abortion is murder.
Xoxo said…
God still loves. Abortion or no abortion. No one should ever make a person feel that way. Everyone's purpose is different in life. Margret motives were false I agree with that. She had ill intent for her own self purposes.
T. W. said…
You are right. God still loves. We have no right to condemn people.
Anonymous said…
God still loves, and abortion is still murder. God forgives those with a sincere repentant heart and those who truly do not understand what they do when they sin (if I'm not mistaken)...but God's justice will be otherwise done as with all sin.
Xoxo said…
Well said I agree with that. "God forgives those with a sincere repentant heart and those who truly do not understand what they do when they sin (if I'm not mistaken)...but God's justice will be otherwise done as with all sin."
Anonymous said…
Edgar Cayce said that the soul enters the body at different times, even right before birth and not during conception or shortly thereafter. I'm sure that I didn't enter my body until shortly before birth because I've never wanted to be here.

Because of this, I don't believe abortion is murder.

I've lost two children, miscarriage and a tubal, and I don't believe that I lost souls. I don't believe that their souls were ever in the fetus.

I don't judge as none of really know what is right for someone else. A person needs to privately work that out because none of us are God.


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