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Time to move to France ..

Even with a sister who is to be,
 The Future Queen of Britain.
Pippa Middleton to claiming to be broke, depressed and sad.
So guess what?
She's doing a Fergie.
She's moving to America.
Good help us all.
Let's pray she stays on the East Coast.


auntliddy said…
I dont mind her coming here at all. Fergie turned out to be a shady con woman, but we know no such thing about Pippa. C'mon, its gotta be tough have a princess for a sister!
Anonymous said…
Thanks a lot that's just what we need here.Honestly first its the end of the world than you want to move her ass over to this side of the crust...........just kidding one more is not going to upset the apple cart.
T. W. said…
America is already ruined. Maybe I should move to France. Uh oh, I don't know French. I will find somewhere, this country is in the toilet, what's another turd going to do?
NicQuerica said…
Clog it up some more? Lol seriously though, the smart thing would be to move to Sweden or Norway or Denmark.Or England, which I give serious thought to from time to time!
NicQuerica said…
Anyhow Pippa needs to get off her ass and work like her mother did and stop trying to get some rich man to take care of her. Just roll up your sleeves and work hard, girl! Go be a real estate agent or something, start a little business from scratch!
Anonymous said…
Will Pippa ever find a good husband? I feel bad that she can't make it to the alter…. Hope she enjoys America and we should welcome her with open arms :)
Anonymous said…
She won't stay long we will lose interest and so will she. Boring personality and needs to discover their talents.
Maria said…
Broke?? How is she broke?

Her family has that profitable party company. She will never be without.
Anonymous said…
The problem is that this girl has never really had a job of any substance. And, the Middleton's in general are not really well thought of primarily due to Carole Middleton and her constant interference. It doesn't matter where Pippa lives...she will STILL be under constant scrutiny and has to be careful not to embarrass her sister. Life is hard for us all...she sounds spoiled and needs to get a meaningful career and settle down. I don't see it happening anytime soon but I just don't see this going over well long-term. I agree....God help us all! lol
Anonymous said…

Broke, depressed, sad? If she's going to compare herself to her sister I guess she could be. Just because her sister is titled doesn't entitle Pip to anything. Being married to a prince is no walk in the park. Have we forgotten Princess Diana? I pray Kate has a long, happy and healthy life.
Anonymous said…
Why do you want to unleash her on the east coast? I think she's better suited for Hollywood, where you don't necessarily have to be smart, kind, or nice - just good looking. Also, do you still feel George Clooney has a fake marriage? He's lasted over a year -
CD - when are you going to write a book about your paranormal experiences? I think a lot of people would be interested.
Wishing you the best week ever~
Maureen said…
I think she would be happier in NY than Hollyweird. They appreciate connections to the "upper crust" more than on the Left Coast. I think Christian wants to keep her away from him. christian doesnt seem to like her. Carole seems to be painted as a grasping greedy social climber who is using her daughter to achieve her ambitions, but I have always wondered how much is jealousy.
Anonymous said…

Christian, I watched that show yesterday "The Haunting Of..." that tells ghost stories involving famous people. The psychic Kim Russo is like a detective trying to figure it all out. Do you get calls for that kind of work? Just wondering!
Psychic Gossip said…
Ha ha you'd be surprised what I get asked to do CD
Anonymous said…
No offense but the Middletons don't rub me the right way, and yes, including Kate. I think Pippa is Pippa because she was brought up that way, status-hungry and self-entitled. Carole's mother is known to be a snob despite the council background. I think their family business is not big as they make it to be. Queen E has always had issues with Kate not having a career after university and just waited on Will, hence, the Waitey Katey label. The family preyed on Will for being vulnerable. They used the warm and cozy family feeling that he lost when Diana died to raise their family status. Will even helped them buy their Berkshire Manor. Social climbing at its finest. There are so many things Americans don't know, they only know what Cambridge PR wants you to know. The Queen is just letting Will be a brat and let Charles deal with him.
Anonymous said…
I don't think it's jealousy, is that what you always think of people with different opinion than yours?
Anonymous said…
Kate is just realizing now it's not a walk in the park that's why she looks so dead inside despite the well manicured hair and boring dresses.
Anonymous said…
Can I make a prediction? Will and Kate marriage is in the rocks. Divorce in 2018.
T. W. said…
I think Maureen is saying Pippa is jealous of Kate. I agree.
Anonymous said…
I agree once she has the 3rd William will start with his mistress. Kate is weak and her family are not as rich as they seem.

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