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Getting much closer ...

Now many of you will remember, that I have predicted the split of these two for a while.
Well, don't hold your breath.
Divorce is around the corner.


T. W. said…
About time. Who wants to be married to a toothpick with one facial expression.
Anonymous said…
What a bummer! They have always seemed like a pretty solid unit but it seems like so many celebrity couples have a hard time keeping it together.

On another note, I keep hearing there is trouble afoot (privately) between William and Kate. They are going to great lengths to show otherwise but what are your thoughts? My money is that she is preggers in less than a year to try and hang on to the marriage.
Anonymous said…
Ooh. Is a Winslet/Rocknroll split any closer? He has not been seen glued to her side everywhere she has gone the last month or so which is unusual for them.
Maria said…
Oh. My. Jesus.

No way!
Anonymous said…
I was waiting to see if you would post this picture she pissed herself. David now that he took tablets to deepen his voice thinks he is all that. He wants out and always cheated she gave him a daughter like Jennifer gave Ben a son. It makes no difference if they don't love you. They both have money now and all the plastic surgery hasn't helped good luck to them.

Anonymous said…
I was waiting to see if you would post this picture she pissed herself. David now that he took tablets to deepen his voice thinks he is all that. He wants out and always cheated she gave him a daughter like Jennifer gave Ben a son. It makes no difference if they don't love you. They both have money now and all the plastic surgery hasn't helped good luck to them.

T. W. said…
I didn't know you could take pills to deepen your voice. I need that pill.

Friends, please pray for Danny Pintauro, he is HIV positive and recovering from meth addiction.
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi TW I added him to my healing list CD
T. W. said…
Thank you so much for your kindness. God bless you always.
Anonymous said…
Can anybody see the red moon?
Tony said…
Hi CD. On a different note. Here in the UK just been outside and the moon is bright red. Absolutely magical. I feel optimistic about the future. I hope you feel the same too. And as for tomorrow..have a fantastic birthday!!
Anonymous said…
Good. She seems like she always has an attitude and is difficult.
Anonymous said…
From what I have read, there seems to be a lot of gossip about the state of the marriage! David wanted out of this marriage ten years ago!! Reported via the daily wail (daily mail)!! 2005 lol!! Also a lot more recent reports they are heading for splitsville ��
Anonymous said…
My daughter mentioned that your birthday is coming up….& I already knew! :)
Have an ACE of a Birthday CD!! The Best of British to you!! Much love & blessings today and everyday of the year!! I do hope you get a lot of prezzies too!!
Anonymous said…
I'm amazed they stayed together for so long.He probably just wants a 20 something model/actress and she always was thinking if she gaves him children he's going to stay,many naive women think that way.i'm surprised that according to many women children are soooooooooooo important for men,well,mostly they are not.
Anonymous said…
Can you do Ryan sweeting and kale you cuoco?
Anonymous said…
Any other big splits coming up CD? These things often seem to come in 'clusters.'
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday a few hours early CD. Hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for you.
Anonymous said…
Hi CD I was wondering can dreams tell us stuff about past lives?
Anonymous said…

Wishing you Rainbows and Moonbeams on your birthday, Christian!
Sana said…

Oh and about Davy and Vicky marriage, I'm surprised they sustained this long in their marriage.
She always had that sour look, not smiling. Unhappy face victoria. Maybe she always knew that he cheated, if that is correct

Kristy said…
Happy happy birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian! Happy Birthday! Yay!
Wish you lots of love and light :)
Anonymous said…
She looks like she peed her pants. It looks wet between her thighs.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Christian!!
Have a lovely day!
Anonymous said…
He has a sweater in his hand. Why didn't she tie it around her waist and save herself this humiliation. Or have a minion bring her another pair of pants to put on in the loo. This pic is forever going to tag her. Stupid and avoidable.
Anonymous said…
Oh dear. What a lot of spiteful comments on here.

"Who wants to be married to a toothpick with one facial expression."
"She always had that sour look, not smiling."
"Good. She seems like she always has an attitude and is difficult."

Why is the vitriol directed at Mrs Beckham? Why should she wander around with an inane grin etched to her face? How many of YOU have been annoyed by complete strangers telling you to, "Cheer up, love!" when you're living your life and minding your own business and, God forbid, not smiling? And that's without the paps sticking a camera into your face at any given moment.

Can we please remember that whatever goes on between this couple also involves FOUR children who probably love their parents very much and will be devastated if this is true?

Do you want the world to be a kinder place? Then it starts with YOU.

So please. Be KIND.
Anonymous said…
Dear Anonymous

A kind place starts with someone smiling at/with you. And to be kind .You're right about that.

But I have to say -though its understandable - the misery she is going through can't be easy, the rest of the world are experiencing worser fate. Silly how this can be news, but perhaps it pleases us "normal" people somewhat, or more correctly confirms that these so called celebrities are just as normal as us and it (really sadistic but true) pleases us to see them suffer.

Because they have everything their hearts desire.

If the world were a kinder place, love we'd be living in Utopia. Some brave people, like you are trying. But I have been kind as well, and I speak from my experience - it has brought nothing but suffering and sadness.

The world is tough and harsh and you have to be tougher - to be kind is a merciful thing to be. A luxury for others but a sacrifice from you

The Writer

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