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Naughty girl ...

Abby Lee Miller of Dance Moms fame.
Has, it seems she has been hiding earnings,
from the tax man.
Some $750.000 worth.
Well, that's just the tip of this iceberg.
There alot more under the mattress.


Anonymous said…

How dare she!
Loveisall said…
I'm not surprised to hear this at all. I've been waiting for something to come out on her. My friend met her once and said she is a Diva, and wasn't nice at all. of course.
T. W. said…
She is abusive to the children. I hope she gets prison time.
Anonymous said…
Wowzer! I would love to know if you think she might be heading to the "Big House".
Anonymous said…
So are Ben and Jen getting back together? Is she pregnant? This boggles my mind.
Anonymous said…
Ben and Jen are not back together it's called PR.
Anonymous said…
Abusive? Or strict? I think the latter.
Anonymous said…
Horriable woman
Anonymous said…
So funny like the gif. Lol how dare you? Lol
Anonymous said…
Most top rated dance teachers or coaches (whatever sport it may be) are extremely hard on the athlete/dancer. It is called discipline. But I live in Southeast Texas where football is the sport of choice and we don't play around soooo you probably shouldn't listen to me lol
T. W. said…
No one should yell at a child.
Anonymous said…
Then you are not around sports very much T.W.,not saying it is right but that's the way it is, at least from what i have seen my whole life and now with my children in sports. Pee wee football starts at the age of 5 here in Texas and believe me they do not go easy on them just because of age, if anything they are harder on them than the bigger ones.
T. W. said…
Nothing wrong with discipline. I just do not agree with yelling and name calling. And no, I do not play sports but I know it happens.
Anonymous said…
Seriously? Oh no don't put your whole hand in the fire. Say it Softly And hope no third degree burn.
Maria said…
Oh I cannot stand her. I used to think it was the moms who caused trouble until I started watching. She is really nasty and a habitual liar.
T. W. said…
You know what I meant.

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